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Amazing crafts from plastic packaging. Plastic container icon Do-it-yourself keychain made of plastic in the microwave

I really like this keychain idea.

You can make not only a keychain, according to the site, you can even make earrings and a bracelet. But it's interesting if you make a panel))

Taken from US site

The end result looks like this:

But you can still make such bracelets and key chains :)

So, let's begin:
For this craft, we use plastic packaging (by the way, you can use a plastic lid from sour cream or kefir plastic jars).

At the moment it is transparent plastic. You can also use any polystyrene packaging or plate.
Check the label on the PS6 label to make sure you are using polystyrene material.

1. Draw your design on a flat piece of plastic (as seen in the picture, with a felt pen)

2. Continue painting your entire design, but don't go over the border or edge as that part will be cut off.

3. Try to make coloring pages on plastic far from each other.

4. Also circle the flower patterns with a contrasting outline, but on the other side of the plastic
This will create a stereoscopic effect and prevent the marker colors from mixing.

5. Cut off the plastic around the design (pattern). Cut to leave the same edge. Leave enough edge as the edge will shrink as it heats up.

6. Make holes with a hole puncher in the part you want to have as the top of the pattern.

7. Use aluminum foil already used (it may be wrinkled). Lay it on a baking sheet, heat the oven to 325 °

8. Put your plastic on the foil and

Many people prefer to have accessories that emphasize their individuality. One of the options for such a detail is a keychain.

This is a versatile piece that can adapt in style to any thing, whether it's a backpack, keys, a wallet, a pencil case.

Such a trinket as a keychain can become a unique item if you make it yourself. A handmade keychain will be a nice gift for family and friends. This is one of the economical options for accessories.

There are many suitable materials for manufacturing that can be found at home.

Materials for manufacturing

A handmade keychain is not just a thing, it is a kind of talisman and amulet that can bring good luck to those who really believe in it. Most of the materials can be found at home, among them will be:

  • paper:
  • beads;
  • threads;
  • textile;
  • tapes;
  • plasticine;
  • rubber bands.

For manufacturing, suitable: straps, corks, buttons, pencil remnants. The main assistant in the work will be fantasy. Thanks to her, an unpredictable long-awaited result will turn out.

Leather keychain for a backpack or handbag

Made of leather keychain will suit any style, from classic to sporty. Will be a good addition to the preferred image.

For work you will need:

  • a small piece of skin;
  • threads;
  • fork;
  • needle;
  • glue;
  • key ring.

The next step is the manufacturing process:

  • A template is selected and a shape for the keychain is cut out.
  • Glue is applied to the previously cleaned surface of the skin in order to more securely fasten the material.
  • A border is drawn along which the thread will be threaded further.
  • Holes are made with a sharp fork.
  • A ring is inserted and the product is sewn with a thread.
  • The edges of the skin are cleaned.

The finished accessory can be attached to a bag or purse to decorate or replace the slider.

Keychain from beads

Beaded accessories can be made in any colors, shapes and themes.

The most popular are animal figurines, vegetables or fruits, flowers and hearts. However, certain skills are required to perform such work.

To make a keychain, you will need:

  • a set of beads of the desired colors;
  • fishing line;
  • scissors;
  • scheme for work;
  • key ring.

The scheme for work can be found on the Internet. For example, to make a keychain in the shape of a flower, you need:

  • Cut the line and bend it in half.
  • At one end, advance the beads and advance to the middle. Pass the other end of the fishing line through it.
  • Put on the next row of beads one more bead. So repeat with each row. The petal will turn out to be more interesting if you thread beads of a different color along the edges, starting from 3-5 rows.
  • Having reached the middle, reduce the number of beads in a row. The number of beads is optional.
  • For the core of the flower, take a large yellow bead.
  • Connect each element to each other, twist the fishing line and secure with a yellow bead.

The product can be attached to a bag or pencil case, which will serve as a decorative element.

Textile keychain

From small remnants of fabric, you can sew a keychain and present it as a nice gift to your friends. You just need to have basic knowledge.

To make an owl keychain you will need:

  • fabric (multi-colored);
  • lining;
  • leftover felt (for eyes, beak and paws);
  • pattern;
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • needle;
  • buttons;
  • keychain ring;
  • piece of lace.


To make a keychain in the shape of an owl, you must first prepare a pattern and get to work.

  • To begin with, the lining is connected to the fabric and processed. After, the details of the owl's body turn out to be obvious.
  • Now the front of the owl is decorated. Felt circles are sewn in place of the eyes, and buttons are sewn on top, a beak is added.
  • Next, the front and back are connected manually or with a sewing machine. At the same time, it is necessary to leave a small hole for the lace.
  • A ring is attached to the sewn lace. After that, the hole is sutured.

Below are photos of key rings and their phased production.

Recently, products made of polymer clay and key rings, including, are gaining popularity.

The finished clay product is baked and for a long time pleases the eye with its brightness and originality.

The matter remains only with imagination and materials, some of which can be found at home or purchased in needlework stores.

DIY keychain photo


Hi all! The series of gifts will never stop, so today I offer you something interesting. You will find a fascinating article on how to make a keychain with your own hands.

This is a necessary, but at the same time, a miniature gift for all occasions. I have prepared 25 master classes and just original needlework ideas that will help you make the very keychain that you want.

First of all, advice: if you want to make a cool keychain, be sure to get good fasteners (rings, laces, etc.) At the end of the article, I will tell you what is better to buy and where to do it.

How to make a keychain with your own hands: 25 workshops and ideas

Soft keychain made of "Fluff" fabric

What do we need?

  • velsoft (you can also use faux fur);
  • fleece or minky fleece;
  • satin ribbon for fastening;
  • threads;
  • pastel for painting the nose and cheeks (you can take acrylic paints);
  • synthetic winterizer for stuffing;
  • cotton swab;
  • scissors;
  • needle;
  • eye beads.

DIY keychain - sew a bunny Pushka

You can make Cannon patterns yourself by looking at the final version of the toy. You can print a photo and circle the elements, increasing each by about a centimeter so that there are seam allowances.

First, sew the ears, folding them with the right sides inward. Turn them out.

Now take a pre-prepared piece of tape. Fold it in half and attach it to one of the parts of the head approximately in the middle. Also attach the ears. So that they do not move out, you can attach them with a thread.

Now attach the second part of the head to our workpiece and sew, leaving a hole for eversion. Turn out the future keychain.

We fill the workpiece Cannon. Stuff tightly, but in moderation. Sew up the opening of the keychain with a blind stitch.

Take the muzzle detail and go over it with a running stitch. Pull off the future face a little (but not much).

Lightly stuff the muzzle with a padding polyester. Attach the muzzle to the head with a hidden seam. While sewing, gently hold the face so that it does not “run away”.

Now sew on the eyes and embroider a small nose on the hare with black thread, making a few stitches between the two eyes for this.

Take a cotton swab and lightly rub the desired color of the pastel chalk. Then just rub the muzzle of Fluffy in the cheek area with this cotton swab. You can also paint the nose area, but now with black pastel.

Keychain is ready

More Keychain Ideas

The matter will not be limited to one Fluff - as promised, 24 more cool ideas for making key chains.

Beaded orange

A fairly simple scheme, accessible even for beginners. You will need a thin fishing line and beads (for sure, monofilament is also suitable).

Blackies from fur

For them you will need a circle of black fur with a long pile, a little felt and the bindings themselves.

Leather keychains on the bag

A very stylish and simple option, obtained by folding a rectangle with a fringe at the ends into a tube. Inside is a piece of leather with a carabiner. By the way, any key chains of a simple shape from two parts can be made leather.

Cute animals for keys

Absolutely simple forms of such cats allow you to fantasize endlessly with colors, accessories and materials. And yes, you can use any mounts here.

Beads on the go!

You can make a very original accessory from wooden and plastic beads. Two beads, a keychain ring, knitting needles or sticks, paper tape, a brush, acrylic paints and an elastic cord will come in handy. First, color the beads as you wish, leave to dry on the needles. Fasten the elastic on the ring and thread the elastic through both beads, tie a knot at the bottom.

Fantasy on wood

All you need here is a wooden base and acrylic paints. And then only your artistic abilities and imagination.

Interesting key chains made of polymer clay

From it is just a fairy tale to sculpt simple little cuties. Cupcakes, animals, snacks - whatever! For you, as many as 6 ideas from this malleable material.

A great option for a gift for a guy for different holidays (including February 23) is two pieces of polymer clay puzzles. Roll out the pancake, cut out the puzzles, making holes for fastening, bake them and paint them.

Made of felt and wool

I want to show you some interesting ideas for making different animals (and not only with the help of these materials).

Other materials

Something is just not used when they want to make beautiful and cool key chains and more! Look, for example, at these seals - they are made of special beads that melt when ironed. You can find similar ones in the departments for children's creativity.

Do you throw away wine corks? And in vain - they make excellent key chains. All you need is paint and fasteners.

But even there you have to keep your eyes peeled. More recently, I successfully purchased some elements for making key chains there, I share the links:

Thread fasteners- perfect for soft accessories.

chain rings- good for all options.

Rings with drop-down fasteners and a flat chain - can be used for solid key chains.

And finally small threaded loops for screwing into solid products (chains are attached to them).

These are the most profitable offers that I myself have used - I can recommend

On this I say goodbye to you! Share your impressions and a link to interesting material with your friends!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoreva


You probably immediately throw them into the trash can - plastic packages in which we bring home cakes, ready-made salads from the supermarket, cookies ... But do not rush to get rid of them. With this trick, you can turn trash into an adorable masterpiece.

Need to:

  • plastic box
  • scissors
  • hole puncher
  • colored permanent markers

Let's start:

We take a clean package and cut out the bottom (flat part).

You can choose any picture of your choice, the main thing is that it should be easy to copy. For example, a character from the beloved cartoon about Winnie the Pooh. Keep in mind that at the end the figure will decrease by about 70%, that is, initially the drawing should be large enough. We draw a picture on plastic.

Now we color the picture and use a hole punch to make a hole above the top of the picture. Cut out along the contour, grabbed a small "loop" with a hole on top.

We put the plastic blank on baking paper and "bake" for 2-3 minutes at 165 ° C. The heat will cause the plastic to shrink and curl, but don't worry, it will flatten out again in the end.

After baking, small plastic figures will become not only smooth, but also thick and strong. Now you can make such a charming bracelet out of them.

Once again, the whole process will show the video:

Sets of such plastic blanks with drawings are even sold in some children's stores - children are delighted with such a transformation. But why spend money if everything is at hand? You can choose any patterns, motifs and colors. Now what should have just rotted in a landfill will be pleasing to the eye for a long time to come. Beautiful and eco-friendly!

In this article, we will analyze how to make original multi-colored pendants, bracelets and cool badges from the oven with your own hands at home.

Do-it-yourself plastic key chains

In order to make cool keychains and badges from the oven, we need scissors, a hole punch, permanent markers or acrylic paint and, of course, transparent plastic packaging (container) for cakes, cookies, etc.

Look, the package must have an emblem with the number 6. Only completely flat transparent plastic, which is even, is suitable for us, we don’t need everything else. Since we don't need all the ribbed plastic, we just get rid of it.

Making plastic badges

We take a clerical knife and cut out only the plastic that we need, namely flat. Then we choose any pictures we like for the icons. The easiest way is to find them on the Internet through a smartphone or planets, so that it is more convenient to work. You need to choose larger images, because when heated in the oven, they will decrease in size by 5-7 times and become too small if you make them initially like this, but at the same time they will increase in thickness up to 3 mm.

After we have found the pictures that suit us, we take the plastic prepared in size, put it on top and transfer the image with a permanent marker, since it will not be erased in the future. At this stage, you can immediately decorate your product with colored markers. Also, if you draw well, you can draw your future badge on paper and then transfer it to plastic in the same way.

We take scissors and cut out our blanks. We move them to a baking sheet covered with parchment paper, otherwise you will hardly separate them from the baking sheet.

We set the oven to heat up to 150-170 degrees. Then we take a baking sheet with our blanks and place in the oven for a few minutes (2-3 minutes, it all depends on how the transformation process goes). Do not be alarmed when the blanks begin to curl up before your eyes. After about a minute, they will straighten up, but decrease in size. After this process, we take them out and lightly press something flat so that they straighten up to the end.

See what the blanks were and what our badges became after the oven

If you have not previously painted the blanks with permanent markers, then we take acrylic paint. We mix the colors we need and paint the icons on the back (required). The result is very cool icons, almost shop quality.

Making fasteners for badges

Next, attach the pin to the back of the badge with super glue. For better adhesion of the glue to the surface, sprinkle the place of gluing with soda. If you make a hole in them, then these badges can be used as key chains. You can also create original multi-colored pendants and bracelets from them.