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Construction of a hozblok for a summer residence: a barn from a foam block and a tree with your own hands. How to build a barn: detailed step-by-step instructions with a photo Build a beautiful barn in the country

A suburban area is, first of all, a suburban economy. And any household requires a room for storing tools, materials, firewood and other things necessary in everyday life and work. We want to tell you how to build a barn in the country yourself.


Site selection and marking

Depending on the purpose of the building, it is necessary to determine its size and find a suitable place on the site.

Here the logic is:

  • if you plan to use the room only for storing inventory and materials, a size of 3x4 or 3x3 meters will be enough for you;
  • if it is planned to build a workshop as well, then it is better to take 3x6 meters.

We chose wood as a material for construction, as we were satisfied with its price and ease of processing. We also took into account the fact that the construction would not require wet processes, instead of which it would be a quick assembly of parts with nails and self-tapping screws.

If the site is new, you will need to rent a diesel generator to give. This will solve the issue of power tools and lighting.

Important! It is desirable that standing at the barn, you can see the threshold of the house and the entrance. In addition, the hozblok should not be too far from home, since you have to run there for firewood and other supplies, sometimes in the rain, sometimes at night.

Now you should mark the site. To do this, we hammer in the pegs and pull the thread, make sure that all the corners are right, and the diagonals match in length. On the cardinal points, it is better to orient so that the walls with windows look south, southeast or southwest.

Then you should remove the fertile layer of soil along with grass and sod. The resulting cleared area should be leveled, cleaned of excess earth and debris and lightly tamped.

Earthworks and foundation

So, any building needs a solid foundation. We are building a barn in the country, not a castle, so the foundation should be light and shallow.

Important! If the soils in your area are not heaving, and the groundwater level is not too high, then it would be most appropriate to use a columnar type of foundation. If the soil is heaving or the groundwater level is above 1 meter, then it is better to opt for a tape structure.

We will assume that we have soil that is normal for central Russia, and we will focus on the pillars. For a building measuring 3x4 meters, it is enough to put 6 - 9 pillars (this depends on the thickness of the strapping and beams of the lower floor). We will put 9 poles.

  1. So, 4 pillars in the corners, one exactly in the middle of each side of the rectangle and one at the intersection point of the diagonals. We dig holes at these points with a size of 40x40 cm and a depth of 50 cm;

  1. At the bottom of each pit we pour a gravel-sand mixture and spill it with water.. Then we install a plywood formwork 30x30 cm with a projection above ground level of at least 30 - 40 cm. We put a frame of 8 mm reinforcement into the formwork and tie vertical pins with a thread for fastening the beam with wire, pour concrete;

  1. Before concreting, using a hydraulic level, we mark the level of pouring concrete inside each formwork so that the shortest column is at least 15 cm above the ground, and all columns (upper ends) are in the same horizontal plane. After concreting, we wait three days, then we remove the formwork;

  1. We cover the columns with a bituminous primer, and after it dries - with bituminous mastic in 2 layers. After two days, the holes can be covered with clay. It is better to sprinkle the surface of the site with a sand-gravel mixture to the thickness of the previously selected fertile layer.

Important! Instead of concrete, ceramic bricks can be used, however, a reinforced concrete structure will be stronger and more durable.

barn construction

Now you can start building the shed itself.

You will have to work with your own hands, but in the case of working with wood, this is only a plus:

  1. We make the lower harness: we lay a beam of 150x150 mm along the perimeter of the pillars and inside the site crosswise through the middle pillar. We put the roofing material, join it in half a tree, put it on the pins and tighten it with nuts, which should go into the pre-cut countersinks;

  1. We install racks (beam 100x100 mm), in front 3 meters high, in the back - 2 meters. We put them on the pins with their lower end, set them according to the level and fix them on temporary jibs;

  1. We make the upper harness, for this we connect the racks around the perimeter with crossbars from a bar of 100x100 mm at a level of 2 meters, and we connect the front racks to each other separately at a height of 3 meters. We fasten the beam with metal plates-corners to self-tapping screws in the place where it joins with higher pillars, in other places we join in half a tree with nails;

This building does not strike the imagination with its architectural forms. Nevertheless, the need for a good barn arises for every owner of the estate. Someone wants to acquire a warehouse for home belongings or a workshop, someone is going to breed chickens or rabbits.

It’s good when the idea of ​​a farm building comes to mind when building a residential building. There are no problems with the material at this time. Surplus blocks, timber, sheet metal - everything can be put into action.

But when the idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba utility room appears later, you have to puzzle over what to build it from.

In this article, we offer an overview of options that have been tested in practice. We hope that getting to know them will help you decide which barn to build in the country.

Frame construction technology is applicable to any structures. Sheds are no exception to the rule. The main idea is to create a rigid spatial "skeleton" that perceives loads. It can be assembled from a wooden beam or from a profile pipe. For sheathing, any sheet and molded materials are suitable.

Wood (slab, board)

An inexpensive option for any task: keeping animals, garage, warehouse, workshop. A good owner always has some timber, a couple of cubes of a board or a slab in stock. They can be used to build such a building.

Do not dig wooden frame posts into the ground. Even impregnation with an antiseptic will not be able to protect them from decay for a long time. Therefore, before assembling the frame, you need to think about the foundation. It is best to use columnar or pile. Having made it, proceed to the installation of the support frame from the timber. Racks are attached to it. On their upper ends expose the rafters of a pitched roof. Having assembled a wooden "skeleton", it is sheathed with a board or slab.

Over time, cracks appear in the cladding from a conventional edged board. Therefore, it is better to use grooved material for work. If it is not there, then wooden planks should be filled into the joints.

Another simple way to protect walls from blowing is to install herringbone sheathing, when each top row of boards is pressed with its edge onto the bottom one.

To build a warm shed for wintering cattle, you need to attach a wind-moisture-proof film to the racks and fill it with vertical bars for attaching the skin. After that, insulation begins, laying insulation (mineral wool, polystyrene) in the inside of the frame.

Insulation of a wooden frame outbuilding

OSB plate

Thinking about what to build a barn from, many opt for OSB boards. At a cost of 1 m2, this material is slightly more expensive than boards, but it is less hassle in cutting and installing it.

The main quality condition is to set the frame racks so that the joints of the skin plates are in their center. If everything is done accurately and evenly, then facing takes a minimum of time.

OSB board practically does not rot and does not warp from moisture. However, you will have to paint the walls. Not only for aesthetic reasons, but also as an additional protection.

Metal (profiled)

The remains of the metal left after the installation of the fence can be put into the barn. The frame for it is best made from a profile pipe, but a wooden beam is also suitable for this purpose.

For old water pipes, you can find a use. Having concreted them in the ground, you will get reliable racks. They are fixed (by welding or by bolts) runs for fastening the cladding.

Using steel pipes as posts

Sheet metal without insulation is an option for a cold warehouse. If the building is set aside for a workshop or for keeping animals, then its walls will have to be sheathed with insulation from the inside.


It makes sense to use this material for frame cladding in the construction of a closed-range poultry block. Transparent walls are not needed for a warehouse, garage and workshop, although if there is no alternative, it can also be used.

According to the technology of installation on the frame, honeycomb plastic is similar to the OSB plate. In both cases, self-tapping screws are used for fastening. Only for polycarbonate you need to buy special ones with a wide hat and a sealing washer.


A popular improvised material for outbuildings. The old wave slate left after the replacement of the roof can be taken to work. The best basis for its fastening is wooden racks and girders.

A more aesthetic solution is a flat asbestos-cement sheet. Large surface area reduces installation time. Resistance to frost, moisture and the sun several times increases the service life of such a structure compared to a plank one.


Considering the materials for building a barn, few people realize that ordinary straw can be used in this capacity. More precisely, pressed blocks from it. In rural areas, you can always buy this cheap and environmentally friendly material inexpensively.

Straw "bricks" do not burn. They are quite durable and hold heat well. True, it is quite difficult to assemble walls from them without using intermediate racks. Therefore, pressed straw blocks are most often used to fill gaps in a wooden frame.

The best way to finish such walls is to spray clay plaster on a steel mesh.

The cost of thatched construction is minimal. In terms of its thermal characteristics, it significantly exceeds sheds made of brick and cellular blocks.

sawdust concrete

For an auxiliary building, you can use the technology of formwork monolith with a frame. The most accessible material for this work is sawdust concrete. Bringing a couple of wood waste machines from the nearest sawmill and buying cement is not a problem.

The main quality condition in this business is a strong and even formwork. So don't skimp on it. Make shields from OSB and securely fasten them to the frame. After that, you can proceed to the layer-by-layer pouring of a mixture of sawdust with cement mortar.

Pallets (pallets)

They can be bought inexpensively by visiting any wholesale base. Pallets are not used as cladding. They have too big gaps between the boards. Walls are built from wooden pallets. To do this, they are placed on the foundation and pulled together with bolts or threaded studs.

Having assembled the walls and installed the rafters, proceed to the cladding. For this work, we recommend using OSB boards.

firewood and clay

Anyone who wants to make a barn cheaply for pigs and other domestic animals can adopt an eco-technology called. The union of wood, clay or cement-sand mortar gives an excellent result.

There are two varieties of this technology: laying walls from logs on clay mortar with dressing of seams like a brick and filling the gaps between the frame racks with them.

The high strength of clay and wood structures is optimally combined with good energy saving indicators.

Sheds made of blocks, bricks and stone

Blocks of cellular foam and aerated concrete are most often used for the construction of solid outbuildings. Their main advantages are low price, large size, precise facet geometry and low thermal conductivity.

For year-round operation, the ceiling under a shed roof must be thermally insulated with mineral wool. When using a gable roof, you can do without additional insulation.

Wood concrete blocks are another popular material for utility rooms. They are not as fragile as aerated concrete and at the same time strong and warm. The plaster on the rough surface of the wood concrete keeps perfectly. Therefore, it is most often chosen for decoration.

Winter sheds made entirely of brick are rare today. The main reason is the high labor intensity of the work. Therefore, in practice, this material is combined with blocks (arbolite, gas silicate), using it for external cladding.

The stone from the quarry, left after pouring the foundation, will find its place in the walls of the utility block. You can't call such a building warm. For winter operation, it must be insulated from the inside with a mineral wool board and sheathed with flat slate or wooden clapboard.

Flagstone is best suited for laying walls - a stone of calcareous rocks of a flat shape.

Beam, logs and sleepers

When building a house from logs or timber, they must be purchased in such a way that there is enough for a barn. Buildings made of the same material look much better than different types.

It is better to entrust the assembly to specialists. Many of those who did this work with their own hands later honestly admit to their mistakes and mistakes.

A frame made of timber or logs as a barn is the best solution for year-round keeping of animals and arranging a workshop. For a cold warehouse, it will be cheaper and easier to assemble a regular frame, sheathing it with slate, board or metal profile.

Occasionally on estates there are outbuildings made of old sleepers. Today, wood is rarely used to make them, as it has been replaced by reinforced concrete. However, in the remote corners of Russia, you can still find deposits of sleepers that have served their time.

If you happen to be able to buy them, then there will be no special problems with the construction of a farm building. You can’t call such a structure beautiful, but you can’t refuse it in good quality and durability.

The assembly of the walls is done simply: the sleepers are laid one on top of the other, bandaging them at the corners. The walls are fastened in height with steel brackets driven into the side faces of the beams. In corner joints, for greater rigidity, the brackets are driven in from above, connecting the joined crowns with them.

There is another installation method. In this case, part of the sleepers along the perimeter of the building is vertically dug into the ground. The rest are cut with a chainsaw so that a protrusion is formed at the ends - a spike. A groove is formed on the pillars by stuffing two bars onto the sleepers.

After that, sleepers are inserted into the prepared grooves in tiers, fixing them together with brackets.

Prefabricated barns

The progressive method of prefabricated construction is also applicable to outbuildings. The "Designer" for the barn can be ordered along with the purchase of a house kit or done when the need arises for a utility room.

There are three design options for prefabricated buildings:

  • SIP panels;
  • sandwich (metal-insulation-metal);
  • plastic panels.

With your own hands from this list, you can only make SIP panels. To do this, you will need an OSB board, glue, foam and a wooden beam. The assembly is carried out according to the "sandwich" principle. Having laid flat a sheet of chipboard, an adhesive composition is applied to it and the foam is laid so that there is room along the contour for installing the docking beam. After that, a second sheet is glued onto the insulation, and the load is evenly laid out on top.

The panels are mounted by inserting docking bars between them. They are screwed to the edges of the plates with self-tapping screws. To prevent blowing at the docking areas, mounting foam is used.

Sandwich panels are familiar to everyone who has seen modern construction change houses. By their design, they are similar to OSB boards. In addition to polystyrene, rigid mineral wool can be used in them. The outer casing is made of steel corrugated board. For installation, such panels require a metal frame.

It should be noted that the price of sheds made of SIP panels and sandwich is higher than the cost of frame and block structures. The main advantages of the fully assembled version are high installation speed and mobility.

The ubiquitous composite plastic has also reached the outbuildings. Today, houses are made from it, in which you can store garden tools or equip a small workshop. They are not suitable for keeping domestic animals. The reasons are the small area and the lack of insulation.

You can't call cheap plastic "containers". Despite this, ease of assembly, strength, aesthetic appearance and lack of corrosion attract the attention of owners of private estates and summer cottages.

Each summer resident is well aware that one cannot do without a barn on the site. This building can become a storage place for garden tools or firewood, a small workshop, a chicken coop or rabbitry. Often the barn becomes the first structure that is built on a newly purchased site, but the hozblok can be built during or after its completion. In any case, it will be necessary to choose the material for the barn, and here a huge assortment awaits the summer resident: from the usual lightweight concrete blocks and boards to ready-made containers. We deal with the features of different materials, types of foundations and roofs and determine which barn to build in the country.

No. 1. We are looking for a place for a barn in the country

It is better to choose a place for a barn in advance at the planning stage of a summer cottage. On the diagram, it is necessary to designate the areas for the location of the house, bathhouse, and other buildings in order to find the optimal place for the barn and understand how best to arrange all the structures relative to each other.

The barn is usually located:

No. 3. Barn Materials

Modern summer residents build sheds from anything: both completely traditional materials and improvised ones are used. Conditionally according to the material and construction technology, sheds can be divided into:

No. 4. Frame shed for a summer residence

Barn from foam blocks

Shed from gas blocks

No. 6. Finished container shed

If the terms for the construction of the utility block are critically short, then you can significantly simplify your life by buying finished barn. At the heart of such structures is a metal frame sheathed with metal with a layer of insulation. All necessary communications are laid in the insulation. Externally, such a barn looks like a container, and its equipment can be very different: from a small storage shed, then a full-fledged utility block with a toilet and even a place to relax and a canopy for. The most functional containers can be used as a small country house while the main one is being built.

As a rule, such structures are brought to the site already assembled - it remains only to connect all the necessary communications. These are durable structures, the arrangement of which requires a minimum of time. You only have to take care of the foundation, but a regular columnar or simple concrete slab will do. Such sheds are not cheap, they do not look very attractive, but due to the durability and strength, the structure can be sold if it is no longer needed.

No. 7. Prefabricated barns

Prefabricated sheds should be singled out in a separate group, despite the fact that they are actually a type of frame. They are based on the same technology, only the manufacturer simplifies the task of the summer resident so much that it turns the construction of a barn into a kind of assembly of a designer.

Prefabricated barns are produced on the basis of:

Initially, a frame is created, and prefabricated standard elements are attached to it. It is enough for a summer resident to follow the instructions and mount one element after another to get a full-fledged barn. Time costs are significantly reduced, and the need for insulation or external finishing is eliminated due to the design of the panels. SIP panels consist of two layers of wood boards, between which there is a layer of insulation - the same thing, but sheets of metal are located on the sides of the insulation. The cost of a finished prefabricated shed is higher than that of a frame or block shed, but the speed of construction and mobility are higher.

Separately, it is worth highlighting plastic sheds. Elements for their construction are made of composite plastic. It is impossible to call such buildings super-durable, but they cope with the tasks of storing garden tools, they look nice, they are assembled quickly, they do not require a reinforced foundation. For keeping animals, this design is not suitable due to the lack of insulation.

No. 8. Foundation for the barn

No matter how easy the construction is, a barn is necessary in any case. If you save money or succumb to the persuasion of laziness, and miss this important stage in the construction of a barn in the country, then you can soon encounter rickety walls. Of course, a powerful labor-intensive foundation is not always necessary - it all depends on the material used in construction. As a rule, the following types of foundation are used:

No. 9. Arrangement of the roof of the barn in the country

The roof of the barn can be:

  • lean-to;
  • gable.

Other options (hipped, round, four-pitched) are very rare. Cheapest to set up pitched roof, so this is the most common option. Its advantage lies in the best natural, which is especially important if the barn is used for breeding animals. When arranging a shed roof, it must be ensured that its slope is not towards the door, otherwise puddles will accumulate in front of the entrance during rain.

gable roof only better in appearance. Natural ventilation under it is worse, but it is possible to equip a hayloft under the roof. In any case, it is necessary to ensure a roof slope of at least 25 degrees.

For the arrangement of the roof of the barn, the following materials are usually used:

  • - the most budget option, and even after the construction or repair of other summer cottages, most summer residents have it. The material is durable, good strength, weather resistance, but requires a reliable crate and is unnecessarily fragile. Its low aesthetic properties in the construction of a barn are not so important;
  • - light inexpensive material, which also often remains after the roof of a country house or - soft roll material, which is characterized by low price and ease of installation. The aesthetics of such a roof is low, moreover, it is better to lay roofing material in several layers; has excellent aesthetic and operational qualities, but due to the high price for roofing sheds, it is rarely used.

The external decor of the barn can be anything - if desired, the outbuilding can not only fit organically into, but also make it a highlight.

Your summer cottage is your place of comfort. In order to provide this comfort, considerable strength and, of course, the right tool will be required. Surely, many of you are engaged in work in the garden or in your own garden. It is necessary to serve the territory of different sizes in each of the seasons. Therefore, the question arises quite logically - where, after all, to store the tool and all kinds of equipment? It is possible to solve this shortcoming with the help of the construction of a special building designed for this, namely, a shed for a summer residence.

There are a huge number of ways to implement this building. Depending on your needs and planned economic costs, the type of terrain and soil, the barn can be assembled from different materials, and also act as an extension to a residential building or a separate structure. Decide on the material before building, as sheds can be made from a variety of materials. Possible implementation options are discussed below.

plastic shed

Very easy to organize. Full installation is done in a few hours. A plastic shed for a summer residence can only serve to store equipment and tools during a certain seasonal period (it is not suitable for storage in the cold season). Despite all the positive aspects, there are several nuances - the option is quite expensive and not strong enough.

A fairly practical option for a barn due to the fact that the material is durable and, in turn, lightweight, which allows you to build in a short time. Inside such a barn, you can fasten shelves or mount hooks designed for light weight. In addition, such a barn has an attractive aesthetic appearance, which allows it to fit into almost any country interior. When building your storage from WPC, take care of ventilation - proper ventilation will ensure the long service life of the structure itself.

Made from wood-polymer composite

From blocks or bricks

Building a brick shed in the country with your own hands is a significant guarantee of many years of service. This is a powerful option that is not affected by weather and precipitation. Installation, subject to hand-made work, will require you to have certain skills and knowledge regarding the construction of walls and pouring the foundation. Plus, it's an expensive option. Considering the foregoing, consider the construction option correctly, in the absence of skills, use the services of specialists.

Brick shed

Barn from foam blocks

A wooden shed for a summer residence is the easiest organization option and the most economical. It does not require the installation of a foundation; if desired, it can be sheathed with roofing material. An uncut board is overlapped on the support bars, after which the roof is mounted, that's all. This option is quite plain and is used in almost every country house.

Barn from uncut board

Construction plan

Before you build a barn in the country with your own hands, you need to carry out several preliminary operations. First, draw a plan of your barn, taking into account all the buildings and plantings surrounding it. The location of the shed should be practical, access to it should be as convenient as possible from almost anywhere in the site (this is necessary for the case when you need to quickly remove the tool or firewood due to unforeseen precipitation).

When choosing a place, try to take into account the presence of sewer pipes, cables (electrical, underground laying), a toilet (street) and build your barn as far as possible from them.

Plan of a simple barn

When making your plan, keep in mind:

  • The size of the barn and its location on the site;
  • Dimensions of windows and doors, their installation location;
  • The place where the ventilation will be located;
  • Drainage system.

Foundation for a frame shed

To make a shed for a summer residence with your own hands, the first step is to build its foundation - the foundation. To select the required type of foundation for a specific barn, you need to decide on the type of the latter. Given the light weight of the frame shed being erected, a columnar foundation is suitable.

The installation process of the foundation can be divided into several sequential steps:

Column Foundation

In order to carry out the lower trim, it is necessary to stock up on wide-section bars (100x100 mm if there are 15 support pillars, and if there are 9, the thickness should be equal to 150x150 mm), as well as boards for rough floor installation (approximately 40 mm thick).

Do not forget to pre-treat all wooden parts of the building with a special antiseptic material with additives for fire resistance. Cover the pillars themselves with roofing material (preferably a double layer glued with bitumen).

We cut the bars to give them the required length. At the end of the bar, we cut off half of its thickness, which is necessary for connecting with the next bar.

Sawing beams at the ends in half to connect to the other end of the beam


Then, using a drill, we make holes (the diameter of each is 20 mm) and mount pins for each connection in them.

Installation of vertical supports

To organize the racks, bars of different lengths are needed (3 m for the front wall, and 2.2 m for the back). First, we try on each wooden support (bar rack) in the place of its future installation. From the end side, we drill a hole (0.2 - 0.22 cm). Next, the beam must be put on the dowel and fixed.

Fastening can be carried out using metal corners, screwed with self-tapping screws.

To give greater strength, we carry out additional fixation by installing rails. All elements must be level. In addition, for strength, it is also necessary to know the minimum number of vertical racks (for a 3x6 m shed, for example, their number should be six). The total number of beams in this case is exactly 13 (five pieces of different lengths for the front and rear walls and three beams for central mounting).

Top harness

We prepare 2 beams and at the ends of each we cut off half the thickness, as described earlier (this method of fastening is called "half a tree"). The length of the bars is 6 meters each. We take a ladder or a goat and, climbing up, mount the bars and fasten them using corners and self-tapping screws.

Upper harness - cross bars

Floor installation

A fairly simple operation - boards of the desired length are screwed to the logs using self-tapping screws (do not forget to make cuts in the right places).

If you are going to store more powerful equipment than the standard one, you may need a concrete floor - you can do it by first organizing a pillow of sand and covering it with a layer of waterproofing. After, the reinforcement is attached and the pouring itself is carried out, followed by alignment.

Treat the concrete after hardening with a special impregnation if you want to avoid the absorption of various liquids.

Rafter organization

To make rafters, you need to know their length. To do this, we make the necessary measurements and calculations, taking into account the allowance of 20 cm necessary for the future canopy. Accounting is made above the rear wall of the building and above its facade. The total number of rafters is 12 (thickness is 40 mm). It is recommended to qualitatively perform one rafter, and the rest by its analogy. In addition to all of the above, it is necessary to make cuts to securely fix the roof.

Each of the rafters is attached to the proper place, followed by driving a 20 cm nail.

roof decking

For installation, boards of the following dimensions are required - 25x150 mm, the length is six meters. We fasten boards to pre-mounted rafters with nails (the distance between them should be 15 cm). Then, between the last rafters and the bars from the upper strapping, we fasten the bar vertically by diagonal drilling of self-tapping screws.

To make protection from the wind, it is enough just to sheathe the walls that go beyond the level, parts of the rafters. Sheathing is made of wooden flooring from the bottom and side. For the last stage of the roof, light materials for flooring are selected, a striking example is metal tile or corrugated board.

The laying procedure is as follows - we lay waterproofing on top of the crate (usually this is roofing material). After, from the right edge, moving towards the center, a metal tile is laid. Ondulin should hang 5-6 cm from each edge. Fixing is done with nails driven through the tiles into the boards.

wall cladding

To begin with, it is necessary to sheathe the walls with the help of OSB. Of course, do not forget to make doors and windows in the right places. OSB fastening is carried out using beams and self-tapping screws. The distance between each of the screwed screws should be about 30 cm, and the distance from the edge of the OSB sheet should be approximately 10 cm. When installing the skin, do not forget to leave a gap of 0.3-0.5 cm.

After the complete sheathing of the structure, we overlap it from a windproof material, and then we fasten thin slats that will form the corresponding cells for laying the mineral wool. Mineral wool is needed to insulate the barn, which will allow you to operate the building at any time of the year. For greater confidence, we lay a moisture-proof layer on top of the mineral wool and sheathe the barn with boards. If siding is being sheathed, it is necessary to pre-install thin rails that serve to provide ventilation.

Inside, the walls are finished according to the desire and taste of the owner. This type of barn is quite durable and, subject to the above instructions, will serve you for a very long time.

Watch a video about the construction of a frame barn.

The foam block barn option is durable, although it may suffer undesirable economic losses. This is due to the high cost of the material, but the foam blocks are durable and easy to install.

Construction of a barn from foam blocks

The construction of such a barn can be done with your own hands in several stages:

  1. Prepare the soil for future concrete. Remove grass, debris, cut the soil to half a meter.
  2. Pour the foundation (tape type), let the solution harden (fill in sunny weather, and after it, make sure that the concrete does not dry out, for this, pour water over it at the right time).
  3. Put the roofing material on the finished foundation (for greater moisture resistance).
  4. Mix the solution for fixing foam blocks (cement and sand in a ratio of 1 to 4).
  5. We put foam blocks, having previously mounted the corners. During installation, we observe the level, all horizontal and vertical erections must be strictly perpendicular. Leave openings for windows and doors in the planned places.
  6. We make a roof. Almost any roofing material is suitable for this, for greater aesthetics, use a gable option for organizing the floor.
  7. The last steps are mounting doors and windows, we are engaged in flooring.
  8. We finish the walls outside and inside (outside - plastering, and inside - sheathing with drywall).

In order to make this building, you need some experience and knowledge. In their absence, contact construction companies for help.

D Acha is not only recreation and picnics, but also work that requires a variety of tools. Obviously, the tool must be stored in its designated place and a small shed is a good place for this. Consider, how to make a barn in the country And what you need to do.



Video version of the article

Let's start with a plan (project of a barn in the country)

In the construction business, projects are developed by dedicated design teams, but it's hardly worth hiring a firm to develop a project as simple as a summer cottage shed. It is quite possible to do it on your own - find drawings on the Internet, or develop your own project by reading how to make a barn with your own hands in our article.

The most suitable structural solution for small outbuildings is a frame building with planking or sheet materials.

To place a couple of shovels, a rake, a chopper, a wheelbarrow, a watering hose, etc., it is enough to make barn 2.5 * 1.5 meters in plan, with a lean-to.

In height, two meters is enough, plus 20 cm of rise to form a ramp. Roof - asbestos-cement corrugated sheet, in the common people "slate" (more about its installation), pitch: 2500/3 ≈ 830 mm. Lathing - plank "in a run", with gaps approximately equal to the width of the board of the lathing.

The arrangement of a window for a structure, which is, in fact, a box for garden tools, is hardly advisable. During the day, there is enough light falling from an open door, and for ease of use in the dark, we will provide an electric one. You can make a window for beauty, no one will forbid you.

The best choice of foundation will be located under each of the four corners of the building. For piles thin enough, treated with creosote or other antiseptic. A more expensive alternative is rolled steel, screw or bored piles.

As an option, monolithic ones are also possible, with a laying depth of the order of half a meter. They are suitable for a small thickness of the fertile layer, with a shallow occurrence of dense soils.

The depth of the foundation is usually taken on the basis of those considerations so that it passes through a loose layer of black soil. If the thickness of such a layer is significant, it is enough to immerse the pile in the black soil by 60-70 cm.

Heating of the barn is not provided, so there is no need to talk about any thermal insulation of the walls. The electrical part of our barn will be a wall lamp and. You can also place sockets (necessarily waterproof) on the shed for the convenience of connecting power tools, such as lawn mowers.

Scheme, drawing of a barn in the country

Based on the characteristics described above, we draw a drawing or sketch of the future building, indicating the main dimensions.

Since the barn for giving is a rather simple structure, it is enough to depict it from three sides (views):

Front view, from the side of the entrance - the architects call this image the "main facade";
side view, or "side facade";
finally, the top view is the plan of the building.

The plan of the building is depicted in such a way as if it is supposed to make a barn without a roof. The plan indicates the location of the racks of the frame, trim parts and sheathing.

All drawings are supplied with dimension lines and dimensions in millimeters (as is customary in construction drawings) with an accuracy of 10 mm. This means that the last digit of each size will be “0” (Fig. 1).

Materials for the construction of a barn in the country

M We are considering how to make a shed for garden tools and tools. It is not suitable for storing metalwork and construction tools, and even more so tools with an electric drive.

Carpentry or how to build a barn

When the floors are ready, they move on to carpentry work: a grillage is made from the timber along the laid piles, which will serve as the lower belt of the barn. Then, racks are placed vertically along a plumb line, first fixing them with temporary and then permanent braces, just as described in the article about the device.

At the same time, the racks on the side farthest from the doors should be lower to create a slope. We mount the frame (Fig. 2), lay the crate, slate. We sheathe the frame with the selected type of sheathing. and cashier.

Frame shed on a fixed formwork foundation


In conclusion, we can say that when planning how to make a shed for garden tools, it is better to place it on the edge of the living area of ​​​​the cottage so that the tools are located as close as possible to the place of their most frequent use.