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What to do to conserve water. What are the ways to conserve water in nature. Water your lawn with a hose, not a sprayer

Water as a resource on Earth is beginning to deplete.

Already, about 500 million people around the world suffer from scarcity or acute shortage of fresh water. This is every 14th person! And by 2050, according to experts, this problem will affect 4 billion people, which by then will mean that the issue of lack of clean drinking water will affect every second person on Earth!

But each of us, without nodding at the other, right today can help our planet not to suffer from thirst. How? With the help of simple things that should become a habit with us.

1. Turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth.

It would seem a simple thing, but about 15 liters of water are saved. Which is wasted flowing into the sewer. Who does not believe - check.

Your personal result for the year: saving 11,000 liters of water.

the amount of water saved will be two lakes Seliger!

2. Reduce bottled water consumption.

It takes 7 liters of water to produce one liter bottle of water. Thus, if you drink an average of 1 liter of purchased water every day, you extract 8 liters of water per day or 2,920 liters of water per year from the bowels of the planet. In addition, p the eraser that is used in the production of bottles is difficult to recycle. Solution: install good filters at home and in the office and fill “your” bottle of water yourself for consumption throughout the day.

Your personal result for the year: saving water volume in the Small Novodevichy Pond in Moscow.

If every inhabitant of our country would do this for a year: let's save water in almost four Balkhash lakes!

3. Buy recycled paper products

That is, those where there is such an icon:

Products made from recycled paper require much less water to produce. If your family consumes four rolls of paper towels (including toilet paper) a week, opting for towels made from recycled paper will dramatically reduce water use.

Your personal result for the year: 2,408 liters of water saved

Let us save as much water as falls daily from Niagara Falls.

4. Try to use medium water pressure in the shower.

If you take a shower not with a maximum, but with an average water pressure, then in 5 minutes you will save not only a significant amount of water, but also the energy used to heat it.

And by the way, watch the water pressure in the tap when brushing your teeth, washing fruits and vegetables, hand washing. It should be as thick as a pencil.

Your personal result for the year: saving water17 200 liters.

If every inhabitant of our country would do this for a year: enough water to fill 3,000 gigantic stadiums.

5. Water your lawn early in the morning or evening.

If this is done in the middle of the day, 14% of all water used does not reach the roots of plants due to evaporation. A simple shift in lawn watering time to evening or early morning by a typical summer resident near Moscow saves 330 liters of water per week.

Your personal result for the year: saving water17 160 liters.

If every household in our country did this for a year: water savings exceeding 4 times the annual rainfall in Moscow.

6. Water your lawn with a hose, not a sprayer.

People are smarter than machines: watering a site with a hose with a sight exactly in place is twice as effective as thoughtlessly spraying it with a machine gun. The average family of summer residents uses 95,000 liters per year to water the lawn. This is twice the amount of water consumed at home.

Your personal result for the year: saving water47,000 liters.

If every dacha farm in our country does this for a year: the volume of water saved will approach the volume of the Pyalovsky reservoir near Moscow.

7. Increase the number of vegetarian meals by one per week.

Huge amounts of water are required to grow grain for livestock feed. It takes no less water to get the finished product in the form of a steak to your table. Replacing just one good steak a week with a vegetarian meal saves 11,000 liters of water.

Your personal result for the year: water savings of 650,000 liters, which is equivalent to the volume of Torbeevsky Lake near Moscow.

If every inhabitant of our country would do this for a year: we will save a volume of water equal to the Caspian Sea!

8. Use lower settings on your dishwasher.

Contrary to popular belief, the normal default settings of your dishwasher are almost never needed. As well as the preliminary start of the "rinse" program. Don't believe? Try it! On “lighter” settings, the dishwasher does its job just as well, and water savings are 55%.

And of course, do not run either the dishwasher or the washing machine that is not fully loaded. Wait until the machine is fully loaded, do not waste water and electricity!

Your personal result for the year: saving water10 810 liters.

If every inhabitant of our country would do this for a year: we will save the amount of water that could cover the entire Kamchatka peninsula with a layer of 30 cm!

9. Use faucet aerators.

These are the things at the end of the mixers:

They cost from 15 to 50 rubles.

A typical faucet provides a water flow of 15 liters of water per minute. A water aerator, also known as the "flow minimizer", reduces the water flow to 6 liters per minute, while maintaining the same water flow. By equipping only 2 sinks in your home with aerators: in the kitchen and in the bathroom, you will achieve savings of 3,780 liters of water per year.

Your personal result for the year: saving water3 780 liters.

If every inhabitant of our country would do this for a year: we will save a volume of water equal to a two-week level of water consumption in the city of Moscow.

10. And finally, fix the plumbing!

Probably only we have leaking faucets and toilets. A leaky faucet causes you to lose about 75 liters of water a day, and a faulty toilet flush can cost you up to 750 liters in the same amount of time.

If plumbing works properly in every house in our country during the year: we will save the whole Lake Ladoga!

All data for this article is taken from Wikipedia.

and creatively redesigned.

Determine your family's daily water needs. Add up the following numbers to determine how much water you need to store (for at least 3 days, preferably longer) - each number represents a daily amount:

  • Each person will need 1 gallon (3.8 liters) of drinking water to drink.
  • For personal hygiene, each person will need 1 gallon (3.8 liters) of drinking water
  • For sanitary needs (toilet), each person needs an average of 2 to 7 gallons (7.6 - 26.5 liters), but this does not require drinking water. If it is possible to dig a pit latrine in your backyard, the amount of water required can be reduced slightly by providing water only for personal hygiene needs (washing hands and removing any faeces from the skin, such as those of infants or those suffering from diarrhea).
  • Don't forget about pets. They will also need clean drinking water.

Fill the water containers to the brim and then place the lid on top. Leave no air gap.

Find suitable ways to store water. It is desirable that you have a variety of containers of various sizes. While a tank or barrel can be a wonderful way to store large amounts of water, what if you suddenly need to take only what you can carry and go to another place where you are safe? What if old, weak or sick people are left on their own and have to carry large volumes of water? It is better to have containers of different sizes in stock, which will fit in any unforeseen circumstances.

  • Choose food-grade plastic water storage tanks or tanks made to store rainwater. Do not use plastic that will contaminate the water.
  • In the US, FDA approved #34 opaque containers may be used.
  • Store water properly. The shelf life of water may depend on the container used, temperature, access to light, etc. Polluted water will not do you any good, so stick to the following rules:

    • Use opaque water containers. If you buy bottled water in reserve, replace it every few months with new ones and either use the old supply for your needs or water your plants with this water.
    • Keep all water away from light. Don't give algae or other life forms the opportunity to develop, which is what they are waiting for.
    • Keep water away from anything that can contaminate it, such as pesticides, fungicides, insecticides, gasoline, paints, or any other chemicals.
    • Do not store water outside where it can freeze. An ice block is of no use when you don't have the heat to melt it. The only exceptions are those who live in regions with a very hot climate, they can store a small amount of water in the freezer, as it will melt in the heat.
  • Purify your water supply if you intend to store it for longer than 6 months. If you do not want to purify the water, replace it with fresh water and get rid of the old one (or use it for watering).

    Apply labels and change the water periodically. You need to date each bottle of water so you know when it needs to be changed. The frequency of replacing old water with new water is quite suitable, which would coincide with the replacement of batteries in your fire alarm or with the clock change to winter / summer time.

  • Find out how to properly purify water if the need arises. Water from domestic and drinking pipelines does not need to be cleaned, in which case only replacement is suitable. Water from sources that do not carry out water purification can be purified as follows;

    • Add four drops of unscented household bleach per gallon of water (1 drop per liter of water).
    • Mix well.
    • On the other hand, you can use products from camping or disaster preparedness stores that are made specifically for this purpose - water purification. Research the market first to find the most suitable product for your needs and preferences.

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    Target: show the need for water for all life on Earth.


    • Formation of ecological knowledge about the importance of water.
    • Development of creative abilities of children, observation.
    • Raising a love for nature, instilling the skills of economical use of water.


    Leading: March 22 is declared International Water Day. And this day is celebrated not because there is a lot of water on Earth, but because it increasingly requires protection.

    Leading: People have long noticed that there is much more water on planet Earth than land. It would be fair to call our planet - the planet Water! Is any water suitable for our needs? After all, most of it is made up of seas and oceans - this is salt water. If you imagine that all the water of our planet fits in a three-liter jar, then fresh water takes only half a glass.

    Leading: Indeed, water is the greatest wealth, without which no person can live more than 3-5 days. But sometimes people forget about this wealth and spend it on trifles.


    Have you heard of water?
    They say she's everywhere!
    In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean
    And at the faucet.

    Like an icicle freezes
    It creeps into the house with fog to us,
    Boiling on the stove
    The steam of the kettle hisses,

    Dissolves sugar in tea
    We don't notice it
    We are used to the fact that water -
    Our companion always!

    We can't wash without it.
    Don't eat, don't drink!
    I dare to tell you -
    We cannot live without water.

    Water travels in nature.
    She never disappears
    The snow will turn to ice.
    It melts and goes on a hike again.

    Over the mountain peaks
    wide valleys,
    Suddenly up into the sky
    It will turn into rain.

    Take a look around
    Take a look at nature
    We are surrounded everywhere and always
    This sorceress is our water.

    Life without water on Earth is impossible,
    And we'll be careful
    To keep your purity
    Our irreplaceable water.

    Drives a raindrop
    brook after brook,
    They run recklessly
    The rivers are fast. After…

    And then the blue of the sea!
    And behind it - the ocean!
    Water in vain without releasing,
    Shut the faucet tight!

    Leading: And now I invite you to solve riddles

    He is so fearless and powerful
    What is not afraid of mountain steeps -
    He got used to them all his life to break
    And throw head down
    And, raising clouds of spray,
    Shattering about stones! (Waterfall)

    Over forests, cities,
    Over the fields
    Caravans are passing by
    Unprecedented ships.
    Keep their way around the earth
    These miracle ships. (Clouds)

    They were waiting for me
    They called me
    Showed up and ran away. (Rain)

    In the morning the beads sparkled,
    All the grass was tucked in.
    And let's go look for them in the afternoon
    We search, we search - we will not find. (Dew)

    There was a blanket
    soft, white,
    The earth was warm.
    The wind blew
    The blanket bent.
    The sun is hot,
    The blanket is leaking. (Snow)

    No arms, no legs
    And the mountain is destroyed. (A drop)

    Worth a trough
    Full of water poured. (Lake)

    Goes, goes
    Sing a song by the shore
    And it will disappear. (Wave)

    under our roof
    Hanging white nail.
    The sun will rise -
    The nail will fall. (Icicle)

    winter glass
    Spring flowed. (Ice)

    Around the water
    And drinking is a problem. (Sea)

    Leading: Well done guys, you know all the riddles about water, I suggest you watch the video “Water is”.

    Leading: Water, you have no taste, no smell, no color; you cannot be described; They enjoy you without knowing what you are! It cannot be said that you are necessary for life: you are life itself. You fill us with joy that cannot be explained by our feelings... You are the greatest wealth in the world.

    Leading: Guys, today we have an unusual lesson. I want to invite you to a magical laboratory. What do they do in the lab? That's right, experiment.

    Experience 1. "Ice - solid water"

    Look what I brought?
    That's right, it's ice. Let's see, I'll hold the cube in my hand, what happens to it?
    Ice and snow are also water.
    - So, what else is water? (solid)

    Experience 2. “Water has no taste»

    - Guys, try the water from the glass, what does it taste like? (children's answers)
    Now add a piece of lemon or sugar to a glass of water. What changed? (Water turned sweet, water turned sour). We have changed the taste of water.

    Conclusion: water has no taste.

    A diagram is displayed on the flanneleraf.

    Experience 3. "Water has no smell"

    - Guys, smell the water in a glass. How does she smell? (children's answers)
    - Now add garlic to the water, mix with a spoon and smell again. What happened to the water? (Water has changed smell, it smells like garlic).

    Conclusion: the water is odorless.

    A diagram is exposed on the flannelgraph.

    Experience 4. "Water without color, transparent"

    Guys, what will happen to water if we add paint to it? (Add, mix). What changed? (The water has changed color). Has the paint dissolved? (The paint has dissolved and changed the color of the water).

    Leading: You've done a good job, now you can rest.

    Leading: She says that she is Cloud's mother, and the children are Droplets, and it's time for them to hit the road. Music sounds like the sound of rain. Droplets jump, scatter, dance. Droplets flew to the ground. They jumped and played. They got bored of jumping alone. They gathered together and flowed in little merry streams (droplets make up streams, holding hands). Brooks met and became a big river (droplets are connected in one chain). Droplets float in a big river, travel. The river flowed and flowed and fell into the big, big ocean (children rebuild in a round dance and move in a circle). Droplets swam and swam in the ocean, and then they remembered that Mama Cloud had ordered her to return home. And just then the sun came up. (The sun appears, dances.) Droplets became light, stretched up (crouched droplets rise, then stretch their arms up). They evaporated under the rays of the sun, returned to their mother Cloud. Well done, droplets, they behaved well, they didn’t climb into the collar of passers-by, they didn’t splash. Now stay with me, I miss you.

    Leading: Guys, let's make a memo on water protection together.

    • Do not pollute the water and banks of streams and rivers, lakes and ponds. Do not throw rubbish, stones, tree branches into the water.
    • Take care of springs, do not litter the ground near them, take care of trees on the banks of rivers and lakes.
    • Protect open wells. Don't throw trash at them. Remember the proverb: "Do not spit in the well - you will need to drink water."
    • Do not leave faucets open, and if the faucet is broken, ask an adult to fix it.
    • Don't waste water. Remember that water supplies on Earth are limited!

    Summary of the lesson

    - Guys, what did we do today, what did we learn about water, what is water for? What is water like? Did they like the activity, and what did they like the most.

    POLLUTION OF THE OCEAN In 1969, the famous traveler Thor Heyerdahl and his comrades set sail on a papyrus boat. Their path lay across the Atlantic Ocean. What they saw there amazed them. Heyerdahl writes: We overtook plastic vessels, nylon products, empty bottles, cans. But black fuel oil was especially striking... Until the horizon, the surface of the sea was illuminated by black lumps of fuel oil. There are cases when sea turtles swallowed plastic bags, mistaking them for jellyfish and died. And how many fish fry are dying from oil pollution in the ocean! Therefore, take care of the oceans and other bodies of water!!!

    The faucet in the apartment is faulty, 2 glasses of water flow out of it in an hour. How much clean water leaks per day? For 10 days? In a year? 2 x 24 = 48 glasses a day 48 x 10 = 480 glasses in 10 days 480 x 365 = glasses of water a year And that's just from 1 faulty faucet!!!

    How many liters of water can be saved by turning off the faucet while brushing your teeth? 3 liters of water are collected in a bucket in 18 seconds. This means that 10 liters of water flows out in 1 minute. Conclusion: we brush our teeth for 5 minutes, then we lose 50 liters of clean water! For 1 day -100 liters, if we brush our teeth 2 times!

    A stonemason drilled a hole in a sheer rock, from which a thin stream of life-giving moisture flowed. On the rock, he carved the words that this rock is sacred and that the hole in it cannot be expanded. And yet, centuries later, there was a man who, for the sake of momentary profit, expanded the hole. The water went stronger, noisier. The man was declared a hero. But the glory was short-lived. Soon the spring dried up. There was nowhere to get water, people began to leave their homes. The village ceased to exist - "dried up".

    One fine day, each of us begins to wonder how to save water. After all, it is not only about reducing the payment of bills for but also about saving stocks on the planet. There are many tips and tricks for reducing water consumption, they are quite simple and trivial, and with the help of them you can save a lot without harming yourself.

    1. Do not leave the faucet on while brushing your teeth, shaving, washing hands, dishes and other activities.
    2. Start collecting cold water that flows from the taps while you are waiting for it to heat up. In the future, it can be used to fill the tank or water plants.
    3. The plumbing system must be carefully reviewed and checked for leaks, in particular, this applies to toilet barrels and faucets. If problems are found, they must be fixed.

    Faucets that help save water

    For small consumption, you can install taps that save water, there are three types of them:
    1. The aerator faucet adds small bubbles to the water when turned on. In turn, this reduces droplet spatter. The efficiency of pressure and washing is fully preserved, and the amount of resources used is reduced by 20%.
    2. has a specialized blocker that will not allow water to flow out until the stream is heated to the required temperature. Thanks to this device, you can save several liters at a time.
    3. The touch faucet is quite expensive, but its efficiency is 50-70% more than its predecessors. The principle of operation of this apparatus is that when hands or dishes are brought under the tap, it starts to work.
    For those who are thinking about how to save water in the apartment, the presence of a modern faucet is simply a necessary solution.

    Economical faucet nozzle

    Everyone knows that today it is necessary to save water, for this, manufacturers have come up with a restrictive nozzle. It is designed in such a way that the flow flows between the O-ring and the sprocket.

    If there is no pressure, then the sealing ring relaxes, and if the tap is opened, the pressure increases and it flattens out, thereby closing the sprocket and reducing the space for the passage of water. As the pressure decreases, the flow begins to open up.

    The nozzle has a standard size, it can be used for any type of mixer. It will not change the appearance of the faucet and is very easy to install. Such a device will help to reduce several times and will contribute to savings by 40-50%. It will also set a constant pressure, despite the fact that the pressure changes regularly.

    Why you need to install a water meter

    Everyone wants to pay less for utilities, but not everyone knows how to save water on the meter and whether this is a justified saving. Thanks to the use of a water meter, it will be necessary to pay only for actual consumption, and not for calculated norms by the state.

    After an individual meter is installed, you don’t have to worry about having to pay for water losses in case of extraneous accidents, leaks from poorly functioning neighbors’ taps or house pipes.

    After installing the water meter, you can think about how to save water on the meter in order to pay less. As can be seen in practice, only 74% is useful water consumption, and the remaining 26% are losses. The most effective method of dealing with them is accounting, which is submitted by the consumer personally. As numerous studies show, after the installation of meters, a decrease in consumption can be observed.

    How to save water with technical devices

    I would like to ask a question about how you can save water in order to partially save the family budget. To do this, there are technical devices that it is desirable to have at hand.
    1. In the kitchen, install a sink that has two trays. Thanks to this, you can significantly reduce water consumption by washing the dishes in one, and rinsing it from the soapy solution in the second.
    2. It is best to use single lever mixers. In these taps, the process of mixing hot and cold water is much faster.
    3. For a shower, you need to purchase a watering can with small holes and hang it a little lower than usual.
    4. If there are plans to purchase a washing machine or dishwasher, then it is advisable to choose only products with a water consumption class of AA.
    Initially, it may seem that these methods will only increase costs, but they actually help to save a lot.

    How to save money in the bathroom

    The bathroom is one of the areas where water use is the highest, so it's important to know how to conserve water here.
    - No need to keep the tap constantly open at the time of washing hands, shaving and brushing teeth.
    - Shower more often than bath.
    - No need to save on household appliances. Old style washing machines use a lot more water.
    - Buy a shower that has low resource consumption.
    - Pre-soak clothes before washing, this will save you the hassle after washing.
    - Before washing the dishes, soak them, with the help of which you will get a much lower consumption.
    - Use the water saving mode on the dishwasher.

    Use of economical shower heads

    If a 5 liter pot can be filled in 25 seconds, be sure to install a nozzle with minimal holes, thanks to which up to 50% of water is retained. Another option, how to save as well as cold, is a shower head in which an aerator is built in, it fills the jet with air bubbles. Thanks to this device, it is possible to reduce water consumption by about three times without losing the quality of the jet. So the cost of a 5-minute shower will not be 100 liters, but only 30. Use such gadgets in your apartment - and questions about how to save water will disappear.

    What to do to pay less for water

    There is an opinion that those who know how to save water on the meter will pay less. Many residents of houses and apartments are convinced that the meter, of course, helps, but cannot solve all problems. Water costs primarily depend on the human culture of consumption, as well as the fact that residents have an accurate and careful attitude to water.

    Many people turn the faucet all the way or half way just to wash their hands, even though it only takes a small trickle. Now look at your receipts - and there you can see that the water resource is one of the most costly items of all expenses. How to fix it?

    In order to understand how you can save water, first watch your relatives. According to this principle, it is quite easy to choose your program for rational use, including financial resources.

    Keep a close eye on the proper operation of plumbing - this is the main source of water loss. You can check this thanks to the indicators that are on the counter, if they move, then there is a leak somewhere. Modern faucets, which have ceramic-metal parts inside instead of elastic gaskets, will forever allow you to forget about dripping from them.

    You do not need to turn on the mixer at 100%, very often a little ajar is enough. Close the taps firmly enough and be sure to teach this to your household.

    Install jet straighteners, aerators and perlators at home. With their use, you can significantly reduce water consumption. Thanks to these rules, it is easy to get good savings. But the main factor in answering the question of how to save water is considered to be a change in personal habits.

    In everyday life, there are tips on how to save water in an apartment, which will significantly reduce costs.
    1. Be sure to consult and find out if compensation is provided for installed appliances located in an apartment or house. In some regions, this is encouraged by the state. There are neighborhoods that have rewarded buyers with discounts for buying dual flush toilets, and vendors have sold cheaper or even donated faucet aerators and showerheads that have low flow.
    2. If the area in which you live is marked by a small amount of water, then be sure to familiarize yourself with rational consumption and restrictions.
    3. Talk to your family and try to get their support in saving.
    4. The water that remains after washing can be used to wash a car, and the water that is obtained after washing fruits and vegetables can later be useful for gardening.
    5. Remember to properly dispose of hazardous materials such as cleaning products, batteries, fertilizers, pesticides and motor oils. All these benefits, of course, do not affect the conservation of water, but they are very important for the safety and purity of existing sources.
    Take care of nature and prevent its destruction, save water. Pictures that are sometimes found can turn a person's mind upside down. Be vigilant to the precious resources of our planet.