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How to plant hyacinths at home in a pot in autumn. Planting hyacinths in open ground and caring for them. How to grow hyacinths at home - video

The main thing is to create favorable conditions for this.

Consider what you need to know in order for a hyacinth in a pot to bloom, and what kind of care at home this will require.

flower description

Hyacinth belongs to the asparagus family. It is a pointed tube, from which a dense green inflorescence appears. The leaves gradually open, and the inflorescence is gaining color.

The peduncle can grow up to 30 cm, while it is densely studded with small flowers that are collected in a brush. On average, up to 30 flowers open on one stem, which emit a strong aroma.

Did you know? Latin plant name- Hyacinthus. The name comes from the name of the hero of Greek mythology- a beautiful young man named Hyakinthos, with whom the sun god Apollo was in love. Once, during training in discus throwing, the jealous god of the West Wind Zephyr, who was also in love with Hiakintos, mortally wounded the young man. On the site of the spilled blood of Hyakinthos, a charming flower grew, which Apollo named in honor of his deceased loved one.

The color of the hyacinth may vary. Today, varieties with simple and fairly large flowers have been bred, in addition, there are terry and even multi-colored flowers. After flowering ends, all ground leaves die off. A new peduncle will grow from a young bud that appears on an old bulb.

Hyacinths are flowers, planting and caring for which do not require special knowledge and skills, but at home, any little things are important.

Growing conditions

A flowering plant should be fed twice a month with formulations to stimulate flowering.

Care after flowering

Many who have become the owner of such a flower are interested in what to do with a hyacinth in a pot after flowering. To save his life, cut flower stalks and stop fertilizing. During this time, the mother bulb is restored and the daughter bulbs are formed.

Important! Hyacinths can be grown in vases filled with water. The ideal container is one that resembles an hourglass. Rainwater is poured into the lower part until narrowing, and the bulb is placed on top so that it barely touches the water.

After the entire aerial part is completely dry, the hyacinth is taken out of the ground, cleaned of leaves and dried for 3 days. At the end of this time, the children are separated and the old bulbs are planted in the garden plot, and the small bulbs in new pots.

Breeding rules

Hyacinth reproduces by bulbs that grow from the mother. In a year, up to 4 children are formed from one, it is still possible to artificially increase their number. To do this, use the cutting and incision of the bottom.

Many summer residents tend to grow hyacinths in their area, planting and caring for them in the open field require a certain amount of time. In this article, we will look at how to grow these beautiful flowers (even in regions where the ground freezes in winter), when to dig up hyacinths, how to store bulbs, and how to propagate your favorite variety.

Hyacinths in a flower bed (photo by Nadezhda Abramovich, Krasnodar)

In early spring, as soon as the snow melts, green arrows of hyacinths sprout from the ground. This flower with a charming and pronounced aroma differs in all shades of the rainbow. Inflorescences in the form of brushes can be both ordinary and terry in structure, 20-30 buds are usually located on the peduncle.

Planting hyacinths in the ground: the choice of bulbs and places for their planting

Perennial hyacinth is a bulbous crop, the size of the bulb may vary depending on the flower variety. Planting material is considered an adult by the age of 5-6, when it is fully formed. The tuber is a scaly sphere with a renewal bud - it is she who affects its growth. By the 5th year, adult bulbs usually acquire children, which are formed near the bottom and are hidden under the scales.

Hyacinth, photo of flowers:

When choosing tubers, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. Bulbs of terry species are often smaller in size, unlike their ordinary counterparts.
  2. To grow flowers in the open field, the tuber must have at least 4 cm in diameter, a full-fledged active kidney and multiple scales. Elasticity and heaviness are indicators of the healthy state of the bulb.
  3. The appearance of the bulb should be perfect - no damage, wilted sides, mold.
  4. Root primordia should be present on the bottom of the tuber (near the bottom).
  5. The bottom of a bulb suitable for planting should be about one and a half to two times smaller than the bulb itself (we are talking about volume).

The key to long and lush flowering is not only high-quality planting material, but also the place for planting. You can break a flower garden near trees or bushes, but not very close to them. The place for plants should be calm, well lit by sunlight. The soil needs loose, if your site is dominated by black soil or loam, then it is advisable to add peat to it in advance (you can also sand). Soddy land or leafy humus are excellent conditions for the development, growth and flowering of hyacinths.

As a fertilizer, organics give good results, but you should not use manure. If the soil is acidic (pH above 6.5), then it should be diluted with dolomite (limestone) flour. Hyacinth tubers do not like excessive moisture. If on your site groundwater lies close to the surface (closer than 0.5 m), you cannot do without arranging high beds. In addition, the plants will have to provide a high-quality drainage substrate, as well as make a slight slope of the ridge - for a better outflow of water during rains, spring snowmelt. With the advent of spring, high beds warm up faster with sunlight, hyacinths bloom much earlier.

When to plant hyacinths

An acceptable time for planting bulbs is mid-September/October. It should be borne in mind that if you plant a tuber too early, it will begin to develop, but it will not endure the winter, it will freeze. If you plant hyacinths too late, they will not have time to take root and get used to the place - respectively, they will also die. If you are late with boarding, then hurry up by the first week of November - this is the latest date. To do this, you will have to resort to additional measures - cover the planting site with fallen leaves, spruce branches or any other shelter to prevent the bulbs from freezing.

Can hyacinths be planted in spring? I often see that gardeners ask about the spring planting of hyacinths. Most likely this question arises if you bought or gave you a flowering hyacinth in a pot. How to be in this case with the bulb? First, let the flower bloom. Secondly, you should not immediately transplant the bulb into open ground. Let the bulb ripen: reduce watering, leave the flower alone, wait until all the leaves turn yellow and begin to die. It will take about a month and a half. After that, release the bulb from the pot and leave it in a shady place until September-October (the timing depends on the region). And then do as the tips recommend planting hyacinths in the fall.

Growing hyacinths outdoors

It is highly desirable to prepare the soil in advance - dig to a depth of about 40-45 cm and make the required additives (depending on the composition and condition of the soil). Limestone (200 g), wood ash (150 g), superphosphate (50-70 g), magnesium sulfate (10 g) or potassium (20 g) are added at an approximate rate per 1 m² of land. So that fragile young roots are not damaged during planting, digging the soil at the site of the future flower garden is also important. During the deepening of the bulbs, the soil temperature should be approximately 8-11 degrees, the distance between the tubers should be no more than 10-15 cm. If the flowers are planted in beds, then the row spacing should be approximately 18-22 cm. bloom at the same time, make sure that all tubers are approximately the same size.

Hyacinth, photo of bulbs:

The place for the future flower garden is mulched with leaves or some other suitable material, covered with plastic wrap to keep warm. After the tubers are deepened, the area is sprinkled with sawdust or peat, it can also be covered again with foliage or coniferous spruce branches. Special covering material is excellent for these purposes. With the arrival of the first days of spring, the protective coating can be removed to make way for the hatching hyacinth sprouts.

As mentioned above, the bulbs must be healthy, but if you are still afraid of fungal manifestations, you can pre-soak them in a fungicide solution.

The width and depth of the hole under the tuber should be equal to two of its sizes - about 15-25 cm, you can pour a little sand on the bottom, and then deepen the tuber with the bottom down (about 13-15 cm). The bulb is sprinkled with soil, which needs to be lightly tamped, then watered.

The root system of the plant absorbs moisture and nutrients from the ground within a radius of about 20 cm from the tuber - this should be taken into account. Small onions should not be deeply buried, they should also be planted quite densely.

How to care for hyacinth

After the protective cover is removed, plant care will consist of weeding, regular watering, loosening the soil, and fertilizing. It should be borne in mind that hyacinths do not react well to the neighborhood of weeds. When the buds begin to set and the time for flowering comes, fertilizing the soil becomes especially relevant. After spitting the sprouts, the flowers can be fed with saltpeter (25-30 g per 1 m²).

The second stage of fertilizers follows during the period when the buds are gaining color. Now, in addition to ammonium nitrate, potassium chloride (25 g) and a phosphorus additive (for example, superphosphate, 35 g) can be added. At the end of flowering, superphosphate and potassium chloride are applied to the site - 35 g of each product per 1 m² of area. Fertilizers are processed between rows or places between flowers, after fertilizing, watering always follows.

Hyacinths - how to care after flowering? Unfortunately, this wonderful period is fleeting, after the flowers have dried, the roots should continue to be saturated with moisture. In order for the tubers to recover well after flowering, watering and fertilizing should come first. If you live in a “cold” region, then you cannot leave hyacinths for the winter, you will have to dig them out - these are the necessary measures for the further favorable formation of replacement buds.

If you live in the Kuban, in the Crimea, in the north of the Caucasus, then the annual digging of tubers can be avoided, but only if the summer is very hot. It should be borne in mind that the bulbs left in the ground will produce much fewer flowers next year.

Hyacinths have not been transplanted for a long time (photo by Anna Nepetrovskaya, Novokubansk, Krasnodar Territory)

When to dig up hyacinths after flowering

The optimal period is the last weeks of June - the first half of July, when the leaves of the plant become yellow and weak. The ground part of the flower is removed, the tubers are removed from the soil, washed with water and dried thoroughly. Next, we carry out an audit - we discard damaged (or with obvious signs of illness) specimens. If there are undeveloped children on the bulb, they are separated and set aside for growing. Before storage, all tubers must be treated against diseases and pests.

Planting material, photo:

After all the manipulations, the bulbs should be kept for about 7-10 days in a well-ventilated place at an air temperature of +17..+20 °C. To do this, they need to be laid out on clean paper, and after the specified time, hidden in paper bags. It is the period after flowering, as well as the time of processing and storage of tubers, that are the most important for hyacinths. At this time, the acclimatization of the planting material takes place, the scales dry up, the tubers are prepared for the summer period.

At a sufficiently high summer temperature, the bulbs should be provided with air access and moderate humidity (if the thermometer reaches + 30 ° C). About three weeks before planting, the temperature in the room with the bulbs should be lowered to +16 ° C - this will help them adapt before planting.

How to propagate hyacinths at home

Separately, it is worth considering the methods of reproduction, since the tubers can produce flowers for two or three years, but at the same time they will not form children. To do this, the bulbs need stimulation, it is carried out in various ways.

Cutting the bottom of a hyacinth tuber

Even when planting on the site, the place where the largest bulbs are planted is determined. After the leaves of the plant turn yellow, the tuber is removed from the ground and immediately, without letting it dry, they arrange a “shower” under strong water pressure. During this process, old scales are removed along with the earth. Next, the bulbs are laid out in one layer in a ventilated box, taken out to a shaded place, dried for about 7-10 days. After this time, with the help of a sharp knife, a wedge-shaped cut is made on the donut, in which the kidney and the donut itself are completely removed. The cut point must be treated with crushed activated carbon.

After this operation, the tubers are laid out in a container, the bottom of which is covered with a layer of perlite. Bulbs should be placed cut bottom up. Next, the container is placed in a large plastic bag (garbage bags can be used) to create the required microclimate. At a temperature of + 30 ° C and high humidity, children will appear at the cut site, and after 2-3 months they will reach about 1 cm, acquire the rudiments of roots and start up small shoots. If the cutting of the bottom was done in the first months of summer, then the tuber with the children can be planted in the soil and covered with sawdust (or peat).

If time is lost, then the tubers are turned upside down, placed in a container with soil, placed in the cold (refrigerator, basement), and with the onset of spring they are planted on the site.

After the hyacinths have faded, what to do with them next? With the onset of August, these tubers are dug up (by that time they are already covered with children), the children are separated. By the beginning of September, the young generation of hyacinths is buried in the soil, covered with a 10 cm layer of mulch (sawdust, coniferous spruce branches, foliage, peat). At the end of the first winter, the mulch layer is removed, but left in place after the second winter. In the third year, such hyacinths give color and delight you with a wonderful aroma.

Reproduction by scales from bulbs

Large tubers (about 5-6 cm in diameter) are cut into 4 parts, after which some scales are separated from the bottom, the “wound” surface is treated with crushed activated carbon. Next, a container is taken, at the bottom of which perlite or clean sand is poured, you can also use crushed charcoal with ash. Broken off scales are placed in this container, then it is placed in a transparent plastic bag, securely tied and aged for 2 months in not too bright light.

At the same time, the air temperature should be approximately +19..23 °C, but at the second stage, which lasts a month and a half, the temperature should be reduced to +16..19 °C. During this period, several bulbs will be tied on the scales. Keeping young livestock is similar to the method described in the first method.

Propagation of hyacinths by cuttings of a leaf

To do this, you should wait for the period of ovary of peduncles and separate a pair of sheets from hyacinths, they need to be cut as close to the base as possible. Next, the leaves are treated in a solution that stimulates root formation (for example, "Heteroauxin") and buried 3-4 cm in a container with clean sand (or perlite). This container, again, is enclosed in a plastic bag, tied up and placed in a moderately lit place for a month and a half. The air temperature should vary within + 10..17 ° С, humidity - 80-90%. After the specified period on the cuttings, you can see bulbous rudiments, and after 50-60 days - young roots and small leaves. Next, the plants are planted on the site, each cutting subsequently gives 6-10 children.

Incision of the bottom, as a way to propagate hyacinth

With this procedure, the bottom is not removed, as in the first case, but is cut crosswise. On large tubers, a pair of crosses is made, on those that are smaller - one. Damaged areas are treated with powdered activated carbon, then the bulbs are placed in a warm room (+20..22 ° C) for 24 hours in order for the “crosses” to open. All further actions are similar to the above recommendations. With this method of tuber stimulation, it is possible to obtain approximately 10-16 large young bulbs.

In order for these heralds of spring to please you with long flowering, splendor of tassels and amazing aroma, you need to make an effort. Now you know how to grow hyacinths, planting and caring for them in the open field, although they are difficult, are undoubtedly worth the time and effort spent.

The first flowers (photo Lyubov Belykh, Krasnodar)

In spring, exquisite hyacinth buds bloom in the gardens. Muscari is familiar to many, and this is also a type of hyacinth, only a miniature one. Some varieties of hyacinths can be planted at home or grown as a houseplant. To get a beautiful inflorescence at the right time, you need to know the rules for growing and forcing this plant.

The main types of hyacinths

Hyacinth differs in that all its species are outwardly similar. Varieties are distinguished by the size of the inflorescences, the shape of the flowers, their color, and the length of the peduncle. Another sign is the flowering of hyacinth - there are varieties of early, middle and late flowering. Each of them blooms 1.5-2 weeks later. Growing hyacinth at home, you need to take into account this feature of the flower.

Initially, all hyacinths were classified into 30 species. However, later work was carried out to reorganize the classifications, as a result of which hyacinths were distributed into three main types:

  • Oriental;
  • Transcaspian;
  • Litvinov.

Of all the existing hyacinths, the most widely used Oriental view. This flower has a pleasant aroma, and it was he who became the basis for breeding work to develop varieties with decorative properties of the plant. Eastern hyacinth is distinguished by a thin peduncle and a rare arrangement of flowers. Growing hyacinth orientalis is replete with pink hues, yellowish-white inflorescences and blue are beautiful.

At the hyacinth transcaspian rosette of leaves of the same height, the plates are hollow and fleshy. From one bulb develops 1-2 stems with flowers of a light blue hue.

Litvinova it has a high peduncle (up to 25 cm), the flowers are distinguished by a strong cut, the color is pale blue, the stamens come out of the flower. The leaves of this type of hyacinth bluish bloom, have a strong deviation.

The eastern hyacinth has several varieties in which the colors are different:

  • Red flowers: these are varieties of hyacinths Jan Bos, Generale Pelissier, variety La Victoire;
  • White flowers: Carnegie, L'Innosance, and pure white Edelweiss;
  • Pink flowers: Lady Derby, Anna Marie, Pink Perple, Fondant;
  • Blue flowers: variety Maria, English selection - King of the Blues, Delft Blue.

Indoor hyacinth care

How to grow hyacinths at home?

Basically, these flowers decorate the garden, so when growing hyacinth at home, you should bring them as close as possible to the garden ones. In order for the hyacinth to bloom at home, you will need bulbs suitable for forcing. They go through a special series of events, and by the time they land, they have already passed the summer stage of rest. Bulbs are selected that are outwardly healthy, with a dense structure, without any damage and signs of disease. You can get good flower stalks from bulbs with a diameter of 5 cm.

Hyacinth as a houseplant - is it possible?

Unfortunately, hyacinths do not grow constantly like a potted plant and are not capable of producing wonderful flowers every year. Hyacinth care at home requires certain knowledge.

Hyacinth: home care. Photo

Basically, certain varieties of plants are taken for forcing bulbs. What is forcing? A certain set of measures that are aimed at accelerating the growth of a flower and obtaining shoots by the right time. There is no distillation in nature, rather, it is a whim of a person to please himself with flowering when this plant rests in its natural habitat.

Hyacinth as a houseplant has a short life, but proper care will save the bulb and in a few years it will please with its flowering. Forcing exhausts the bulb as much as possible, and it is simply not capable of re-forcing (bud formation) in a pot.

Tip: when indoor hyacinth fades, it needs to be transplanted into a garden or flower garden, where in 1-2 years the plant will restore its strength and will be suitable for forcing flower stalks.

Hyacinth: planting and care

To get a spectacular flowering of hyacinth, it is recommended to plant in one pot three onions. When choosing a container for planting, you need to focus on the size of the hyacinth bulbs - they should be located tightly in a pot with a maximum distance of 2-2.5 cm between them.

Growing hyacinth is associated with certain rules, including the time of planting the bulb. So that the roots of the hyacinth do not rot, the bottom of the pot must be covered with a layer drainage material (expanded clay, small gravel, large river pebbles, etc.). You can pour a layer of sand no thicker than 3 cm. Hyacinth is grown on a substrate, which can be in two versions: mix sand with peat or sand with compost. When planting, the bulb is positioned so that its third part is above the soil. To protect the bulbs from decay, the topsoil is made of sand (max. 1 cm thick).

flower hyacinth photo

To obtain strong flower stalks, the planted hyacinth is watered with dissolved calcium nitrate(0.2% th). Pots with planted hyacinths are sent to a dark room where the temperature does not rise above + 5-9 ° C. As an additional shelter from sunlight, use a black bag or film. In this state, hyacinth bulbs spend about 1.5-2 months. If hyacinths are grown at home, you will need to create conditions that are as close to natural as possible.

After 2-2.5 months, the flowers are transferred to a room in which conditions are created " artificial spring". In this case, it is necessary to follow the basic rules for forcing hyacinths. Caring for these plants is not difficult.

How are hyacinths watered?

Moisture is important for hyacinths, however, stagnant water must be avoided, otherwise the bulbs used for forcing will begin to rot. To avoid the accumulation of excess moisture, the bottom of the pot is covered with a layer of drainage material. If water has accumulated in the pan after watering, it must be drained. When a hyacinth blooms, it is necessary to water it very carefully, making sure that drops of water do not fall on the bulb, buds, in the axillary space of the leaves. The best way - watering in the tray. In this case, you can adjust the amount of moisture.

Stage cooling bulbs requires careful monitoring of the moisture content of the substrate. Do not allow the soil in the pot to dry out. You can use special garden humidity sensors, thanks to which it is easy to determine the need for watering a plant.

With a humidity index in the room at the level of 90-95%, 2 waterings are carried out, if late distillation of hyacinths is carried out, 1 watering for the middle one. The plant is not watered at all if it is in conditions of early distillation.

Is it possible to distill hyacinths in water?

Hyacinth as a houseplant is also driven out in an interesting way, without using a standard substrate. Experienced flower growers get beautiful inflorescences by forcing them into containers with water. The distillation container is taken with high sides and wide. In this case, the water is 1-2 cm below the level of the bottom of the bulb.

When growing hyacinths at home in this way, you need to properly maintain the bulbs, as is done when keeping them in the garden. Bulbs placed in a container of water are covered from sunlight with any dark material (black paper, bag, etc.). After that, hyacinths are transferred to a room where it is always cool. Naturally, the water will evaporate, so it needs to be added periodically.

Tip: from time to time, a solution of complex fertilizer is used instead of water. For example, you can independently prepare a fertilizer for distilled hyacinths by mixing 300 mg of potassium nitrate, 500 mg of potassium phosphate and 200 mg of magnesium sulfate in a liter of water. With this solution, you can feed hyacinths once every two weeks.

At the end of the cooling period, hyacinths are transferred to rooms with a higher temperature, while continuing to keep the sprouts under a dark shelter. They are covered with a cap of opaque material and left until the hyacinth sprouts grow to a height of 10 cm.

Hyacinth, driven out in water, is not inferior in beauty to a flower in a pot. In both cases, hyacinths will require care after flowering.

Why does a hyacinth bulb lose its leaves and flower stalk?

Each grower is able to carry out independent care for hyacinth at home. However, some situations can be confusing. For example, the hyacinth has grown a green mass of leaves, but the peduncle has not yet appeared. Out of curiosity, you begin to carefully move the leaves away, and ... they, like the peduncle, remain in your hands! Instead, only a hole remained on the bulb! And in this case, the flowering of hyacinth will definitely not come.

Reasons for the loss of peduncle and leaves in hyacinths:

  • The bulb began to rot;
  • During the period of cold storage of the bulbs, the temperature regime was violated;
  • The earth ball was overdried during cooling.

How to store hyacinth bulbs?

Beautiful hyacinth inflorescences withered, but the plant needs further care after flowering. This is the most crucial moment in the development of the bulb, since the future inflorescence is formed during this period. The bulbs are dried, after which the remnants of scales and roots are carefully cleaned off. All available planting material is divided into sections and stored in boxes, placed in one layer. If a small baby has formed on the bulb, it is not separated. With a small number of hyacinths, they can be stored in paper bags.

The storage process is divided into two stages: for the first 2 months, hyacinths are kept at a temperature of 25-26 ° C, for the third they are transferred to a room with a temperature of 17 ° C and sufficiently humidified air so that the bulbs do not dry out. If necessary, the first stage of storage is reduced by a week, keeping the bulbs for 7 days at a temperature of 30 ° C. A prerequisite is the presence of good ventilation in the room.

If hyacinths are planted in the fall, they are placed for a week in conditions similar to garden ones. During the planting of hyacinths, you need to be careful, because during storage, small children are formed in large numbers.

Hyacinth at home. Video

Hyacinth (hyacinthus) is a bulbous plant, in which the peduncle on a short stem and not large narrow leaves grow simply from the bulb. It itself is large, dense, and the aerial parts of the flower dry out immediately after the Hyacinth finishes its flowering. Consider the features of planting and care at home.

The flower looks bright. Shades are different:

  1. White.
  2. Blue.
  3. Red
  4. Pink.
  5. Cream.
  6. Yellow.
  7. Purple.

Passing by a flower bed with Hyacinths, you can not only admire their spring multi-colored flowers, but inhale their enchanting aroma.

flower care requirements

This flower can be kept at home. But in order for it to grow well and please with its flowering, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules on how to care for it at home.

Temperature and lighting

Temperature at rest Hyacinth is about 5-10 degrees Celsius. This is done in order to artificially replace the winter flower.

When the dormant period ends, it is brought into a room with a temperature of 15 degrees Celsius. This rise in temperature gives the plant an incentive to flower.

Lighting flower prefers sunny. And therefore, if you decide to wake up the bulb earlier, but there are still no sunny days, then additional lighting will be required for the flower arrow to begin to wake up.

In order for the flower to receive full lighting from all sides, it must be turn from time to time different sides to the window glass.

Turning towards the sun will ensure even growth of the pet

Watering and humidity at home

Watering must be properly organized. The land should be moderately moist and not have dry periods. This soil moisture should always be even during the dormant period. It is worth watering with warm settled water.

If after 15 minutes the water from the pan is not absorbed, it should be drained to avoid rotting of the root system of the plant.

Soil and top dressing

At first decide on the choice of soil for Hyacinth. Ideally, you should buy a mixture in a specialized store for bulbous plants. But this is not always feasible.

Therefore, many make it up themselves:

When mixing the components, remove large fractions, mix the rest thoroughly.

Pot selection

To make it convenient for the pet to develop in the container where it will be planted, you need to choose the right pot. It should be wide, that is, its diameter should be 3-4 cm wider than the Hyacinth bulb.

At the same time he must be deep enough so that the bulb and drainage fit in the pot.

When choosing a pot, see if there are drainage holes for draining water, otherwise you will have to make them yourself.

The most dangerous pests and diseases


Yellow rot - when infected with this disease, the bulb becomes soft and has a specific smell. Treatment has not been found, and therefore the infected must be immediately thrown away along with the soil in which it grew.

In this case, the pot can simply be doused twice with boiling water.

Yellowing leaf plates - indicate that the flower does not have enough watering. You can solve the problem by adjusting the watering.

Pests do not visit this flower.

Step by step transplant

In order for the flowers to flourish well, they must be planted on time. It's done in the following way:

  • A 2-3 cm layer of expanded clay is placed at the bottom of the container;
  • The next layer is prepared earth, about a couple of centimeters;
  • Then sand with a layer of 1 cm;
  • On a pillow of sand a bulb of Hyacinth is placed;
  • The earth is filled up around so that one third of the bulb peeks out of the ground.

If more than one bulb is planted in one container, then they must be given enough space to feed.

After planting, the flower must organize a rest period, which lasts up to 2 months. In this case, the temperature around it will be 5 degrees Celsius.

Reproduction methods at home

Multiply flower possible at home using spirit methods:

  1. Seed.
  2. Children.


Propagated quite rarely, as this is a laborious process and the transfer of grade will not be guaranteed. But if you need to breed a new variety in the fall at the end of September, the seeds must be planted in containers with fertile soil and left in a cold greenhouse.

Reproduction by seeds provides a long-term result

After a couple of years, normal healthy children are obtained.

Onion babies

Growing is simple. For their summer grows on the mother 2-3 pieces. If they are well separated, then they are planted and grown, like a large bulb, making timely watering.

Wintering for small specimens can not be done, but grown year-round in the usual summer mode.

Possible Growing Problems

The flower becomes infected with rot when not properly watered or if the temperature regime is not respected, as a result of which flowering does not occur.

Types of Hyacinth

Previously, there were about 30 species, but when reorganizing the botanical classification there are only three left.

A mix is ​​a group of Hyacinths of the same species, but differing from each other in shades of blooming buds. The plant has an elastic peduncle up to 25 cm.

Flowers in one batch sold in a flower shop can be either simple or double.

Flowers may be:

  • White:
  • pink;
  • Red and others.

At the same time, they have a charming aroma.

Actually any Hyacinth can grow in room conditions. The main thing is to correctly create suitable conditions for him, not forgetting about the obligatory period of rest.

Its height is 25 cm, the color of the leaf plates is gray. Its flowers have a blue tint with prominent stamens. growing in Turkmenistan and Iran.

It is the parent of all current hybrids. It has beautiful, various shades of flowers and a wonderful pleasant aroma. It grows wild in Turkey and Syria.

Hyacinth Transcaspian

Plant height 20 cm. It blooms with blue flowers located on a fleshy peduncle. We grow in the mountains of Turkmenistan.

All kinds also divided by grade.

General questions about Hyacinth

Sometimes people acquire or receive Hyacinth for the holiday and as a result they have certain questions. Let's try to answer some of them.

How to plant at home in a pot

After making sure that there are drainage holes in the container, we land according to the scheme:

  • Drainage - 2 cm;
  • Earth - 2 cm;
  • Sand - 1 cm;
  • We put the bulb on a sand pillow and pour soil around it.

When digging into the ground, leave one third of it in the air.

How to plant in autumn

Flower planted according to the described method and put in a place where the temperature is about 5 degrees Celsius.

A basement or a glazed and insulated balcony is perfect.

What to do with a flower after flowering

After flowering, the plant needs to rest. At this time, they are fed with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. After the leaf plates are completely dry, the bulb is taken out of the ground.

During this period, they are examined and the children are separated. After that, everything is dried and already at the beginning of autumn they are again planted in pots.

Bulb Requirements for Healthy Growth

For this purpose, planting material is selected with a bulb size of at least 5 cm. Since only leaf mass can be grown from a small one.

However, it is worth considering that in terry varieties the bulb is much smaller.

When choosing, you need to make sure that it is:

  • Dense:
  • No scratches;
  • No rot spots;

How to get kicked out in the water

Yes, you can. For this selected glass container with a neck so that the bulb placed in it does not touch the water with its bottom. At the same time, water is poured in such a way that there is another 5 cm to the bulb.

Feed once a month with a complex mineral fertilizer. Fertilizers are added simply to the water that is poured into the container.

We examined forced cultivation in more detail in the article.

Is it possible to adjust the flowering to a certain moment

For example, if you need to get a blooming Hyacinth by the beginning of March it is planted in November. That is, it is necessary to plant four months before the proposed holiday.

After landing, they arrange 1.5 months of wintering, and then bring them into a warm room. Then the flower arrow begins to grow.

When can children be separated?

baby separated at the end of summer. But only if, with a slight pressure on them, they easily move away from the mother bulb. If not, then you can severely injure the adult bulb.

Why Hyacinth has a short peduncle and leaves fall out of the bulb

This happens when the temperature regime of the dormant period was poorly observed. Or insufficient watering of the plant.

In this article, we considered the conditions for a flower at home. If you are interested in this pet, we recommend.

The right approach will give you a blooming pet in the house

To get a flowering Hyacinth, you must, first of all, choose the right bulb and plant in time, organizing wintering for him. And then in two months it will be possible to see its beautiful flowering.

Distillation of a purely garden hyacinth flower requires providing him with conditions close to the street. The key to success is the selection of a healthy, dense, mature bulb of five centimeters in diameter, as well as knowledge of how to plant a hyacinth in a pot at home.

The size of the planting material for this flower is the determining factor for success. Since only from a large one can you get a full-fledged plant.

The external condition of the bulb is also an important factor. It should be without decaying elements, mechanical damage, dense to the touch.

To get a good, bright flower, you need to provide proper bulb storage. It needs to be dug up at the end of June and placed in a damp, warm room. The storage temperature during the dormant period is 27-30 degrees. In such conditions, the bulb should be 14 days.

After that, it is moved to a cool, 22-24 degrees, room for 2 weeks, and then the temperature is reduced to 15 degrees. All of these resettlement activities milestones preparing a hyacinth for forcing a flower, carefully study all the information on how to plant hyacinths at home in a pot, then the flowers will delight you with flowering for more than one season.

The bulbs bought in the store have already gone through these stages of preparation, so they do not require such manipulations. You just need to save them until landing.

You can find out more about how to propagate and grow hyacinths at home.

Landing and care at home

How to plant a hyacinth at home in a pot? The plant must be planted in shallow, wide pot. The soil for planting is ready-made, special for planting bulbs. In the absence of the possibility of purchase, turf, leaf soil and compost are mixed in equal quantities. For looseness of the composition, half a part of sand or peat is added.

Before planting, a layer of expanded clay is laid on the bottom of the pot. A layer of sand and soil mixture is poured on it. Then the bulbs are stacked closely. One to three bulbs can be placed in one pot.

The bulbs should not touch each other and the edge of the dish.

Hyacinths are sprinkled with soil in such a way that to keep their tops open. After landing, they create conditions for rest in the coolest and darkest possible room. Ideal conditions are content in the cellar or basement. If you do not have them, find a cool place in the apartment and cover the pots with a dark cloth or an opaque cap.

You can place containers with plantings under the balcony door or in a container for vegetables in the refrigerator.

About 2.5 months your hyacinths will sleep and prepare to bloom. During this time, they should take root as much as possible.

Hyacinths are planted not only at home, but also on the street. You can find out more about planting and caring for hyacinth in the open field.

When to plant at home?

The time when to plant hyacinths at home in a pot plays a big role in forcing the plant and it depends on what time you want to receive flowers. At the same time, it is important consider what kind of hyacinth you purchased. Early varieties are planted in early October, and a flower is obtained from them by December.

For flowering in February, varieties with medium flowering periods are selected. They land at the end of October. Late varieties, when planting hyacinth in a pot in late December, bloom in late March and early April.

The process of forcing flower stalks

After a two-month sleep period, hyacinths settle into spring. They are placed in a warm, bright place and begin to water. The soil should be slightly damp, but not wet. Stagnation of water is detrimental to the bulbs, they can rot.

How to carry out the forcing of a flower in water?

A feature of this flower is the possibility of obtaining a full-fledged flower in the absence of soil. Distillation can be done in water, filling the bulb halfway. The whole procedure for preparing to receive a flower is carried out in the same way as with the soil variant.

At the end of the cooling period, the bulbs put in a warm place but continue to protect them from light. As soon as the sprouts reach a length of 10 centimeters, the bulbs are exposed to light. Add mineral fertilizers to the water, so the process of forcing the flower will accelerate.

The bulb must be placed in water so that it only touches the water with its roots, the rest of it should be on the surface.

The process of planting and transplanting hyacinths at room conditions into a pot requires strict adherence to the rules, as well as knowledge of how to care for them. Only in this case can you get beautiful bright flower at the required time.

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