Improve... Pests Growing 

Fighting weevils on trees using traditional methods. We save the berry harvest by getting rid of the weevil on the plot. Granary weevil: description

Hello, dear readers! With the onset of warm days, gardeners have more trouble, because legions of pests, hungry over the winter, have already begun to “do” their dirty deeds.

The fruit weevil, one of the most dangerous enemies of the garden, has now become especially active. What kind of pest is this and how to fight the weevil?

Pest development and damage caused

Fruit weevils are a whole category of small bugs (4 - 7 mm long). The most common ones include pear weevil, cherry weevil, gray bud weevil, goose weevil, beetleweed, red-winged hawthorn and copper tubeweevil. First, adult individuals pierce the buds, then infect buds and flowers, feast on petals, stamens and pistils, and sometimes even infect young shoots with leaves.

The month of June is the time for beetles to lay eggs. At this time, they eat out small holes that look like injection marks. The females lay their eggs in them. The development of the larvae emerging from the eggs continues in the fruits for about a month - during this time they feed on the pulp (and in apples they can even gnaw the seeds).

The risk group includes cherries, apricots, quinces, cherry plums, pears, almonds, bird cherry, peach, blackloes, sweet cherries, plums, apple trees; other fruit and berry and stone fruit crops are less likely to be attacked by weevils.

An attack by weevils can cause great damage. The buds damaged by these pests turn brown and die, or they form

deformed and ugly leaves, buds, ovary with flowers, unable to fully develop.

Foliage that has been damaged by weevils turns brown, withers and falls off. Such an extremely unpleasant and depressing picture can be observed already at the beginning of the very first summer month - June. When a large number of weevils develop, leaf fall exposes the trees by about half. And it also happens that the foliage completely falls off the crown.

Such premature leaf fall enhances vegetative growth and death of the remaining ovary, the plant weakens, growth decreases and fruiting decreases.This negatively affects not only the harvest expected this year, but also the formation of next year’s buds.

After damage by weevils, the fruits grow small and may have bulging bumps or hard, suberized areas. In addition, part of the harvest is either completely eaten, or the fruits fall off. For example, a female goose, after laying eggs in a fruit, gnaws its stalk.

A fruit that falls to the ground begins to rot, because this pest carries spores of a disease such as.

During the abundant flowering of apple trees, weevils do not cause much harm, because, thanks to their “efforts,” the amount of excess ovary is reduced.

Preventive measures in the fight against weevils

Fruit crops must be planted in elevated areas with good drainage; there should be no wild plants nearby.

In the spring, during the swelling and opening of the buds, in the morning, at temperatures up to 10 degrees, the beetles are shaken off onto the litter and then destroyed in water to which kerosene is added. If this procedure is carried out at high temperatures, many pests will fly away. If there are a very large number of weevils, they are shaken off several times.

Before the bud scales swell, trapping belts are placed in the upper part of the tree trunk. You can also install it in the middle of the trunk. Before installing trapping belts, dead bark is removed so that there are no gaps under it through which pests can get through.

Ready-to-use belts are available for sale. In the photo you see adhesive belt for trees "Aeroxon", - it contains no poisons, it is intended for collecting and destroying caterpillars, ants and all kinds of crawling insects. By the way, I would like to note that it is absolutely harmless to beneficial insects, another plus is moisture resistance. The kit includes a fastening rope. In general, everything to protect your trees from small pests.

If you do it yourself, then take note that, basically, adhesive belts are made using soft cardboard, onto which a layer of special glue is applied. You can also make a trapping belt from loosened cotton wool, which becomes an insurmountable barrier for beetles, but such belts are made only if there is an urgent need, because beneficial insects can also get into the trap. Visors are made on top of the belts to protect from rain.

Apple trees whitened with lime mortar at the beginning of bud swelling at the rate of 1.5 kg per 10 liters of water are rarely infested with flower beetles and all sorts of other weevils.

Leaves that have fallen prematurely must be removed and burned, otherwise a little later the larvae will hide in the ground, where they will pupate.

If possible, collect and destroy buds with brown caps that have appeared - these are the larvae of the apple blossom beetle. This procedure is carried out as soon as the buds turn brown in order to prevent the development of larvae into adults.

Periodically, you should loosen the soil in the circles around the trunk. Early in the spring or late in the fall, the soil in the circles around the trunk is dug up to destroy weevils that have come to spend the winter. Also in the fall, you need to clean the trunks along with the branches from dead and old bark; these areas are whitened with lime mortar.

You can make root traps from dry leaves into which weevils will climb. Then this foliage will need to be burned. You can also lay trapping belts at the base, which are also then burned (in winter).

When harvesting, the bottom of the container is covered with a piece of cloth or paper. Within a day, a considerable number of pest larvae will gather on them, which are then destroyed.

Traditional methods of fighting weevils

A very common method of fighting beetles is to spray daily infusions of wormwood or field chamomile with laundry soap (soap acts as an adhesive).

Onion infusions, garlic infusions, and infusions of spruce and pine twigs are also used. To prepare such infusions, take a container and add onions, garlic, pine or spruce branches to the middle of it. Then the container is filled with water and infused for two weeks. The infused solution must be filtered and diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10.

To combat garden pests, some gardeners boil tomato tops, for which a kilogram of tops is placed in a bucket of water and boiled for half an hour. Half a piece of laundry soap is also added to this decoction.

Chemical control agents

Folk remedies are not always effective, and here chemical preparations are already used: Zeon, Altyn, Karachar, Sensei, Bi-58 Novy, Aktellik, Lambada-S, Rogor-S. During the growing season, it is effective to use Fufanon, Karbofos-500, Iskra-M, Kemifos and Novaktion. Consumption - 2-5 liters of working fluid per tree. Usually the treatment is carried out three times: the first - the green cone phase, the second - the end of flowering, the third - 10 days after the second treatment.

Due to the habituation of plants, they are not treated several times with the same preparation. If a new drug is used, it must be tested on one plant. You can see the result after a day - if everything is in order with the plant, then all plants of this species can be treated with this drug.

And yet, dear and respected gardeners, I wish you that there will be fewer harmful insects in your gardens, and that your plants and trees will feel great!

See you soon!

With all respect, Andrew!

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- a beetle with characteristic external features. His head is very elongated, so it resembles a small trunk. This is where its name comes from.

These beetles are widespread in tropical climates. There are about five thousand of their varieties on the territory of Russia. The vast majority are the worst enemies for gardens and vegetable gardens.

Description of weevils

In another article we covered the issue -. Another pest of strawberries is the weevil. The body itself is small - about three millimeters. It has a dark gray color.

Strange, but the weevil does not like ripe berries. But they may not even grow, because the beetle will damage the berry buds in advance. The larvae pose a danger not only to plants and crops, but even to trees. Beetles love to use coniferous plantings as food and home.

Tired of fighting pests?

Are there cockroaches, mice or other pests in your dacha or apartment? We need to fight them! They are carriers of serious diseases: salmonellosis, rabies.

Many summer residents are faced with pests that destroy crops and damage plants.

It has the following properties:

  • Gets rid of mosquitoes, cockroaches, rodents, ants, bedbugs
  • Safe for children and pets
  • Powered by mains, no recharging required
  • There is no addictive effect in pests
  • Large area of ​​operation of the device

Harm of weevils to the garden

The time of egg laying is the most dangerous for berry crops. During this period, the buds separate, and after that the female bites the stalk. This leads to drying out and death of the buds. So, up to half the harvest may be lost.

Scientists have proven that this pest loves male strawberry flowers, which have long stalks.

Young weevils can be found in July. They eat leaves and nibble berries. And in the fall they go to sleep in the soil under a bush. Therefore, treat your strawberry bushes twice a year (in spring and summer).

The weevil beetle not only destroys strawberries, it also harms raspberries, currants, and strawberries. In addition to damaged and dried buds, you can also notice broken stems.

If you missed the processing time before the weevils appeared, then the situation can be saved. Treat strawberries before reproduction and young adults begin to emerge.

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How to treat strawberries against weevils?

The fight against beetles should be carried out long before the buds appear. Weevils cannot tolerate cold air; during this period they simply hibernate. Therefore, it is advisable to start processing when there is still snow in the yard.

It is better to spray for the first time a week before the buds begin to bloom. In mid-July you can repeat the procedure. This way you will protect your berries from new weevils, and the beetles will not have the opportunity to stay through the winter. Your future harvest will be under reliable protection.

An inexperienced gardener may get lost in the variety of modern pest control products. In addition, familiar gardeners can give a lot of advice based on their experience. How to make the right choice, not throw money away and save your harvest?

To do this, you can use the services of sanitary services. They will be the ones who will be able to correctly assess the problem and choose the appropriate method of getting rid of the beetles.


Many people resort to using chemicals. Such spraying should be carried out in spring and summer. It is very important to choose the right moment here.

This method of fighting is the most effective. The result can be secured by using fertilizer that is enriched with microorganisms. They prevent the appearance of not only weevils, but also other harmful insects. This will help not only save the fruits, but also make them more juicy.

The most popular spraying agents are Atellix, Inta-vir, Metafos, Karbofos. Antonem-F, Iskra-bio, Nemabakt, Akarin, Fitoverm are well suited for autumn and spring prevention.

Folk remedies

Many owners are wary of various types of chemicals. They prefer to use grandmother's proven methods. And there are a huge number of them.

Do not forget that after rain their effect loses its effect. Therefore, you will have to repeat the procedure often. But the most important thing is timeliness. By taking care of the fight against weevils in advance, you can preserve your harvest and get tasty fruits.

When to spray strawberries against weevil?

Weevils can overwinter well in the ground under strawberry bushes and emerge from hibernation when it is warm outside and the ground warms up to eight degrees.

At this time, the buds are just beginning to separate. Already in the very first buds, even unopened ones, the pest lays larvae and bites them. The pests subsequently eat the flower cores and then return to the ground to pupate.

Most of all they love to eat the buds of the largest berries. And, as a result, the most delicious part of the fruit is destroyed.

Most often, owners begin to sound the alarm when they notice shrunken and damaged buds. But it’s too late to fight, because by this time the weevils begin to eat the raspberry bushes or nearby weeds.

Then they come back to the strawberry bushes to feast on the new, young leaves. At the same time, dots (punctures) can be found on the leaves at this moment.

Is it advisable to process strawberries during flowering?

The most effective time for processing strawberries is when the snow melts. At this time, the soil is still cold, and the beetles are still hibernating. Water the soil with a water solution once a week.

When the buds begin to form, treat them with biological preparations. It is best to use products such as Iskra-bio or for this procedure. Already two days after irrigation, you can eat berries without fear.

If you have not completed these manipulations, then there is no point in spraying strawberries during flowering.


Preventive measures will allow you not only to save your harvest, but also to make it better:

  • Trim the leaves in the fall.
  • Get rid of weeds.
  • Irrigate the soil using any insecticide.
  • Periodically shake off the bugs onto a piece of newspaper.
  • Break off bad buds.
  • After you have harvested, treat the bushes.
  • Just before the first frost, cover the strawberries using sealable black plastic. Let the strawberries warm like this until the end of spring. When the temperature under the film reaches forty degrees, you need to wait a week. Then you can remove it and get rid of the pest.
  • In the fall, get rid of various plant debris.
  • It is also recommended to dig up the soil in the beds during the autumn months.


There are plenty of ways to process strawberry bushes. Choose a method of combating weevils that is convenient for you. Remember that regular prevention of pests on your strawberries is the best way to preserve your harvest and get tasty and ripe berries.

Bug weevil (lat. Curcullionidae), or elephant, belongs to one of the largest families, numbering more than 70,000 species, and most of them inhabit the tropics. About 5,000 species of weevils live in the middle zone. The weevil insect is a plant pest, and each species has its own preferences - one variety damages forest plants, another vegetable, a third garden, a fourth variety of beetle damages the growing point of a palm tree, as a result of which the plant dies.

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Weevil pest - description

Weevils range in length from 1 to 30 mm, while tropical species grow up to 5 cm in length. The body shape of beetles of this genus can be flat and oblong, cylindrical, rod-shaped, rhombic, spherical, convex hemispherical or pear-shaped. The color varies from yellow to black, there may be spots on the body, and it may have a metallic tint. The insect's legs may differ in color from the body. The upper part of the weevil's body may be hairy or bare, and may be covered with an earthen crust or glazed brown scales. A characteristic feature of the insect is the elongated front part of the head - the rostrum, from which the genus of insects got its name.

Weevils are divided into two subspecies - short-proboscis and long-proboscis, differing from each other in the length of the rostrum. The larvae of long-proboscis species usually develop in plant tissues, consuming them as food, while the larvae of short-proboscis species live in the soil, feeding on plant roots.

Weevils living in the middle zone prefer to live on berry crops, and they are attracted not by fruits, but by flower buds in which the female lays eggs. The larvae that emerge from the eggs eat the flower from the inside, and if there are a lot of weevils, you may not get any berries at all. However, there are also types of weevils such as house weevils and barn weevils.

Barn weevil

The barn weevil is a small dark brown bug about 4 mm long with underdeveloped wings. This is a dangerous pest of grain crops. Moreover, archaeologists have established that it has been engaged in its destructive activities for a long time: in the 20th century, scientists discovered traces of the weevil in excavations of ancient Egyptian burials, and in Ancient Rome the insect was known as a pest called Curculio. An adult insect damages grain and products made from it, and larvae from eggs, which the female can lay up to 300 eggs in one clutch, develop in the grains of millet, wheat, rice (rice weevil), oats, barley, buckwheat, and rye. The weevil also lives in flour and pasta. Grain infected with weevil larvae becomes unusable, causing digestive disorders in people, as it becomes hygroscopic, heats up on its own and rots.

House weevil

The weevil in the apartment is the same granary weevil in the grain, which gets into the apartment along with the purchased cereal. The female lays each egg in a cave gnawed out in the grain and seals the hole with her secretions. There, after 6-12 days, a larva emerges from the egg, which feeds on the inside of the grain, and then gnaws through its shell and comes out. How to get rid of weevils in grain? It is difficult to combat the pest precisely because the larva cannot be detected while it is in the grain, and yet there are ways to combat the weevil.

How to get rid of weevils

Fighting weevil

This dangerous and polyphagous pest must be combated with all available means - preventive, physical-mechanical, chemical, biological and folk.

As a preventive measure, before receiving and placing grain, you should disinfect storage facilities from the granary weevil - wet or aerosol, and then treat the grain - dry it, clean it of debris, cool it as much as possible and, if necessary, treat it with contact insecticides.

In summer cottages where other types of pests are common, for preventive purposes they use loosening the tree trunks, removing fallen leaves, dry and diseased branches, plant pest-repellent crops in the rows, carry out preventive treatment of plants with the biological preparation Fitoverm, attract birds to the area by hanging birdhouses and nest boxes for trees, and when weevils appear before mating and laying eggs, they are collected by hand or shaken off onto a thick cloth spread under trees or bushes, after which the pests are destroyed. If the invasion of weevils is widespread, you will have to resort to folk remedies or to treating plants with potent chemicals.

Weevil remedies (preparations)

It is dangerous to use chemical weevil control agents at home. But in the garden or garden, their use is quite justified. The best drugs for weevils:

  • Kinmiks– plants are treated with a solution of 2.5 ml of the drug in 10 liters of water;
  • Decis– dissolve 2 ml of the drug in 10 liters of water for spraying plants;
  • Fufanon, Iskra-M, Kemifos, Karbafos-500– 10 ml of any of these drugs should be diluted in 10 liters of water;
  • During the growing season, plants are treated with a solution of 20 ml Fitoverma in 10 liters of water.

In the summer, bugs on tree crowns are treated with a solution of Bazudin or Fozalon, prepared in accordance with the instructions, and against the larvae of leaf pests, the soil can be treated with Bazudin or Diazinon.

Fighting weevils with folk remedies

Since the use of chemicals can be harmful to human health, it is best to destroy the weevil using non-toxic folk remedies. For example, during the period of bud formation, you can treat plants with the following preparations:

  • dissolve 10-13 g of powdered mustard in 10 liters of water;
  • dissolve 40 g of grated laundry soap in a bucket of water;
  • dilute 2.5-3 kg of wood ash in 10 liters of water;
  • stir 5 g of potassium permanganate in a bucket of water;
  • grate 80-100 g of laundry soap, dissolve them in warm water, add 20 g of borax, 200 g of kerosene and stir the mixture intensively until an emulsion is formed, which must be immediately treated with the plants.

How to deal with weevils in an apartment

How to get rid of barn weevil after finding it in an apartment? There are simple and effective ways to combat the pest, based on the characteristics of its life and reproduction:

  • check all stored cereals, tea, cocoa, coffee, pasta and flour in which weevils can settle and, if you find traces of their presence, get rid of these products, since the secretions of weevils and their larvae are carcinogenic;
  • since weevils and their larvae die already at -5 ºC, you can place not yet infected products, in which pests can settle, in the freezer for 2-3 days. For preventive purposes, you can do this with all the cereals, flour and pasta that you buy;
  • Weevils also die when heated to 40 ºC for two days, and if the heating is increased to 60 ºC, then in six hours, so it makes sense to heat the cereal in the oven;
  • It is better to store already disinfected products in glass or plastic, hermetically sealed containers that will be difficult for the beetle to chew through. Place whole, peeled cloves of garlic in jars with cereals and pasta, you can put 2-3 nutmegs in the flour, and sprinkle a little hot pepper into the peas and beans;
  • shelves and surfaces on which there are containers with cereals, flour or pasta are treated from time to time, first with a soap solution, and then with water and table vinegar, and after treatment, cloves, bay leaves or lavender flowers are laid out on them;
  • To make it easier to monitor the condition of the products, do not stock too much unnecessarily.

How to get rid of weevils on the site

Weevil on strawberry

The strawberry weevil is a gray-black long-proboscis bug up to 3 mm in size. In the spring, individuals mate in flower buds, in which the larvae then develop. How to deal with weevils on strawberries? Today, there are many ways to destroy the pest, which can save up to 40% of the crop even with total damage. The sooner you start your fight against the beetle, the more chances you have to emerge victorious.

In the spring, when the air temperature is uncomfortable for the pest, treat the area with strawberries with the following means:

  • iodine solution - dilute a teaspoon of iodine in a bucket of water;
  • dissolve 3 Intra-vir weevil tablets in 10 liters of water.

Carry out the first treatment 5-6 days before the start of flowering, the next time spraying is carried out in mid-summer. Biological preparations Antonem-F and Namabact can be used to process strawberries or garden strawberries. Until the end of spring, it is permissible to use the drugs Fitoverm, Iskra-bio and Akarin. It is advisable not to resort to stronger means, for example, insecticides such as Karbofos, Actellik and Metaphos.

Cherry weevil

The cherry weevil, also known as cherry trumpet weevil, also known as cherry elephant, affects not only cherry trees, but also cherry, plum, apricot, cherry plum and even hawthorn trees. This is a golden-green bug, 5.5 to 10 mm long, with a purple metallic tint. The larvae are white, dotted with sparse red hairs, with a brown head and brown mouthparts. Weevils cause damage to the generative organs of stone fruit crops even before sap flow begins - tree buds dry out and crumble. An invasion of the cherry borer can lead not only to loss of fruit yield, but due to the death of leaves, the trees themselves may also perish.

The fight against the cherry weevil should be carried out by all possible means - preventive, agrotechnical, folk, biological, and if necessary, then chemical:

  • in the fall, clean the tree trunks of old exfoliated bark, then burn the plant remains and clean the trunks with a solution of lime;
  • Also remove fallen leaves from under the trees into a compost heap or burn them;
  • Be sure to dig up the soil in the tree trunks;
  • during the period of swelling of the buds, shake off the beetles onto white paper or cloth spread under the tree and destroy them;
  • during fruit ripening, collect and destroy carrion so that the larvae do not go into the soil;
  • immediately after flowering, if you find more than 8 beetles on the tree, treat it with any of the chemicals we described.

Plum weevil

This bronze-colored bug with a metallic sheen, up to 45 mm long, all covered with short thick hairs, is also called the copper pipe worm due to its appearance. Not only plums suffer from it, but also sloe, apricot, cherry, and sometimes apple, hawthorn, rowan and even currants. Harm is caused both by adult insects, which consistently damage buds, buds, flowers, pedicels, young fruits and leaves, and by larvae that develop in fruits.

The fight against copper pipeweevil is carried out in the same ways as against the cherry weevil, and among the chemical preparations, pyrethroids and organophosphorus compounds are most effective against it - for example, Actellik, Fufanon or Bazudin.

Raspberry weevil

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The strawberry weevil (the correct name is raspberry-strawberry) is a black or brownish beetle about 3 mm long. This is a very common pest that plagues gardeners planting strawberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and some flowers. Over the summer, 1 generation of weevils develops. These beetles become active in the spring, when the soil temperature warms up above +12 degrees. Early varieties of garden strawberries (strawberries) are the first to be attacked by this pest.

The fact that the weevil beetle has appeared on your plantings can be judged by the small holes that appear on the leaves. If nothing is done at this time, there will be more holes and then the beetles will move onto the peduncles and the flowers themselves. Female weevils lay eggs in buds, where they enter through a hole they gnaw. They also gnaw the peduncle, so the damaged bud either falls off completely or dangles (as if on a string) and eventually dries out completely. That is why the fight against weevils should begin in the very early spring, before the strawberries begin to bloom. Otherwise, you will later, like many gardeners, complain that the weevil has devoured all your strawberries (strawberries, raspberries, etc.).

How to get rid of weevil

There are two ways to fight weevils: using chemicals and folk remedies. How to deal with this pest is up to you.
And as a preventive measure, we advise you not to thicken the plantings and weed the weeds in a timely manner. Plant garlic, onions, calendula and nasturtium in your strawberries. Garlic helps against weevils not by its presence, but by its smell, so sometimes cut it for greens (onions too).

Folk methods and measures of struggle

  • An infusion of tobacco, mustard, garlic, or a solution of laundry soap. Any of these infusions is taken in the amount of 200 g per 10 liters of water. One of these solutions should be sprayed on the plants every evening during the period of bud formation. The method is effective, but labor-intensive.
  • Infusion of bitter capsicum. Treatment with pepper infusion against weevils is very effective. 500 g of dry pods or 1 kg of fresh ones, chop and add 10 liters of cold water, leave in an enamel sealed container for 2 days. Then boil for 10 minutes and leave again for two days. Then strain, squeeze out the pulp and spray the plants with the prepared solution. This infusion can be stored in a cool place, in a tightly sealed container.
  • Infusion of celandine and onion peel. This treatment received a lot of positive feedback from gardeners. Onion peel and celandine are taken in a ratio of 2:1. Fold into a 3-liter jar so that only 1/3 of it is filled. Pour boiling water to the top. When it cools down, strain and you can spray plants susceptible to this pest. The first time during the flowering period, the second time after another two weeks, and repeat the treatment two weeks later.
  • Mustard solution also helps get rid of weevils. 100 g of mustard powder is dissolved in 3 liters of warm water. Treatment is carried out in the budding phase and after another 2 weeks.
  • Some gardeners note that dusting strawberry bushes with ash before and during flowering helps repel the beetle.

If you nevertheless see half-fallen and blackened buds on a strawberry, do not be lazy, tear them off and burn them, since these unopened buds contain weevil larvae.

Weevil beetle, photo

Fighting weevils with chemicals

Any chemical preparations must be used strictly according to the instructions, paying attention to how many days after treatment the berries can be eaten. Otherwise, you will not be fighting against the weevil, but for your health.

How to treat strawberries against weevils without harming yourself? Bio-based drugs like Fitoverma or Nemabact are best suited for this, but if you still resort to chemistry, then drugs such as Kinmiks, Decis, Iskra-M, Kemifos, Metafos, Fufanon, Corsair, Vofatoks, Ambush, Intavir will help destroy the weevil. You can buy them at any country store.

Spraying with insecticides should be carried out 5 days before strawberries bloom, preferably in the morning or evening. Closer to autumn, after the last harvest, the plants are processed again to destroy the new summer generation of weevils.

During and after flowering, do not use chemicals on strawberries!

Protecting strawberries from weevils, video

If you know effective measures to combat weevils, please share them in the comments. Tell us what drugs or folk remedies you used against the weevil. Thank you.

Your additions and feedback will help many gardeners avoid losing their strawberry and raspberry crops to this pest.

The weevil family is one of the most common representatives of the Coleoptera class. Today, more than 50,000 species of such beetles have been recorded. There are about 5,000 species of weevils in Eurasia alone. Each of them is capable of causing significant harm to garden plants. Inaction results in negative consequences for vegetable, garden, berry and grain crops. Control of the weevil is possible only if the biological characteristics of the insect are taken into account.

What is a weevil? The insect larvae resemble light-colored worms, shaped in the shape of the letter C. Short bristles can be seen on the body; the head is protected by a dark-colored chitinous shell. The larva can live both underground (eating roots) and on the surface, gnawing foliage and plant stems.

After a certain period of time, the worms turn into pupae. They form legs, wings and heads with an oblong trunk. Despite the change in body, the color remains the same.

They easily eat roots, leaves, stems, and, of course, fruits and berries.

The appearance of adult beetles is varied and associated with a specific purpose. Insects are divided into several classes.

  1. Depending on the length - long-proboscis and short-proboscis.
  2. Color: yellow, green, red cover. Some, in addition to color, are distinguished by a unique pattern on the shell.
  3. Body shape. Weevil beetles are rod-shaped, spherical, pear-shaped and diamond-shaped.
  4. Body length. The largest insects reach a length of 0.5 cm.

Adults have a head with a cylindrical proboscis, with which they feed and lay larvae.

Females are much larger, but this is the only difference between them.

On the pupa you can see the rudiments of wings, legs and a head with a proboscis. Her body is soft and light in color.

For reference! Insects lead a secretive nocturnal lifestyle. During the day, the bug hides in the upper layers of the soil and root system of the plant. Life expectancy is 2 seasons. In a short period of life, one individual is capable of producing offspring ranging from 100 to 1000 eggs.

The beetle of the weevil family can harm any plant. The most dangerous of all are the beet weevil, granary weevil, nut weevil and stone fruit beetle.


dangerous insect for sugar beets. In the spring, before the product sprouts, the beetle eats weeds, after which it gradually moves on to crops. After their “work”, the beets are thinned out and lose their sugar content.

Barn view

Granary weevil - lives in grain. It is the most common in the world. Females are capable of laying about 200 eggs in holes chewed out in crops. Next, the deposits are covered with secretions. After such processes, the grain is no longer suitable for consumption.


Lives on bushes. The female eats green nut fruits. The larva spoils the nut from the inside, completely eating away the pulp. If the fight is not started in time, the insect can damage the entire tree.

Stone beetle

The adult eats buds and leaves. The deposited larva is located inside the fruit (bird cherry, plum, sweet cherry and cherry). When new fruits appear, the female makes a hole in the still soft stone and lays an egg.

Interesting to know! The weevil makes its first single forays after wintering in April, and a mass emergence occurs in mid- and late May.

How to rid a plant of pests

How to deal with weevils? Synthetic preparations in liquid form for spraying crops are considered effective.

In the fight against nut weevils, you cannot do without colloidal sulfur in a concentration of up to 2%. Spray once every 10 days. Bordeaux mixture also helps.

The granary (grain) weevil requires a special approach. Several chemical agents are suitable for the fight (Arrivo, Karate, Fufanon or Actellik). The whole process involves aerosol treatment. Only after this the grain cannot be used for a long time.

Important to remember! Insect pests quickly adapt to unfavorable conditions. Alternate insecticides, active ingredients and dosage.

Symptoms of the lesion

In order not to buy a weevil remedy in the future, it is necessary to remove weeds in a timely manner and correctly observe the cultural proximity. The main thing is to love plants and take care of them on time.

How to deal with weevils in the garden?

Weevil fight: basic tools for effective help.

Spraying with chemicals is reliable protection against hostile insects. Among the popular drugs are Karbofos, Metafos, Atellix.

There are so-called biological control drugs for insects - Antonem-F and Nemabact. Another method of resistance is fumigation with not too aggressive drugs.

Folk methods of struggle

Weevil control methods using folk recipes have many variations. A popular recipe is to dilute one hundred grams of mustard powder in three liters of water and thoroughly spray the bushes with this liquid. Wormwood, tansy and hot pepper in pods are effective pest fighters. Spray the berry bushes with an infusion of these plants.

Mix three kilograms of ash and forty grams of laundry soap. Spray suffering plants. By the way, dry ash is an effective savior of berry bushes and beet shoots. In early spring, sprinkle it liberally around the plants.

For reference! Folk remedies have a gentle effect, but remember - such safe procedures should be carried out frequently. Otherwise, don't expect any effect.

Good advice: Fighting weevils on strawberries