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When to dig garlic? Features of harvesting, its storage, recommendations for gardeners. When to harvest garlic? When to harvest winter garlic in a year

The quality of the harvest of any plant depends on many factors. Of particular importance is the determination of the optimal timing for harvesting, since early or late harvesting will seriously affect its quality, quantity and storage nature. Harvest dates are of particular importance for garlic, since two types of garlic are grown: winter (winter) and spring (summer). They have different planting dates, which significantly affects the ripening time.

Timely harvesting of garlic guarantees its long-term storage

The period when it is best to dig up garlic can be determined using several signs.

In addition to the planting period, the optimal harvest time is determined by visual signs of the arrow, leaves and the bulb itself. Weather conditions can have a serious impact on the collection time. Knowledge of all the main factors and signs will allow you to harvest at the right time, harvest a healthy and large harvest with excellent storage characteristics.

general information

Harvesting garlic at the optimal time has a positive effect on two key parameters:

  1. Harvest quality.
  2. Preservation of bulbs.

On ripe garlic, the peel can be easily removed - to check, you need to dig up a couple of heads

What parameters can be used to determine when to harvest garlic:

  • According to the generally accepted growing season for this variety in specific climatic conditions.
  • Depending on the weather.
  • By external signs.

In practice, the exact timing of collection is determined by using all available and known methods. An integrated approach allows you to set deadlines accurately.

Winter and spring garlic

The timing of digging from the garden depends on what type of garlic is grown. As mentioned above, there are two types of garlic: spring and winter. Winter garlic has an arrow around which cloves form. Winter varieties are planted in the fall. Since it spends the winter in the ground, it is often called winter. Spring varieties do not have arrows, and the teeth are formed spirally. Landing time is spring.

Due to different planting dates, harvest times vary greatly.

Winter garlic is the most popular. It is easier to care for and has excellent yields. Autumn planting allows you to calmly carry out all the work and free up precious time in the spring for caring for other crops. Earlier ripening allows it to be used in preparing many products for the winter.

Types of garlic and their differences

The ripening period for winter garlic in the central regions of Russia is late July - early August.

More precise dates depend on the climatic characteristics of the growing region. In mid-June, arrows sprout from winter forms. Experienced gardeners, in order for the cloves to form larger, break out these arrows. This method allows you to direct all the nutrients to the formation of garlic bulbs. But you need to leave a few plants with intact arrows. They serve as a guide to the degree of ripening and ripeness based on visual parameters.

It is quite difficult to judge its ripeness by looking at the green part of the plant above ground. The yellow color of the leaves may indicate not only the degree of readiness for harvesting.

This garlic has turned yellow due to lack of moisture.

Yellowing can be caused by unfavorable weather conditions or painful damage to the plant. But, despite the reasons, such a color change in “green” is a sign of “readiness” for harvesting, since this is evidence of the cessation of photosynthesis processes, the slowdown and gradual stop of all processes of development and growth.

It is easier and more reliable to determine readiness for digging using arrows. It is worth preparing for harvesting when the arrows straighten and cracks appear on the seed pod, which will widen and expose the inflorescences.

The ripening of bulblets in the peduncle is a sign of the maturity of the heads

Spring garlic is dug up 15-20 days after the winter garlic has ripened and been harvested.

A visual guide to the optimal time for harvesting spring forms:

  • the lower leaves have turned yellow;
  • the central part remains green.

As soon as such yellowing occurs, spring garlic should be removed from the garden. The optimal time in the central regions is the end of August – the beginning of September. It is impossible to determine the ripeness of spring garlic by looking at the inflorescences, since they do not form.

Determination of maturity by digging

The most accurate option for determining the optimal time for harvesting is to dig up 1-2 plants as a guide. If the cloves and bulb are formed, and the jacket securely holds the cloves, it is thin and intact, without cracks, then it is time to harvest the garlic.

Spring garlic is dug up 2-3 weeks after winter garlic.

The main visual signs of ripeness:

  • The teeth are well shaped and easy to separate.
  • The overall skin is thin but intact.
  • The neck of the bulb is thin, the stem at the base is dry and dense.
  • The skin of the clove peels off easily and makes a characteristic rustling noise when peeled.

The heads must be removed before the teeth are exposed and the scales crack. If harvesting is done later, such garlic will not be stored well. In addition, it is not advisable to use it for planting for the next season. If harvesting is late, will the bulbs be crumbly? with loose teeth. The skin will crack and peel off.

Ripe garlic easily gives off its outer scales, but the inner scales hold tightly

If harvesting is done ahead of time and the garlic is collected unripe, it will have the following symptoms:

  • The skin of the cloves will be very dense, it will be very difficult to separate it from the garlic itself.
  • The neck of the onion will be thick.
  • Separating the cloves will require serious effort.

If the summer weather turns out to be rainy, garlic should be harvested earlier than in “normal” seasons. Excess moisture negatively affects shelf life. In addition, the bulbs in such conditions are “prone” to rotting.

Overripe garlic falls apart

Dry weather in summer allows you to postpone the harvesting time without consequences.

If the leaves “lie” on the ground, the time for timely harvesting has been missed - the garlic is overripe. Overripe garlic is bad for storage - its scales burst and the bulbs disintegrate.

Preparations for cleaning must begin in advance. The cleaning procedure involves the following sequential steps:

  • 25-30 days before the expected harvest date, stop watering the plants in the garden bed.
  • To speed up ripening, 10-14 days before harvesting, the soil is partially raked away from the bulbs.
  • For cleaning, choose a dry, or better yet, sunny day.
  • The dug up garlic should not be kept in the open sun. It is placed in a ventilated dry room to dry.

Tying leaves is a technique that increases yield and accelerates ripening

After 10-15 days of drying, the bulbs are sorted and sorted. Damaged, rotten or diseased heads are removed. The sprouting “garlics” are put aside.

Garlic is stored in bulbs, directly divided into cloves and peeled before use for production or food.

You can't pull out the bulbs. When cleaning, it is best to use a shovel or pitchfork. You can get small pitchforks that are convenient for harvesting onions and garlic. Arrows with inflorescences should be cut, collected and placed in a special container for storage. This will be an excellent planting material for the new season. They will make the garlic healthy and large. Medium-sized bulbs are selected for planting for the next season. Large and small samples are eaten.

Drying the bulbs after digging

After digging, do not separate the leaves from the bulbs. It is better to dry them intact.

Drying of the crop is carried out in a room protected from precipitation and sunlight with good ventilation. The leaves are used for grouping (braiding) for more convenient storage. If another storage method is used, the leaves are simply cut off after drying is complete. The roots can be cut off immediately or wait until they dry.

Garlic is one of the most valuable and favorite vegetable crops. Moreover, its presence is beneficial not only for our health, but also for many garden crops. Therefore, almost every gardener grows it on his own plot. This is quite easy to do, since if you know some of the nuances of cultivation, you can get a good harvest of this garden crop. In addition to planting and care, one of the important stages of the cultivation process garlic is its timely cleaning.

Approximate dates

In definition Garlic harvesting time is needed take into account the landing time. The harvesting period for garlic planted for the winter begins in mid-late July and lasts until early August. Spring garlic fully ripens and is harvested two weeks later than winter garlic, in late August - mid-September. However, if the summer is cold and rainy, these dates may be postponed by one to two weeks.

So, the approximate timing when you need to remove garlic from the garden:

  • The time to harvest winter (winter) garlic is at the end of July - beginning of August.
  • spring garlic is harvested two weeks later, at the end of August.

In each individual region, the harvest time may vary slightly.

How can you tell if garlic is ripe?

You can easily determine by the cloves and feathers that it is time to harvest the garlic:

  • Signs of maturity and readiness for harvesting of garlic are the left arrows with a seed capsule. If the folded rings with arrows straighten, the boxes with bulbs open and crack, which means the bulbs are ready for digging.
  • In addition, if the lower leaves of the plant have turned yellow and the upper ones have died, then this is also a sign of the maturity of the garlic.
  • If you still have doubts, you will have to dig up a couple of garlic bulbs and check by touch. The finished garlic will be hard, its cloves are easy to separate, and the outer film is dry, peels off well and has a color characteristic of the planted species.

The timing of garlic ripening and readiness is influenced by many factors:

  • quality of the planting crop,
  • care,
  • soil condition,
  • feeding in spring and summer,
  • weather.

But in any case, it needs to be cleaned during. If dug up prematurely, the garlic cloves will be unripe and will begin to dry out early, losing their nutrients. A when garlic sits in the ground for too long, the bulb may become overripe, begin to crack and fall apart into individual cloves. Such a crop will not be stored for long.

It's important to remember that It is better to remove the garlic from the garden unripe than overripe.

Moon calendar

Some gardeners begin harvesting garlic according to the Lunar calendar. In accordance with it, in 2017, the following days of July are considered favorable dates for harvesting winter garlic:

  • from 5 to 7, from 15 to 16, from 19 to 20, from 23 to 34.

Spring garlic will be harvested in August, the best days of which will be:

  • from 1 to 3, from 11 to 12, from 15 to 16, from 29 to 30.

Cleaning nuances

You only need to dig up garlic in sunny weather, preferably before it rains. Then the bulbs will dry well and will not lose their beneficial properties. It is undesirable to roughly pull the plants out of the ground to avoid breaking the bulbs and scattering the cloves. This should be done carefully, with a special shovel or small pitchfork. Small heads should be used first as they store less well. Taking into account the simple rules for harvesting garlic, you can extend its winter storage and get the maximum benefit from this crop.

Personal experience

Just the other day, on July 26, we decided to check whether our garlic, planted before winter, needed to be removed from the garden. It is worth noting that this is not winter garlic, but regular garlic, simply planted before winter. By this time, the tips of his feathers had dried out and turned yellow.

They pulled out a couple of heads. They turned out to be not too large, with a thin skin. The verdict was given: it’s too early to harvest the garlic.

According to the approximate timing, garlic planted before winter is time to harvest at the end of July. But in our country (Middle Zone, Yaroslavl Region), July 26 was too early to do this. The climatic features of this summer probably influenced it: it was damp and cold in our area. Everything comes with a noticeable delay.

Baba Tanya tied the feathers so that there were no arrows and left the garlic to continue to grow.

When do you harvest garlic from the garden? Share your experience in the comments 😉 We will be glad!

Garlic is used not only in cooking, but also in magical rituals. And, if not everyone does the latter, then for culinary purposes it is definitely present in every home.

However, growing strong, large and, as people say, “nuclear” garlic is not so easy. Although, if you treat this issue with full responsibility, the process of planting, growing and harvesting will not cause any difficulties either.

1 Difference between spring garlic and winter garlic

Based on the method of cultivation, there are two types of garlic: winter and spring. Winter garlic is much more popular among gardeners than spring garlic. But still, the spring variety has some advantages over the winter variety.

To understand which type is better to grow, spring or winter, you need to understand the characteristics of each of them.

Thanks to their good keeping quality, spring varieties will allow you not only to never be left without garlic, but also to make a good profit, because in the spring garlic is very expensive.

2 Rules for growing spring garlic

To get an excellent harvest of this crop, as they say, “so that there is enough for yourself and people,” desire alone is not enough. You will have to carefully study all the rules and follow them unquestioningly. So, to get a good harvest you need:

  • at what time and under what weather conditions should spring garlic be planted?
  • how pre-sowing soil cultivation for spring varieties is carried out;
  • how to choose, prepare and plant planting material;
  • how to care for plants during their growing season;
  • when to remove garlic from the garden;
  • how to store garlic at home;
  • possible diseases of garlic and their control;

2.1 Terms and conditions of disembarkation

Winter and spring garlic develop and ripen differently, so it is important to know everything about the timing and weather conditions of planting the crop. Spring garlic is not planted before winter. Growing garlic in open ground involves planting it in early spring so that it has time to form a large elastic head before autumn.

In the Moscow region, as well as throughout central Russia, planting is carried out in the third ten days of April, when the soil warms up to 5-6 degrees. The culture is not afraid of possible night frosts.

The reason for such early planting is the peculiarity of the plant’s growing season. Leaves and roots form as long as the soil temperature does not exceed 10 degrees. At higher temperatures, only the head grows, the size and elasticity of which directly depends on the formation of the root and stem systems.

2.2 Soil preparation

The root system of the plant develops in the upper layers of the soil, so it needs to be given special attention. The ideal soil for both spring and winter garlic is loam, rich in humus and neutral acidity.

For full development, the culture requires maximum light, protection from northern winds and stagnant waters. In swampy areas, mounds must be made to grow garlic.

M The place for planting it should be changed annually and not repeated for 5 years.

Select and prepare a bed for spring garlic in the fall. It is dug up with the application of fertilizers: manure at the rate of half a bucket per 1 square meter and complex mineral fertilizers - 10-15 grams for the same area.

2.3 Preparation and planting of planting material

Planting spring garlic in the spring begins with preparing the material. The preparation of planting material is affected by the storage of spring garlic. If the heads were kept warm (indoor storage), the planted garlic will ripen faster, but the harvest will be smaller. If wintering took place in the cold, the heads will be larger in size, but may not have time to ripen well. Therefore, it is correct to store the planting material in a warm place, and before planting, put the garlic in the refrigerator or cellar for a month.

The type of material you plant determines what kind of harvest you will reap. For planting, you need to choose only large, elastic teeth, without damage or disease, with even bottoms weighing at least 4 grams (as a rule, material from the outer row of the head is used). It is correct to separate the slices for planting immediately before planting them in the ground, so that the bottoms do not have time to dry out.

To speed up the germination process, planting material should be germinated. To do this, all the teeth are placed in water for 2 hours or in a solution of potassium permanganate and ash for half an hour (the second option is also a treatment for diseases), after which they are wrapped in a damp cloth, placed in a bag and placed in the refrigerator for several days.

To plant garlic, you should dig the beds to a depth of 5-6 cm (the soil should not be thrown out of the beds, but only well loosened). Plant spring garlic correctly at a distance of 8-10 cm between the cloves so that the fruit can develop normally.

The clove should be pressed into the ground to a depth of 3-4 cm, without covering it with earth after that. This way it will germinate faster and give a better harvest. To preserve moisture, you can mulch the beds, for example, with straw. It is not necessary to open the bed after germination.

2.4 Care during the growing season

Another difference between spring and winter garlic is its love for moisture. Caring for spring garlic involves regular watering, which should begin after the first shoots appear and not stop until the crop begins to ripen. There is no need to flood the garden bed. Watering should be moderate at intervals of 7-8 days.

Caring for and growing garlic in open ground also involves feeding the plants. This will have a positive effect on the size and quality of the crop. When the shoots reach 6-10 cm (beginning of June), it is better to apply nitrogen fertilizers. We dilute 1 glass of mullein and one tablespoon of urea in a glass of water, leave for 5-6 hours and water at the rate of 3 liters per 1 square meter. m. You can repeat the procedure after 20-25 days.

After the formation of the fifth leaf, you can add weak potassium permanganate to the garlic root.

2.5 Harvesting and storage of crops

When to harvest spring garlic? Around mid-September, garlic leaves dry out and 80% of the stems turn yellow. It is during this period that spring garlic is harvested. You need to dig up your garlic crop before the rains to avoid yellowing of the teeth and re-sprouting.

To remove the head without damaging it, you need to loosen the soil at a distance of 8-10 cm from the shoot and pull the fruit out by the stem.

After the crop is dug up, it is placed for 7-10 days in a dry place without direct sunlight. During this time, the earth will crumble, and the stems and upper scales will dry out. After this, the garlic can be trimmed (at a distance of 5-6 cm from the head) and stored.

How to preserve garlic? Before proceeding with this issue, the crop needs to be sorted. For planting, you need to choose the highest quality heads without disease and damage for planting material. Everything else will go towards food.

You can store spring garlic in breathable bags or boxes in a cool place in your living room, or in a basement or cellar with a temperature of 2-5 degrees.

2.6 Planting and harvesting spring garlic (video)

2.7 A little about plant health

Garlic gets sick too! Excessive moisture, incorrect choice of planting material, non-compliance with crop rotation and storage rules can lead to the development of diseases such as: downy mildew, bacterial rot, black mold, rust, fusarium.

How to grow a healthy crop? follow all the rules described above. What to do if the disease does occur? Use chemical drugs or folk remedies. But, as in the case of human health, disease is easier to prevent than to overcome!

30.05.2017 56 063

When to harvest garlic so that it can be stored for a long time?

Summer is in full swing - for many summer residents the pressing question is when to harvest winter (winter) and spring (summer) garlic so that it is well stored until spring. It is harvesting on time that allows you to preserve a tasty vegetable for as long as possible, so be sure to read the article in order to reap a tasty and good harvest on time.

Harvesting winter garlic

Why is it so scary to miss the deadline for harvesting garlic? Well, just think, a week later or earlier, in fact, the difference is small, the main thing is that there is no rain - most gardeners think so, and, unfortunately, it is not true.

The timing of digging garlic is of great importance, and even three extra days in the ground can significantly degrade the quality of the bulbs. It doesn’t matter whether you grow garlic in the Urals and Siberia, or in the Kuban, or maybe in Belarus, you need to be able to determine the state of ripeness of the vegetable, then you will dig it up on time.

If you know, you will always have a harvest. When left in the soil for a long time, garlic heads lose not only their taste, but also their marketability - the scales easily peel off, the bulb breaks into cloves. Such garlic loses its keeping quality and is poorly stored. And if winter garlic is dug up ahead of time, the cloves will be unripe and will quickly dry out during storage, losing all their beneficial properties.

When should you harvest garlic so that it ripens and is stored well? Winter garlic is dug from the 20th of July until the beginning of August. You must first make sure of maturity; the signal is massive yellowing and lodging of the lower leaves, this means that winter garlic is ripe and ready for harvesting. All the nutrients from the above-ground part have passed into the head, so there is no longer any need to leave the garlic in the ground.

harvesting winter garlic - pictured

If you're unsure whether it's ripe or not, dig up a couple of bulbs with a fork and inspect. Good garlic that has reached its required ripeness is firm to the touch, the cloves will separate well (but not fall apart), and the scaly shell will come off easily.

In addition, the ripening of garlic can be calculated by the arrows at the ends of which the seed pod with bulbs is ripening; when it begins to open, it means it’s time to dig up the garlic in the garden. No need to wait for complete drying, otherwise you will miss the deadline.

When to dig up spring garlic

If everything is clear with winter vegetables, then when to dig up spring (summer) garlic, how to determine that it is ripe? Summer residents usually dig spring garlic two weeks later than winter garlic, from August to mid-September. Spring garlic has a short growing season (100-125 days), so harvest time may vary depending on planting time.

garlic harvest - pictured
harvesting spring garlic - pictured

In addition, a lot depends on what the weather was like, what variety was planted, what kind of care was given, whether it was done - all these and many other factors affect the quality of the crop grown and ripening.

You can determine whether spring garlic is ripe or not by the leaves - the lower ones will turn yellow and dry out, the upper ones will die, while the head should be firm and not fall apart in your hands, the husks will separate well when peeling. It’s worth noting right away that spring garlic is stored better than winter garlic, the main thing is not to miss the moment of harvesting.

How to properly harvest garlic and prepare for storage

Before we talk about storage methods, let's figure out what to do next after digging. Firstly, it should be noted right away that we dig carefully, with a pitchfork or a shovel, and under no circumstances cut off the roots and tops right away - this is rule No. 1. Secondly, we carry out work on harvesting garlic only in sunny weather, we try to do it before the rains (look at the weather forecast).

drying garlic - pictured

Did you dig it up? Now take it under a canopy, where the sun is not shining and the wind is blowing through. You don’t clean or cut anything, just lay it out under a canopy or hang it in bunches, depending on the available space.

You wait two weeks. Only now can you shake off the dried soil and cut off the tops. To store garlic heads better, the roots are cut with a sharp knife or pruning shears, and the bottom is singed or sealed with wax.

storing garlic in braids - pictured

Now the vegetable can be put away for winter storage. Spring garlic (summer) can be stored both in warm conditions (+17°...+18°C) and cold (+1°...+3°C), winter garlic is best kept in the cold.

When to harvest garlic in 2017

Many people grow garlic in their gardens, because this plant of the onion family has a wide range of uses. Garlic is not only eaten just like that, it is added for preservation, used in the production of sausages, and besides, it is also an excellent medicine. In winter you simply cannot do without it, because garlic kills bacteria that cause ARVI. Around mid-summer, this useful resident of the garden ripens, so many gardeners are already wondering when to dig up garlic.

The right time to dig up garlic

The timing of harvesting garlic from the garden varies. Everything depends mainly on the weather. In some regions, garlic is harvested earlier, in others two or even three weeks later. But most often, plants are dug up between mid-July and early August.

However, experienced gardeners say that you need to navigate not by dates, but by the appearance of garlic. If the leaves are already turning yellow and drying at the ends, then the garlic can already be dug up. As for winter garlic, in this case it is better to look at the lunar calendar. Experienced summer residents navigate it.

According to popular belief, digging up a plant that destroys bacteria is necessary on the twelfth of July. On this day Saints Peter and Paul are honored. In villages they often adhere to this date.

But, of course, you always need to look at the situation. If spring is early, it means that the garlic will ripen earlier, and vice versa, when it’s been cold for a long time, it means that you need to dig up the plant later.

Determining the ripeness of garlic

To check whether garlic can be harvested, it is better to first dig up a few heads. The condition of the scales can tell you. It should be strong, and the heads themselves should be hard. If the garlic is soft and falling apart, it is too early to harvest. But if the garlic sprouts again, then the right time has already passed. Both overripe and underripe garlic will not be stored for long; it will disintegrate during drying. Garlic that is dug up on time and covered with three layers of film will last the longest.

In the central part of the country, including the Moscow region, summer residents are already collecting garlic, but first they need to make sure that it is really ripe.

Tips for digging and harvesting garlic

To keep garlic longer, you need to dig it up according to certain rules. First, the garlic arrows are cut off. Then one head is carefully dug up and pulled out. It must be shaken off the ground well and placed on a newspaper. You need to dry garlic in a warm and dry place, but it should not be closed; it is good if the room is ventilated.

Garlic is dried for at least a week. And only then can the heads be cleared of stems and roots. Be sure to leave the stump at least two centimeters high. The roots need to be trimmed carefully, because if you damage the bottom of the garlic, it will also not be stored for long. Some gardeners do not trim the roots of garlic at all, but take several heads and use twine to weave the roots together. These bundles are often hung right in the house from the ceiling.

And other summer residents first dig up garlic, and then leave it in the beds for a while. But this is not recommended, especially when the garlic is already fully ripe. If garlic is left on the ground for a long time, it will quickly deteriorate.
Those who want to know when to harvest garlic in 2017 should also remember that harvesting plants is best done on a warm, sunny day. This way, the dug out heads will not get wet, and it will be more convenient to work. To keep garlic longer, you need to eat all the small heads first. Large garlic is best left for later. Garlic stores well in a cool and well-ventilated place. It is advisable to eat all the heads of garlic within a year so that they do not spoil, and in July or August you can eat the new harvest.