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Sodium liquid glass and its application. Liquid glass - preparation of solution and its use in construction What is the name of liquid glass

Some repair and construction work is carried out using various adhesive compositions. When fixing two non-uniform surfaces, it is important to consider the factors affecting adhesion. No less important is the selection of glue that will ensure maximum service life of objects or decorative trim.

Among the large assortment of adhesive mixtures, liquid glass deserves special attention. The product consists of an aqueous alkaline solution made from various silicate salts. Sodium silicate and potassium silicate are used in production, which divides the glue into 2 types. The distinctive qualities of the compositions are the area of ​​application.

The sodium product increases the rate of hardening of cement mortars. It is often used in foundation work and for waterproofing surfaces. Chemical components interact well with minerals. Due to its unique properties, sodium silicate is added to antiseptic and fire-resistant mixtures. The potassium compound is highly resistant to chemical and atmospheric influences. It is added to various decorative coatings.

The effectiveness of liquid glass is due to its ability to penetrate the structure of solid materials, give up its moisture, while increasing its own density and viscosity.

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Application area of ​​liquid glass

The scope of use of liquid glass is wide, but first of all the material is added to building compositions that are intended to treat the surface from microbiological processes and exposure to moisture. Cement mortar is more wear-resistant than pure batch. Often in construction, silicate glue is used when constructing foundations and carrying out waterproofing work.

In everyday life, liquid glass is used for the following purposes:

Restoration of damaged porcelain and ceramics;

When laying PVC tiles, linoleum;

For polishing surfaces;

During the processing of the car body;

For sealing metal pipes;

For impregnation of various surfaces in order to increase fire and moisture resistance.

The silicate product is actively used by gardeners when pruning plants. Damaged areas are treated with a composition that prevents the development of microbiological processes and rotting.

In the modern direction of art design, glue has also proven popular. It is used to create floors with a 3D effect, stained glass windows, decorate suspended ceiling structures and mosaic panels.

Handmade craftswomen often use adhesive composition when making jewelry and various accessories.

Advantages of liquid glass

Advantageous characteristics of liquid glass:

When applied, the glue penetrates deep into any structure (wood, concrete, polymer materials), which ensures high adhesion;

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After hardening, a thin film is formed that does not allow moisture to pass through;

Material consumption is low;

Affordable price;

Long service life;

Suitable for work in high humidity conditions;

Extends the service life of concrete and paint coatings.

The nuances of using liquid glass

When working with glue, you should take into account its ability to set quickly. Masters recommend pre-fitting all the elements and doing a fitting so that the fixation process can be carried out without delays.

An equally important point is the use of silicate adhesive composition for waterproofing. Silicate forms a thin film, which is brittle. Therefore, it is rational to use several types of hydrophobic materials.

Rules for using liquid glass

When applying glue to a surface for the purpose of waterproofing, a strict sequence must be followed:

The working surface must first be cleaned of loose finishes, dirt and dust;

Apply the primer in two layers with intermediate drying;

Mix a protective mixture of sand, cement and liquid glass;

Distribute the prepared solution over the work area with a spatula.

It is better to knead in small portions so that you have time to use the entire solution before it hardens.

Liquid glass is a unique material that has many properties and is used in various fields. Liquid glass is most widely used in construction. Let's figure out what can be done with such a material as liquid glass.

The use of liquid glass is very common. It can be used to impregnate both walls and ceilings. In addition, we know that the foundations of buildings are often exposed to atmospheric influences: wastewater, temperature differences, and high humidity can seriously damage the foundation and base of the building. The use of liquid glass in the construction and finishing of foundations and plinths will significantly increase resistance to atmospheric influences.

Let's now imagine that you need to build a swimming pool in your dacha. If you simply dig a hole, line it and plaster it, the water will quickly find its way and the pool will leak: waterproofing is needed. Therefore, in this case, liquid glass is also useful; it was and continues to be used quite often in the construction of swimming pools. The same can be said about wells: waterproofing using liquid glass will also not hurt there.

Our next point is the use of liquid glass as an antiseptic. Quite often we can observe mold and mildew on the walls of residential and non-residential premises. And it doesn’t matter what these walls are made of or how they are decorated, if you don’t take care of antiseptic treatment, the fungus will manifest itself somewhere. Liquid glass is a very good antiseptic.

Liquid glass has good adhesion, that is, it sticks well to the surface, which is why it is used for gluing and bonding various kinds of materials. It can be used to glue cardboard, porcelain, glass, etc.

In order to increase the density and fire resistance of products made from paper, wood or any fabric, they are impregnated with the same liquid glass.

Preparing construction mixtures

Let's approach the issue from a practical point of view and consider what useful things can be done using liquid glass.

Preparation of liquid glass primer. Naturally, no one primes with pure liquid glass; it needs to be diluted.

In order to prepare the primer, in addition to liquid glass, you will also need cement and clean water. For 10 kg of cement you will need approximately the same mass of liquid glass. First, the cement is mixed with water; this can be done using a drill with an attachment (mixer). After which the mixture of cement and water is added to the liquid glass and also stirred.

If the resulting primer hardens too quickly and does not work properly, you need to add a little water and stir.

Waterproofing solution for wells. Before preparing the solution, the sand must be thoroughly sifted. Mix one part sand, one part cement and one part liquid glass.

First, coat the walls of the well with liquid glass, then go over it again with a waterproofing solution.

Production of fireproof mortar. Can be used for laying various types of fireplaces and stoves. There is nothing complicated here: first, prepare a regular cement-sand mortar (1 part cement: 3 parts sand), after which a little liquid glass (15-20% by weight of cement) is added to the solution.

Such a solution should not be diluted in too large portions because it “cools” quickly.

If you want to protect wood from fungus or mold, then you can prepare an antiseptic from liquid glass. Liquid glass is diluted with water 1:1.

It is better not to smear walls made of concrete or plastered with cement-sand mortar with this product. They are covered with a kind of protective film, which is very slippery and further finishing in the form of putty and painting becomes almost impossible.

Preparation of impregnation for the surface of materials. It is necessary to prepare a mixture of water and liquid glass. To do this, you will need to dissolve approximately 400 g in one liter of water. liquid glass. The surface is treated with a brush a couple of times, and there is no need to start re-impregnation until the previous layer has completely dried.

Of course, today there are a lot of materials on the shelves of construction stores: these are primers, waterproofing materials, adhesives, and ready-made fireproof solutions. Therefore, liquid glass in its pure form is a material that is “not for everyone”; sometimes it is better to use a ready-made solution rather than mix something up, observing the proportions. Why reinvent the wheel, right? Previously, this liquid glass was used in its pure form by everyone and everywhere, but now it is used as a separate ingredient of one or another building mixture.

All this does not mean that liquid glass in its pure form has been completely written off. Some builders continue to actively use it because they have long established their proportions and prepare their own building mixtures, which have been proven over the years.

The modern construction market offers a lot of high-tech products for strengthening concrete foundations. Not the last place in this list is occupied by liquid glass, also known under another name - silicate glue.

Any structures made on the basis of artificial stone must maintain strength and reliability throughout their operation. This can only be prevented by such a disadvantage of concrete as porosity. It is into the pores that moisture, air, and aggressive substances can penetrate, which during operation leads to a lot of problems. Special impregnations help combat the porous structure of substrates, but today we will consider liquid glass.

Liquid glass is a long-tested method for treating building surfaces

What is liquid glass

According to the state standard, liquid glass is a viscous adhesive solution based on sodium silicates, potassium silicates, etc., and water. The material is produced by fusing quartz sand and soda. The second method is autoclave processing of silica-based raw materials and a special concentrated solution; after crushing, it is dissolved in water. The least commonly used method is dissolving silicon in an alkali solution, which most closely corresponds to the classical method. Silicate glue was first produced in 1818 and since then the composition of liquid glass has remained virtually unchanged.

The material is suitable for external and internal work in industrial, individual, and commercial construction.

If we talk about classification, the product is characterized as follows:

  • by type of alkaline cation (quaternary ammonium, lithium, sodium, potassium);
  • by modular or mass ratio of potassium, sodium, lithium, silicate oxides (essentially, this is the ratio of silicon oxide to sodium oxide multiplied by a special coefficient);
  • by the content of impurity oxides;
  • by density (g/cm3).

Types of liquid glass

Depending on the silicates used in the production process, the material is divided into three main types:

  • sodium liquid glass– compositions of this type demonstrate excellent adhesiveness and good interaction with mineral bases. This allows for a very strong structure. Finished coatings can be used in various climatic conditions. External negative factors will not affect the waterproofing and anti-corrosion characteristics of the finished layer, created on the basis of sodium silicate glue. The bases receive additional fire resistance;
  • potassium liquid glass– this variety is also resistant to moisture, acid, precipitation and other atmospheric phenomena. The main difference from the analogue presented above is the absence of glare on the impregnated base. This is appreciated when conducting outdoor work. In addition, this variety is included in silicate paints and painting compounds;
  • lithium liquid glass– lithium hardener is characterized by a high solids content. Used for dust removal, compaction, strengthening of new or old concrete bases. The composition is characterized by a high content of active lithium - 11%, therefore it can be applied to concrete of any age, increasing abrasive resistance to 15-40%.

In fact, any option can be used to impregnate concrete. However, sodium silicate glue is cheaper, potassium glue has improved technical characteristics, and lithium glue is the most durable. When choosing a product, it makes sense to look at the technical specifications. For concrete they work with compounds with a silicate module of 2.8-3.0, density 1.44-1.48 g/cm³.

Scope of application

In construction, silicate adhesives are used to protect foundations from groundwater, for waterproofing concrete floors, floors, walls, basements, and attics.

The market offers liquid, ready-to-use and granular varieties that need to be diluted with water in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation.

The composition works for waterproofing swimming pools - this type of impregnation eliminates the possibility of destruction of the bowl and leaks, plus it provides protection from the negative effects of groundwater.

In this version of waterproofing, liquid glass is applied in 3-4 layers. In any case, protection is provided from the destructive effects of moisture, the base acquires fire-retardant characteristics both indoors and outdoors. In other cases, liquid glass is used to provide waterproofing of wells. The work is being carried out in stages: the first layer is pure silicate glue, the second is silicate glue + cement-sand mixture. Silicate adhesives can be used undiluted or diluted, as part of various additives, impregnations, and mixtures.

Technical characteristics and properties

Impregnation of concrete with liquid glass carries a high functional load. First of all, the material acts as a water repellent, — after treatment, the base repels water well. We can talk about antiseptic and antistatic effects, which eliminate the proliferation of bacteria and static electricity on surfaces.

The ability of liquid glass to work as a hardener is interesting - it increases the density of artificial stone by filling the pores. And the last property I want to talk about is silicate glue acts as a fire retardant. This indicates protection against acid attack and increased fire-resistant properties.

Table 1. Technical characteristics of liquid glass


The first advantage that this type of impregnation brings is the extension of the service life of concrete structures.

The material works on concrete for at least 5 years. This is not the maximum that modern impregnations provide, but given the low cost, it’s just a gift

In addition, we can talk about a number of other positive characteristics:

  • increasing abrasion strength, hardness, and resistance to chemical influences. This is especially true for plinths. The material applied to plastered concrete dampens environmental influences such as shock, friction, snow, rain, dust, temperature changes;
  • reduction in water permeability - for example, concrete gables, external walls, concrete platforms often find themselves soaking wet after heavy rainfall. Silicate glue will help get rid of this problem;
  • we can talk about stable protection against chemistry. The composition protects artificial stone from the action of alkalis, acids, salts;
  • strengthening, closing pores - the material works both indoors and outdoors on plain or plastered concrete. Impregnation is used to fill uneven areas, potholes, and pores in the base, which is especially important in places with windy and damp climates;
  • the alkaline composition of the impregnation causes an antiseptic effect;
  • low consumption against the background of affordable cost;
  • work can be carried out in high humidity conditions.


  • rapid setting of the solution. Work time is limited;
  • the resulting film layer is fragile, which excludes the possibility of using several types of waterproofing.

Brief technology:

For processing, a composition diluted with water in a certain proportion is used.

Use brushes, rollers or a spray gun.

Number of layers 1-2 and above.

Tools for impregnating concrete with liquid glass

The application of any impregnation requires preliminary preparation of the concrete.

To implement this stage of work you will need the following equipment:

  • grinding machines– they work on concrete with powerful and productive devices; you will also need a set of discs with varying degrees of grain size;
  • sandblasting, shot blasting machines– for preparation, take hardy, powerful machines with a bunker volume of 30-50 liters. Such installations require connection to a compressor, which should also be kept in mind. Productivity should not be lower than 5-10 sq.m./h;
  • hard screed brushes– the tool is used for a limited amount of work, in small areas and in hard-to-reach areas;
  • industrial (construction) vacuum cleaners– for effective removal of dust and sludge, a device with high suction power is required – from 250 Bar. In addition, it is convenient to work with machines with a large garbage container - 30-50 liters. You need to make sure that the vacuum cleaner brush fits tightly to the floor;
  • construction drill with mixing attachment– in some cases, special mixtures are prepared based on liquid glass. To prepare them, this particular tool is used, with a power of 1400 W, a speed of 400-700 rpm, and the ability to work in forward and reverse directions.

After finishing work, just rinse the tool with warm water.

If the work area is small, hand grinders are often used. In addition, a compact tool will help to process joints and other hard-to-reach areas.

Liquid glass is applied with brushes, rollers or spray guns:

  • This type of impregnation is used with flute brushes of various sizes based on mixed bristles;
  • rollers should be selected based on the area of ​​work. The most convenient is a tool with a telescopic handle based on velor with medium pile;
  • spray guns - such equipment is convenient for working on ceilings, walls, including in swimming pools, tanks, etc. In a professional environment, samples are used that can provide a pressure of 2 bar..

Despite the fact that silicate glue does not emit toxic substances, personal protective equipment is used during the work. These include painting overalls, safety shoes, gloves, and goggles. When preparing the base, respirators are worn to protect respiratory organs or dust.

Technology of impregnation of concrete bases with liquid glass

Work on the installation of concrete foundations is carried out quite quickly - the number of technological operations is small.

The silicate glue itself, in a liquid consistency, is ready for use; you just need to carefully move it with a construction mixer. Concrete impregnation work is carried out at a temperature not lower than +5 degrees. After collecting the material, the container is kept tightly closed.

Other requirements:

  • You cannot begin work on treating external surfaces if frost is expected outside in the next 24 hours;
  • if the base is covered with frost or ice, the material is not applied;
  • If horizontal planes are impregnated, puddles should not be allowed to form.

Any base must be prepared - liquid glass is applied only to clean and dry surfaces.

Principles for preparing concrete foundations:

  • the upper loose layers, including iron and cement laitance, are removed. To do this, you can use several methods. On large areas they use sandblasting, shot blasting, and grinding machines;
  • hand tools are used at junctions and in hard-to-reach areas;
  • the resulting sludge is cleaned out using a construction vacuum cleaner and hard brushes.

Waterproofing liquid glass for floors and flat roofs

Work is carried out after removing the old coating - there should be no sludge or debris on the surface. To do this, clean with a metal brush and use a construction vacuum cleaner. Next, the base is treated with bitumen emulsion, maintaining a layer thickness of 2 mm.

When the composition has set, the solution with liquid glass is poured onto the surface in a layer of 2-3 mm. The coating is leveled with a squeegee or spatula. Before applying the next layer, take a technological break for 2-3 hours. Next, layer 2 is poured.

Working loads on the surface after treatment are permissible after 2 days

Impregnation of concrete wells and swimming pools with liquid glass

The waterproofing mixture is prepared on the basis of 1 part silicate glue, 9 parts cement mortar.

Maximum processing efficiency is ensured by following the specified sequence:

  • concrete is cleaned of dust and other contaminants with brushes;
  • the first layer of impregnation is applied using a roller or brush;
  • after 30 minutes, another layer is applied to the surface;
  • the material should be distributed as evenly as possible, without gaps;
  • Next, you should prepare a solution based on cement and liquid glass;
  • the finished mixture is applied to the surface using a spatula. The work is carried out quickly, taking into account the low viability of the solution (15-20 minutes).

Impregnation of basements and plinths with liquid glass

In such areas, pure liquid glass is rarely used. The solution used is a solution based on equal parts of cement, silicate glue, and water. The cement is mixed with water and liquid glass is added. The mixture is brought to a homogeneous consistency using a construction mixer.

All surfaces are treated with the liquid preparation using brushes or rollers.. The viability of such impregnation is 30 minutes. If there is an additional task of protecting the base from fungus, mold, or dampness, the surface is additionally treated with clean liquid glass in 1-2 layers.

Liquid glass impregnation of concrete walls and ceilings

Pre-treatment of surfaces is carried out on the basis of liquid glass and water. Both components are mixed in proportions 4:1. The bases are coated in 2-3 layers, observing the principles of layer-by-layer drying. Additionally, you can prime the screed using a solution based on 1 part liquid glass, 2 parts cement mortar.

For large areas it is advisable to use a spray gun. They are convenient to work with when processing large vertical surfaces, hard-to-reach horizontal ceilings, etc. Plus, high application speed is ensured.

Sequence of work:

  • the base is cleaned in accordance with accepted standards;
  • the spray gun must be ready for use;
  • liquid glass is sprayed in the required direction;
  • to form a full layer, 2-3 mm is enough;
  • layer-by-layer drying takes no more than three hours. The total number of layers is 2-3.

Safety precautions

Liquid glass is not explosive and does not support combustion. The composition is non-toxic. In case of contact with skin or mucous membranes, rinse with copious amounts of warm water.

For finished formulations, appropriate storage conditions must be provided. Materials are placed in a cool, dry place. The temperature level can range from +5 to +40 degrees. However, liquid glass is characterized by frost resistance (up to -30 degrees) and can withstand at least 5 thawing/freezing cycles, without loss of consumer parameters. Storing near operating equipment or heating elements is prohibited.

Proper disposal measures must be taken to ensure proper disposal of the product.. Its remains are not disposed of on the ground, in sewers, or in water bodies.

Containers with dried liquid glass residues are disposed of like other construction and household waste.

The cost of impregnating concrete with liquid glass

The price of the material starts from 50 rubles/kg. But, in general, the trend is that the final cost depends on the required volume and type of liquid glass. Work on installing a waterproofing layer will require costs of 1300 rubles/m³.


If we talk about the overall effectiveness of impregnations based on liquid glass, then I cannot call this solution optimal for working on concrete. Still, silicate glue should be added to the solution at the preparation stage - only in this way the finished system will fully receive all the benefits that the material can provide.

External processing is an order of magnitude inferior to analogues in terms of final properties and characteristics, although it is a budget option. In addition, liquid glass does not carry any decorative load and sets extremely quickly, which can become an obstacle when carrying out work on some objects.

However, if you need to impregnate concrete at a minimum cost, liquid glass becomes a good choice. In recent years, potassium and sodium compounds have been especially actively used, but it is better to purchase the lithium version.

Practical aspects of applying liquid glass to concrete are shown in the video:

Liquid glass is actively used in construction today, this is due to the many positive features of this material, including:

  • moisture resistance;
  • chemical inertness;
  • fire resistance;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • no toxicity.

Why choose liquid glass

Among other things, liquid glass has excellent adhesion to most surfaces. The material has an antiseptic effect and exhibits abrasion resistance during operation. This composition is characterized by anti-corrosion characteristics and even wind resistance.

Waterproofing with liquid glass is most common when using a composition as an ingredient. It is used less often in pure form. During the production process, a mixture of quartz sand is fired with soda and crushed, this makes it possible to obtain a product that is then dissolved in water.

Foundation waterproofing

To form a reliable barrier against water, the surface is covered with liquid glass in two layers, each of them must dry well. This method is called coating and involves further laying of waterproofing roll materials. Waterproofing with liquid glass is quite often used when it is necessary to seal seams and cracks in concrete blocks and foundations. In this case, sodium liquid glass is added, and water and cement are additionally used for its preparation.

The waterproofing composition is used in a volume of 50 g per 1000 g of cement. For every 10 g of glass, add approximately 150 g of water. The mixture should be prepared in small quantities so that it can be used up in a short time, because it hardens quite quickly.

Waterproofing with liquid glass can be carried out on the basis of another technology, which involves adding the mixture to concrete for further pouring of the foundation. To do this you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • cement;
  • liquid glass;
  • crushed stone;
  • sand;
  • water.

Liquid glass is added in a volume of 5% of the total mass. You must first prepare everything for pouring the foundation; for this, excavation work is carried out, formwork is installed and the reinforcement frame is laid. Sand is mixed with cement, liquid glass is dissolved in water, and then the ingredients are combined and mixed. After adding crushed stone, you should immediately begin pouring the foundation.

Waterproofing of wells and pools

Waterproofing with liquid glass may involve work in the area of ​​wells and swimming pools. The composition is suitable for external and internal waterproofing. In the latter case, the mixture is applied in several layers to the walls and floor of the pool. You must first process all the recesses and joints. This approach allows for excellent sealing.

When carrying out external work, liquid glass acts as a component of concrete and reliably protects the pool from the effects of groundwater, ensuring the strength of the base. Waterproofing wells with liquid glass involves preparing a mixture of liquid glass, cement and sand, which are combined in equal parts. The resulting solution should be used to treat joints and seams, and then the rest of the surface. In order to achieve a greater effect, the walls of the well are first coated with liquid glass.

Basement waterproofing

Owners of private houses with basements are faced with problems of water getting through the seams into the basement. An excellent solution to this problem is the use of liquid glass solution for waterproofing. If the seams are leaking, then at the first stage they must be cleaned of dust and debris. Next, a repair mixture is prepared from liquid glass and Portland cement in a ratio of 1 to 20. Water is added to the composition in such an amount that the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained.

The mixture is placed in the seams and cracks, the surface is lubricated with water using a brush. After 24 hours, treatment should be carried out with liquid glass. If the concrete walls are wet, they are treated using the same technology, but the layer should be made thicker and denser. It is important to remember that the composition is prepared in small quantities so that it can be used in the shortest possible time.

Additional instructions for using liquid glass

Liquid glass can be applied using a brush or roller. The first layer is left to dry for about 30 minutes. Then you can begin to form the next layer. It is important to ensure uniformity of the coating - there should be no breaks. Afterwards you can begin to apply the protective layer. For this, a cement solution is prepared, which is used for plastering the walls. As soon as the solution is ready, add glass to it and mix well.

At the next stage, the surface is covered with the mixture. Today, the use of liquid glass is quite common; you should definitely study the instructions for its application. So, there is no point in diluting a solution to which glass was used as an additive, since the material loses its properties. The solution is usually applied with a spatula in a fairly thin layer. The last stage will be insulation; for this, basalt wool or polystyrene foam is usually used.

Liquid glass is a unique and versatile material. It has a number of advantages. This material is used in many areas. However, the most widespread use of liquid glass in construction has become.

Manufacturing Features

What is this material? Liquid glass is an aqueous alkaline solution of sodium or potassium silicate. Now there are several methods by which this material is produced. This is due to the fact that it is based on substances that are contained in the compositions of other types of glass. This material is sometimes called silicate glue. It is often made in the same way as its hard counterpart. The fusion of ordinary baking soda and grains of sand occurs. This process is carried out under the influence of high temperatures. There is also an alternative manufacturing method. The material containing silica is exposed to a solution of sodium, potassium or lithium. At the same time, a constant temperature is maintained.


Sodium liquid glass (the use of the material will be described below) is distinguished by increased adhesiveness. Also, its peculiarity is its interaction with many minerals. Today, there is an almost universal use of liquid glass for waterproofing foundations and strengthening them. In addition, it is widely used to create antiseptic or fire-resistant impregnations. Potassium liquid glass is highly resistant to atmospheric and acidic influences. Unlike the type of material described above, it does not create glare. For this reason, such liquid glass is very often used in the manufacture of various paints.

Main advantages

First of all, it has excellent adhesive ability. This is due to the surface molecules of the solid materials being bonded. "External" elements are not as well connected to each other as those located inside. After liquid glass molecules get there, the process of releasing their moisture begins. This significantly increases their density and viscosity. It is worth considering that liquid glass is characterized by low thermal conductivity. For this reason, it is quite often used for the manufacture of thermal insulation materials. They also have a number of features. For example, insulation made on the basis of liquid glass (subject to industrial conditions) can withstand temperatures of up to 1300 degrees. It can also withstand many cycles of processes such as freezing and thawing.

Application of liquid glass for waterproofing

Floors and walls of buildings are impregnated with the material. It is also worth considering that the foundation of a structure is usually exposed to atmospheric influences. For example, negative factors such as the presence of wastewater and temperature differences may be observed. This also applies to high humidity. Because of this, the base of the building and its foundation may be damaged. Thus, the use of liquid glass for construction purposes can increase the weather resistance of a building. First of all, this concerns the finishing of the base and foundation.

Pool arrangement

Many would like to have it on their country plot. Unfortunately, in order to equip a pool, one dug hole of a suitable size will not be enough. Water will quickly find “moves” for itself. Thus, the pit needs to be lined and plastered. In order for the pool not to leak, you need good waterproofing. In such a situation, liquid glass will come in handy. The method of using the material is quite simple. It is diluted in the required proportion and the walls are thoroughly lubricated with it. This material is often used for constructing wells.


It could very well be liquid glass. Using this material in everyday life allows you to get rid of fungus or mold. They appear on the walls of both residential and non-residential premises. It is worth noting that mold and mildew can occur anywhere. In this case, the decoration of the walls does not matter. In this case, only antiseptic treatment will help. Liquid glass can be used as a similar means.

Advantageous features

The obvious advantages of this material also include excellent adhesion. This explains the good adhesiveness of liquid glass. It can firmly bind various materials. This applies to porcelain, cardboard and so on. This material can also glue glass. Various fabrics, wood and paper are impregnated with it. Liquid glass can increase their fire resistance and density.

Impregnation and processing

As mentioned earlier, the use of liquid glass is quite wide. The material is used to process the surface of the walls. In this case, there are only a few types of liquid glass penetration. Before applying this material to the wall, appropriate surface preparation is necessary. It is degreased and leveled.

Liquid glass: instructions for use

To apply to a smooth surface, special tools must be used. If you have to work with a plaster layer or concrete, it is best to use a spray gun or brush. Under such conditions, the penetration depth will be 1.5-2 mm. Deep protective impregnation requires several layers of application. In this case, a penetration of 20 mm is implied. Impregnation of wood products has its own characteristics. In order to achieve complete protection, you can use one trick. The wooden product is placed in a special container containing liquid glass.

Additional features

It is worth noting that this material is used for waterproofing basements and other premises. In this case we are talking about glass insulation. It is recommended to observe the following proportion:

  1. 10 liters of cement (concrete) mortar.
  2. 1 liter of liquid glass.

This material can be used as waterproofing for the following structures:

  1. Kolodtsev.
  2. Basements.
  3. Screed.
  4. Stan.
  5. Other building elements.

Liquid glass can also be used as an anti-corrosion agent. Application for cars allows you to reliably protect metal elements from rust. This material is used to create universal glue. It is used to join a wide variety of materials. The use of liquid glass in the furniture industry is quite widespread.

Fire retardant paints

This universal material is used in their manufacture. They are designed to prevent various elements from igniting. Currently, fire retardant paints are provided in a special kit. There are two specific components involved. They must be mixed together before starting work. This paint is applied to the work surface within a period of up to 12 hours from the moment the required mixture has been obtained.

Main stages

  • First of all, the liquid glass is mixed. This is done using a brush, brush or roller. It is worth taking into account the fact that the mixture is prepared, first of all, depending on the type of work to be done.
  • Next, surface preparation is required. They are cleaned of various contaminants such as mold, dust and so on. It should be remembered that the wooden surface needs additional cleaning. In this case, you will need sandpaper.
  • Liquid glass is often added to cement mortar. Before this, the mixture must be mixed thoroughly. Otherwise, the glued elements coated with liquid glass will not press tightly against each other. Thus, the desired result will not be achieved.
  • After all work is completed, tools and hands must be thoroughly washed with water.

Practical possibilities

The most widespread use of liquid glass is in finishing works. The material is often used to make primers. In this case, liquid glass is not the only element in the composition. You will also need clean water and cement. The mixture is prepared in the following proportions:

  1. 10 kg of liquid glass.
  2. 10 kg of cement.

At the initial stage, cement is mixed with water. In this case, a drill with an attachment or a mixer is used. The resulting mixture is poured into liquid glass. The use of this material in concrete increases the strength of the composition. Next, you need to mix it all thoroughly. Please note that this primer can harden very quickly. This will significantly interfere with work. In this case, you need to add more water to the mixture, and then mix everything again. What are the features of waterproofing a well using liquid glass? In this case, well-sifted sand is required. It's best to prepare it in advance. Then you need to mix liquid glass, sand and cement in the following ratio: 1:1:1. First you need to coat the walls of the well using liquid glass. Afterwards, re-treatment with a waterproofing solution is necessary.

There is widespread use of liquid glass in private property. Thus, it is often used as a fire-resistant material. Most often, liquid glass is used in the masonry of stoves and fireplaces. Initially, a cement-sand mortar is prepared. To do this, the following ratio must be observed:

After this, it is necessary to add liquid glass to the prepared mixture. In this case, up to 20% of the cement mass is used. Do not use too large proportions to dilute the solution. It is known to set quickly.

Some features of use

Liquid glass, as mentioned above, will help protect wood from mold or mildew. In this case, this material will act as an antiseptic. Liquid glass is mixed with water in the following proportion: 1:1. However, it is not recommended to treat all surfaces with the resulting product. In particular, this applies to concrete walls, as well as those that were plastered using cement-sand mortar. It is worth considering that they are covered with a kind of protective film. It is very slippery. Thus, painting or puttying becomes impossible.

Many materials can be impregnated with liquid glass. To do this, you need to dissolve liquid glass in 1 liter of water. In this case, about 400 grams of material is needed. The surface is treated with a brush. This must be done several times. Please note that re-impregnation is carried out only after the first layer has dried completely.


The scope of application of this material is not limited to construction alone. Sometimes liquid glass is used when laying PVC tiles or linoleum. In addition, liquid glass serves as the basis for special putties. They, in turn, are used when working with cast iron water pipes. Gardeners also liked the unique composition of liquid glass. The thing is that after the processes of pruning or grafting fruit trees, their trunks become covered with peculiar “wounds”. Thus, these places are a perfect home for harmful bacteria that destroy wood. Therefore, experienced gardeners often process cuts using liquid glass. Thanks to this, the wood wounds are sealed, and the plant is no longer in danger.