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Turbine shop. Features of the architecture and design of the AEG turbine workshop by Peter Behrens. Practice report

A special role in the development of the theory of object-based creativity in Germany and the establishment of the art-industry connection was assigned to creativity. One of the first Behrens was able to understand what new challenges the industrial age offers industrial designers to solve.

Invitation Behrens as an artist consultant for the company AEG(German: Allgemeine Eletrizitats Gesellschaft - “universal electric company”) in 1907 - a new round in the work of the architect. He has the opportunity to prove himself in a new capacity. As an industrial designer. Company established in 1883 AEG, as well as other large companies of that time, was one of the largest players in its manufacturing industry. The company's product range included products for industrial needs and for home users. The production was equipped with the latest technology, the labor of workers was organized at the highest level. Company AEG quickly developed, turning into a super-monopoly, having a developed network of subsidiaries, banks and holdings. A special service system was created for customers through a network of representative offices. The company's managers were interested in gaining positions in the global market.

That is why it was necessary to develop a corporate identity, unified design and the ability to identify products. Manufacturers believed that in this way product promotion would be more successful. Monumentality was considered a confirmation of the prestige and authority of the company. Behrens created projects for product catalogs, price lists, devices, packaging, exhibition stands, industrial buildings and workshops. In his large-scale project, the subordination of a wide variety of categories to a single principle of style formation is very clearly visible.

The pinnacle of creativity Behrens As an architect, he can count the five large industrial buildings he designed for AEG from 1908 to 1911. The most famous of them was the Turbine Workshop building erected in 1909 in Berlin. It is also called a symbol of industrial production, as the most important component of life in the industrial age. The design amazes the imagination with its enormity and scale. The main idea of ​​the project was the perception of an industrial building as an expression of the power that is born when man and machine unite. For the first time in Germany, such an effect was achieved without the use of decorative stylizations, only due to the rationality of the design, made of glass and steel.

The plant's products were dynamos. The main requirement for organizing a workplace for their production is maximum illumination of the workplace with direct light. The building was divided Behrens into two volumes, sharply different from each other: the main building and the extension, asymmetrically adjacent to it. Large glass planes enclosed in steel frames form the side façade of the main building. Hinge supports perform the function of fastening to the foundation for steel racks with a cross-section that decreases downwards. The hinged supports here are displayed on the façade in an open form, which is dictated by Behrens’ desire to use structural units in architecture, thus emphasizing their architectonic significance.

In this project, I applied the principle of shaping, which is based on identifying the design. It is worth noting, however, that this principle is not applied consistently enough. The glazing planes are inclined inward, forming a far protruding cornice. The cornice breaks the building into parts: it gives the impression of the pressure of a heavy roof on the main volume. This approach is rational and natural when creating a building project with massive walls, where the cornice is designed to emphasize the division into the load-bearing part and the roof. The project provides for the formation of a single indivisible system - a three-hinged frame design. The interior space of the room is also indivisible. A special role is given to massive corners. They appear to be a significant part of the building's design. But it is deceptive, since the corners do not perform static functions, they are only decorative elements - moving from the longitudinal walls to the ends, they enhance the impression of monumentality. The external appearance of the building is overly dramatized - its functionality is sacrificed, it looks more like a monument.

At later stages of creativity, the monumentalization of rational form is more and more clearly visible. Factory building solutions AEG in Berlin (1910) are emphatically symmetrical. Towers of ribbon cells protrude far forward, giving the impression of impressiveness. Simplified classical forms of execution, characteristic of entrances to industrial premises (between multi-storey office buildings) are combined with the design of side facades, which look like pylons and glass surfaces.

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The workshop is in charge of the following buildings and territory: the main building of the turbine shop; onshore pumping station building with hydraulic structures; oil production building; cooling tower; building (well) of a switching point for circulation water pipelines; chlorination plant building; process water supply networks; building for accumulator pump feeding of the heating network; battery tanks No. 1,2; building structures of the pipeline rack from the building of the main building of the turbine shop to the road between the oxygen cylinder building and the chemical treatment plant building; building structures of pipeline racks for terminals A, B, C of the heating network and steam pipeline at the KhBK to the premises of the metering units; heating networks of industrial buildings of the workshop; piezometric wells No. 8, 9, 10, 15, 18, 22, 24, 27, 28; territory, roads and sidewalks at the industrial site, in accordance with the approved securing scheme; fire hydrant wells located on the workshop premises.

The workshop is in charge of the following equipment, mechanisms and networks.

In the machine room:

Main high pressure steam lines;

Turbines No. 1, 2, 4 with a capacity of 25 MW, turbine No. 3 with a capacity of 46 MW;

Turbine No. 5 with a capacity of 60 MW;

Boiler installation with main boilers No. 1a, 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 4a, 4b, 5a, 5b and peak boilers 1p, 2p, 3p, 4p, 5p;

Kindling ROU 90/1.2-2.5 ata;

Reduction-cooling units: ROU 90/1.2-2.5 ata No. 1 and BROU 90/8- - 13 ata No. 2, 3, ROU 8-13 /1.2-2.5 ata No. 3, 4 ;

Deaerators 1, 2 ata Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 for heating the heating network;

Deaerators 1, 2 ata Nos. 1, 2 for boiler make-up;

Deaerators 6 ata No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7;

Low pressure pipelines;

Feed water pipelines to the wall of the boiler shop;

Electric feed pumps No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8;

Raw water pumps for feeding boilers No. 1, 2;

Raw water pumps for replenishment of the network at HOW Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5;

Process water pumps No. 1, 2 for bearing cooling;

Fire pump for automatic fire extinguishing installation of cable ducts;

Substation pumps No. 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10; TsEN No. 7, 8 turbines No. 5;

Condensate pumps for boilers No. 1-10;

Network pumps No. 1-8;

Drain pumps for turbine regeneration systems No. 1, 2, 3a, 3b, 4, 5a, 5b;

Pumps for pumping deaerated water No. 1, 2, 4 from deaerators p/k No. 1, 2 to deaerators 6 ata;

Condensate pumps of turbines No. 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 4a, 4b, 5a, 5b;

Starting oil pumps TG 1, 2, 3, 4, 5;

Electric oil pumps for the lubrication system of turbines 1-5;

Generator seal oil pumps No. 1-5;

Heaters type BO-200: HOVp/ts No. 1, 3, 4, 6, raw water BSV No. 1, 2;

Fire water supply;

Drinking water pipeline with shut-off valves;

Water heating pipelines with shut-off valves;

Installation for amination of feed water;

On the station territory:

Cooling tower;

Pressure: left, right and No. 3 circus. water pipelines;

Drain left, right circus. water pipelines;

Siphon wells No. 1, 2, 3;

Switch well with valves;

Emptying well;

Sandor wells;

At the onshore pumping station and chlorination station:

Circulation pumps No. 1, 2, 3, 4;

Drainage pumps for emptying clean and dirty compartments;

Vacuum pumps No. 1, 2;

Rotating grids No. 1-4;

Receiving devices of the coastal pumping station No. 1, 2;

Switch well;

Chlorination plant equipment;

Water heating pipeline;

Drinking water pipelines.

 This shop in which the following are installed and operating: 1 - Turboelectric generators (driven by the energy of superheated high-pressure steam from boiler room workshops , generate electricity) 2 - Turbochargers (driven by the same steam from the same boiler room workshops , produce medium pressure compressed air for oxygen workshops ) 3 - Electric compressors (same as turbochargers, but run on electricity) Very noisy shop . WORK ORGANIZATION TURBINE (BOILER-TURBINE) SHOP 22:41...

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  • …………………………………………….8 2.3. Boiler room

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  • 2.3. Chemical

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    Minsk CHPP-3...

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    Prepare the calculation in the form of an explanatory note. Steam expansion process

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  • characteristic………………………...7 4

    Shop fuel supply…………………………………………………….….9 5 Boiler room , which is in charge of water treatment………………………………………………………..19 CONCLUSION………………………………………………………………………………… 22 LIST OF REFERENCES……………………..…………23 INTRODUCTION Practice is... with steam and hot water. Determine the steam consumption for each heater and the electricity generation of each flow. . Combined-cycle power plants (equipped with steam turbine and gas turbine units) can also operate as thermal power plants. 2.2 Technological diagram...

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    , С...

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    . Total power 10.5 MW. Before 1946, two more were put into operation

  • and one boiler. This completed the first phase of construction of the power plant.

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    supplied for technological needs and heat supplied from low pressure extractions (1.2 ata) for heating residential and industrial premises. Qyear.consumption = + Qyear.heat.=∙(iot.p.-iexc.p.)+Year.heat.∙(iot.h.-iex.t.) (Gcal) where, and Dyear.heat. – Annual vacation for couples from selections

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    5413 Words | turbines 22 Page Practice 26 Page installed 6 26 Page with a capacity of 50 MW each and six boilers with a steam capacity of 420 t/h. The first stage began to take shape with

    the launch of the first unit, which was commissioned in 1960, which until 1961 ran on fuel oil, and since 1962 switched to natural gas. Fuel supply and dust preparation of boiler 1 were put into operation in 1962. Commissioning of the equipment of the First stage was carried out in the following terms

  • #2 – December 1961 | Boiler No. 2 – June 1962 |

    No. 3 – September... turbines 7084 Words | 29 Page , which is in charge of Soil Science Practice 12222 Words | cubic meters of soil.

    At that time, each cubic meter was removed with shovels and raised using wheelbarrows. Boiler installation,

  • and other

    The main equipment was produced under the guidance of French, German, Czech, American and Belgian specialists. (pumps, ejectors, fittings, etc.) Each person on duty Start first equipment………………………11 6.1. Operation of deaerators 1, 2 and 6 ata………………………………..11 6.2. Operation of feed pumps PE-580 200…………………12 6.3. High pressure heaters (HPH)…………………………...13 6.4. Low pressure heaters (LPH)…………………………….13 7. 3033 Words | chemical water treatment……………………………………………………14 8. 3033 Words | thermal automation and measurements. Equipment automation...

  • The main task of the turbine shop is to provide consumers with electrical and thermal energy.

    The following equipment is installed in the shopping center:

    Feed pumps - 13 pcs. capacity 205-250 m\3, pressure 440-640

    (PE-250-75; 4-C-5; PE65-53)

    Circulation pumps (L-32) - 6 pieces, capacity 6 thousand m3/hour, head 30

    Shore pumping station pumps (D-3200-75-2) - 4 pcs., capacity 3420 m3/hour head 71

    Turbine condensers - 3 pcs (25-KTSS), with network water flow rates of 5500 m3/hour

    Atmospheric releasers - 12 pcs., productivity - 200-400 t/hour

    Boiler-14 pcs (BO-550-3m and BP-500-M)

    Network pumps - 17 pcs (14D6), capacity 1250 m3/hour, head 125 m.



    Thermal power G\cal\hour

    Steam consumption per turbine, t/hour

    (AT-25-1) Р28.5-29\1.2

    (AT-25-1) Р23.5-29\1.2

    (AT-25-2) Р28.5-29\1.2

    (AT-25-2) Р28.5-29\1.2

    (AR-6-11) R-4-29\9

    (AK-100) R-52-29\2.2

    Turbine units No. 1,7,8 were modernized in 1968-72 with an increase in steam consumption and their transfer to backpressure mode. Condensers work as heating water heaters.

    Turbine units No. 2.5 have been modernized and switched to backpressure mode.

    In addition, a coastal pumping station on the Miass River is assigned to the turbine shop.

    Electrical workshop.

    Performs electrical maintenance of station equipment. It is in charge of turbine generators, main control room, ORU-35, 110 KW, RU-10 KV, ZRU-3KV, TP, CL, DC batteries, electrical equipment of TTC, CC, CC, mechanical, repair and construction areas and electrical equipment of facilities located on the station territory.

    Chemical shop.

    The chemical shop organizes and controls the water-chemical operating conditions of the station equipment.

    In the chemical workshop, chemical water treatment (CWT) prepares feed water for boilers. At the water treatment plant, water first enters a common collector, from where, using separation valves, it is distributed among groups of mechanical filters. In mechanical filters loaded with a layer of anthracite, water is purified from mechanical particles and then enters the filtered water collector. From the filtered water collector, water is sent for processing to 1st stage Na-cation filters filled with cation in Na form. After the 1st stage filters, the softened water enters the 2nd stage filters, which protect against an increase in the hardness of the treated water above 10 mcg-eq/dm3. Chemically purified water after stage 2 filters is acidified with a solution of sulfuric acid to decompose bicarbonates and reduce alkalinity. Water saturated with carbon dioxide enters the decarbonizer, where the acid decomposes and carbon dioxide is released into the air. The water after the decarbonizer is collected in a tank of chemically purified water (CPW), from where it is pumped by pump NX-1.2 through the CWW collector to the boiler deaerators. An ammonia solution is dosed into the HOW collector, after the NH pumps, to adjust the pH of the boiler feedwater.

    The productivity of chemical water treatment for feeding energy boilers is 300 tons per hour, for feeding heating networks - 700 tons per hour.

    The chemical water treatment plant is equipped with mechanical filters, sodium cation exchange filters, pumping equipment, tank facilities and storage facilities.

    They want to launch the first power unit of the BelNPP in 2019, the second - a year later. TUT.BY visited the halls where the reactor and turbines are located.

    The Belarusian nuclear power plant, which is being built near Ostrovets in the Grodno region, will consist of two independent power units.

    One power unit consists of a reactor building, a turbine room and auxiliary systems buildings. By the end of 2019, they already want to supply electricity from power unit No. 1 to the network.

    Power unit No. 2 is planned to be launched a year later, in 2020. Journalists are allowed inside the second power unit, which is less ready.

    You can get inside the power unit at a height of 26 meters. In construction slang - at the “plus 26 mark”.

    Tatiana Ilyate- an elevator operator, she carries goods and people here, “probably a hundred times a day.” In a minute she manages to tell that she herself is a local resident, from a village near Ostrovets. Previously, she worked at a cardboard factory, but for three years now she has been working at the Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant.

    At the 26-meter mark, in front of the entrance to the reactor building, there is a transport portal. It supplies large equipment to the power unit: a reactor, steam generators. Now all the large items are already here, at the top.

    “Then we will supply fresh fuel here and remove spent fuel from here,” says the head of the reactor workshop of the BelNPP. Alexander Kanyuka.

    - Why do you need to serve all this at such a height?

    — And this is the shortest way to the central hall, where the main transport and technological operations are carried out.

    At the entrance to the central reactor hall you can see two protective shells of the building

    In the central reactor hall there are ventilation units, safety systems, tanks with emergency cooling systems, and future pools for storing spent fuel covered with tarpaulin.

    Below the level we are on is the reactor vessel. It was brought from the Russian Izhora plant.

    Below is the reactor vessel of the second power unit

    The head of the reactor department, Alexander Kanyuka, lists the safety systems that are located in the containment shell.

    The BelNPP is currently being built by about 7 thousand builders

    At the first power unit there is a reactor vessel brought from Volgodonsk. It is already ready, its security systems are now being checked, it is awaiting a control assembly.

    When nuclear fuel is delivered to power units, a lot will change. This will be a controlled access zone with increased background radiation.

    - Only standard equipment will remain here. There will be a stainless lining so that decontamination can be reliably carried out and the radioactive background can be maintained at normal levels,” says Alexander Kanyuka. — Entrance with a special dress. Radioactivity monitoring sensors will be installed everywhere. It will be possible to look at how long the staff can stay here so that the dose loads are normal.

    Another important place at a nuclear power plant is the turbine shop. We climb the stairs to the “plus 16” mark of the turbine shop of the first power unit.

    Turbine hall of the first power unit

    The turbine unit of the first power unit is approximately 90% installed.

    — The turbine will be supplied with steam from the reactor compartment. The steam drives the turbine rotor. And the turbine rotor is connected to the generator rotor. It is at the turbine installation that electricity will be generated, explains the shift manager of the BelNPP turbine shop Evgeniy Abashev.

    There will be no increased background radiation in this machine room.

    - Here is the second circuit. The steam that goes from the steam plant to the turbine will not come into contact with the primary coolants that circulate in the reactor plant,” adds the head of the turbine shop.

    Deputy Minister of Energy Mikhail Mikhadyuk I am confident that in 2019 the first power unit of the Belarusian NPP will begin to operate.

    The plant is currently working on an internal emergency plan.

    “It will spell out how personnel should act in an emergency situation,” says Mikhail Mikhadyuk.

    Recently, on March 23, the government approved an external emergency plan. It prescribes the response to radiation contamination in the event of a beyond design basis accident at the BelNPP. However, here such a development of events is considered almost unrealistic.

    The material was prepared as part of a press tour organized by the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Belarus and the ASE group of companies.