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Alyssum plant. Alyssum - the charm of simplicity, planting and care. Alyssum: basic care

The Alyssum flower is sometimes called alyssum, stoneweed, or lobularia. It belongs to the cabbage family. Gardeners love it for its unpretentiousness and light honey aroma. Bees will definitely visit the flowerbed or balcony where Alyssum blooms. It can be planted in pots or open ground.

Places of distribution

The Alyssum flower is widespread in Eurasia and North Africa. Its height is about forty centimeters. It has many small inflorescences collected in racemes. The flowers have a great variety of shades. They appear from the beginning of May and delight the eye until late autumn. The first frosts will not seriously harm the plant. It can withstand temperatures of -15 °C.

White flowers are the most fragrant. It is recommended to plant them in gardens so that the aroma spreads with the wind. Many bees will flock to him.


There are many varieties of the Alyssum flower. Each variety has a beautiful appearance. A flowerbed with flowers of different shades looks very impressive. Especially if the transition from light to dark is very smooth. Each flower has four petals, round in shape. There are bright stamens in the center.

Popular types of Alyssum flower:

  • Snow carpet - the height of the plant is no more than eight centimeters. The crown is spreading. The flower is classified as an annual plant. It can be sown with seeds every year.
  • Rocky is a perennial plant, branched. Its height is up to thirty centimeters. It has the appearance of a hemisphere, the diameter of which is up to forty centimeters. The leaves remain on the bush even in winter. They are collected in dense brushes. Yellow inflorescences.
  • Citrinum is a variety of rock variety. The flowers have a lemon-yellow hue.
  • Compactum is a variety of rock Alyssum. It has a rich aroma, the height of the bush is only eighteen centimeters. The inflorescences are small.
  • Golden wave is a low plant, blooms yellow, and belongs to the rocky species. However, the first inflorescences appear only two years after planting.
  • Plenum is a subspecies of rocky, a shrub forty centimeters high. The inflorescences are yellow, very lush, as if terry.
  • Marine - the plant is found only in warm climates. Height eight to forty centimeters. When its branches grow, they begin to spread along the ground. The bushes seem very low. The inflorescences are fluffy, of various shades. In their natural habitat, these flowers have petals only white or lilac. Blooms all spring and autumn.
  • Tiny Tim is a subspecies of sea alyssum. In the photo, the flower is miniature. It is only eight centimeters tall and covers the soil. It blooms so thickly that it is impossible to see the stems and leaves.
  • Esther Bonnet Deep Rose - this one is quite picky about moisture. It blooms in a lovely pink tone. If there is not enough moisture, flowering will stop. But you can’t over-moisten the soil around the plant, otherwise it will rot.
  • Mountain is a perennial plant that is frost-resistant. The stems are densely planted, their height is twenty centimeters. Inflorescences are yellow.
  • Primorskiy is an annual plant with white flowers. The stems are ten to fifteen centimeters high. It must be planted in well-lit areas. The plant is not afraid of frost and drought. However, on hot summer days it needs to be well moisturized. Abundant flowering may stop if there is a lack of nutrients in the soil.

You can grow the listed varieties on your own personal plot or balcony. You can use one of the available methods, namely seeds, cuttings, or dividing the bush.

Growing from seeds

It is not always possible to obtain seedlings. In such cases, it is enough to have seeds. They are sown directly into the ground. This is done in the last days of April. Suitable soil is neutral acidity soil, with organic fertilizers and well drained.

A well-lit area is selected for sowing. The seeds can be slightly deepened into the soil or left on top. Water. With the appearance of the first shoots it is necessary to thin out. The distance between seedlings should be fifteen centimeters. If the flowers are too crowded, their shoots will stretch. This will spoil the flowering that should occur by mid-summer. Covering the crops with suitable material will speed up the process. It is important that the soil is not too wet. Plants do not need fungus to appear.

You can also sow seeds for the winter. Somewhere in November, before heavy snowfall, the seeds are placed one and a half centimeters deep in the soil. They will germinate early. Over the winter, weak shoots will die, and strong ones will harden. By spring or summer, good shoots will appear. Nature itself will select the best shoots.

Seeds can be sown in seedling boxes. This is done in March. The containers are kept for a week at a temperature of at least + 16 °C. During this time, the first shoots will appear. Then the boxes are brought into a bright, warm room. Seedlings are planted in the first week of May.

Collecting seeds

Seeds are collected by the end of September. Since they are very small, you should not look for them with your hands. It is better to lay a light-colored canvas or awning under the bush. Then the inflorescences are rubbed in the hands. The remains of inflorescences and seeds fall onto the fabric. All that remains is to remove the garbage.

It doesn't matter if the seeds were not collected on time. They can be swept away with a broom, and the soil and debris can be separated. Next, store the seed in a dry place until sowing.

Propagation by cuttings

Alyssum can be propagated by dividing the bush or cuttings. Shoots are cut in June-July. The length of the shoots should be about ten centimeters. They are planted in a nutritious light mixture. Next, you need to cover them with transparent material. The soil should be kept moist all the time. We should not forget about ventilating the cuttings. The shoots should take root after 15-20 days.

Dividing with a bush is also considered a good option, since the bush grows quite quickly. For this you need an adult bush. It is dug up in the spring, before active growth begins. At least a small amount of the root system should remain on the stems. Divided bushes need to be watered properly at first.

Planting and care

The Alyssum flower is considered resistant to the external environment. It not only tolerates moderate frosts, but can also withstand drought for some time and can be pruned even in summer. And yet the plant has its own growing characteristics.

Planting the Alyssum flower can be done in the ground. Seedlings are planted in the last week of May. Side shoots are removed from the shoots and then placed in the ground. Drainage has already been mentioned. If it is insufficient, it is necessary to add expanded clay or gravel to the bottom of the hole.

The distance between young seedlings should be twenty centimeters or more. The holes should be slightly larger than the root system. Do not plant the plant deep. After planting, it must be watered abundantly. To prevent the seedlings from being drowned out by weeds, it is necessary to regularly loosen the soil.


The Alyssum flower, the care of which is discussed in the article, requires constant watering. The plant may rot due to severe waterlogging. Well-drained soil solves this problem. This way, water will not be retained in the root system. Abundant regular watering is the key to beautiful, long-lasting flowering. How to determine balance?

The ground under the bush needs to be dug four to five centimeters. If it is dry, it should be watered. Don't be afraid if the plant wilts a little in hot weather. It recovers quite quickly.

Top dressing

Growing Alyssum flowers involves feeding. For perennial plants, fertilizers are added to the soil before the flowering stage. Annual lobularia need to be fertilized several times a year. Then the flowering will not stop. Some gardeners believe that the plant needs three feedings per year, regardless of life expectancy.

A ready-made solution is suitable as a fertilizer. It is not recommended to use organics. The solution must be poured into the root system. It is important not to spill it on the flowers and leaves.


Good growth and abundant flowering require pruning. But this only applies to perennial plants. In spring, it is necessary to remove last year's inflorescences, wilted leaves, and missing branches.

In summer, the procedure can be repeated. It is also necessary to trim the shoots by eight to ten centimeters. This will provoke the lobularia to bloom again. And the appearance of the bush will be noticeably refreshed. Do I need to replant the flower?

He doesn't need a transplant. He feels great in one place for several years. If the plant was grown for further planting in a flower garden, the Alyssum flower can be dug up and replanted as an ordinary shrub.

There is no need to prune it for winter. It is enough to cover with leaves or other material in case of severe frosts.

Diseases and pests

Alyssum belongs to the cruciferous class, so it is susceptible to the same pests as radishes and cabbage.

Alyssum flowers, photos of which can be seen in the article, can suffer from the following insects and diseases:

  • Cruciferous flea beetle - an insect that can significantly spoil the appearance of a plant. For control, a solution of vinegar essence is used, which is used to treat adult plants. But you should not use chemicals during flowering, as this can kill bees and other harmless insects that flock to the honey aroma of the flower.
  • White butterflies - winged insects, like their larvae, drink sap from green spaces. They are fought with lepidocide.
  • Powdery mildew - expressed by yellowing and falling leaves. The problem most often occurs if the plant is in a shaded area. Treatment consists of destroying damaged parts of flowers and applying a fungicide.
  • Brown rot is a dangerous disease, also called white rust. Many plants die from it. The only thing that can be done is to remove the affected seedlings from the garden and burn them.

Proper care and timely treatment will allow you to enjoy the honey aroma and delicate flowering for many years.

In landscape design

The Alyssum flower attracts with its unpretentiousness. They can be used to decorate flower beds that are located in the open sun. Due to its rapid growth, it is used as carpeting. Shrubs look great both during the flowering period and as green spaces. Their leaves have a silvery-green tint.

Low-growing plantings look great in border plantings. They cover areas between tall plantings. They can be combined with irises, forget-me-nots, and phlox. The white and yellow inflorescences of Alyssum contrast well with blue and purple flowers.

Lobularia are ideal for decorating balconies. To do this, they are planted in large containers. It is especially good if the balcony is located on the sunny side.

Thanks to the ability to grow between stones, the flowers are perfect for alpine slides and rockeries. Landscape designers quite often use them for their rocky compositions.

Alyssum is also known to experienced gardeners as lobularia. This plant from the Cabbage family is unpretentious in care and cultivation, but at the same time it looks impressive on the site and has a pleasant aroma.

The name "lobularia" comes from the word lobulus (pod) for the characteristic shape of the fruit. The second name of the flower in Latin sounds like alysson (a - not, lysson - dog rabies), because. in ancient times this plant was used against rabies.

Alyssum: plant features

Of the 5 existing species, marine lobularia, or marine alyssum, is most often grown in the garden. The bushes grow no higher than 30 cm, they are very lush and densely covered with small flowers that exude a pleasant honey aroma. The leaves are small, grayish-green, pubescent with light hairs.

Alyssum loves light and is resistant to cold. The plant tolerates drought and high humidity normally, but only if these phenomena do not last too long. Lobularia marine is an excellent honey plant; it grows well in open sunny places in slightly alkaline or neutral soil. Flowering lasts from May to October.

Alyssum: growing on site

Growing sea lobularia is not at all difficult. You can sow alyssum for seedlings or directly into open ground.

Sowing alyssum for seedlings

Growing through seedlings will speed up the onset of flowering. If you want to get a beautiful flower carpet at the beginning of the year, sow seeds for seedlings in late March - early April. The soil should be light and loose so that moisture does not stagnate in it. You can use universal soil with a neutral reaction, or you can mix ordinary garden soil with sand.

Sow alyssum seeds not too thickly. They need light to germinate, so under no circumstances should you cover them with soil, just press them lightly with your palm. Then water the soil thoroughly, cover with film or glass and place the containers in a well-lit, warm place.

A few days after the emergence of seedlings (under optimal conditions, they appear on the 4-5th day), the film can be removed. Further care of the seedlings consists of moderate watering and, if necessary, additional lighting with special lamps.

When the seedlings have their first true leaf, feed them with a solution of any complex mineral fertilizer (according to the instructions). After the third true leaf appears, pick the seedlings into separate containers.

In the second half of May or early June, when the threat of night frosts has passed, seedlings can be planted in the ground. Dig holes at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other and make them slightly larger than the earthen ball of seedlings. After planting, water the plants thoroughly.

Marine alyssum blooms 40-50 days after germination.

Sow alyssum in open ground

Lobularia can be sown in the ground in April (in a greenhouse) or in May - early June. Choose a well-lit or slightly darkened open area. 15-20 days before, apply complex fertilizer to the soil (according to the instructions). Immerse the seeds 1.5 cm into the ground. When the seedlings appear, thin them out, leaving a distance of at least 10 cm between them. Otherwise, the plants will develop poorly and may develop powdery mildew.

Some gardeners sow alyssum before winter (in November). In this case, the seeds undergo natural stratification and produce healthier and stronger seedlings. When sowing this way, it is important to cover the bed with non-woven material so that the seedlings do not die during frosts.

We provide Alyssum with proper care

Being essentially a drought-resistant plant, marine lobularia is sensitive to a lack of moisture during the flowering period, so in the heat you need to be especially careful and water the alyssum in a timely manner. But do not overdo it, because if the soil is insufficiently permeable, the plant may begin to rot. To know for sure whether the plant needs moisture, check the dryness of the soil at a depth of 3-4 cm. If it is dry, it’s time to water.

In the summer, trim off the faded shoots of the lobularia so that fresh flower stalks appear in their place. In the summer, 1-2 feedings are carried out, which are combined with watering. In general, if there are very few nutrients in the soil, every 4-8 weeks you can feed alyssum with a weakly concentrated solution of complex mineral fertilizer.

A young plant is at risk of developing root rot or being damaged by slugs, aphids or cruciferous flea beetles. We repeat that excessive watering should not be allowed, but if signs of the disease are already present, immediately treat the plant with a fungicide. In case of pest damage, the insecticides Aktara, Actellik, Actofit, Tanrek and Metaldehyde will help.

Alyssum in landscape design

One of the main features of alyssum is its pleasant and persistent aroma, so it is good to plant this plant closer to the windows of the house. The color spectrum of lobularia is quite wide: from white and yellow to pink, lilac and purple.

An advantageous combination can be obtained if the plant is planted between rose bushes or in alternation with annual dahlias. Alyssum looks great at the “foot” of perennial phlox and lilies, or in container planting with pelargoniums. Lilac and white lobularia will effectively complement flower beds with marigolds, snapdragons and lavatera.

Lobularia looks great in borders, cracks in paths or as a decoration for an alpine slide or rock garden. It is also good to grow it in hanging baskets and on balconies. This plant is often used to fill voids in flower beds and when decorating carpet flower beds or mixborders.

Alyssum: varieties for every taste!

From low-growing plants (6-10 cm) varieties are popular WonderlandBlue,EasterBonnetDeepPink,OrientalNight,Salmon. Interesting variety Paletta, which combines several colors at once.

There are several ways to grow alyssum from seeds:

Sowing seedlings in April

The seeds are very small. Therefore, they should not be buried in the soil, carefully placed on its surface and lightly pressed. For better adhesion, before sowing, you can sprinkle the surface of the soil with water, adding potassium permanganate to it to prevent diseases. It is better to cover the container with future seedlings with glass, film or any transparent material.

At a temperature of +16-20, the first shoots appear in a week and a half. It is better to water fragile seedlings in a tray so as not to break them under the pressure of water or provoke blackleg disease. Watering should be moderate; the plant does not like excessive humidity.

Picking is carried out after the formation of 3-4 good leaves. A few days after planting the sprouts in separate containers, you can begin feeding with complex fertilizers. From the beginning of May, seedlings must be hardened by taking them outside for a few minutes every day. Alyssum can be planted in open ground at the end of May. The seedlings will begin to bloom in a month and a half.

Sowing in early May in open ground

For beautiful and abundant flowering from June until frost, alyssum needs plenty of sun and soil that is not very rich in organic matter. The more nutritious it is, the more effort will be devoted to growing green mass to the detriment of flowering. The plant feels more comfortable in dry soil than in overly moist soil or in places with high groundwater. But this unpretentious beauty is especially sensitive to the sun, refusing to bloom profusely, stretching out in the shade or partial shade. Therefore, you should start growing alyssium from seeds after carefully selecting a suitable site.

Do not scatter the seeds very thickly over the watered soil surface. Gently slam them to the ground with your palm. There is no need to bury it; you can sprinkle a small amount of sand on top. Before sprouts appear, it is better to water the seeds with a spray bottle so that they are not washed out with water. Alyssum needs feeding no more than twice a season with complex mineral fertilizers.

Two to three weeks after sowing, the sprouts should be thinned out, leaving at least 20 cm between them. Otherwise, excessive thickening can provoke the occurrence of diseases, for example, powdery mildew. Alyssum grown from seeds in open ground will bloom two months after sowing.

Planting alyssum for the winter

Some gardeners practice sowing alyssum immediately after collecting the seeds, in August-September. If the plant overwinters, the seedlings will appear very early and will bloom several weeks earlier than their counterparts sown in the spring. But there is a high probability of freezing of all planting material due to its shallow location. Therefore, you should decide when to start growing alyssum from seeds, taking into account the duration and temperature of the coming winter. As a last resort, you can always fill the gaps with spring sowing.

Features of plant care

Any plant, even one as undemanding as alyssum, requires care. Let it be insignificant and not burdensome, but without periodic watering in dry summers, growth will slow down, flowering will be sparse and short-lived. The absence of infrequent, but no less necessary, mineral fertilizing will also significantly affect not only the decorative appearance of the plant, but also its vegetative capacity.


Alyssum is very often used to create alpine slides due to its hardiness. Even very slight precipitation is enough for the plant to feel quite comfortable. In very dry summers, watering should be done occasionally to maintain abundant flowering. The amount of water should be insignificant; the delicate stems of alyssum are prone to getting wet and rotting from excess moisture. Water should be taken at room temperature, settled or rainwater. You need to pour it directly under the bush so that moisture does not get on the flowers. This procedure is best done in the evening.


To create a beautiful and neat appearance, alyssum should be trimmed periodically. Pruning will provoke the formation of new shoots and prolong flowering. There should be about three trimmings in total per season. The last shortening of the shoots should be carried out immediately after the end of flowering, so that by winter the plant has time to build up green mass.

Landscape flowers are in particular demand, so even novice gardeners begin growing Alyssum from seeds. This flower is unpretentious to grow; it covers the entire soil with bushes with small flowers of different shades. It is ideal for flower growers because it is not difficult to grow and the plant quickly adapts to any climate. More information about obtaining Alyssum seedlings will be discussed below.

Features of Alyssum

The bushes of the plant have a small height - no more than 20–30 cm. The flowers appear immediately in large quantities, are small in size (their diameter does not exceed 0.5 cm), and come in a variety of shades: white, pink, red, purple, yellow. Typically, Alyssums are grown in summer cottages, in private households, and they are even planted in city flower beds. The peculiarity is a strong sweet smell, which is better felt in hot sunny weather.

Many plant varieties, if properly cared for, can bloom from June until October. They are able to withstand frosts down to minus 10° C. Some species may not shed their leaves all winter.

Choosing the Alyssum variety

Under natural conditions, the plant grows in Asia, northern Africa and some European countries. Alyssum belongs to the cruciferous family and has more than a hundred varieties. People are used to calling the flower “alyssum” or “sea lobularia”. Flower growers plant in the flowerbed both those varieties that are found in nature and those that have been bred by breeders. Annual and perennial varieties are popular. Some of the most common varieties are:

  • Snow carpet - height does not exceed 8 cm, spreading and compact. They have many small green leaves and many small white flowers. An annual plant, creeping along the ground, covering it entirely;
  • Purple Queen- annual plant. It has elongated leaves of a silvery-green hue. The inflorescences at the edges have purple flowers of a bright, rich hue, and inside the tone becomes lighter or completely white;
  • Golden wave is a perennial plant with compact bushes, up to 20 cm high. The leaves have a silvery tint and are covered with a small fluff. The flowers are bright yellow in color. The plant begins to bloom from the second year of life;
  • Aphrodite is an annual plant; the bushes reach only 10 cm in height. The flowers have red, pink and purple hues;
  • Mountain - perennial bushes, can be upright or creeping. The plant is frost-resistant, reaches a height of 5–30 cm. The leaves are small, densely pubescent, gray-green in color.

Often, a variety is selected based on the color of the flower, the height and splendor of the bush. All varieties of Alyssum seedlings are unpretentious in care and can be propagated by seeds in suitable climatic conditions.

How to collect seeds

Seeds can be collected at the end of September or October. To do this, you need to spread a film under the faded inflorescences and rub the dried inflorescences right at their location. Then remove all large parts of leaves and branches from the seeds.

Attention! The obtained seeds must be stored in a small canvas bag in a dry, ventilated area without drafts.

Under such conditions, they will remain until spring or autumn, that is, until the next sowing. If the seeds have already fallen off, they need to be swept out from under the bushes with a broom and cleared of debris.

When to sow Alyssum for seedlings

Most often, gardeners propagate this plant by seeds rather than by cuttings or dividing the bush. Sowing Alyssum depends on the desired flowering time of the plant. If you want to see a carpet of flowers earlier, then you need to sow the seeds at the end of February or at the beginning of March. When early flowering of Alyssum is not required, but you want to see beautiful flower beds until late autumn, it is recommended to sow the seeds in May, in open ground. Often by this time the earth warms up and night frosts stop. For those who practice growing Alyssum flowers from seedlings, it is best to sow the seeds in April. Already in May, seedlings can be planted in open ground.

How to grow Alyssum from seeds in spring

Growing Alyssum from seeds at home is in most cases carried out in the spring. This is the best option, guaranteeing healthy bushes with bright, fragrant flowers.

To produce strong seedlings, it is necessary to provide suitable conditions for the seedlings and the bush.

Sowing time

No more than 6–8 weeks pass from sowing to flowering. In order for flowering to begin in late May or early June, it is necessary to sow in late March or early April.

Planting container

The container should be shallow and convenient. At first, you need to cover it with transparent plastic or film and periodically open it for ventilation. Be sure to make drainage holes in the bottom of the container.


Alyssum loves light soil, nutritious, with a small content of lime; the environment should be slightly alkaline. The soil must be loose so that air can penetrate to the roots and water stagnation does not occur.

How to sow

Alyssum seeds (shown in the photo) are small. They should be carefully distributed over the surface of the moistened soil, but not too thick, and pressed to the ground. You can lightly sprinkle with soil.


To “awaken” the seeds, good lighting is required. Therefore, the container needs to be illuminated, for which LED lamps are suspended above it.


The container covered with transparent material must be placed in a place with a temperature of 15–18 °C. Periodically raise the shelter and ventilate. When the soil dries out, it should be moistened. Shoots appear on days 4–5. Within a week, the first cotyledon leaves are formed. The film can now be removed from the containers.

Feeding and diving

When the seedlings acquire their first true leaves, they should be fed with complex fertilizer. After 2-3 true leaves appear, the seedlings are picked and placed in separate containers.

Landing in the ground

At the end of May, you can plant seedlings in open ground. To do this, it is better to select a sunny place, then the bushes will bloom more abundantly. Seedlings are planted at a distance of 20–40 cm, taking into account the height of an adult bush. The hole for the bush is made a little larger than a lump of earth. After planting, immediately water well.

Plant care

The soil must be loosened and watered in a timely manner. Moistening is carried out if the soil has dried to a depth of 3 cm. It is important that the soil drains well.

Top dressing

Perennial Alyssum species need to be fed once with nitrogenous fertilizers in early spring. Annuals are fed at least 4 times per season. The first time this should be done during the growth of leaves and stems, using nitrogenous fertilizers. Then fertilizing is carried out once a month with a complex fertilizer, including potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus.


To ensure abundant and continuous flowering, dried and elongated inflorescences and stems must be removed by cutting them to a length of 5 cm. In perennials, after flowering, the stems must be cut to a third of the length so that there will be lush flowering the next season.

Immediately remove drooping, dried shoots, as well as faded inflorescences.

Planting in open ground

In the southern regions and central Russia, you can grow Alyssum seedlings by planting seeds directly into the ground. To do this, you need to wait until the air warms up to 15 °C. It is necessary to grow the plant from seeds in sunny areas with light aerated soil. Both annual and perennial species love it.

Planting of seeds is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Before planting, you need to dig up the area, loosen the clods and remove the roots of the weeds.
  2. Then the soil needs to be moistened. Distribute the seeds over the area and add a little soil.
  3. In the northern regions, crops are covered with film. Shoots appear in a week.
  4. Grown seedlings must be thinned out, leaving a distance of 20 cm between them.

Flowers are regularly cared for by watering and loosening the soil.

How to sow Alyssum for seedlings before winter

There is another way to propagate Alyssum - this is by sowing seeds for seedlings before winter. This method is suitable for perennial plant varieties. When planting Alyssum seedlings in the fall, its germination rate increases.

Planting before winter requires compliance with the following rules:

  • prepare the place for planting before frost, make shallow grooves;
  • seeds need to be sown in November, when frosts have already become stable;
  • pour dry sand into the grooves and place dry seeds in them, sprinkle with earth on top;
  • In the spring, when the ground thaws, plant shoots will appear. If the seedlings have sprouted early and there is a threat of their death from frost, it is recommended to install arcs and cover the plants with film;
  • when the seedlings grow up, they can be transplanted to a permanent place.

Alyssum seedlings grown in this way (shown in the photo) are resistant to any weather and are more compact, unlike the indoor version.

Seedling care

This flower is completely unpretentious. Seeds planted before winter require minimal care, but it must be done. Perennial and annual species bloom beautifully in open areas when exposed to the sun for a long time. Alyssum seedlings need to be cared for, providing the plant with:

  • regular watering to moisten the soil by 10–15 cm;
  • removing weeds and loosening the soil;
  • feeding seedlings with mineral fertilizers with a small addition of nitrogen.

Attention! Nitrogen fertilizers promote lush growth of foliage and prevent the abundant appearance of flowers.

Diseases and pests of Alyssum seedlings

Seedlings can suffer from various pests or diseases. Since the plant belongs to the cruciferous family, the most common pests of seedlings are those that attack these plants:

  • cruciferous flea beetles;
  • caterpillars of various types;
  • white butterflies;
  • cabbage moth.

It is necessary to combat them with the help of various insecticides or folk remedies: marigold infusion or tobacco dust.

The most dangerous and common disease is powdery mildew. It affects sprouts if the bushes are planted densely and the soil is too wet. If the seedlings are affected by any disease, you need to treat the crops with Bordeaux mixture.


Growing Alyssum from seeds is considered the easiest method of propagation. Therefore, summer residents and owners of their plots widely use it to decorate their properties. By following the rules of care, you can admire the blooming landscape from spring to late autumn.

Additional information about growing Alyssum in the video.

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Alyssum is not yet as popular among domestic gardeners as many other ornamental flowering crops, and this is in vain. This ground cover plant can enliven any corner of the garden that receives sunlight. Alyssum is recommended for use in group plantings, rock gardens, ridges, borders and carpet plantings. It can be grown not only in open ground: the flower looks impressive in balcony boxes, hanging flowerpots and baskets in the form of an hanging plant, as well as in compositions with other crops that require similar growing conditions. In response to minimal care and attention, alyssum will bloom with a colorful carpet from the beginning of summer until frost.

Botanical description

The flowering “rug” belongs to the Brassica family and has about 170 species, most of which grow in Europe, Asia and North America. It is also called “Alyssum”, but in cultural floriculture the more euphonious name “alissum” is used. The origin of this name is interesting: it consists of two parts, which are translated from Latin as “no” and “dog rabies.” According to modern biologists, in ancient times the plant was used against this dangerous disease.

Alyssum is a ground cover plant - its height varies from 5-15 to 20-40 cm. These are annual or perennial plants with highly branching shoots that are semi-lignified at the base. Their small obovate or oblong leaves are covered with light pubescence, which gives the leaf blades a grayish tint. The blooming flowers have 4 petals and are collected in brushes. The color of the inflorescences pleases with its diversity: you can find varieties with white, pink, lilac, yellow, red and purple petals. Alyssum is a honey plant - it attracts bees with its spicy honey aroma. Under optimal conditions, flowering begins in May-June and continues until late autumn.

Gardeners and even agricultural firms often confuse alyssum (alyssum) and lobularia (lawn grass). These two plants belong to the same family and are so similar to each other that only a specialist can distinguish them. However, growing and caring for them is the same, so, following the proposed recommendations, it is easy to grow both plants on your site.

Variety of colors

Types and varieties

Several varieties of alyssum are most widespread in horticultural culture:

  • Rocky. Grows up to 30 cm in height and up to 40 cm in diameter. Dense rosettes make up lush hemispherical inflorescences. The flowering period is almost 1.5 months; at the end of summer, rock alyssum blooms for the second time.
  • Nautical. The height of the perennial varies from 8 to 40 cm. Small flowers, collected in brushes, can be painted in all sorts of colors characteristic of the entire genus of alyssum.
  • Mountain. Frost-resistant perennial plant, not exceeding 10-20 cm in height. Flowering of yellow brushes begins in April-May and lasts almost the entire summer season.

Among the varieties offered by flower shops, the most popular are:

  • Little Muk is a low-growing perennial up to 15 cm high, forms a dense white-purple carpet, blooming from June to autumn;
  • Pink Queen - an annual with pink-purple racemes, blooms continuously from June to autumn;
  • Snow carpet is a border annual with a stem height of 10-30 cm and white fragrant flowers;
  • Honey aroma - yellow annual flowers cover the ground with a continuous carpet, the height of the stems is 20-40 cm;
  • Royal carpet is a miniature annual with different colors of inflorescences and a pleasant aroma, does not exceed 10-15 cm in height;
  • Golden wave is a perennial plant 20 cm high with yellow petals.

Any variety, if placed correctly, will become the highlight of the garden and create a bright, cheerful landscape.

Application in landscape design

Echinacea plant - growing from seeds, planting in open ground and caring for the flower

Growing from seeds

Growing alyssum is practiced in two ways: direct sowing in open ground and sowing seeds for seedlings. The first method has one drawback - the flowering of young plants begins much later than that of planted seedlings, and in some perennial varieties - only in the second year. In the first case, at the end of May, the seeds are sown immediately in the garden bed to a depth of 1.5 cm, and then the seedlings that appear in a continuous carpet are thinned out, leaving a distance of 20 cm between them.

Alyssum seeds can be sown before winter - in November. During their stay in the cold soil, they will undergo natural stratification, and in the spring they will emerge as friendly, strong shoots that are resistant to adverse environmental conditions and diseases.

Experienced summer residents prefer to grow seedlings from seeds, using light nutritious soil for sowing:

  • Place a layer of drainage in a shallow box or container and add soil substrate with a pH value of 5.5-6.2;
  • moisten the soil from a spray bottle by pouring a weak solution of potassium permanganate into it, and spread the seeds over the surface;
  • There is no need to sprinkle the seeds with soil, just press them to the ground with a wide wooden plank - this will improve contact and speed up the germination of seedlings;
  • cover the box with glass or transparent film and place it in a lighted place with an air temperature of +18+20°C;
  • Ventilate the mini-greenhouse daily, removing the glass for 15 minutes and removing drops of condensation from its surface.

The first shoots will hatch within a week after sowing. Then you need to remove the glass and carefully water it as the soil dries, so as not to break the fragile sprouts with the stream. After the appearance of the first true leaf, the seedlings can be fed with a complex mineral composition, and after the formation of 3-4 true leaves, they can be planted in separate pots, for example, peat.

Planting in open ground

Before planting in open ground, you need to choose a suitable place for alyssum. This is not difficult to do - alyssum is undemanding to growing conditions and is not afraid of rocky soils, drafts and the proximity of other crops. When choosing a place for planting, you should give preference to open areas generously illuminated by sunlight. This could be a flower garden on the south side of the house, an alpine slide, a retaining wall, or empty spaces between stone slabs and boulders. An abundance of light will allow plants to accumulate strength for a successful winter. Only in regions with mild winters is it allowed to plant alyssum in slight shade.

Alyssum can also be grown at home by planting it in a wide flowerpot and combining it with other indoor crops. It looks good in compositions with plants blooming in purple, pink or blue buds. In garden culture, this ground cover plant will create a spectacular combination with Turkish carnations, heliotropes, forest forget-me-nots, phlox, pelargoniums, bearded dwarf irises, tulips or roses.

The composition of the soil does not play a special role, but it should not be heavy and damp. The best option would be light, well-drained, fertile soil with a neutral, slightly acidic or slightly alkaline pH - under such growing conditions you can expect bright, abundant and long-lasting flowering.

Alyssum should be planted in a flowerbed in late spring, when the threat of return frosts has passed. This time usually occurs at the end of April or May:

  • add organic fertilizers (compost, humus) to low-fertility soil a few weeks before planting;
  • enrich heavy soil with coarse river sand; if there is a risk of water stagnation, lay gravel or crushed stone drainage;
  • prepare small holes that will be slightly larger in size than a clod of earth with rhizomes;
  • Considering that the ground cover crop quickly grows in width, leave a minimum distance between holes of 15-20 cm, although experts advise increasing it to 30-40 cm;
  • Do not bury the plants too deeply and water them after planting.

As you can see, planting alyssum does not take much time, and caring for the flower is quite simple.


All a flowering plant needs is watering, fertilizing and pruning:

  • Watering. Perennial alyssums are highly drought-resistant, so they need to be watered carefully. With regular natural precipitation and nutritious soil, additional watering is often not required. If you pour alyssum, it will get wet and rot. However, lack of moisture shortens the duration of flowering, especially during hot, dry periods. The main guideline in terms of watering should be the condition of the upper part of the soil: if it has dried to a depth of 3-4 cm, you can safely take up the watering can. Annual alyssums are more sensitive to lack of moisture, so they should be watered regularly.
  • Feeding. Adding nutrients will allow you to get lush, long-lasting flowering. For perennial varieties, one complex fertilizing applied in early spring is sufficient. Annual varieties need to be fertilized 2-4 times per season. If a perennial is planted on depleted soil, it will have to be fertilized in the same way as annual alyssum.
  • Loosening. Regular weeding will get rid of annoying weeds that take nutrients from the soil. With the help of loosening, the structure of the soil is improved - its air and moisture permeability.
  • Trimming. A necessary procedure for caring for alyssum. To maintain the decorative appearance of the plant, faded bushes need to be trimmed: shoots of rock alyssum should be shortened by 1/3 of the total length, other varieties by 5-8 cm.
  • Wintering. Alyssum is a winter-hardy plant and can withstand air temperatures down to -15°C. If winter temperatures in the growing region do not fall below this level, there is no need to cover the perennial. In addition, there is no need to prune it for the winter - the shoots are shortened only after flowering and long before the onset of frost. If pruning is done on the eve of a cold snap, the bushes may not survive the winter. In a more severe climate, it is recommended to sprinkle the bushes with dry leaves, and with the arrival of winter, cover the plantings with snow.
  • Diseases. Alyssum is resistant to disease, however, stagnation of water in dense soil or frequent watering can provoke the development of fungal diseases: late blight, powdery mildew and viral mosaic. Affected plants should be removed and destroyed, and the remaining ones should be treated with a fungicidal preparation (Bordeaux mixture, Topaz, Oksikhom, Ordan) and continue to be watered taking into account the condition of the soil.
  • Pests. Typical pests of the Cabbage family - cruciferous flea beetle, cabbage moth and whiteweed - pose a danger to alyssals. You can rid alyssum plantings of insects by treating them with any available insecticide - Lepidocide, Entobacterin or another preparation of similar action.

Experienced flower growers advise rejuvenating alyssum every 3 years, since with age it becomes less attractive, blooms weaker and loses resistance to diseases.

Alyssum does not require special conditions and is perfect for growing in the temperate climate of our country. Cheerful plants can be placed in any empty space, combined with other crops, or created a bright “carpet” by planting varieties with different petal colors.