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What is the correct sharpening angle for chainsaw chains? Tips and tricks for sharpening chainsaw chains How to properly sharpen a chainsaw chain with a file

A guarantee of long-term operation and good performance of your tool is correct and timely maintenance. To make the sawing process comfortable, it is necessary to sharpen chain saws in a timely manner. Blunt teeth can be sharpened by contacting a specialist, or you can do it yourself. The process is simple. But given that the teeth have a non-standard shape, you need to know some nuances and get one.

Causes of the problem

A chainsaw is a hand tool that is used for longitudinal and cross cutting of wood. The cutting element of the saw is equipped with teeth with a cutting edge; they are sharpened in a special order. Wood is a relatively soft material, despite this, with intensive use of the chain, the teeth become naturally dull, and small defects and chips appear on them.

These defects lead to a decrease in the efficiency (efficiency) of sawing, a significant weighting is felt, as well as a delay in the process. Do-it-yourself chainsaw edits improve performance. This standard procedure can be performed using various devices.

Circuit State Determination

Pronounced signs of wear on the cutting part of the tool include the following manifestations:

During work, additional efforts must be made; this not only leads to rapid fatigue of the worker, but also increases the risk of tool breakage or chain breakage. Therefore, you should not hesitate to resolve the issue of eliminating defects, and in some cases, replacing the chain.

Options for doing the job

It is important to know how to sharpen a chainsaw chain at home, so as not to delay the process of working with lumber and not break the tool. Sharpening an electric saw chain with your own hands is no different from straightening the cutting element of a saw with a gasoline engine. You can choose one of the available methods:

Shtil chainsaw sharpening angle

To properly straighten the chain, using only a round file is not enough, because, in addition to sharpening the teeth, it is necessary to adjust the cutting depth limiter. If you miss this important point, the chain will not be able to bite to the required depth into the body of the sawing material, and this will significantly reduce the speed of the work being carried out and will affect the service life of the engine. For this type of sharpening you must use a flat file.

When sharpening, protect your hands with thick gloves and your eyes with goggles.

Sharpening a chainsaw chain on a machine

The machine is a portable device for convenient sharpening of teeth. It uses the same file as an abrasive tool, which can be changed depending on the caliber of the chain. The device is attached directly to the saw bar. As in the case of the holder, the machine has marks for maintaining the desired sharpening angle, as well as a lock for the tooth being sharpened.

The manual straightening machine is perfect for beginners. The undeniable advantage of such a device is its low price and the fact that with it you can achieve high-quality results comparable to electric sharpening. Externally, the machines may differ, it all depends on the manufacturer, but the results are equally good.

PowerSharp system

With this method, teeth can be sharpened in a matter of minutes, without the need to remove the chain from the bar. The system is equipped with a PowerSharp chain, an abrasive element, a tire and a sharpening device. The process itself consists of 3 simple steps:

  1. Installing the PowerSharp bar and chain on the saw.
  2. Fasten the abrasive inside the device and install the device on the tire.
  3. Press the edge of the saw with the device into any solid body, turn on the chainsaw for a few seconds.

Sharpening a chain on an electric machine

This type of sharpening is used by service centers or enterprises. On an electric machine, the process is significantly accelerated. The machines may have external differences in design, but their sharpening principle is the same: the chain is installed in a special guide groove, which is located on the turntable and has a special stop for fixing the tooth being sharpened. The design of the clamp is equipped with regulators.

Sharpening is carried out by a movable machine, which is equipped with an abrasive wheel and placed at a certain angle. The device has an adjustable cutting depth (for inexperienced users). Once turned on, the operator lowers the abrasive and sharpens the tooth. If necessary, the grinding wheel can be changed. After finishing one side, the chain must be turned over, and the teeth on the other must be sharpened in the same way.

Sharpening with a grinder

This method is less common. This is due to the fact that safety requirements are increased here. But some saw users use it. To sharpen a chain with a grinder, the saw bar must be clamped in a vice so that when the saw brake is off, the chain can move freely. The following actions are performed:

  1. A control tooth (the first one to be sharpened) is selected.
  2. The saw brake is set to working position.
  3. The grinder turns on and sharpening begins. It is important that the wheel on the grinder is a sharpening wheel and not a cutting wheel.

The disadvantage of this sharpening is that it is very difficult to maintain the required edge angle. It is equally important that there is a risk of damage by the grinder disc to the link attachment eye, which may result in the chain breaking during the sawing process.

Despite the fact that sharpening with a grinder is quite feasible, you should still not abuse it. It is better to use the manufacturer’s recommendations and use only certified chain sharpening devices - this will save time and money. Sharpening a chain is not such a complicated process as it might seem at first glance. Even if the first time you manage to do it not very well, do not be upset: rest assured that over time you will gain the necessary skills.

As a conclusion

You learned about simple ways to properly sharpen chain teeth. You should always remember that the cutting element of the saw must be sharp, otherwise the hardware may be damaged, including failure of the power unit. If you notice a lot of wear on the teeth, it is recommended to replace the cutting element as soon as possible. Otherwise, the chain on the chainsaw may break and injure you.

The quality of a construction tool is not just a matter of efficiency, but also of work safety. That is why you should carefully monitor the condition of the working parts of any tool, including chainsaws. It is necessary to sharpen the chain in a timely manner and it is not necessary to contact a specialist: you can carry out the entire process yourself. Below is a detailed description of the technology for sharpening a chainsaw chain with your own hands (video instructions are attached).

Sharpening a chain on a chainsaw: the need for the procedure and the subtleties of its implementation

In order not to waste your time in vain, you need to know for sure that the chain on the chainsaw is already dull. This is quite easy to determine. So, a well-sharpened saw gently and quickly enters the tree. If you feel even the slightest resistance while working with wood, this is the first sign that the chain is already dull and should not be delayed in sharpening it. The fact is that chain wear can affect very important indicators in the following ways:

  • tool productivity decreases;
  • fuel consumption increases greatly;
  • The chain links are overloaded, thereby reducing the service life of the tool.


In order to properly sharpen a chainsaw chain, you need to have special skill, and it can only appear if you have an understanding of the structural features of the saw. The fact is that the teeth of the chain have a rather complex and unusual structure, and accordingly, the sharpening process turns into a rather painstaking task.

So, the edge of the chain is densely covered with teeth, which have 2 edges: top and side. One chain link is represented by a base, a blade and a depth stop.

How quickly the saw chain becomes dull depends directly on the load on the tool and the conditions in which the work is carried out. So, all you need to do is hit the stone or ground with the saw a couple of times and you will have to sharpen the chain.

The best ways to sharpen a chainsaw chain

There are several ways to sharpen chainsaws, each of which has its own advantages and features. Further details about each of them.

Sharpening with a file

Sharpening with a file is one of the most common, simple and effective ways to sharpen a saw. Most often, specialized stores sell ready-made kits (sometimes together with a saw) for sharpening electric and chainsaws. The simplest set consists of the following elements:

  • a cylindrical file installed in a holder;
  • flat file;
  • hook and template to determine the desired stopper depth.

Sharpening with a file

Use a file to sharpen the teeth of the chain carefully, smoothly, without putting excessive pressure on the tool. It is advisable to secure the tire before starting work. After this you can start working. So, we install the holder on the tooth being sharpened, hold it in one position and lightly press the file against the edge being sharpened. After this, we make several smooth movements from ourselves.

We repeat the process in a similar way with all the remaining teeth. It should be remembered that all teeth must be sharpened equally. This can be achieved by using the same force to sharpen each tooth and performing an equal number of movements.

Advice. During the process of sharpening chain teeth, it is necessary to periodically turn the file in a circle. This will avoid severe wear of the sharpening tool on one side.

Sharpening with a grinder

This method is considered one of the simplest and most accessible, but with one caveat: if you have a grinder at hand and know how to use it. Otherwise, the sharpening process may not be so simple.

Sharpening can be done using a grinder

The peculiarity of this sharpening method is that the chain does not need to be removed from the saw while sharpening its teeth. For sharpening, you should prepare a previously used metal disc with a thickness of about 2.5 mm.

The grinder should be set to minimum speed, and the process itself must be carried out, gradually moving in order from one tooth to another.

Sharpening on a machine

Unfortunately, in some cases, manual sharpening of teeth is not enough. This occurs when the saw has been used so often and without regard for the consequences of careless use that the edge of the blade turns into something shapeless. It is for such cases that a machine can be considered the best option.

To sharpen chain teeth, one of the following types of machines is most often used:

  • Manual machine. This is more of a special device than a machine. The working part of a manual machine is similar to a bow saw, however, a cylindrical file is used here. The mechanism of such a machine is quite complicated, but with careful adjustment it is capable of completing the sharpening process in the most precise manner.

Saw sharpening machine
  • Electric machine. Sharpening is carried out directly by an abrasive disc built into the machine. Automatic tuning allows you to set the optimal parameters quickly and in the best way. In addition to the machine, in some cases there is a protective mask that will prevent sparks and chips from getting into your eyes.

That's all you need to know in order to quickly and competently sharpen your chain. Good luck!

How to quickly sharpen a chainsaw chain: video

A chainsaw (chainsaw) is a very convenient device designed for cutting materials made mainly of wood. History is silent about the name of the one who created this wonderful and very convenient tool. Today, a number of well-known companies involved in the production of electrical equipment are vying for the right to be the first inventor of the chainsaw.

For example, the Stihl company claims that the first to patent a chainsaw as a product was Andreas Stihl, who at one time founded the trademark of the same name.

The history of the discovery of various inventions is very interesting. However, the vast majority of happy owners of chainsaws are more interested in a completely different issue. Depending on the intensity of use, sooner or later every owner of a chainsaw faces the question of sharpening the chain. To answer this question, simply put, there are two ways to solve the problem. The first is to contact a specialized workshop, the second is easier and more affordable - to sharpen the chainsaw chain yourself.

How to sharpen a chainsaw chain yourself?

Although at first glance solving a problem on your own may seem like a difficult task, it is not. If you follow a number of rules, the process is quite simple and accessible to everyone. When sharpening a chain, you should carefully monitor the sharpness of the cutting link angle and the height of the cut stop. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that all cutting links of the chain are the same size. Otherwise, this may lead to reduced saw performance and increased load on the engine, with a subsequent increase in vibration.

Choosing a chain sharpening tool

It is very convenient to sharpen chain links using a file or a special hand-held machine. When using a file, some skill is required. The essence of the problem is in the correct selection of a file for sharpening a chain. When choosing a file, it is necessary to take into account the pitch size of the chain links. When sharpening, you can usually use either round or flat files.

The principle of using a manual machine is practically no different from mechanical sharpening with a file. The only difference is that the accuracy of such work is higher. This leads to a better final result.

When using a manual machine, follow these steps:

When sharpening a chain, you should select the most dull tooth and sharpen the rest to its size. Processing should be carried out carefully, preserving the strength level of the chain links. After sharpening the chain, it must be strongly blown with compressed air. Then place in oil.

Sharpening a chainsaw chain. Video

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Sharpening at home, tools, machines and much more

REZER EG85-C machine for sharpening chainsaw chains

Convenient machine for sharpening chainsaw chains. This machine can sharpen chains at different degrees (even 35 degrees) by tightening the chain pusher screw to the desired position.

We sharpen a chainsaw chain with our own hands. All possible and available methods

A well-sharpened chainsaw facilitates engine operation, and accordingly, gasoline consumption is an order of magnitude less, which is absolutely important. The choice is yours.

Sharpening a chainsaw chain with the Oregon PowerSharp system

With the help of the Oregon PowerSharp system, you can effectively sharpen your chainsaw chain yourself. The result will be available in 3-5 seconds after installing Oregon PowerSharp on your instrument. This sharpening method is suitable for both beginners and experienced craftsmen.

Chainsaw chain sharpening kits

Has the chain on your chainsaw become dull and you have to work slower?

This video will help you solve the problem. A chainsaw chain sharpening kit is a great way to restore the functionality of your chainsaw.

Sharpening a chainsaw chain on a Sadko SCS 85 machine

Machine for sharpening chainsaw chain SADKO SCS-85. It is possible to connect to an uninterruptible power supply - this makes it possible to work with a chainsaw in the field.

Stihl chain production (how saw chains are made)

Saw chains must withstand enormous loads.

What materials are they made from, the technology of their manufacture - all this is demonstrated in this video. Watch and enrich your knowledge.

Manual saw sharpening machine for Stihl chainsaws

Branded manual saw sharpening machine. Ability to set horizontal and vertical angles. There are no complaints about use.

STIHL chainsaw chain sharpening tool 1/4", 3/8" P

A manual set for sharpening chains for STIHL chainsaws is presented. It is better to tune your instrument yourself than to have it sharpened by a market specialist.

OREGON chain sharpening

A properly sharpened chainsaw chain is the key to your success when working with this tool.

How to sharpen a chain in the field can be seen in the video report.

Sharpening a chainsaw chain

In the video, the master will tell you how to properly sharpen a chainsaw chain on an electric machine at home.

Sharpening chain for rip sawing

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It will also tell you about the nuances that lie in wait when performing these works.

Champion C2000 chain saw sharpening machine

Information is provided on working on a power machine for sharpening chains for chainsaws. After sharpening, all teeth are the same size. Working is a pleasure. The tool is intended for use at home. Designed for craftsmen on a limited budget.

ANAB machine for professional sharpening of saw chains automatically.

Intended for use in specialized workshops for performing these works.

Chain sharpening machine Oregon 106550

The Oregon 106550 chain sharpening machine is suitable for both domestic use and specialized workshops.

Inexpensive and easy to manage.

Machine for sharpening chainsaw chains STERN (Stern)

A machine for sharpening chainsaw chains STERN - you can use it to select and set the sharpening angle of the teeth and align them to the same size.

A good choice of machine for home use.

Sharpening a chain saw - how it's done

In order for a chainsaw to work masterfully and flawlessly, you must first of all have sharp teeth on its chain.

There are two options - take it to a workshop or sharpen it yourself. In this video, the master will tell you how you can learn to sharpen the teeth of a chainsaw yourself without any effort or time.

Sharpening a STIHL chain at home

With the help of a simple device for sharpening a STIHL chainsaw chain and a vice, you can independently prepare your tool in excellent condition at home.

FORTE chain sharpening machines

Chain sharpening machines FORTE STZ-100 (disc diameter - 100mm; power - 550W) and STZ-104 (disc diameter - 104mm; power - 600W).

Both models have a precise adjustment system that allows you to set the chain at the desired angle and bring the blade exactly to the edge to be sharpened.

Chain sharpening machine RITM MZ-250

This video shows the appearance of the RITM MZ-250 machine, its equipment (maintenance tools and spare parts).

As well as the assembly and launch of this model.

Chain sharpening machine (homemade)

For those who cannot purchase a chain sharpening machine, this video shows a model made by Kulibin.

Chain sharpening machine Brigadier Standart GM2S

With the help of the Brigadier Standart GM2S machine you will significantly increase the service life of your chain. Machine power 550W, disc for sharpening teeth with a diameter of 100mm.

»How to focus correctly

Video for sharpening chains

How to chain the chain correctly?

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When should we approach this process? The answers to these questions are of interest to many owners of such instruments. Let's think about all the steps.

When should you sharpen your chain?

When should a chain be sharpened?

The time between focusing depends on many factors. The main thing, of course, is the frequency of use of the saw and the duration of its continuous operation.

Factors such as the wood they work with, the quality of the equipment and chain, and technical indicators also influence.

Chain chain device.

Find out that it is time to sharpen your teeth with the following signs.

First, the chain stretches and reaches. All this immediately affects the quality and speed of work. The chain starts to work poorly, it constantly stops. It is difficult to operate the equipment, you need to put more effort into cutting.

All this affects the speed of wood processing, which is constantly falling. Secondly, if you want to detect that your teeth are clogged, you can do so according to the type of chips. The sawdust becomes small and uneven. When used with a cutting saw, they usually have straight edges and rectangular shapes.

Once all these signs have been detected during operation, the saw should be sharpened immediately.

Otherwise, you may abort the tool. Then, additional costs will be required to repair it. During this time it can be replaced with Bulgarian.

Tools and devices for sharpening

Grinding tools and grinding tools can be divided into two main groups: hand tools and machine tools.

The hand tools you will need to complete the process are:

The correct grinding chain.

  • A residential file can be found in any person's household;
  • Round file with sharp cutting teeth;
  • A lineman is such a device that helps in maintaining the correct file regarding the sharp chain;
  • a template with which the corresponding teeth parameters are saved;
  • hook#8211; This is an additional device for removing chips from the chain.

The work uses round files of different diameters.

The choice of diameter depends on the chain chain length. As a rule, instruments with a diameter of 4.0-5.5 mm are used.

The machines are usually used if the chain is very heavy. And here it is very difficult to manage files. On the other hand, machines are divided into manual and electric. Electrical equipment is difficult to set up, but its efficiency and quality are higher.

Sharp chain chains are realized in a shorter time.

The manual machine must be pre-configured and then continue the process. Two or three movements are enough to completely relax the teeth.

Tooth grinding saws

After preparing the tool, you can start brushing your teeth.

The process is carried out in two stages: first all the incisors are processed, and then the tooth stopper.

If you are using a machine, the process will not pose much of a problem.

However, if you sharpen the chain with a file, you will have to do a lot of work. The necklace should be sharpened so that all the teeth are sharp while maintaining their original dimensions.

This is done using a special metal pattern. Chain - chain. In this case, its position is strictly regulated, for which special arrows are offered. They should be in the direction of the chain.

When focusing, the main pressure should fall on the leading edge. In this case, it should be considered as a slope, which is selected according to the chain pitch value.

During the process, you must operate in such a way that each cutter has the same amount of movement.

Therefore, the pressure on the file should be the same.

The cutters are stronger: the first one on the left, then the second one on the right, etc. To make sure that the tire does not move and that it is comfortable to work with, it is connected to the device. During the process, the file must be stored at a certain angle, which depends on the properties and parameters of the circuit itself.

To repel the intrusion at the beginning, a sharp file is required, and then continue.

Next, you need to sharpen the dental guard.

And here it is also important to use a template. When doing this, you must consider: the type of work the wood will be used for with the saw. If it is for cutting softwood, select the template position in the "S" position, if you want to cut hard stone, then select "H".

Otherwise, the cutters will be incorrectly and poorly coated, which will affect the performance. When using cranes, work efficiency is significantly reduced, the saw is poor.

Proper sharpening of chains by hand

The chain saw consists of:

  • base chain binding;
  • blade tooth;
  • depth profile.

In order for the teeth to achieve optimal cutting properties, they are given certain angles.

The back of the falling toe is angled as on the top blade, which is necessary to directly cut the blade into wood.

A little later, the tooth cut begins to taper and shape for what is called an end cutter. This is necessary for high-quality cutting of wood chips.

The front part of the front blade, together with the sliding surface of the cutting part, forms the rake angle. Usually it is from 61 to 86 degrees.

The rear corner cuts the back slope. Depending on the chainstay type, it ranges from 50 to 60 degrees.

How to hook a chain correctly?

Unfortunately, the top blade cannot be measured from behind, so it is considered correct if we see other quantities.

The tool chain angle measurement is the result of the measurements.

To get a precise grind, measure at what angle the top cutting edge is on the guide. The angle of the teeth can be easily changed.

Remember, if it is higher than chain grinding, cutting efficiency is higher if you are working with permanent softwood. If you are working with frozen hardwood, you will need to reduce the angle sanding. Reducing the angle will make the tool run smoother and reduce vibration.

However, do not forget that the sharpening of the pieces should not exceed 35 degrees and be less than 25 degrees.

The only exception is rip saws, which typically have a focus angle of 10 degrees.

A depth station is located on each cutting link in front of the serrated blade. Depth distance is the difference between the height of the top and leading edge of the tooth. Depending on the distance of the stop, the cutting depth of the upper blade changes in the wood.

The distance between the stopper varies depending on the height of the chain.

As a rule, it should be in the range of 0.5-0.8 mm. On modern saws the distance is usually 0.6 mm. High values ​​will increase vibration and powerful sawing effect. On the other hand, low values ​​will result in poor performance.

What are the teeth for a chainsaw?

The tooth saw has a complex configuration.

The top edge of the tooth is blocked in the direction of movement of the chain at a certain angle. The wood scale is like a plane, and the thickness of the chips varies depending on the height of the stop.

It is no secret that intensive work of the saw leads to rapid wear and thus destroys the chain. There have been cases of workers grinding their teeth repeatedly throughout the day. This is also made more difficult by the fact that the tooth quickly becomes difficult (if it hits the ground) due to abrasive wear.

Once is enough for the tire to snap to the ground and start to work poorly.

The chips become shallow and the saw barely penetrates the wood.

Advice. It is important to know that previously worn teeth have less material to gain when adjusting the chain.

Therefore we can conclude that the chop saw used earlier is better.

Determine when you need to sharpen your chain chain, it's easy. First, pay attention to the strength of the chain.

If the chain easily crosses the material with little pressure, then it is properly sharp. If the chain saw is temporarily reduced with increased control force, the teeth are worn out.

In addition, the chain has become useless if the cuts from the cut are only accepted in small ones.

In this case, the saw must be sharpened, as the operating force or broken chain will result in high cyclic loads, poor cutting results and high body stress. In addition, you will waste a lot of fuel, and you will not be able to avoid increased wear on almost all parts of the tool.

How to properly sharpen the chain of gasoline units

20 of the most useful and interesting pictures of chain sharpening

Home sharpening, tools, machines and much more

REZER EG85-C saw chain sharpening machine

Suitable grinding machine for saw blades.

With this machine, chains with different degrees (even under 35g) can sharpen the chain by rotating the propeller chain bolt to the desired position. A perfectly sharp chain pattern makes the engine run easier, or gasoline consumption is lower, which is not absolutely zero. The choice is yours.

PowerSharp Chassis Wiring Circuits

The Oregon PowerSharp system can independently concentrate the chainsaw chain.

The result can be obtained within 3-5 seconds after installation on the Oregon PowerSharp instrument. This focusing method is suitable for both beginners and experts.

Core circuit set

Is your chain saw flickering and running slow? This video will help you solve the problem. A chain chain sharpening kit is a great way to get your chainsaw running again.

Sharpening chains on a Sadko SCS 85 machine

Sawing machine for sharpening SADKO SCS-85.

It is possible to connect to an uninterruptible power supply - this allows you to work with the saw in the field.

Making Stihl chains (how to make saw chains)

Saw chains must withstand enormous loads.

What materials, technologies for their production - all this is shown in this video. Take a look and enrich your knowledge.

Hand saw for Stihl grinding machines

Robotic hand saw for saw cutting. Possibility of exposing angles horizontally and vertically. There is no censorship for actions.

STIHL chain sharpening tool 1/4", 3/8" P

Presented is a chainsaw shredding guide for the STIHL chainsaw.

It's better to tune your tool than to be a pointed market expert.

OREGON Chain Shaker

Cutting the chain chain correctly is the key to success with this tool. You can see how to sharpen a chain in the field in the video report.

Chain sharpening

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Sharpening chain for rip sawing

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It will also tell you about the shades of those who are looking for these pieces.

C2000 Chain Chain

Data on work at a power plant using grinding chains for chainsaws is presented. After focusing, all teeth are the same size. Working pleasure. The tool is designed for work at home. It is designed for crafters on a limited budget.

Automatic sharpening of saw chains

ANAB for automatic professional cutting saw.

Designed for use in specialized workshops to perform these works.

Oregon 106550 chain sharpener

The Oregon 106550 sharpening machine is suitable for both home use and specialized workshops. Cheap and easy to work with.

Chain chain sharpening machine STERN (Stern)

Chainsaw sharpening machine. STERN - They can select and set the angle for sharpening the teeth and align them with one size.

Good selection of household appliances.

Sharpening a chain saw - how it was done

In order for the saw to work vertically and perfectly, you must first have sharp teeth on the chain. Two options - deliver to the workshop or close it. In this video you will learn to tell you how you can learn how to make your teeth with sharp teeth stained without effort or cost.

Turn the STIHL chain home

In the absence of smart devices for sharpening chainsaws Stihl chains and vices, be independent at home to prepare your tools in the best possible condition.

FORTE grinding machines

Sharpening chain FORTE STZ-100 (disc diameter - 100 mm, power - 550 W) and STR-104 (disc diameter - 104 mm, power - 600 W).

Both models have a precise balancing system that allows you to set the chain at right angles and properly attach the disc to a sharp edge.

Chain grinding machine RITM MZ-250

This video shows the appearance of the RHYTHM MZ-250 machine, its kit (maintenance tools and spare parts).

As well as installation and launch of this model.

Chain Sharpener (Main)

For those who cannot buy a chain machine, this video presents a model developed by Kulibin.

Foreman Standart GM2S chain sharpener

With the British GM2S standard you will significantly increase the life of your chain.

Power 550 W, sharpening disc with a diameter of 100 mm.

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Angles for sharpening saw blades

The cutting saw chain consists of a tooth base (1), a serrated blade (2) and a depth gauge (3).

DIY methods for sharpening chain saws

The blade tooth is located vertically at the end of the blade (4), the top sheet (5) is slanted down at the rear of which is located horizontally.

To obtain a chain of optimal cutting properties, the cutting bindings are sharper in a certain sense

The following angles are selected

Backward than sharpening the top blade

The back of the top blade forms the corner of the back of the tooth.

This is necessary to cut the top blade into the wood.

Rear end of blade

Serrated blades are formed Rear end of blade. This is necessary for cutting side chips.

Front corner

The edge of the end is formed by the sliding surface of the cutting tooth corner cut.

The leading edges of individual types of saw chains differ from each other, for example, the Rapid Duro carbide chain has a rake angle of 65°, while the Picco Micro X rip saw has a rake angle of 80°.

Upper blade rake angle indicates the inclination of the upper blade.

This angle is measured relative to the sliding plane of the cutting tooth and ranges from 50 to 60° depending on the type of saw chain. The top cut is the main blade, the most important being the front of the top blade. It is difficult to measure, but it is very important for efficient sawing.

How to sharpen

Like the focal point or lead angle, it is obtained by measuring from the top cutting edge at right angles to the guide bar.

Because the focus of individual types of saw chains is partially different, depending on the conditions of use of the chain.

The basic rule is: the sharper the cutting, the greater the cutting efficiency when cutting through unbreakable softwood.

Reducing the sharpening angle when cutting frozen and/or hardwood makes the chain run smoother and reduces vibration.

It is advisable to avoid focusing more than 35° and less than 25°. The exceptions are rip saws - they have a sharpness of up to 5°.

When focusing, the rake angle changes, such as grinding and the top blade. These angles have a decisive influence on the cutting ability of the saw chain - always adhere to the prescribed values.

Our company repairs and sharpens chainsaws using equipment, taking into account all focal angles prescribed by the manufacturers.

If a chainsaw is a professional tool for you, then you know perfectly well how to adjust the chain and when to do it. It’s probably strange for you to hear that there are people who have never heard of the sharpening angles of a chainsaw tooth.

To correct such historical injustice, we are publishing this article.

Most often, lumberjacks and green farm workers are associated with chainsaws. Owners of private houses use it less often. Even less common are summer residents. Therefore, it will be most useful for them to learn why, when and how to sharpen a chain.

Is there something wrong with the chain?

And the chainsaw is good, and the wood is dry, and the angle is correct - it doesn’t cut Christmas trees.

If it doesn't cut, you need to figure it out. You can tell if the chain is dull or not by simple signs visible to the naked eye:

If all these signs are present, chain sharpening is necessary. There is no need to explain that sharpening is done in only two ways - with your own hands or with someone else’s. If there is a chain sharpening workshop across the road, that’s great, but if the nearest sharpener is a hundred kilometers away, then this complicates the situation somewhat.

Untimely sharpening of the chain can not only disrupt the work plan, but also seriously deteriorate the condition of the chain and saw as a whole.

An incorrectly or untimely sharpened chain requires replacement much more often than a well-maintained and sharpened chain. There is also no need for extra load on the engine.

Therefore, it is important to sharpen the chain on time and correctly.

Theoretical mechanics

Before you take a file to sharpen a chainsaw chain, you need to understand what exactly we are going to sharpen. We need, at a minimum, to know how the chain is structured and which edges of its teeth are cutting, which are guides, which need to be sharpened and at what angle.

The cutting element of the chain consists of only three main elements -

The tooth blade consists of two blades - vertical and horizontal.

They need to be given a certain angle, which is lost during operation. The sharpening angle depends on what kind of wood you are going to cut - the larger the angle, the softer the wood being processed should be. But the angles should be between 25 and 30°. That is, if the wood is soft and not frozen, the angle should tend to 35°, and if the wood is hard, then the smaller the angle, the easier it will be to cut it.

There are chains for longitudinal sawing with a sharpening angle of 10°, but they are rare.

Sharpening the chain

To properly sharpen a chainsaw chain, we need a round file and several tools. The whole process is not that complicated, but it does require patience as you will have to sharpen each tooth separately.

But first, about files.

We will need at least two files - round and flat. The diameter of the round file depends on the model of chainsaw and the chain that is installed on it. As a rule, files with a diameter of 3.8 to 4.8 mm are used. The diameter of the file depends on the height of the chain tooth. For example, for a chain with a tooth height of 1.3 mm, use a file with a diameter of 3.8 mm.

But also, depending on the model. This parameter must be indicated in the saw’s passport.

We will use a flat file to level the tooth, which is responsible for the cutting depth.

These files are sold in a set with calibrated bars, which will prevent us from making mistakes when choosing the sharpening angle.

By eye we can hardly accurately determine the same angle for each tooth, which is why this gauge is needed. And the second gauge will allow you to align the limiter tooth to the same height for each of the links.

Sequence of operations when sharpening

We brake the saw chain and clamp it in a vice by the bar.

Sharpening dull chainsaw chain teeth

You can do it on your knees, but it will be more comfortable in a vice;
set the template so that the marks point to the beginning of the bus;

That's all you need to know to manually sharpen a chainsaw chain. If you do everything correctly, then the long-term and efficient operation of your chainsaw will delight you until the next sharpening.

The quality of a construction tool is not just a matter of efficiency, but also of work safety. That is why you should carefully monitor the condition of the working parts of any tool, including chainsaws. It is necessary to sharpen the chain in a timely manner and it is not necessary to contact a specialist: you can carry out the entire process yourself.

Sharpening a chain on a chainsaw: the need for the procedure and the subtleties of its implementation

In order not to waste your time in vain, you need to know for sure that the chain on the chainsaw is already dull. This is quite easy to determine. So, a well-sharpened saw gently and quickly enters the tree. If you feel even the slightest resistance while working with wood, this is the first sign that the chain is already dull and should not be delayed in sharpening it.

The fact is that chain wear can affect very important indicators in the following ways:

  • tool productivity decreases;
  • fuel consumption increases greatly;
  • The chain links are overloaded, thereby reducing the service life of the tool.


In order to properly sharpen a chainsaw chain, you need to have special skill, and it can only appear if you have an understanding of the structural features of the saw.

The fact is that the teeth of the chain have a rather complex and unusual structure, and accordingly, the sharpening process turns into a rather painstaking task.

So, the edge of the chain is densely covered with teeth, which have 2 edges: top and side.

One chain link is represented by a base, a blade and a depth stop.

How quickly the saw chain becomes dull depends directly on the load on the tool and the conditions in which the work is carried out. So, all you need to do is hit the stone or ground with the saw a couple of times and you will have to sharpen the chain.

The best ways to sharpen a chainsaw chain

There are several ways to sharpen chainsaws, each of which has its own advantages and features.

Country affairs

Sharpening with a file

Sharpening with a file is one of the most common, simple and effective ways to sharpen a saw. Most often, specialized stores sell ready-made kits (sometimes together with a saw) for sharpening electric and chainsaws.

The simplest set consists of the following elements:

  • a cylindrical file installed in a holder;
  • flat file;
  • hook and template to determine the desired stopper depth.

Sharpening with a file

Use a file to sharpen the teeth of the chain carefully, smoothly, without putting excessive pressure on the tool.

It is advisable to secure the tire before starting work. After this you can start working. So, we install the holder on the tooth being sharpened, hold it in one position and lightly press the file against the edge being sharpened. After this, we make several smooth movements from ourselves.

We repeat the process in a similar way with all the remaining teeth. It should be remembered that all teeth must be sharpened equally. This can be achieved by using the same force to sharpen each tooth and performing an equal number of movements.

During the process of sharpening chain teeth, it is necessary to periodically turn the file in a circle. This will avoid severe wear of the sharpening tool on one side.

Sharpening with a grinder

This method is considered one of the simplest and most accessible, but with one caveat: if you have a grinder at hand and know how to use it.

Otherwise, the sharpening process may not be so simple.

Sharpening can be done using a grinder

The peculiarity of this sharpening method is that the chain does not need to be removed from the saw while sharpening its teeth. For sharpening, you should prepare a previously used metal disc with a thickness of about 2.5 mm.

The grinder should be set to minimum speed, and the process itself must be carried out, gradually moving in order from one tooth to another.

Sharpening on a machine

Unfortunately, in some cases, manual sharpening of teeth is not enough.

This occurs when the saw has been used so often and without regard for the consequences of careless use that the edge of the blade turns into something shapeless. It is for such cases that a machine can be considered the best option.

To sharpen chain teeth, one of the following types of machines is most often used:

  • Manual machine.

    This is more of a special device than a machine. The working part of a manual machine is similar to a bow saw, however, a cylindrical file is used here. The mechanism of such a machine is quite complicated, but with careful adjustment it is capable of completing the sharpening process in the most precise manner.

Saw sharpening machine

  • Electric machine.

    Sharpening is carried out directly by an abrasive disc built into the machine. Automatic tuning allows you to set the optimal parameters quickly and in the best way. In addition to the machine, in some cases there is a protective mask that will prevent sparks and chips from getting into your eyes.

That's all you need to know in order to quickly and competently sharpen your chain.

How to quickly sharpen a chainsaw chain: video

  • Sharpening a chain on a chainsaw: the need for the procedure and the subtleties of its implementation
  • The best ways to sharpen a chainsaw chain
  • How to quickly sharpen a chainsaw chain: video

Proper use and care have a significant impact on the quality and performance of the tool. For comfortable work, you need to sharpen the chain on time. A dull chain can be taken to specialists or you can sharpen it yourself, especially since the whole process is not particularly complicated. You just need to acquire a certain skill, since the teeth on it have an unusual shape.

When to sharpen and how to find out about it

Problems that may arise due to untimely maintenance of the circuit:

  • crooked cuts;
  • increased fuel consumption;
  • faster wear of the leading parts of the chainsaw and a reduction in its service life.

The rate at which teeth become dull depends on the frequency of use of the tool and conditions. It is enough to just catch the ground or stones a couple of times, and you will already need to sharpen the chainsaw chain.

Signs that indicate a chain has become dull:

  • the instrument tries to escape from your hands and gets stuck;
  • small shavings, almost dust, fall out;
  • the saw deepens only with great effort;
  • cutting time increases.

In addition, dull teeth can simply be carefully inspected. Signs of dullness will be visible even to the naked eye.

The earlier the chainsaw chain is sharpened, the less metal is ground off, which means it can last longer.

How and how to sharpen chain teeth

The saw chain teeth have a non-standard shape. They consist of a base, a blade and a depth stop. The blade has a vertical blade and a horizontal blade that falls at an angle. It is thanks to these blades that a chainsaw cuts wood. They work on the principle of a plane, cutting pieces, and the limiter regulates their thickness (the difference in height between it and the horizontal blade will be the thickness of the chips). You can sharpen a chainsaw chain manually or using a machine.

Sharpening kits

One of the most common methods is with a set consisting of round and flat files, a holder, a stop template and a hook used to remove sawdust. To ensure the correct positioning of the holder, special markings are applied to it, allowing you to determine the correct angle for sharpening. It is installed on the upper part of the tooth and stop, while the round file remains under it and is located just next to the blade. Thanks to the holder, the file is at the correct height, or rather, protrudes 1/5 above the blade. To sharpen a cutting tooth, only round files are used, since the contour of the tooth has a rounded shape.

Kits must be purchased based on the chain pitch size. You cannot use the same sharpening kit for different chains.

Before you start sharpening a chainsaw chain at home, the bar needs to be secured in a vice or with a clamp, the main thing is that the saw does not move during processing. Having installed the holder according to the markings, begin to smoothly and without too much pressure, move the file strictly away from you 2-3 times. Similar actions are repeated with all other teeth. The file needs to be turned over from time to time to avoid one-sided wear. The pressure force and number of movements should be the same for everyone; this is necessary for uniform sharpening of all teeth. If they are different, then cracks may form in the chain, which will lead to its breakage.

To make it more convenient to work, first the teeth on one side are sharpened, and after that the saw is turned over and the teeth on the other are aligned.

They start sharpening with the smallest tooth so that the length of all the others is the same. After the work on processing the blades is completed, they move on to the limiters. Place the template from the kit on top of the chain in such a position that the limiter is in the hole. The protruding part is ground off with a flat file.

The video shows an example of how to sharpen a chainsaw chain with a file:

There is another set that, instead of a holder, has one template, both for sharpening the blade and for grinding down the stop. Install it so that the chain fits into the holes. After that, a round file is placed on top of the rollers and brought under the blade. During sharpening, you need to ensure that it is always parallel to the side edges of the template.

There are 2 separate holes for the limiter, labeled Soft, which means for soft wood, and Hard, for hard wood. The protruding part from the slot is ground off with a flat file.

Sharpening is carried out only from yourself and with smooth movements, the number of latter should be the same for all teeth.

This system allows you to sharpen the chain in a few seconds, without even removing it from the bar. The kit includes a PowerSharp chain, abrasive bar, saw bar and sharpening device. In order to sharpen a chain with it, you will need to take the following 3 steps:

  • install the PowerSharp bar and chain;
  • Fix the beam inside the sharpening device, after which it is installed on the tire;
  • The end of the chainsaw is rested on some object and started for a couple of seconds.

The video below shows in more detail how to sharpen a chainsaw chain with your own hands using this system:

Manual and electric machines

If the teeth are severely ground down and the cutting blade has lost its shape, then aligning them manually will take a lot of time. In this case, a manual or electric machine with a sharpening wheel is usually used. The first type of device looks like a bow saw with a round file. The machines are stationary and mobile, which can be installed directly on the tire.

Start setting the necessary parameters from the smallest tooth. After all the teeth are sharpened and aligned, the round file is replaced with a flat one to sharpen the stops.

The advantage of electric machines is that the disc is placed directly under the blade being sharpened. In addition, the quality of sharpening in this case is guaranteed and all teeth will be the same size.

The video below shows an example of sharpening a chainsaw with your own hands using an electric machine.

The blades are always sharpened first, and only then the stops.

The sharpening angle can be changed - it depends on the purpose. For cutting hard wood, a smaller angle is used, and for soft wood, a larger one. In any case, it should be from 25° to 35°. A 10° angle is used for chains intended for longitudinal cutting.

Find out how to properly sharpen a chainsaw chain at home using a file, grinder and machine. Detailed video of the do-it-yourself sharpening process. We'll show you how to use tools and equipment correctly.

The chainsaw is very convenient to work with. Despite the fact that the unit weighs 5–7 kilograms, or even more, when sawing a tree trunk into logs, you are simply amazed at how quickly it happens, and there is practically no fatigue. But then there comes a moment when the blade of the tool penetrates the wood more and more heavily. There is only one diagnosis - the saw is dull, so the chainsaw chain needs to be sharpened.

Those who encounter this for the first time are a little upset, because it is not clear whether to do it themselves or take the tool to specialists in a workshop. And what is the best sharpening method? But in fact, there is nothing wrong with this, and if you have the knowledge, you can easily sharpen chainsaw chains with your own hands. The correct strategy for resolving the issue in this case directly depends on the workload of the unit.

If the chainsaw is used from time to time, several times a year, then buying a special sharpening machine or accessories may not make sense; it is easier to solve the problem by using the services of a service center. But if a chainsaw is a means of earning money or there is a desire to master the sharpening process yourself, then you should definitely purchase a sharpener or a machine and manually carry out this simple manipulation of the chain. Let's see below what the correct sharpening of a chainsaw chain is based on.

The difficulty of working with a dull chainsaw should not be confused with the difficulty of cutting hardwood or very dry logs. In all these cases, the speed of the operation is reduced, but the blunt instrument has a certain behavior - signs by which one can judge the need for sharpening:

  • the chainsaw does not immediately bite into the tree trunk, as if grinding, moving away from the point of contact;
  • when cutting soft wood, the tool sluggishly penetrates the thickness of the wood, you have to put pressure on the bar;
  • the shavings from large ones with characteristic elongated particles turn into small thyrsus, which very rarely crumble;
  • the chain heats up quickly, an unpleasant smell of burning oil for lubricating the guide bar is heard.

In addition to these alarming signals, always after a chain hits metal nails, wires, or is buried in the ground with a chainsaw, you can be one hundred percent sure of the need for subsequent sharpening of the cutting edges.

What can happen to the instrument in the future if the problem is ignored? The most harmless thing is that it will be impossible to work with a chainsaw; in the end it will get boring and will force you to service the unit. But adherents of the saying “You don’t need intelligence to eat power” can come to the following conclusion:

  • extra stress on the body, because, frankly speaking, you have to put pressure on the tool so that it cuts;
  • excess fuel consumption of up to 30%, which is explained by the need to go through a larger revolution cycle to achieve the same result;
  • accelerated wear of the tire and other parts of the chainsaw.

In addition to all these negative consequences of a dull saw, there is a high probability of the chain jamming in the barrel and injury to the operator performing the work.

Sharpening angles and chainsaw tooth configuration

In order to be able to sharpen chains correctly, the first step is to understand what functional elements a single link, or cutting element, consists of:
  1. The base is the lower part of the tooth, which has holes for connection with the rest of the chain elements and during operation is hidden in the guide channel of the tire. It is this part that is lubricated.
  2. A special limiter is a tooth design element that allows the cutter to remove only a certain thickness of wood chips in one pass. Thanks to it, the chain does not get stuck in the fibers and the chainsaw does not jam.
  3. The so-called tooth blade is a cutter consisting of vertical and horizontal working surfaces that form cutting edges.

The tooth blades, or cutting edges, must be sharpened at a certain angle, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve optimal chain sawing performance. The upper blade (horizontal) performs the function of cutting the tooth into the wood and forming a groove. A side or end blade (vertical) helps trim the grain from the side.

The most important thing when sharpening a chainsaw is to achieve the correct angle of the upper blade, which should be between 60-50 degrees. The angle of the end blade is maintained within 85-60 degrees. It is also worth adhering to the angle in the plan (sharpening angle), namely, what is clearly visible when you look at the chain link from above - it extends from the side edge along the front line and should be 10-15 degrees.

The productivity of wood cutting operations in the transverse direction increases if you increase the sharpening angle of the chainsaw chain to the maximum possible and vice versa. Chains intended for longitudinal cutting of a tree trunk should be sharpened at an angle of approximately 10 degrees.

Under no circumstances should you touch the depth stop again: improper grinding can lead to vibration during operation of the tool. Its finishing is done according to a special template.

How is hand sharpening inferior to machine sharpening?

You can get used to it and sharpen a chainsaw chain by hand without much difficulty. But there are some nuances here, because first of all, it is not as effective as sharpening using a machine. The biggest disadvantages of the manual operation of sharpening chain cutting teeth are:
  1. Difficulty maintaining the required angle. You don’t need to think that you can sharpen a chainsaw chain with just one round file; for this operation you will also need at least a special guide and a second flat file.
  2. Low speed of operation. It is necessary to attach the guide to the tooth, manipulate it with a round file, check the compliance of the gap of the stopper, if it is necessary to correct it with a flat file, and only then proceed to the next tooth.
  3. The need to gain experience. Despite the various aids for sharpening a chainsaw by hand, you first need to feel the process, and this requires some experience.

Stages of work when manually sharpening at home

You can sharpen chains at home using a special round file with a holder. To do this, follow the following stages of the operation:
  1. The bar and chain are fixed using a vice so that its top line is in a horizontal position.
  2. Take the shortest tooth as a starting point and mark it with a marker or nitro enamel.
  3. The body of the round file is inserted under the main cutting edge, pressing it to the corner along the entire line and at the same time pressing the holder to the surface of the tooth. Thanks to the holder, the round file will automatically take the desired position, protruding in relation to the upper plane of the chainsaw tooth.
  4. Using confident, even movements away from you, without changing the feed angle, run the file two or three times along the beveled surface of the upper cutting edge.
  5. Rotate the file along its axis so that the abrasive surface does not develop, and repeat the operation until the tooth becomes sharpened.
  6. After this, using a chain sharpening template, check the height of the stopper and, if necessary, grind it off with a flat file.
  7. Then, after one tooth, the entire cycle of operations is repeated until they reach the initially marked tooth.
  8. Turn the tire over to the opposite side and sharpen all the other teeth of the chainsaw through one.

As has already become clear, you need to select a file for sharpening the teeth of a chainsaw chain that has a round diameter and is flat. Many manufacturers of motorized tools of this specific type, for the convenience of consumers, simultaneously produce sharpening kits, where such files are already included in the kit. But here, too, it is important not to make a mistake: for a specific chain you need a file of a suitable diameter. Its value is determined based on the pitch of the chain teeth.

Following the rules, before choosing files for sharpening a chainsaw chain, its exact pitch is determined by the marking of the chain. The following recommendations are followed:

There are saw chains where it is appropriate to use round files with a cross-sectional diameter of 2x1.6 millimeters.

With the correct selection of a tool for sharpening chainsaw teeth, its protrusion above the surface of the horizontal edge of the tooth during the process will not exceed 1/5 of its own diameter, which can be a guideline when selecting a file when the chain pitch cannot be determined.

Sharpening a chain using a grinder

In some cases, you can sharpen chainsaw chains with a grinder. This is relevant when there is no time for better sharpening with a file or there is no professional tool available for these purposes. We must immediately warn you that a chain treated with a grinder will not be perfectly sharpened; the angles are broken here, but the chainsaw will be able to perform its task.

To carry out the operation you will need:

  • grinder, preferably not very powerful and large;
  • metal cutting wheel of appropriate diameter and thickness 2–3 mm;
  • a vice or clamp to firmly secure the grinder to the table.

The grinder is clamped in a vice so that the disk is positioned strictly vertically, without a protective casing, in the direction of the operator. Sparks should fly towards the operator, so protective clothing and goggles must be worn for operation. The grinder is turned on and, observing the angle, each link of the chainsaw chain is sharpened by eye.

Working on the machine

The most convenient way to bring the tool into working condition is to sharpen chainsaw chains on a machine. For these purposes, manufacturers produce manual mechanical machines and electric machines for sharpening chains.

The first are a system of a round file, guides and stops. The device is designed in such a way that it is directly attached to the chainsaw bar. The operator only has to move the file along the guide a few times and move it to a new tooth, all this is done without rearranging the devices.

Using an electric special machine, working is even easier. The chain is removed from the saw and inserted into a special guide, above which a sharpening disc is already positioned at the desired angle. The operator lowers the disc onto each tooth, moving them one by one into the contact area.

We appeal to specialists and everyone who knows how to sharpen chainsaws: share your experience in the comments, write which machines and methods are best to use in this matter.