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How to make a spinner with your own hands: manufacturing tips. A paper spinner - how to make it step by step with your own hands How to make a spinner from cardboard

The spinner is rapidly conquering the world. Millions of people from all over the world spin and toss this toy at work, in traffic jams, at home, while walking, in line, etc. The spinner is a powerful and at the same time very simple and affordable anti-stress that helps you get rid of tension and relax without attracting attention to yourself. The spinner became so popular that people began to perform various tricks with it. This toy is loved by everyone, young and old: it is played by both preschoolers and big bosses in modern offices.

A spinner is an affordable thing. If at first they could only be found online, today they are sold on literally every corner, and there are also very budget options. However, homemade spinners are not inferior in popularity to ready-made options: Internet users are actively looking for how to make a spinner with their own hands at home. And this is easy to explain: homemade spinners are unique, made from scrap materials, and their production is also a kind of anti-stress.

We offer you several options for making this accessory. The first one is the most labor-intensive, the rest are a little simpler. Choose the one that you find most understandable and like the most.

Option one: difficult, but interesting

We will really only use available means. We will need:

  • wooden ice cream sticks (20 pieces);
  • a bearing made of metal or ceramic (if you want the spinner to spin easier and longer, choose the latter) size 8*22*7;
  • 50-kopeck coins (make a hole in the center with an awl) (12 pieces);
  • nuts and bolts small in size and diameter (4 pieces each);
  • buttons from jeans or denim jackets (or the simplest push pins) (2 pieces);
  • glue;
  • sandpaper;
  • paint (it’s more convenient to use aerosol paint).

How to make a spinner?

Step 1: Preparation

We take two wooden sticks and cut each into two equal parts (lengthwise). That is, at the output of two sticks we already have four.

Now we take five whole sticks, press them tightly together and apply a layer of glue on top. We place the second layer of sticks on top: we place four whole ones in the center, and put the previously cut sticks along the edges. Cover them with a layer of glue. The third layer will consist of five whole sticks (like the first). The fourth and final layer is a repetition of the second.

The output is a base consisting of four layers of sticks glued together.

Step 2: Basic work

Choose the size of the spinner for yourself. We will tell you using the example of a 9*9 square, but the proportions can be freely changed.

Make marks on the workpiece and cut out a square (let's say 9 cm).

Now we draw an equilateral triangle inside the square. To do this, divide one of the sides of our square in half and draw two 9 cm segments from this point, and then connect the ends.

Then divide each side of the triangle exactly in half and make serifs. Connect each notch to the opposite vertex. The intersection point of these segments (they are called medians) is the center of the spinner, where we will place the bearing. Trace its outline with a pencil.

On the same segments, make notches at a distance of 2.5 cm from each vertex. Place a coin in the center of each of them (the hole is needed to align the hole with the notch and not get lost) and circle it with a pencil.

Using an awl or sharp knife, poke holes inside the outlined outlines. And then loosen them to cut even holes. You can press the bearing and coin into the workpiece (but carefully so that the glued layers do not separate).

Cut out a triangle from the blank. Now we make two-centimeter notches in the center of each side. Like this:

The height of the notch at the median is 7 mm. Cut out these side triangles.

Step 3: Spruce up the polish

We take sandpaper and sand the surface of the future spinner. We walk around the edges. Paint the workpiece on both sides and leave to dry.

Step 4: Weights

Glue four coins together. We will end up with 3 stacks that we will insert into our holes in the spinner. Place the bearing in the center.

To make it easier to rotate, we place previously prepared buttons or buttons in the center of the bearing and glue them. The finished product can be varnished.

Tip: if you own a jigsaw and a drill, take note of the diagrams from our instructions and make the spinner body not from ice cream sticks, but from a regular wooden panel. Then simply sand your workpiece with sandpaper, paint and varnish.


Option two: the simplest

Using superglue, a glue gun or cold welding, we connect three or more bearings together. A video master class on making a spinner at home is below.

Option three: energy-intensive

The most reliable way to connect bearings is not just with glue, but also with a housing. For this, ordinary ties are suitable, as well as wooden (as in the first method), plastic and metal cases. To learn how to make them, see the next master class.

Option four: for cyclists

If you have an old bicycle chain, this DIY spinner recipe is for you. True, you will have to work hard to make this popular toy. We lay the chain in a special way, fasten it with a tie, fix it, and place a bearing in the center. Watch the video for detailed step-by-step instructions.

Option five: if you don’t have cutting tools, but still want to make a spinner

A spinner made of paper or cardboard is also an excellent option for this toy. It will spin no worse! We take cardboard and a compass, cut out 4 circles of equal diameter from it (determine the size of the spinner for yourself, it doesn’t matter), glue them together. Take bright cardboard or paper to make the toy more attractive and delight you not only with its properties, but also with its appearance.

Make the holes for the bearings slightly smaller than the diameter of the bearings themselves. This is necessary so that they fit tightly and do not slip out when you spin your toy. Learn more about making such a spinner in this video.

Option six: if there are no bearings, but you still really need a spinner

If you don’t have bearings, the spinner can be made from the simplest material that can be easily obtained - from plastic caps. We will need six pieces (take colored ones to make the toy look more beautiful and interesting) and a toothpick or pen refill.

Let's see how to make a bearing from plastic caps.


The video instructions below talk about the three easiest ways to make a spinner at home. All of them in one way or another repeat the last three instructions (No. 4, 5 and 6), but in this video you will also find some important tips for making a popular anti-stress toy.

Choose the method that seems most interesting and understandable to you. It’s quite possible to make a spinner with your own hands in 2-3 minutes, or you can get confused and make a toy in a more labor-intensive way. The result will directly depend on your efforts. However, no matter which method you choose, at the end you will definitely get a cool anti-stress toy, which is so popular today.

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A simple toy called a spinner disturbs the souls of citizens of all ages. They say this device can cure stress in just a few days. At the peak of popularity, the price of spinners, of course, skyrocketed. Therefore, the design created by one’s own hands remains relevant. For example, anyone can make their own paper one. The main principle is instructions, patience and a little knowledge.

The following set of tools and accessories will help you make a paper device:

  • sheets of A4 paper (2 sheets),
  • school ruler,
  • student's compass,
  • simple pencil,
  • wooden toothpick stick,
  • paper glue or universal glue.

Paper spinner parts

The first step is to mark a rectangle measuring 100 x 20.5 mm on one sheet of paper. You can cut out 8-9 pieces from one sheet.

A rectangle is drawn from the edge of the sheet. Having drawn a figure, divide it with two diagonal lines from corner to corner.

This is how the center of the future spinner is obtained at the point of intersection of the diagonals.

Then the sheet is folded from edge to edge along the long border of the rectangle so that the drawn figure remains the top layer.

To obtain several identical figures of the spinner block, the paper sheet is rolled up in layers, changing the direction of rotation with each successive pass.

Having rolled up the paper sheet, round the corners of the rectangle: apply a ruble coin (its diameter is 20 mm) and draw arcs at the corners.

Then you need to arm yourself with sharp scissors and carefully cut out the shape obtained as a result of drawing actions along the contour on paper.

In this way, 8-9 identical parts of the future spinner are made. But this amount is clearly not enough for the required rigidity of the toy against stress.

Therefore, the procedure is repeated on a second sheet of paper. As a result, 16-18 blanks are obtained.

A simple pencil stroke along the contour of the attached ruble coin will help make the corners of the block rounded.

Work on gluing spinner parts

The next step of the process is aimed at gluing the prepared blanks. They need to be carefully glued layer by layer, aligning the edges as accurately as possible.

It is permissible to fasten rectangular parts together with paper glue, but the option of using universal glue cannot be ruled out.

When all 16-18 elements are fastened into a single block, ruble coins are glued to the edges of the resulting block.

Here, it is recommended to choose universal or super glue as the optimal fastener.

This is the design of the supporting block with ruble coins glued to the edges

Making paper washers

On the remaining sheets of paper, a circle of the required diameter is drawn with a compass. Using scissors, the parts are cut out along the contour of the outlined circle.

The resulting circles are divided individually into two equal parts and all the parts are glued together. This is how you get two paper washers for the spinner.

Shaft and fixation with washers

The next step in the production of a paper spinner is installing the shaft and fixing this part with paper washers.

At the intersection of the diagonals of the rectangle, a hole is made of such a diameter that the toothpick stick fits freely into it.

The process of manufacturing the shaft and fixing paper washers. The washers are glued to the toothpick body only on the outside

After inserting a toothpick stick inside the hole made, put washers on both sides of the stick until they come into contact with the propeller. The washers on the outside are attached with super glue to the shaft - the toothpick stick.

After the glue has dried, the ends of the shaft are cut flush with the surface of the paper washers.

All! An anti-stress device, or as another way to characterize a toy, is a product that is ready for use, regardless of environmental conditions.

Complete technology for producing a paper spinner visually

The fashionable anti-stress toy is very popular among both children and adults. You can do it yourself. Many people advise using bearings, but we will tell you the secret of how to make a spinner out of paper.


Paper spinner

Making a paper spinner is not as difficult as it might seem at first. At your workplace you should have:

  • 1 ruble coin;
  • multi-colored sheets of paper (3 pcs.);
  • high-density cardboard or foam;
  • awl;
  • glue;
  • toothpicks.

How to do:

1. Take a sheet of paper and cut out a square. Fold it in half and then fold it again. These actions must be performed in the same way - from one side to the other (we do not change sides). Then we turn the workpiece 90 degrees and repeat the folding again twice.

2. Straighten the fold that was made last, and then fold both edges.

3. We perform the described manipulations with a sheet of paper of a different color so that you get 2 blanks of the same shape.

4. On both obtained parts of different colors, bend the corners on all sides.

5. Both elements of the future spinner are leaned against each other in a cross so that one is above the other.

6. In this position, all the corners of one part are tucked into the niches of the other. And vice versa. As a result, you should end up with a quadrangular shape that is missing a hole in the center. We pierce it with an awl.

7. We trace the coin on cardboard (foam plastic, linoleum), cut out 2 circles and pierce their center in the same way as the main craft. You can use a toothpick for this.

8. Next, a thinner part is broken off from the toothpick; a piece of 2-3 cm should remain in the middle. It needs to be coated with glue and threaded into a circle, wait for everything to dry. After this, we stick a toothpick on the mug into a paper four-pointed figure, put another circle on the other side and fix it with glue again.

Advice! The toothpick should stick to the cardboard circles. Leave the paper part untouched by glue.

9. Cut out the same circles from colored paper as from cardboard, glue them on top, and cut off the excess with scissors.

This will complete the work on the spinner. Check it out in action. It should spin very well, almost like a store-bought one.

Video instructions

A paper spinner can be made in several ways and have different shapes. We invite you to watch the training video:

  1. Draw a rectangle approximately 9.5 by 2.2 centimeters. Draw diagonal lines from the corners of the rectangle to establish the center point of your spinner.
  2. Fold the A4 sheet as many times as possible so that your sketch is visible. This is done so that you don’t have to cut out 18 different parts, but rather cut them all once – all at once.
  3. Once you have cut out 18 (approx) rectangles, place 2 coins on the edges - one and the other on opposite sides. Trace circles and cut out the rounded edges of your spinner to give it an oval appearance.
  4. Next, you need to glue all the resulting spinner parts together. Since we used paper, we will use paper glue. Leave the glued parts to dry for a while.
  5. In order to make the edges of the spinner heavier, you need to glue 2 coins that we used earlier (to round the spinner). You need to glue them along the edges of the pinwheel with glue for parts (not paper). Leave the glue to dry.
  6. Using a compass, measure 2 centimeters with a ruler, and, on the remaining pieces of paper from the A4 sheet, draw a circle. This will be your centerpiece. Note that if you cut 18 spinner pieces, you will need 18 center circles - 9 on one side of the spinner, and 9 on the other. Those. 50 to 50 - distribute on both sides.
  7. Now we make the central point of rotation. The hole should be slightly larger than the diameter of the toothpick (be careful). Insert a toothpick into the central hole, put 9 prepared circles on it on one side and the other. Next, you need to glue the junction of the circles and the toothpick BUT DO NOT Glue the HOLE (otherwise the spinner will not spin!).
  8. Let everything dry. Then use scissors to trim off the excess portions of the toothpick. Try to spin the spinner several times to soften the friction of the toothpick on the paper.
  9. READY! You made a spinner without a bearing with your own hands! All that remains is to decorate it or leave it in a homemade form!

In this master class I will show you how to make an original paper spinner with step-by-step photographs. This toy has long been of interest to both children and adults. But purchased options are quite expensive and not always safe. Therefore, if your baby asks to buy him a fashion accessory, offer to make it with you from paper. The end result is an inexpensive and very entertaining craft.

How to make a paper spinner

To make a paper spinner you will need the following materials:

  • two sheets of square paper with a side of at least 21 cm
  • scissors
  • pencil
  • thick cardboard (from the box)
  • colored cardboard
  • bamboo skewers
  • hot glue gun

This picture shows a set of proposed tools along with a ready-made spinner.

First you need to mark a square sheet of paper so that you get 9 small squares. This can be done using a ruler and pencil, or by marking the sheet by eye. To do this, fold the left side by one third.

Then fold the other side.

Unfold the workpiece. The result was two planned lines.

Draw parallel lines in the same way.

This is what I ended up with.

Now unfold it.

Make the same blank from a sheet of paper of a different color.

Now cut the blanks into squares.

Now we fold the workpiece along the second diagonal.

Take the two left corners and fold them towards the center.

Fold the figure in half.

We bend the right corner inward.

The result is a module like this - a blank.

We are making a number of similar modules. In total you will need 4 modules of each color.

Now open the module of one color and insert a module of the second color there, with a sharp angle inward. At the same time, we make sure that the upper sides of the modules match.

I bent two corners of the blue module inward. Thus, I fastened the two modules together.

From the side it looks like this.

In the same way, we assemble the figure from all the remaining modules.

Don't forget to alternate colors.

The module is almost ready. All that remains is to connect the ends together.

I connect the two ends of the module together.

It turns out this is the figure.

Now this figure needs to be reduced to the center. Grab both sides of the workpiece with your hands and bring them to the center point.

Do the same with the opposite two sides.

This is the final figure.

Now all the corners of the modules need to be bent and glued.

Cut out two circles from thick cardboard (from a box). We cut out two round blanks of the same size from colored cardboard.

Cut a small piece from a bamboo skewer.

Using an awl, we widen the hole in the spinner. Insert a bamboo stick. It should move freely in the hole.

Using an awl, make a hole in two cardboard circles.