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How to clean cast iron radiators. Useful advice on how to flush a heating radiator. Washing with a special device

To maintain comfort and warmth in the house, it is necessary to maintain communications in a timely manner and carry out their prevention. Over many years of operation of heating devices, their internal channels gradually become clogged. This leads to deterioration in heat transfer, longer heating, as a result of which the room almost always remains cold. To restore the normal functioning of the heating system, it is necessary to clean cast iron radiators in a timely manner. In this article we will talk in detail about washing heating radiators at home using folk and traditional methods.

Signs that it's time to clean your batteries

There are five signs that indicate a clogged battery:

  1. Some radiators are less warm than others. If you notice that one battery is colder than all the others, this is the first sign that the coolant channels are definitely dirty.
  2. The battery is not as hot as the riser. Another sign indicating problems with the system.
  3. Your neighbors are warm, but your apartment barely warms up. If it is cold here, this is not always due to poor functioning of the heating network. Quite often the cause of this is clogged batteries.
  4. The radiators below are cold. Uneven heating of the batteries indicates clogged channels.
  5. Sections in the radiator warm up differently. Since it is not possible to clean cast iron batteries inside individual sections, they will need to be completely cleaned.

Why do batteries get clogged?

As a rule, in a centralized heating system, due attention is not paid to the quality of the coolant poured into the pipes - the water contains many impurities. In addition, the pipes themselves inevitably rust from the inside, and a lot of rust accumulates especially if they are many years old. The movement of water inside the circuit occurs under high pressure, which leads to pieces of rust breaking off from the surface of the pipes and settling on the walls of the heating radiators.

As a result of various debris, rust and impurities from the coolant getting inside the batteries, the channels become clogged. This leads to a decrease in the amount of coolant circulating inside the radiator and a decrease in heating efficiency. Moreover, even the optimal temperature regime of the coolant will not provide high-quality heating of the room.

Options for flushing and cleaning cast iron radiators

Depending on the scale, washing of cast iron batteries can be individual or centralized. The first case is only possible if it is a private house or apartment with an autonomous heating system. Before you clean cast iron batteries at home, you will have to completely dismantle them and then put them back in place. It is worth noting that this method is the cheapest.

If we are talking about a centralized heating system, then it is only possible in apartment buildings. In this case, before washing cast iron radiators, it is not necessary to remove the heating devices. However, this method is somewhat more expensive than the previous one and requires prior agreement with all residents. In general, flushing the heating system in an apartment building is quite difficult.

Method for performing centralized battery cleaning

To clean cast iron batteries properly, you will have to contact a utility service or a special construction company. In this case, the hydropneumatic method is used for flushing. At the same time, water is supplied to the riser under strong pressure. Compressors operating intermittently supply air to the system, which is mixed with water. The air-saturated liquid is fed into the system, where microbubbles hit the walls of the batteries and break off microparticles of debris and dirt. Thus, blockages are gradually washed out of the batteries and channels.

Although this method is considered quite effective, it requires some preparation. However, before washing cast iron batteries, they will not need to be dismantled. However, some owners prefer not to waste time and effort on coordinating with neighbors and ordering services from the utility service, but simply remove the radiator and clean it themselves.

How to flush a radiator with your own hands at home

Before you wash a cast iron battery at home, you need to prepare plumbing tools, old rags and a large container - maybe a bath.

The DIY method for washing cast iron batteries looks like this:

  • Cover the walls and bottom of the bath with rags to protect the enamel from scratches during operation. Please note that it is better not to do such work at all in an acrylic bathtub, otherwise it can be hopelessly damaged. Cover the drain hole with a mesh to prevent debris from entering the drain.
  • Remove the battery and transfer it to a container. We put a flexible hose on the tap and supply water under pressure inside the radiator. We wash it with plenty of water. From time to time, the battery needs to be turned and shaken so that the dirt is better removed.
  • You need to continue washing until the flowing water is clear. Particularly dense blockages in the channels can be removed with a long wire.

What cleaning products can you use?

To clean cast iron batteries as best as possible, you usually use hot water and a cleaning agent, optimally soda ash. After pouring the solution into the battery, turn it several times and tap the walls with a mallet so that pieces of dirt break off. After some time, the mixture is drained and the battery is washed with water under pressure.

Alternatively, some people use car radiator cleaners. They are diluted with water in the proportions recommended by the manufacturer and poured into the battery. The composition should not fill the radiator to the brim. The exposure time for this mixture is about two hours. In this case, you need to shake the radiator every 10 minutes. After 2 hours, the composition is drained and the battery is washed with plenty of water under pressure.

Among the folk cleaning methods you can find references to the use of vinegar essence or whey. The method of using them is the same as with automotive fluids. In this case, the calculation is that the acid will corrode dirt and rust. We cannot confirm or deny these statements.

In conclusion, we note once again that regardless of the cleaning method, it must be carried out until the flowing water becomes clean. Then the efficiency and heat transfer from the radiator will increase significantly, and the apartment will be cozy and warm.

Any heating system needs to be flushed over time, no matter how carefully it is treated. During the operation of the batteries, corrosion forms on their inner walls, salts crystallize, which clogs the coolant flow and negatively affects the overall efficiency of heating the radiators. The problem can be solved by flushing, but few people know how to do it correctly.


Flushing the heating system cannot be done “blindly”, because you need to know what you will encounter. Typically, batteries do not heat up well when the fluid circulation in them is weak due to debris clogging the internal walls. It is found in the water itself in the form of suspensions of alkali salts, heavy metals and rust. Utilities are required to flush the system annually to prevent a decrease in water flow. But often this task has to be performed by the residents themselves, inviting specialists to clean the radiators from the dirt compacted inside.

This problem is especially typical for cast iron batteries, where sometimes there is a channel for water circulation no more than 1 cm in diameter due to infrequent washing. The cause of clogging of steel radiators is stagnation of rust, due to which they are subject to not only clogging, but also destruction. Not every type of flushing is suitable for such batteries, since after some methods leaks may appear in them. Plastic radiators also become clogged, but cleaning them differs from cleaning their metal counterparts.

This process cannot be called universal, because it is selected specifically for each case. An example of a bad choice is the flushing of the heating system by housing and communal services workers, when they apply powerful pressure by abruptly opening the riser valve located in the basement of an apartment building. This leads to knockout of locking elements and leaks at the junctions of spans. But not every family owner can disassemble the battery into separate bends for the purpose of mechanical cleaning in order to solve the problem of a clogged heating system.

When flushing radiators in an apartment on the lower floors, one cannot always expect the efficiency of the coolant, since for high-quality cleaning it is necessary that the neighbors of all floors of the same branch do the flushing. Otherwise, after cleaning one apartment and washing the batteries by utility workers with high pressure, some of the garbage may fall behind the walls, and mud masses will fall into the newly cleaned batteries. However, it is unlikely that all neighbors will agree when it comes to flushing, but the insufficient internal cross-section creates high hydraulic resistance.

Every mm in thickness of deposits increases fuel consumption by 20-25%. In central heating systems, the water must be pre-treated to reduce clogging. But this is not always done, although residents pay decent amounts every month for house maintenance. In addition, radiators last for decades without replacement. According to the established regulations, flushing of centralized and autonomous systems must be carried out annually. This period is critical. If the pipes are not flushed before the start of the heating season, the pipeline becomes clogged, causing the heating equipment to break down.

If you ignore the blockage, the consequences can be disastrous:

  • the heating system may freeze;
  • you will have to buy new batteries;
  • You will need an electric heater, which will increase the price of electricity.

How to diagnose?

Flushing must be carried out regularly, since the water used inside the pipes often does not meet the standards for proper operation. If you don't do this, leaks will form in the radiators over time. You can diagnose the need in different ways.

Typically signs that a flush is needed include:

  • radiators heating too slowly;
  • different degrees of heating of radiator spans;
  • presence of uncharacteristic sounds when the boiler is operating;
  • colder compared to battery pipes.

In addition, airing may be the cause of poor heating. In this case, it is enough to reset the air lock using the Mayevsky tap.


Today, there are several known methods for flushing heating systems. They are different, so it is advisable to choose them taking into account the degree of clogging of the radiators, the volume of the circuits, and the length of the blockage.

You can implement washing in the following way:

  • mechanical;
  • chemical;
  • dispersed;
  • hydrodynamic;
  • hydropneumatic;
  • electrohydropulse.

It is worth considering that each method has its own nuances that increase its effectiveness. For example, flushing the system with pressurized water alone is ineffective, because you can’t even expect pressure if the circuit is almost completely clogged with compressed scale and rust.


For such cleaning, the pipes are disassembled. It effectively removes accumulated dirt, but is weakly effective against scale on the internal surfaces of the circuit. Before such flushing, close the valves before and after the boiler, then drain the water from the circuit using a drain valve. If it is not there, unscrew the cap on the radiator, which is located lowest and farthest in the apartment. For greater efficiency, after draining the water, the batteries are dismantled.

To disassemble the radiator, use wrenches of the required size, including pipe wrenches. To do this, loosen the union nuts that connect the radiator to the pipes. The radiator is taken outside or into the bathtub, first covering it with thick textiles that protect it from mechanical damage. After washing, the textiles are discarded. The drain in the bathtub is covered with a mesh to prevent clogging of the sewer.

They clean the radiator with a cable and use it to clean the pipes. You can remove the primary dirt into a pre-prepared container to reduce the load on the sewage system. For greater efficiency, before flushing, you can disassemble the radiator into sections of 2-3. After cleaning, the battery is washed by directing a stream of water into the internal circuit. To do this, use a hose with an adapter, ensuring the tightness of the hose connection. Stop washing when the outlet water becomes clear.


This method is one of the most effective in private and apartment buildings. To carry it out, chemical reagents are used. The method is accessible to everyone, as it is cheap, simple and has quick results. To wash the batteries this way, it is not at all necessary to stop the heating system. In addition, you can flush the radiator in this way not only in winter, but also in summer. The method is effective against calcium salts and rust.

To rid the radiator of blockages using a chemical method, a simple technology is used:

  • select the right type of chemical preparation taking into account the heating system;
  • the liquid or powder reagent is diluted as written in the instructions;
  • prepare a cleaning structure, pour a diluted reagent into it;
  • using a pump, introduce a chemical into the system and wait for some time;
  • the liquid is drained by opening the shut-off valve;
  • The system is washed several times and filled with water.

This method has its drawbacks. The reagents used for it are toxic, which can be harmful to health and requires a particularly careful approach to their use when flushing the system. In addition, the method is not suitable for cleaning aluminum radiators and creates the problem of disposing of the used solution. Not everyone likes the fact that to connect the booster to the system you need to break the circuit.

If the heating circuit is not pressed in, caustic soda, vinegar, whey, as well as phosphoric and orthophosphoric acid can be used for flushing. It is important to note that the time chosen for chemical cleansing must be accurate. While some drugs only need a few hours to destroy compressed dirt, others can be left in the system for a day or more. If you ignore this fact, you can damage the structure of the radiators from the inside.


Biological flushing is an improved modification of the chemical method for removing clogged radiators. However, the action of the reagent here is somewhat different from the original method. The diluted reagent entering the system does not destroy the structure of metal radiators: its action is aimed at molecular rupture of the compounds of metal and compressed dirt. This method is applicable to batteries made of different materials, which is convenient and does not cause leakage.

The solutions used are not harmful to humans, so there are no problems with the disposal of waste material. During the washing process, dirt comes out of the batteries in a split form, so its pieces do not clog the radiator and pipe passages. After treatment, a special hydrophobic film is formed on the surface, which prevents the formation of new limescale deposits inside the circuit.

The process is carried out as follows:

  • calculate the amount of reagent based on the characteristics of heating systems;
  • prepare the device as in the chemical method;
  • the device is connected to the system, the pump is turned on, liquid is introduced into the system circuit;
  • after the required time, the waste material is drained into the sewer;
  • flush the system with water several times;
  • the system is filled with clean water.

When performing flushing during the heating season, you need to connect a device that closes the heating system.


This technique involves supplying thin jets of water under high pressure to the heating system. Special nozzles are used for it. Water will not be supplied from a tap using a hose, but through a pump under pressure. Using this method, it is possible to stop the supply hose in particularly problematic areas where flushing is required. The method is considered environmentally friendly and effective for cast iron radiators.

However, it is not so easy to do it at home, because equipment that can provide water pressure of several hundred atmospheres is not cheap. In addition, such washing requires experience, which may require calling a specialist. Another disadvantage is the fact that the deposits must first be softened with a special solution, which is different for each battery material.


This method involves flushing the heating system by supplying high pressure air inside the circuit. It is carried out through the inlet or outlet of one of the radiators, using a compressor, which is connected through a check valve. This connection prevents water from entering the system. The compressor supplies steam, creating a turbulent flow with high energy. This causes the build-up of compressed rust inside the circuit to be torn off and washed out of the system.

To flush radiators in this way, turn off the water. After this, a compressor with a pneumatic gun is connected to the radiator. When the batteries are not dismantled, the cap on the farthest one is unscrewed and a hose is connected through an adapter, which will collect debris. He is taken to the toilet. The first air supply, which is a short-term pulse, is carried out in the direction opposite to the circulation flow of the system.

Re-injection is performed by changing the direction of the air. To do this, the supply and collection hoses are swapped. To make the method more effective, you can dismantle the radiator, although this is more troublesome. The batteries can be taken outside, where it will be easier to wash them. After washing, they are put in place, then the circuit is connected to the coolant and the system is started to wash out any remaining dirt.

Then turn off the water supply, remove the drain hose, and put the plug in place. Now the system can be put into operation. The method is based on shock waves, of which a total of 2 to 5 may be needed. This flushing method does not take more than a few minutes if the radiators are not removed. It does not depend on electricity, since the installation operates autonomously. Its disadvantage is the limited range of action, which depends on the technical characteristics of the air gun used.


This cleaning is carried out using electric discharge energy, which destroys scale and salts deposited inside the circuit. However, the batteries and pipes are not damaged. This method requires special equipment, although its efficiency is high, and the process itself does not require disassembling the heating system. The shock wave will destroy existing scale. And after the process, all that remains is to rinse the system with clean water to get rid of deposits that have lagged behind the walls.

This method is an alternative to replacing batteries. It is based on the application of an electrical charge in water and does not require a large amount of energy. After using a special installation, the heat exchange surfaces are completely cleaned of silt and lime deposits, which increases the internal cross-section of the circuit to the factory size. In this case, you can clean radiators and pipes of any configuration. A coaxial cable with special equipment at the end is placed into the pipe. During operation, periodic electrical discharges are created, which creates powerful waves and hydrodynamic flows, due to which effective cleansing occurs.

What will you need?

To flush your heating system yourself without disassembling the radiators, you will need specialized equipment (CIF), which is called cleaning in place. It is necessary for the pump to give direction to the movement of fluid in the system. The installation is a plastic container with a pump. In addition, you will need a cleaning solution. It will be poured into the tank and the system will be filled using a pump.

Such equipment is selected based on several factors.

  • The cleaning system must be automatic with pulse control for flushing.
  • The product body must be resistant to the use of various disinfectants.
  • Size and weight are important, because with large dimensions it will be difficult to use the equipment. The optimal option will weigh 7-8 kg.
  • It is desirable that the device has an indicator of water pressure and flow, and a flow reverse.
  • The container should hold between 10-20 liters.

If you plan to mechanically clean radiators, you need to prepare containers for draining dirty liquid, unnecessary old rags that absorb moisture well, as well as polyethylene so as not to harm the floor covering at the cleaning site or while moving the radiator for washing. In addition, you will need keys, a gas burner or kerosene lamp, a hose to match the size of the heating pipe, a cleaning cable and an iron brush. When using the chemical method, you will need a reagent that does not destroy batteries, a compressor, or an apparatus for introducing liquid into the heating system. Choose a reliable machine; cost savings in this case may affect the quality of washing. This takes into account the type of cleaning material used.


Cleaning radiators at home depends on the qualifications of the technician. The technology for performing the chemical method is described above. If you have certain skills, you can wash the batteries yourself using a mechanical method. They lay polyethylene on the floor, prepare rags and tools. Turn off the riser valve and drain the liquid from the system. The work will be dirty, so prepare a container to collect the escaping dirt and pieces of rust.

To drain, unscrew the junction of the pipe and the radiator in the apartment radiator farthest from the heat source. In this case, the remaining water will flow onto the floor, which must be prevented by placing a container. Aluminum batteries have drain valves, which simplifies the process of draining residual liquid. If the radiators are made of cast iron or steel, unscrew the plug. If it is stuck, the unscrewing process is performed using a gas burner. As soon as the plug begins to yield, it is unscrewed with a key, the battery is removed from its hinges, carefully turning and draining the rusty water into a container prepared for this.

It is not always possible to wash batteries outside. For example, cast iron radiators are quite heavy. If you plan to wash the radiator in the bathtub, be sure to cover it with old rags, protecting the enamel. It is not enough to simply pour water inside the battery and shake it, this will not give the desired effect. After removal, you need to remove the primary dirt from it with a special cable. It is pushed in and turned, pulling out a foul-smelling sludge. In this case, water may leak out, which was retained by the blockage in the battery.

You need to make sure that, in addition to the floor, you also protect the wall cladding, because the liquid can splash onto the walls when it comes out. If a decision is made to disassemble the radiator into separate sections for better cleaning, this is done before placing the elements in the bath. It’s easier to rinse individual components: it’s more effective. This is done with a hose, as water pressure is needed, otherwise only the primary dirt will be removed.

In apartments, heating systems can lose their efficiency over the years. This affects the quality of room heating. The cause may be a dirty battery. This can be explained by the fact that the water that circulates through pipes and radiators has a high temperature and can affect the inner surface of heating elements, including radiators. In other words, scale forms on the surface. Also, due to prolonged use of radiators, rust may form on their surfaces. It turns out that the water that circulates through the pipes and other elements of the heating system is dirty, as it contains particles of rust and scale. This dirt reduces the efficiency of the heating system and affects heat transfer. Therefore, flushing radiators is an important point.

Flushing radiators

Reasons for flushing heating radiators

Below are the reasons why radiator flushing is necessary:

  • Uneven heating of the battery. It can be cold on top and hot on the bottom, or vice versa.
  • If you notice that the radiator is heating up more slowly than before.
  • The pipes that go to the batteries are hot, but the batteries themselves are cold.
  • Energy consumption is growing noticeably.

Heating radiators, based on such criteria as the material of manufacture, can be bimetallic or cast iron.

The flushing method and how to wash a heating battery do not depend on the material they are made of, however, for bimetallic radiators it is best to use chemical-type flushing.

If we compare the two types of radiators, bimetallic ones have many advantages. Their biggest advantage is that their surface is not so rough, so they do not get dirty so quickly. Thanks to this, bimetallic radiators are more durable.

How to clean a battery at home

Flushing the heating radiator can only be done when the heating season is over. Before flushing the heating batteries, you will first need to drain all the water from the system and then remove the battery. To clean the radiator you will need a solution of acetic acid, caustic soda and whey. You will also need some household chemicals.

An operation such as cleaning a heating radiator can be done in the bathtub. To ensure that the enamel of the bathtub is not damaged as a result of washing the battery, the bottom of the bathtub is covered with rags, preferably denser ones. You will need a mesh for the drain hole to prevent large particles of dirt from entering the drain.

If you need to perform an operation such as cleaning cast iron heating radiators, you will need to remove its plugs in advance. You will also need to pour hot water into the open radiator holes. The first filling should be done without the use of chemicals. All you need to do is add water, shake the battery and drain the water. The second filling will be carried out using chemicals. If vinegar essence is used for washing, then one bottle with a concentration of 70% will be required per battery. After the chemicals have been poured in, it is necessary to seal the plug and leave the radiators in this position for at least one hour.

After this period has expired, the radiator must be thoroughly shaken or tapped with a hammer, not an iron one, but a wooden one.

This is necessary so that all scale and rust are removed from the inner surface of the battery. The third stage consists of draining the chemical and filling with clean water. Water will need to be added after chemical flushing as many times as washing a heating battery - until clean water begins to flow out of the battery. The battery must also be washed thoroughly because acetic acid can cause the formation of new rust.

You can also use a product such as “Mole” to clean radiators. It is more used for cleaning sewer pipes, but it is also suitable for flushing a radiator.

If a problem such as air locks appears in the system, then the following action will be required - such as blowing out the heating battery. Before you blow out a heating radiator, you need to carefully assess your strengths - after all, the situation can be made worse.

Flushing the heating system in a private house

In private homes, cleaning heating radiators is a more pressing problem. This is explained by the fact that the water in the heating system of a private house does not come from pipes, but from wells or reservoirs. The water that comes from pipes in residential buildings is treated, but well water is not. In private homes, radiators become dirty a little faster, as silt or other small particles can accumulate in them, so cleaning radiators will be required more often. If you live in a private house, it is better to flush the entire heating system, and not just the radiators.

Cast iron pipes can be washed in the warm season, the main thing is not in winter. Before you wash the radiator and the entire heating system, you need to bleed the air from the radiator, so you will need to unscrew all the valves. If you doubt your abilities, it is better to call a specialist who will not only bleed the air from the heating radiator, but also completely carry out such an operation as cleaning the radiators. If you make even a small mistake, you can damage the equipment or cause a flood.

There is no need to drain water from the heating boiler. The line for the steam line must be completely closed before cleaning the heating radiator. If all the necessary valves are closed and the heating radiators are purged, then you can run water through the heating system. It is necessary to supply water until clean water begins to flow from the pipes.

This method will help clean not only radiators, but also pipes.

To carry out such an operation as flushing a heating radiator more effectively, you can add some chemicals to the water. These include vinegar, soda, whey and others. For washing, a product such as “Mole” or a product for cleaning car radiators is suitable.

If various chemicals are used to clean radiators, you will need to rinse the system thoroughly with water after using them. It is best to flush the system with hot water, and this will require turning on the boiler. A procedure such as cleaning heating radiators should be carried out at least 2 times a year.

Cast iron heating radiators have good heat transfer. However, in order to give something, you must first take it from somewhere. The cast iron from which the batteries are made heats up, that is, it takes away thermal energy from the hot liquid that flows through the cavities of the radiator. The closer the contact between the coolant and cast iron, the better and faster the heat will enter the heated air. However, over time, this contact becomes worse due to plaque on the inner surface of the heating devices, which becomes thicker every year, which leads to a significant decrease in the temperature of the batteries at the same temperature of the circulating fluid.

You can talk for a long time about where the dirt in the batteries comes from, what its nature is and who is to blame for it (if the heating is centralized). However, it is much better and more constructive to instead accept the fact of the presence of pollution and try to rid the sources of heat and winter comfort from them, especially since for this you do not need to have any special skills, that is, you can actually do everything with your own hands.

Dismantling a cast iron heating radiator

In order to properly clean the “insides” of a cast iron battery, it needs to be disconnected from the communications, removed and, preferably, taken outside. You can, of course, try to do this inside the home, but in this case, preparations for the process will take much longer than the process itself. Plus the smell won't be pleasant.

Let's start with the fact that they practice as planned during the warm season. If the heating is centralized, there should be no water in the system; if the system is autonomous, the coolant must be drained.

Then, using an adjustable wrench and some force, unscrew the threaded clamps. Before doing this, you need to place something under the connection points between the pipes and the heating radiator, since it is possible that a small amount of liquid will still leak out.

Now you need to plug the open holes on the heating product, and from its holding pins or hooks, and take it outside. Do the same with the remaining batteries.

How to clean cast iron batteries

Methods that can effectively clean the inside of batteries can be divided into chemical and mechanical.

The first include household cleaning products, which can be used to chemically attack various types of pollutants. These include:

  • - household chemicals containing caustic soda;
  • - lemon acid;
  • - acetic acid;
  • - means for cleaning car radiators.

All of the listed preparations do a good job when cleaning cast iron batteries is necessary. However, their effectiveness varies.

The product for radiators works best, but the cost, given the volume of cast iron products, is a bit expensive.

Acetic acid gently removes impurities in the form of salt deposits. However, if there are significant deposits, vinegar, especially in a highly diluted state, is ineffective.

The more chemically aggressive citric acid dissolves salts much better. Whey is also good for these purposes, but where can you get so much of it?

Household substances containing caustic soda include almost all dishwashing detergents. They will not remove salts, but they will cope with all other dirt very well.

Mechanical methods include tapping the radiator body in order to peel off plaque from the cast iron surface.

How to effectively clean cast iron radiators

In order to best clean the product and free it from all unnecessary things, you need to do everything in several stages, alternating mechanical effects with chemical ones.

  • The first thing you need to do is unscrew all the plugs and, inserting a connected hose into each hole one by one, rinse the battery with water. As a result, the radiator will be cleared of a large amount of dirt, which will be noticeable by the leaking liquid.
  • Then, plugging three holes, fill the available volume through the fourth with water with the addition of dishwashing detergent. Close the remaining hole and slightly “move” the cast iron product. Caustic will dissolve all organic pollutants and open access to salt “deposits” of citric acid.
  • Now you need to unscrew the plugs, drain the liquid inside and fill in the next one, as is already clear, with dissolved citric acid. Close all the holes again with plugs and leave it like that for a couple of hours. It’s good if the water with food acid is heated, under such conditions the chemical interaction will occur more actively.
  • After the specified time has passed, the water is drained. Now you can tap the radiator body with something wooden so that the softened salt deposit will better come off the cast iron, and then thoroughly rinse the battery with water again.
  • After the procedures are completed, the battery will be like new inside. You can also give the outside of the radiator a good wash while it is outside.

Heating systems often become clogged due to the ingress of various debris, poor water quality and a high content of minerals in the coolant.

Lime deposits, corrosion and clogging of batteries significantly reduce the efficiency of the system.

When is it necessary to flush bimetallic radiators?

  • Uneven heating. A hot top and cold bottom of the appliance indicate a blockage inside the equipment.
  • Slow heating. When starting the heating system, the batteries take longer to heat up than usual.
  • Low temperature radiators with hot pipes.
  • Increased energy consumption.

How to properly clean your device

Smooth inner surface doesn't get dirty so quickly, as in similar products made of cast iron or aluminum. Metal appliances for space heating are durable and require general cleaning once every 5-7 years. Preventative cleaning should be carried out annually.

Choice of funds

Specialty Chemicals are a quick and effective way to clean heating equipment from contaminants. The components that make up the preparations break down deposits on the inner surface and help wash away dirt.

In addition, you can use these folk remedies:

  • solution caustic soda;
  • seventy percent vinegar essence;
  • whey.

Experts advise using only special chemicals to clean metal heating devices.

Battery flushing

The batteries are easiest to clean in large containers. Considering the low weight of the products, the best option would be to process the equipment in a bath. First cleaning carried out without the use of chemicals. The radiator is filled with water and dirt is mechanically removed from it using shaking.

Photo 1. Before performing any procedures, you should shut off the water supply to the radiator using ball valves.

Spent content the device should pour out, and in its place add special reagents. The solution is inside the battery about an hour, after which the equipment knock with a wooden hammer or shake to remove any remaining rust and dirt. At the end of the device rinse in running water.

Features of cleaning at home

In addition to washing metal equipment, you should completely clean your home's heating system. For this you need bleed all the air and fill the circuits with chemicals. Water with reagents must be driven through the pipes until a visually clean liquid flows out.

Important! The main reason batteries become clogged is the use unfiltered water from a well or well.

In private homes, due to uncleaned coolant, heating systems should be flushed carry out 1-3 times a year.

Useful video

Check out the video that shows how to flush the radiator: how to reduce the pressure and release dirty water.

Clean radiators are the key to efficient home heating

Flush batteries preferably after the end of the heating season. This will prevent the formation of emergency situations, breakdown of the heating system and premature failure of devices. Manipulations related to cleaning radiators do not take a lot of time, effort and money, but provide energy savings and a comfortable indoor atmosphere.