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How to tie tomatoes: simple ways for a good harvest. How to tie tomatoes in open ground - the best ways And what is the best way to tie tomatoes

When vegetable crops enter a vigorous growth phase, there is a risk of stems falling or breaking under the weight of leaves or fruit. To understand how to tie tomatoes in a greenhouse, expert advice on choosing devices for securing and support methods will help you fully harvest even the richest harvest.

Do I need to tie up tomatoes?

The need to attach tomato stems to a stable support does not always arise. There are varieties whose agricultural technology and hybrid characteristics do not require the installation of support slats. For example, gartering tomatoes in a greenhouse if they are varieties with limited growth is useless. Such tomatoes grow up to 40-50 cm in height and have a strong stem that does not fall down. Reasons why tomatoes need staking include:

  1. Rotting of the stem leg. Ampelous varieties tend to creep, which is why leaves and flowers are constantly in contact with moist soil. To stop the process of rotting and infection of the stalks, the stem is attached to a vertical rail or a stretched cord.
  2. Low yield. No matter how much you would like to save time, it is worth tying up tomatoes in a greenhouse, at least for the sake of abundant fruiting. Otherwise, active vegetation of lateral shoots will begin, stealing the vitality of the tomato fruit.
  3. Indeterminateness. Unlimited growth energy cannot be controlled in any other way. The garter is carried out so that varieties with a growth of 2-2.5 m do not reach 3-4 m.

When should you tie up tomatoes?

The optimal period for giving direction to the growth of tomatoes is determined based on the growth of the cultivated variety. Proper gartering of a tomato in a greenhouse assumes that at least 8-10 true leaves have already appeared on the plant, and the thickness of the lower part of the stem will reach at least 1 cm. The following timing for this manipulation is distinguished:

  • 35-40 days for early ripening varieties;
  • 50-60 days for mid-season varieties;
  • 70-80 days for late-ripening species.

Options for gartering tomatoes

Fastening to a garter is performed using one of several existing techniques. You can choose a specific one, taking into account factors such as the area of ​​the garden, the number of plants on each ridge and the width of the bushes. The best ways to garter tomatoes are included in the list:

Garter of tall tomatoes in a greenhouse

The main stem is so strong that the root system that feeds it requires a lot of space and frequent feeding. They bear fruit longer when watered at the root, so the fasteners of the garter should not get in the way underfoot, otherwise the rods or rope loops will begin to rot when in contact with water. The procedure that reveals how to properly tie tomatoes includes several steps:

  1. Loosening the soil to saturate it with oxygen and facilitate the compaction of yards or rods.
  2. Install stakes 2.5-3 m high along the edges of the bed.
  3. Attaching cords to stakes and tying tomato stems to them.
  4. Adding new cords as the tomato shoots develop.

Garter of medium-height tomatoes in a greenhouse

Varieties with fast and tall growth are unpretentious, unlike medium-sized varieties with a main stem height of up to 1 m. Medium-height tomatoes require careful care, shaping and tying up the bush. The decision on how to tie up tomatoes should take into account these features of tomato cultivation. The only optimal scheme in this case is horizontally stretched cords that discipline the side shoots of the plant.

Device for gartering tomatoes

The structure for securing tomato stems is usually made independently. In gardening equipment stores you can find its components made of high-strength threads, wood, and light metal. A device for gartering tomatoes in a greenhouse may consist of the following elements:

  • twine;
  • polyester rope;
  • clothespins made of wood or plastic;
  • rings for securing vertical trellises;
  • metal rods.

Twine for tomato garter

Twine is used to attach vines of ampelous or indeterminate tomatoes to a vertical trellis or wire mesh. In order to avoid having to decide 2-3 times a year how to tie tomatoes in a greenhouse with twine if it crumbles or breaks, you need to choose hemp or cotton ropes. The polypropylene twine breaks into pieces, and the linen rope gets wet in the rain, causing the tomato bush to fall to the ground. The garter is made with one knot and with the condition that the stem fits freely, so as not to disturb the movement of juices to the leaves and ripening tomatoes.

Tomato garter loop

Tomatoes are also tied with a free loop to a vertical trellis or horizontal slats under the ceiling of the greenhouse. Other methods of tying a tomato can damage the stem, while in a soft loop the main stem of the plant lies freely. The loop tying mechanism involves the following steps:

  1. Cutting twine into pieces of 70-100 cm.
  2. Two tomato stems standing next to each other are grabbed with one loop, with the expectation that the length of the ends of the ropes will differ significantly at different ends.
  3. The short end of the twine is placed under the base of the loop.
  4. The edge of the twine is inserted into the loop, tightening the knot.

Clothespins for gartering tomatoes

Tucks with springs or a ring mechanism are called the ideal option for beginners. All other methods of gartering tomatoes require at least some experience and gardening tools. Using clothespins, tomato stems can be attached to almost any surface:

  • side wall of the greenhouse;
  • strings hanging from the ceiling;
  • horizontal yards;
  • neighboring, more resistant plants.

Rods for gartering tomatoes

Due to inexperience, gardeners try to install wood twigs to support the stems. Their disadvantage is considered to be their lightness, due to which they are unstable and unable to withstand the weight of the plant and gusts of wind. Recently, an opinion has increasingly been expressed about how to properly tie tomatoes in a greenhouse to increase the reliability of the structure, denying the very possibility of using even wooden stakes for this because of their ability to damage the roots of tomatoes. Metal rods for installation in the garden require compliance with certain rules:

  1. Cutting rods and cleaning “burrs” on the edges, especially if a cone-shaped device will be made from blanks.
  2. Preparing the base for installing the rods. If the soil is too loose, it needs to be compacted by hand or mixed with heavy loam.
  3. Selecting the depth of immersion of the support structure into the ground. No matter how much you would like to tie up the tomatoes in the greenhouse as quickly as possible, you need to bury at least 30-40 cm of the rod underground.

To grow tomatoes properly, it will take a lot of effort, from planting to proper garter. Every little moment can affect yield, quality and even how soon ripening begins. Tomatoes need to be tied in order to promote abundant fruiting, since if the branches break, this will stop the supply of nutrients to the fruit, and may even cause rot, ovaries falling off and the branch dying. Every gardener should become familiar with how gartering is done, at what time, and how to avoid mistakes. Only in this case can you achieve excellent results.

Tomato staking is a process by which the stems and branches are attached to a special support using ropes, fabric strips, and plastic stems. Tomatoes need to be tied up immediately after the pinching has been carried out and the ovaries have formed. As the tomato bush gradually grows, tying is required several times.

In addition, you should not think that the plant requires additional fastening only if it is too tall, since absolutely all bushes require this procedure.

Not only the stems themselves are tied, but also the branches on which the fruits are laid. In special cases, it may be necessary to strengthen each branch if fruiting is very good. It is strictly forbidden to pull tomato branches with too strong knots or pull the trunk to a support. It is advisable, regarding the growth of the bush, to simply bandage it to a higher level.

If you carry out the garter correctly, you can get a number of advantages:

  1. Well-tied tomato bushes allow for feeding and watering without the solution getting on the foliage, which the crop absolutely cannot tolerate.
  2. Tomatoes that hang, rather than lie on the ground or other branches, are virtually protected from problems such as late blight and slug damage.
  3. Collecting fruits from tied bushes is much easier.
  4. Heavy branches will not be damaged even if there are too many fruits on them.
  5. The plant will not have a deficiency in incoming oxygen and light.

In a polycarbonate greenhouse, tying is not difficult, and for this you can use a support or special tying material. As for the fabric, cotton fabric, nylon tights, and cut knee socks are suitable. After the season is over, you should not throw away the garter material, because if you wash it, it will be suitable for next year, which will eliminate the problem with its preparation and significantly reduce the time.

It is better not to use such materials for garter as thread, fishing line, thin twine, or wire. Thin and too hard material can cause damage and, accordingly, breakage of the branch.

High-quality garter of tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse

There are a variety of methods for tying tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse, but the most popular are tying each bush to an individual support, fastening to a wire frame, linear tying, trellis tying, and vertical trellising.

Most often, they are tied to an individual support, since it is suitable for greenhouses made of both polycarbonate and regular film.

A device in the form of:

  • Wooden stakes;
  • Plastic or metal pipes;
  • Thick rods.

A support is installed near each bush, and its height should be selected in accordance with the height of an adult bush. The stem is wrapped in a strip of fabric and fixed to a support. The method is perfect for both low-growing and medium-sized tomato bushes. It is not advisable to use it for tall ones, since the support may fall along with the bush.

Methods for gartering tall tomatoes in a greenhouse

What device to use for tying tomatoes in a greenhouse

In order for tomatoes to fully justify all the work put into them, you will need a choice of seeds, competent planting, proper care, and a careful and neat type of garter. As a rule, which option for tying a crop will be used depends on personal preferences, the availability of materials of a certain type, the plant variety that affects fruiting, the speed of ripening and even the growth of the bush, the dimensions and capabilities of the greenhouse, how the cultivation will be carried out, for example , year-round or seasonally. You need to choose methods that are as safe as possible and very effective.

Garter tomato in a polycarbonate greenhouse (video)

It is quite possible to install such a fastening of the bushes that will allow you to use the structure every year without disassembling it. The main thing is to follow the recommendations and correctly install the structure so that it does not fall and lead to breakage of bushes and damage to the crop.

Examples: how to tie up tomatoes in a greenhouse (photo)

Growing vegetables is a fun activity. Amateur vegetable growers place a wide variety of crops on their plots. But none of them is complete without juicy and tasty tomatoes. Diversity will require an individual approach to each of them when growing. Low-growing types of tomatoes are compact bushes that do not require special agricultural techniques. But is it possible to resist the temptation of growing They have incomparable taste. But at the same time, these will require more attention than their short relatives.

There are many varieties of tall tomatoes. They differ in the color and size of the fruits, which have excellent taste. However, growing them is quite a troublesome task. But it’s worth the effort to get large-fruited tomatoes. As a rule, vegetable growers grow tall tomato seedlings themselves. For its planting, the ground is prepared in the fall. Tomatoes will require well-lit areas with fertile soil. The beds are planned in such a way that it is possible to carry out the necessary agrotechnical measures, the implementation of which cannot be done without gartering tomatoes. Novice amateur vegetable growers make mistakes when fixing plants.

What is the correct way to garter a tomato? Tall plants, depending on the variety, will require pinching and regular fixation of the stem. The procedure for gartering tomatoes is carried out 3 to 6 times per season. Moreover, this agrotechnical technique is performed for each plant individually.

Spring planting of tall tomato seedlings differs from low-growing varieties. Bushes of some species can reach 1.5 meters in height. Therefore, plants are planted at a distance of 1 meter from each other. After planting the tomatoes, select material for gartering the tomatoes.

To do this, you will need, first of all, twine, which must be sufficiently soft and elastic. Do not use wire or fishing line for this purpose. They can injure plants. Pegs for gartering tomatoes should be of sufficient height and quite strong. These are usually wooden or metal pegs that can be used for several seasons in a row. The material for gartering tomatoes is ready. As the plants grow, they begin to fix them. You shouldn't be late with this. Bushes that touch the ground are susceptible to diseases and, as a result, lag behind in development and bear fruit poorly. This will lead to crop loss and a decrease in the quality of vegetable products. The garter is made immediately to permanent pegs, which will serve the plant all season. Fixing a tomato bush is not difficult. A support is installed near each bush. It should be strong enough. Fixing the plant should not be rigid, and take into account the fact that as the tomatoes grow, the stem will thicken. Tomato gartering is done with soft rope or fabric ribbons. The twine is wrapped several times (in the shape of a figure eight) around the stem of the plant and the peg. After which it is fixed on a peg. A loose loop is formed between the plant and the stake, which does not interfere with the growth of the plant. As they grow, the tomatoes are re-gartered.

The trellis method of growing tall varieties of tomatoes is no less effective. To do this, a trellis is built along the row with planted seedlings. Metal stakes are installed on both sides of the row. Several rows of twine are attached to them at different heights. Growing plants will be securely fixed on such a trellis.

The procedure for gartering tomatoes is a crucial moment that should not be ignored. Caring vegetable growers use it not only for tall varieties. Low-growing tomatoes with this growing method suffer less from diseases and produce excellent yields.

No matter what amazing plants gardeners grow on their plots, they almost always make the traditional choice in favor of tomatoes. It’s so nice to grow this crop from the very seed, see how the fruits ripen and taste that very first red one right from the garden. There are low-growing, medium-growing and tall-growing tomatoes. Most often, in areas of our country, it is large-fruited, tall varieties that are grown that require special care. The result is worth it, but to get it, you will have to study the features of gartering tall tomatoes.

Why tie up tomatoes?

Not all varieties of tomatoes are able to “hold themselves” during the process of growth, much less fruit development. Under the mass of filling tomatoes, the bushes begin to bend to the ground and may even break. If no injury occurs, then the future harvest is unlikely to benefit from lying on the ground - slugs and worms will happily feast on an unexpected gift.

There is one more circumstance - tomatoes need to be watered at the root, and when they are in a lying position, this is impossible to do. It is undesirable to water the tops of a tomato, as well as pour water on the fruits lying on the ground. And in general, the path to the tops of the plant for any disease in this case is significantly shortened.

To avoid unpleasant moments that could negatively affect the final result of all your work, tomatoes must be tied up.

And now we’ll figure out exactly how.

In conditions different from those in southern latitudes, gartering tomatoes becomes a necessity.

General rules

Things are different in different climates. For example, in southern latitudes, where tomatoes are grown on large plantations in the bright sun, it is not advisable to tie them up. The fruits lie on the ground, and the whole plant receives much more nutrients from the ground than in the case of a garter.

Residents of cooler regions are unlikely to think about this method of growing. Periodic rains in combination with not the highest temperatures (especially at night) can ruin all the efforts of summer residents with the help of late blight or some other scourge like rot. That is why you will definitely have to tie up tomato bushes here, even low-growing ones. It is necessary to completely eliminate contact of fruits with the ground.

Thanks to the garter, contact of fruits with the ground and their rotting are eliminated An important condition is to exclude wires, fishing lines and thin ropes from garters for tomato bushes.

For this purpose, you need to use nylon tights and stockings. But this is ideal. Various straps and powerful ropes will also work, as long as the garter really firmly but gently holds the bush without pinching the stem.

To avoid exposing your tomatoes to the risk of infection from last year's diseases, do not use old garter material.

Methods Each bush has its own peg driven nearby, and a variety of materials are used as garter material - nylon stockings, cord from household appliances, ribbons and straps. The bush is tied near the crown of the stem.

The advantage of this method is that garter materials can be used every year. The downside, as already mentioned, is the possible infection of plants with diseases remaining on the garter materials from last year. But there is a way out here too - disinfection of all materials before new use.

An important point is not to tighten the stem with garter materials, so as not to damage it and expose the plant to death. As the bush continues to grow, it is necessary to equip it with new garters or raise the old one as it grows.

Let's complicate the garter a little by using trellises. We place them at some distance from each other and stretch a wire horizontally between them. Between the rows of wire we make a distance of 45cm. Actually, rows of bushes will be tied to these wires.

A metal mesh can serve as a good guide for tomato bushes, but its cells must be large

The third method is called linear. A wire is pulled in the middle between the stakes, then a rope is stretched to it above each tomato, one of its ends is attached to the stem of the bush.

The fourth method is to make each bush its own cage. The cage is made of wire or metal. We bend the circles that will be connected by rods. We plant a tomato bush, dig the cage to a depth of 15 cm and tie it with a rope.

The next method is to use pyramidal caps made of four rods each. Each cap holds four bushes and when planting a plant, it is dug down to 25 cm, and the tops of the rods are connected with wire.

The sixth method involves the use of hooks and wire. On both sides of the tomato row, stakes are dug in, between which a cable is stretched. After 30 cm from it, a fishing line or twine is stretched, to which rings and hooks are attached. The hooks will catch the stems of the tomato bushes.

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​Drive metal stakes at a distance of 30 cm from each other and to a depth of 15-20 cm. The height of the trellis should be selected at the rate of 20-30 cm above the extreme point of an already mature bush. Stretch wire or twine between the rods (see picture).​

​Some gardeners use nylon fabric, which can “survive” several seasons.​

Let us immediately note that all the methods and recommendations given below apply to both greenhouse crops and those grown in open ground. There is no difference in the type of garter or the material chosen. It is important to understand the principle of operation and do it very carefully so as not to damage the plant.​

All these varieties are distinguished by tall vine-like trunks, the length of which reaches 5 meters. A large number of lateral branches and a long fruiting period ensure such a high popularity of these varieties. In this case, a prerequisite is the garter to the trellises (supports).​

In most cases, these are open ground varieties:

​The sixth method involves the use of hooks and wire. On both sides of the tomato row, stakes are dug in, between which a cable is stretched. After 30 cm from it, a fishing line or twine is stretched, to which rings and hooks are attached. The hooks will catch the stems of tomato bushes.​

How to properly tie tomatoes

​The simplest known method is to tie it to a wooden or metal peg driven into the ground. Each bush has its own peg driven nearby, and a variety of materials are used as garter material - nylon stockings, cord from household appliances, ribbons and straps. The bush is tied near the top of the stem.

Tomatoes must be tied up.

​Do not use ropes for tying from last season to avoid possible infection.​

​From early spring, summer cottages literally come to life, people dig, loosen, plant in order to get a good harvest in summer and autumn. Any gardener wants to grow a rich harvest of tomatoes that will be the envy of all his neighbors; some succeed, while others do not. Summer residents often say that some crops love them and grow well, while others don’t like them and don’t grow at all. But the point here is different, you need to know how to care for the plants, what to feed them with, how often to water them, if you want to grow large and tasty tomatoes, then you need to know how to properly tie up the tomatoes.​

​Growing vegetables is a fun activity. Amateur vegetable growers place a wide variety of crops on their plots. But none of them is complete without juicy and tasty tomatoes. A variety of tomato varieties will require an individual approach to each of them when growing. Low-growing types of tomatoes are compact bushes that do not require special agricultural techniques. But is it possible to resist the temptation of growing large-fruited tomato varieties? They have incomparable taste. But at the same time, such vegetable crops will require more attention than their low-growing relatives.​
​When the plant reaches the first two lower rows of trellises, very carefully thread them through them using the “darning” principle, and then, as the bush grows, weave in the side shoots. Already fruiting brushes are tied to trellises or wires using plastic clips. You can provide small hooks, the thickness of which will not damage the plant.​
​Important! If you prefer to reuse nylon or fabric, treat it with a solution of laundry soap before tying up the bushes. To do this, just soap the fabric or nylon and leave for an hour and a half. Then rinse and dry.​
​The following materials are required for the garter:​

How to properly tie tomatoes in open ground?

​Northerner,​​Proper gartering of tomatoes determines how strong and resistant to weather conditions they will grow.​

For what purpose should tomatoes be tied?

​The advantage of this method is that garter materials can be used every year. The downside, as already mentioned, is the possible infection of plants with diseases remaining on the garter materials from last year. But there is a way out here too - disinfection of all materials before new use.​

​And now let’s figure out exactly how.​

​If you tie up even small bushes, they begin to form a powerful root system, they become stronger, therefore, more nutrients are delivered to the tomatoes. The peg must be driven into the ground when planting tomatoes, approximately 10 cm from the bush, and immediately tied with a figure eight. You can also use trellises to tie tomatoes, in this case the consumption of rope will be reduced. In theory, amateur gardeners know when to plant, how to grow tomatoes, and are often even satisfied with the result of their work, but if everything is done correctly and master some tricks, then you can increase the tomato yield significantly.​ ​There are many varieties of tall tomatoes. They differ in the color and size of the fruits, which have excellent taste. However, growing them is quite a troublesome task. But it’s worth the effort to get large-fruited tomatoes. As a rule, vegetable growers grow tall tomato seedlings themselves. For its planting, the ground is prepared in the fall. Tomatoes will require well-lit areas with fertile soil. The beds are planned in such a way that it is possible to carry out the necessary agrotechnical measures, the implementation of which cannot be done without gartering tomatoes. Novice amateur vegetable growers make mistakes when fixing plants.​

General rules for gartering tomatoes

​Important! The trellis method of supporting tomatoes makes it possible to develop side shoots, increasing the yield of each bush.​

​You can purchase garter attachments with a brush holder. Instead of fabric or string, wide clips with rounded edges are used for fixation, which do not cause any harm to the stems.​

​metal rods or wooden stakes (up to 1 meter);​

​A large number of fruits can break the plant.​


Methods used for gartering tomatoes

​Proper gartering is not a minor activity that can be neglected, but an important event that affects the quality of the future harvest.​

​An important point is not to tighten the stem with garter materials, so as not to damage it and expose the plant to death. As the bush continues to grow, it is necessary to equip it with new garters or raise the old one as it grows.​

​In different climatic conditions, things are different. For example, in southern latitudes, where tomatoes are grown on large plantations in the bright sun, it is not advisable to tie them up. The fruits lie on the ground, and the whole plant receives much more nutrients from the ground than in the case of a garter.

No matter what amazing plants gardeners grow on their plots, they almost always make the traditional choice in favor of tomatoes. It’s so nice to grow this crop from the very seed, see how the fruits ripen and taste that very first red one right from the garden. There are low-growing, medium-growing and tall-growing tomatoes. Most often, in areas of our country, it is large-fruited, tall varieties that are grown that require special care. The result is worth it, but to get it,

​If everything is more or less clear with growing seedlings and planting time, then few people know how to properly tie up tomatoes.​

What is the correct way to garter a tomato? Tall plants, depending on the variety, will require pinching and regular fixation of the stem. The procedure for gartering tomatoes is carried out 3 to 6 times per season. Moreover, this agrotechnical technique is performed for each plant individually.

​Linear trellises are especially popular, when only one row of wire is stretched on top between two stakes at a distance of 30-40 cm. A rope is stretched from the wire to the bushes, around which the plant wraps as it grows. This method also involves pinching, since only one main stem can be developed.​

​The choice of method depends on the variety, volume of fruiting and number of bushes.​

​dressing material;​

​Water the bush strictly at the root, avoiding water getting on the leaves and flowers. It is almost impossible to water a bush lying on the ground like this.​ ​Polar, etc.​

How to properly tie tomatoes in a greenhouse

Each garden crop requires special treatment. The “sow – water – harvest” scheme works in very rare cases, and tomatoes are no exception. This crop is quite critical of the frequency and quality of watering, timely application of fertilizers, and care of tops and garter. Moreover, the last condition concerns not only obtaining the harvest, but also preserving it.​

Let's complicate the garter a little by using trellises. We place them at some distance from each other and stretch a wire horizontally between them. Between the rows of wire we make a distance of 45cm. Actually, rows of bushes will be tied to these wires.​

  1. Residents of cooler regions are unlikely to think about this method of growing. Periodic rains in combination with not the highest temperatures (especially at night) can ruin all the efforts of summer residents with the help of late blight or some other scourge like rot. That is why you will definitely have to tie up tomato bushes here, even low-growing ones. It is necessary to completely eliminate contact of fruits with the ground.

Why do you need to tie up tomatoes in a greenhouse?

​You will have to study the features of gartering tall tomatoes.​

​There are several important points here.​​Spring plantings of tall tomato seedlings differ from low-growing varieties. Bushes of some species can reach 1.5 meters in height. Therefore, plants are planted at a distance of 1 meter from each other. After planting the tomatoes, select material for gartering the tomatoes.​

  • All of the above methods are quite popular among gardeners. Which one to use is up to you. In order to choose the right one, consider the growth of the plant, its optimal yield and conditions (greenhouse or open ground).​
  • ​The simplest and therefore most accessible is to use separate supports (stakes) for each bush. You can use any available material, even scraps of ore and reinforcement. The only condition is that the length must exceed the final length of the bush by 20-30 cm.​
  • ​Twine or wire.​

​Proper pinching (getting rid of side shoots) can only be done with the bush tied up and with all-round access.​

  • ​Such varieties, although they are average in terms of yield, are rarely grown in greenhouses. Basically, the choice is made in favor of abundantly fruiting varieties, mainly tall ones. This is justified and advisable - on a small plot of soil you can get a more abundant harvest. These varieties include:
  • ​Contents​
  • ​Metal mesh can serve as a good guide for tomato bushes, only its cells should be large

​Thanks to the garter, contact of fruits with the ground and their rotting are eliminated

​Not all varieties of tomatoes are able to “hold themselves” during the process of growth, much less fruit development. Under the mass of filling tomatoes, the bushes begin to bend to the ground and may even break. If no injury occurs, then it is unlikely that the future harvest will benefit from lying on the ground - slugs and worms will happily feast on an unexpected gift.​

  1. It is necessary to ensure that the fruits do not come into contact with the ground;
  2. ​For this you will need, first of all, twine, which must be sufficiently soft and elastic. Do not use wire or fishing line for this purpose. They can injure plants. Pegs for gartering tomatoes should be of sufficient height and quite strong. These are usually wooden or metal pegs that can be used for several seasons in a row. The material for gartering tomatoes is ready. As the plants grow, they begin to fix them. You shouldn't be late with this. Bushes that touch the ground are susceptible to diseases and, as a result, lag behind in development and bear fruit poorly. This will lead to crop loss and a decrease in the quality of vegetable products. The garter is made immediately to permanent pegs, which will serve the plant all season. Fixing a tomato bush is not difficult. A support is installed near each bush. It should be strong enough. Fixing the plant should not be rigid, and take into account the fact that as the tomatoes grow, the stem will thicken. Tomato gartering is done with soft rope or fabric ribbons. The twine is wrapped several times (in the shape of a figure eight) around the stem of the plant and the peg. After which it is fixed on a peg. A loose loop is formed between the plant and the stake, which does not interfere with the growth of the plant. As they grow, the tomatoes are re-gartered.
  3. Remember, only medium-sized, early-ripening crops do not need a garter.
  4. The garter method is to drive a rod into the ground at a distance of 5-8 cm from the stem and tie the bush. During the fruiting period, you will need to tie it at least 1-2 more times; accordingly, for an adult bush, additional gartering of each hand is necessary.
  5. ​If we are talking about growing tomatoes on an industrial scale, it makes sense to use the so-called. trellises (see picture), which allow you to tie up several bushes simultaneously and on one plane.​
  6. ​Fruits lying on the ground are subject to attack by insects and pests, and are also affected by late blight.​

Methods for gartering tomatoes

  • ​The third method is called linear. A wire is pulled in the middle between the stakes, then a rope is stretched to it above each tomato, one of its ends is attached to the stem of the bush.​
  • ​An important condition is to exclude wires, fishing lines and thin ropes from garters for tomato bushes. For this purpose, you need to use nylon tights and stockings. But this is ideal. Various straps and powerful ropes will also work, as long as the garter really firmly but gently holds the bush without pinching the stem.​
  • There is one more circumstance - tomatoes need to be watered at the root, and when they are in a lying position, this is impossible to do. It is undesirable to water the tops of a tomato, as well as pour water on the fruits lying on the ground. And in general, the path to the tops of the plant for any disease in this case is significantly shortened.​

Even low-growing tomato bushes need to be tied up;

​The trellis method of growing tall varieties of tomatoes is no less effective. To do this, a trellis is built along the row with planted seedlings. Metal stakes are installed on both sides of the row. Several rows of twine are attached to them at different heights. Growing plants will be securely fixed on such a trellis.​

​And if you decide to give up pinching, choose the trellis method of gartering.​

​It is also convenient to use a garter. This is a special device that allows you to wrap around the support and stem in one movement. The principle of operation is reminiscent of a stapler, where tape is used instead of a staple. The same device is also used for tying grapes and pumpkin crops.​

​The optimal planting is 3-5 bushes per 1 sq.m. Only if timely gartering will all bushes be healthy and begin to bear fruit on time.​

How to tie up tomatoes

​Honey saved;​

Frequent disputes arise between gardeners regarding the need to tie tomatoes. The first group believes that this process is an intervention in the natural environment and reduces the chances of the tied plant taking root and does not guarantee a good harvest. The second group insists on the need for such a procedure, since it removes the load from the fragile tomato trunk and prevents damage to the fruit. The truth, as usual, is somewhere in the middle.​

​The fourth method is to make each bush its own cage. The cage is made of wire or metal. We bend the circles that will be connected by rods. We plant a tomato bush, dig the cage to a depth of 15cm and tie it with a rope.​

​To avoid exposing your tomatoes to the risk of infection from last year's diseases, do not use old garter material.​

​To avoid unpleasant moments that could negatively affect the final result of all your work,​

Making trellises

For tying, you cannot use wire, fishing line or thin ropes; it is better to cut old nylon tights, of which every woman has plenty;

The procedure for gartering tomatoes is a crucial moment when growing tomatoes, which should not be ignored. Caring vegetable growers use it not only for tall varieties. Low-growing tomatoes with this growing method suffer less from illness and produce excellent yields.​