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Production of reinforced concrete according to customer drawings. Accepting orders for reinforced concrete products according to your drawings Drawings of concrete products to order

We provide delivery to any region of the Russian Federation. We fulfill our delivery obligations regardless of the size of the shipment and the number of commodity items, the destination and the state of the transport network in the addressee’s region.

“Prom ZhBI” sends tens of tons of reinforced concrete products every day to different parts of the country. Our regular customers are large contracting organizations from Kaliningrad and Vladivostok, Arkhangelsk and Belgorod, Nizhny Novgorod and Astrakhan. The consistency of orders placed by construction companies and operating organizations at Prom-ZhBI is due to:

  • our compliance with delivery conditions (deadlines, nomenclature and quantity of concrete products)
  • efficiency in order processing
  • compliance with the rules for transporting reinforced concrete products
  • vast experience in organizing the transportation of reinforced concrete products, which allows you to avoid force majeure along the way
  • well-functioning logistics system (we choose the most convenient and inexpensive delivery options)

With us you will always receive your ordered materials on time. We organize delivery of any goods manufactured in our production.

The low price for the entire range of products manufactured by the company is complemented by affordable delivery costs. At the same time, the Prom-ZhBI company takes upon itself all organizational efforts. We control:

  • order completion and shipment
  • route and travel time
  • delivery time to the destination and order completeness at the unloading point

Regardless of the region in which you are located, delivery is organized as quickly as possible: no matter where you expect the cargo, it will arrive to you on time and without any effort on your part.

Reinforced concrete products widely used in almost all areas of construction.

Reinforced concrete products gained popularity mainly due to their high strength and lightness, as a result of which reinforced concrete products can be used as load-bearing structures.

The secret to the strength of this product lies in the use of two materials: steel reinforcement and concrete.

Concrete has high compressive strength and steel reinforcement has high tensile strength, and together they create one of the strongest materials that can withstand a variety of loads.

Reinforced concrete products include a huge number of different items: piles, foundation blocks, dividing fences, all this is just a short list of items.

For all reinforced concrete products, there are GOSTs and standards according to which they are manufactured, and which in turn guarantee the quality of the manufactured product. Due to clearly described characteristics, all products have their own dimensions, weight, volume, density, composition, shape. But when constructing buildings, it is not always possible to get by with only standard parts; very often it is necessary to manufacture products according to your own drawings.

The use of custom-made parts is encouraged if it provides undeniable advantages compared to the use of standard products. There are many situations in which it can be used
these products.

Due to the design features of some buildings, the use of parts made according to your own drawings can greatly facilitate the process of construction or repair, and often it is not possible to do without the use of non-standard products.

Custom-made reinforced concrete products, are actively used where it is not possible to install standard ones for some reason (for example, the weight, density or dimensions of the standard design are not suitable). For the sake of the design or appearance of the building, it may be necessary to use non-standard parts so that all the most daring and unusual designers’ ideas can be realized.

High-rise and massive buildings are increasingly entering our lives; they undoubtedly attract attention, but you have to pay for such beauty, because along with the size of the building, the load on it also increases, which means there is a need to use materials with increased strength, which can withstand heavy loads. And in some cases, on the contrary, you can save money, for example, when constructing buildings that do not have high safety requirements and that will not be used at critical sites. Savings are achieved by manufacturing products from a less durable material that fully satisfies all construction requirements. By thinking in advance about the purposes for which the room will be used and what loads will be placed on it, you can avoid unnecessary expenses and ensure the necessary level of safety.

The use of non-standard products in construction helps to create newer and more modern buildings. Thanks to the use of unique parts, they gradually come into use, and their production is put on stream, as a result of which the prices for the production of such parts are reduced. Proper use of products made according to your own drawings allows you to create new forms of buildings and can help save time and money spent on their construction.

However, not every plant is capable of producing non-standard parts, because this requires higher qualifications and the availability of special equipment. All this is necessary to achieve truly high-quality products.

The use of unique products helps architecture not to stand still, but to move forward towards beautiful and reliable buildings.

Methods for manufacturing reinforced concrete products and structures

In modern hydraulic engineering, prefabricated reinforced concrete structures are widely used. Precast concrete and reinforced concrete are used in the construction of massive high structures, in the construction of tunnels and underground hydroelectric power stations, pumping stations and valor water conduits. The use of prefabricated reinforced concrete is the most important link in the industrialization of construction and the radical improvement of building structures. When using precast reinforced concrete, the specific volume of reinforced concrete is significantly reduced (up to 40% compared to the monolithic option), the amount of required labor (up to 50%) and specific costs are reduced (by 25-40%).

In the conditions of widespread use of precast reinforced concrete, the construction time before the commissioning of the first hydraulic units is reduced to 3.5-4.5 years, i.e., it is closer to the construction time of large thermal power plants.

In this regard, industrial methods of mass production of reinforced concrete products and structures at special large industrial plants with a capacity of 150-200 thousand cubic meters per year, serving adjacent areas, or at landfills located directly at construction sites are of particular importance.

To ensure energy construction with prefabricated parts, a network of powerful enterprises in the construction industry is being created, as well as regional and inter-district bases with a radius of action of up to 800 km.

At precast reinforced concrete enterprises, mechanized technological lines are created:
a) for the manufacture of codoins, crossbars and beams;
b) for the production of foundations and other massive structures;
c) for the production of panels, coatings and ceilings.

At these enterprises, three main methods of mechanization for the production of prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete structures have become widespread: bench-type, flow-unit and flow-conveyor.

Rice. 225. Technological schemes for the manufacture of prefabricated reinforced concrete products and structures:
a - bench; b - flow-aggregate; c - flow-conveyor

With the bench method (Fig. 225, a), all operations (forming, hardening, stripping, surface treatment) during the entire process of manufacturing products are carried out on stationary stands. The molds with the product, both during the manufacturing process, laying and compacting the concrete mixture, and during the hardening of the concrete, remain in place, and production units and technological equipment (forming mechanisms) are sequentially moved from one stationary mold in which the product is molded to another. The product itself moves only 1 time - during its transportation to the warehouse 3 of finished products. Machines that perform the operations of feeding forms, reinforcement and concrete mixture, as well as laying reinforcement, concreting and stripping, move from one mold with a manufactured product to another.

The bench method is appropriate for the production of large parts, as well as when using special equipment for molding a certain type of product (string-concrete bench, concreting combine, vertical cassette machines, etc.).

The bench method can be carried out:
a) on smooth concrete platforms - for the manufacture of any parts, but mainly large-sized flat parts, in which the surface of the heated floor is used more efficiently;
b) in pit steaming chambers installed during the production of massive structures, heating of which on a thermal floor does not provide the necessary heat treatment;
c) on special stands intended for the production of stressed-reinforced structures - beams, purlins, decking and floor panels.
The weight of products molded using the bench method depends only on the lifting capacity of the cranes.

The flow-aggregate method for the production of prefabricated reinforced concrete parts (Fig. 225, b) is characterized by the fact that the technological operations of manufacturing the product are performed at different work stations. According to this scheme, molds 2 with products are moved from post to post with the help of lifting vehicles with stops necessary to complete each operation. In this case, concrete hardening occurs not at the molding site, but in special steaming chambers 5. After heat treatment, the molds with the product are moved to the formwork station, from where the finished products are transported to the finished product warehouse, and the molds are returned to the molding station.

The flow-aggregate method is very flexible and makes it possible to most simply organize the production of various products: slabs, panels, decking, purlins, crossbars, columns, etc. To switch from the production of one type of product to another, only a replacement of molds is required. Due to its cost-effectiveness, flexibility and ease of development, this method is widely used in factories of prefabricated reinforced concrete parts of any capacity.

The weight of molded products using the flow-aggregate method is limited by the lifting capacity of cranes and forming vibrating platforms.

With the flow-conveyor method for the production of prefabricated reinforced concrete parts (Fig. 225, c), products and trolley forms move from one post to another along a conveyor with a forced rhythm determined by the longest operation; at the same time, the machines that process these products and equipment remain in their places, and the trolley molds first pass through preparatory stations, where they are cleaned and lubricated.

Then they arrive at the main posts, where reinforcement and embedded parts are laid in a strictly defined order, and the concrete mixture is laid and compacted. Having passed all the posts, the product is sent to continuous tunnel-type steaming chambers, where it is steamed, continuing to move non-stop. Upon leaving the chamber and subsequent pressing out of the mold, the product goes to the finished product warehouse, and the mold goes to the post. For each type of product, such a plant has a specialized conveyor line.

The weight of molded products using flow-conveyor technology is limited by the lifting capacity of cranes and forming vibration compactors, as well as by the power of the conveyor traction elements.

In factories operating using the flow-conveyor method, it is possible to use more advanced technology and automatic lines (rolling mills, vertical cassette plants), which is the most economical.

Taking into account the nature of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures used in the construction of energy facilities, the possible concentration of prefabricated reinforced concrete enterprises and the volume of their production, the most appropriate technological schemes are considered to be flow-unit and flow-bench.

In Fig. 226 schematically shows the flow method for constructing a hydroelectric power station from precast reinforced concrete.

The process of product manufacturing and installation consists of separate operations. Each operation is carried out in specialized workshops or sites. The conveyor, consisting of railway platforms with molds, combines the work of workshops and sites into a single production process. Ov determines the flow of production, speeds up the production of products and organizes the overall progress of work. The cycle of moving a platform with molds begins from the mold preparation shop to the finished product site of the reinforcement plant, then to the product molding shop, the product heat treatment site and to the installation site.

After removing the finished product at the assembly site, the platform is returned to the mold preparation shop, and the cycle is repeated. The platform moves inside the production line using motor or diesel locomotives.

The production of prefabricated reinforced concrete products according to any of the technological schemes discussed above consists of the following main processes:
a) reception, storage and transportation of raw materials;
b) manufacture of fittings;
c) preparing the concrete mixture;
d) molding parts;
e) acceleration of hardening of parts;
e) stripping and finishing and
g) storage of finished products.

Of the entire complex of processes that make up the production of concrete and reinforced concrete products, molding is the most important; The molding method adopted often determines the method of making the product as a whole.

The molding process consists of the following technological and transport operations: preparation of molds (cleaning, lubrication and assembly); laying reinforcement and embedded parts or tensioning reinforcement; laying and distributing the concrete mixture in the mold and compacting it; processing the front surface of molded products (leveling, smoothing, etc.); removing the void-forming liners and releasing the on-board equipment of the molds; releasing pallets or molds from products and returning them to the beginning of the flow.

Rice. 226. Scheme of the flow method for constructing a hydroelectric power station from prefabricated reinforced concrete:
1 - mold preparation workshop; 2 - reinforcement plant; 3 - product molding shop; 4 - areas for heat treatment of products; 5 - installation site; 6 - concrete plant; 7 - aggregate warehouse

Individual operations, depending on the type of products and the accepted methods of their preparation, may be excluded from the technological process or modified.
In modern practice, this takes into account the method of compaction and the nature of the molding equipment.

The following methods of molding products are accepted:
1) vibration, combined, if necessary, with stamping, vacuuming and pressing of the concrete mixture;
2) pressing and rolling;
3) centrifugal method;
4) casting without compaction;
5) printed method in matrices.

The main equipment for mechanizing the molding of products are various types of molds, devices for cleaning and lubricating them, as well as machines for laying and distributing concrete mixture in molds and for finishing the front surface.

The most labor-intensive operations of molding products are laying the concrete mixture into a mold and distributing it in it. These operations in modern practice are performed mechanized, using self-propelled concrete pavers.

The latter, depending on their purpose, are divided into:
a) concrete pavers with belt feeders - for the flow-conveyor production method;
b) concrete pavers with a rotary belt feeder - for the bench production method;
c) concrete pavers with belt feeders and devices for distributing and smoothing concrete - for the aggregate-flow method of production.

A concrete paver with a belt feeder (Fig. 227) for flow-conveyor installations consists of a self-propelled frame, a frame drive, a belt feeder, a feeder drive, a damper for adjusting the size of the outlet slot of the storage tank, a manual damper control mechanism, a hopper, a cable suspension unit, a hydraulic drive and a remote control management. Two wheels of the self-propelled frame are driven. The frame movement drive consists of a three-speed electric motor, gearbox, shaft and two chain drives. The belt feeder consists of drive and tension drums, an endless rubberized belt and a support sheet. The damper is made in the form of a sector shield that covers the outlet of the storage tank. The damper control mechanism consists of a worm gear, propeller shaft, gears and rack.

Rice. 227. Concrete paver with belt feeder for flow-conveyor installations

To make it possible to mold products of different widths, the position of the walls of the storage tank can be adjusted using hydraulic pushers.

The productivity of this type of concrete pavers is 20-50 m3/h. Travel speed 4-10 m/min. Engine power 6-10 kW.

A concrete paver with a rotary belt feeder is used for placing concrete in forms installed on an extended stand.

On the support self-propelled trolley of the concrete paver (Fig. 228), a movement drive, a platform rotation drive and a track, which is the supporting surface for the wheels of the turntable, are mounted. On the frame of the latter there is a receiving hopper, a belt feeder drive, a feeder boom lift drive and a control panel. The loading funnel of the belt feeder is equipped with a gate, with which the thickness of the concrete layer on the belt is adjusted.

Compaction of concrete by vibration is carried out using surface and deep vibrators and vibrating platforms, which are horizontal platforms on elastic pads, driven into oscillatory motion by vibration mechanisms. The mold with the manufactured product placed in it is installed on a horizontal platform of such a vibrator and is subjected, together with the product, to vibration.

Vibrocompression is the simultaneous vibration and pressing of a molded product using a plate located on the surface of the concrete mixture or internal pneumatic liners. Vibration pressing has significant advantages over static pressing (without vibration), which requires heavier and more powerful presses. The magnitude of the pressing pressure is 5-15 KHJM2 (50-150 g/cm2) and depends on the hardness of the concrete mixture.

Vibrostamping differs from vibrocompression in that the molded product has not a flat, but a profiled surface (flights of stairs, ribbed slabs, sleepers, etc.), and therefore the surface of the pressing plate, called a vibrostamp, is also profiled. The vibrating stamp, under the influence of its own weight and the vibrator mounted on it, presses the desired relief into the molded product and compacts the concrete mixture.

Rice. 228. Concrete paver for bench installations with a rotary belt feeder

Vibration stamping is also used in the manufacture of figured products. In these cases, the necessary outline of the bottom. surface is obtained using a matrix.

A progressive direction in the development of mass production of similar products and parts is the transition to molding on specialized machines, in which the mold or its side elements and liners become integral parts of the molding machines themselves. When molding hollow products, such as panels, decking, wall blocks, etc., hollow, round or oval-shaped void formers with vibrating mechanisms in the cavity, called vibratory inserts, are used to compact the concrete mixture. The vibration inserts are mounted on a traverse, which performs a reciprocating movement when inserting the inserts into the mold and removing them from it. In machines with vibrating inserts, the movement of the engraver with void formers is usually combined with the movement of the end or longitudinal sides of the mold by a certain amount.

A universal type vibration insert (empty former) is shown in Fig. 229. It is an oval (round) body in which vibrators are arranged in series. connected to each other by intermediate shafts with articulated couplings. The vibrator shafts are driven into rotation by an electric motor through a V-belt transmission, which transmits rotation to a pulley mounted on the vibrator shaft. The tension of the belt drive is carried out by a tension roller.

Molding machines working with vibration liners, depending on the number of liners, have a productivity of 200 to 900 m? per shift. The installed power of electric motors ranges from 25 to 75 kW.

A new technology for the manufacture of elements of large-sized reinforced concrete structures is being developed using two methods: the vibratory rolling method or the vibrocompression method and the cassette method in vertical multi-place cassettes.

The vibration rolling method, developed in the USSR, is widely used in the manufacture of thin-walled large-panel parts with stressed reinforcement.

In Fig. 230 shows a diagram of an installation for the production of ribbed reinforced concrete slabs using the vibration rolling method on a rolling mill designed by N. Ya. Kozlov.

The rolling mill consists of a forming belt with liners, a load-bearing chain, dosing and mixing equipment, an auger, a continuous concrete mixer, an auger concrete paver, a vibrating beam, a vibrating shield, a leveler, a calibrating device, a rubberized tape that seals the product in the heat treatment area, an overrunning roller table and a tipper.

The concrete mixture is prepared using dosing and mixing equipment. Passing through the auger, it is moistened and enters a continuous paddle gasoline mixer. From here the mixture is fed to the forming belt. The panel is formed on a continuously moving endless metal belt, which is a series of traction chains on which the liners are attached. There is a fixed metal sheet under the chains to prevent concrete spillage. Between the traction chains there are supporting chains on which the longitudinal ribs of the molded panel rest. Compaction of the mixture and filling of the space between the liners is ensured by a vibrating beam.

The laid and compacted concrete, moving with the forming belt, passes under the rib former, which collects concrete over the ribs of the molded panel in the amount necessary for compaction during rolling, and then falls under the calibrating device, where it is finally rolled. The calibrating device consists of a drum and a series of rolls surrounded by an endless continuous belt.

Rice. 230. Diagram of a rolling mill designed by N. Ya. Kozlov

Inserts ensure the formation of depressions in the molded product. The gaps between the liners correspond to the thickness of the ribs. The concrete mixture is compacted at a pressure of up to 2500 kn/m2 (25 kg/om2). The dividing beam is used to separate one panel from another.

Rice. 231. Mechanized cassette

The molded panel is fed under a sealing tape into the heat treatment zone, where after two hours at a temperature of 100 ° C, the slabs receive a strength of about 20 MN/m2 (200 kg/cm2). After this, the finished product is fed onto a double-shear roller conveyor and then goes to a stand for quality control and panel assembly.

Using a similar rolling installation, it is possible to mold not only smooth partition panels, but also panels of external walls, smooth on one side and ribbed on the opposite side, for which the lower forming belt must have a corresponding profile surface and serve as a matrix.

For the manufacture of thin-walled reinforced concrete products using the cassette method, vertical sliding metal or reinforced concrete cassettes are used (Fig. 231). With this method, heat treatment of products is carried out directly in cassettes.

The technological process for manufacturing panels in vertical cassettes is as follows. After cleaning and lubricating the surfaces of the cassettes, which are in the extended state, pre-prepared frames are installed and the embedded metal parts (clamps) are secured. On the frame meshes, embedded clamps are installed in a “spaced manner” to ensure the central position of the reinforcing mesh in the panel wall, after which the cassette walls are moved to a position corresponding to the dimensions of the part being manufactured. Then special vibrating nozzles are installed, which are attached to the elements of the panel’s reinforcing mesh, and concrete mixture is fed into the cassette, simultaneously into all compartments, which is compacted by vibration during its laying. After laying the concrete mixture, the vibrating nozzles are removed and covers are installed to cover the upper surfaces of the panel.

It is not always possible to make do with only standard reinforced concrete elements, and in such cases, reinforced concrete products are made to order. Send your drawings by email [email protected], our managers will quickly calculate the cost of the products and contact you.

Scope of application of exclusive reinforced concrete products

Complex and exclusive products can be used for the following purposes:

  • to solve non-standard installation problems, which are technically impossible or economically unprofitable to fully understand using standard designs;
  • to create unusual aesthetically advantageous forms;
  • for the manufacture of additional structures within an existing architectural structure;
  • in conditions of construction and installation under a tight work schedule, in which there is not enough time to adjust standard structures.

After submitting the drawings to the design department, the possibility of manufacturing exclusive reinforced concrete products is considered. If the specified technical solution is possible, the cost of the work is calculated, taking into account its complexity and the volume of the order. At this stage, specialists from the factory design department can offer the customer alternative solutions that maintain the technical characteristics of the ordered reinforced concrete products, but reduce their cost.

Advantages and features of non-standard concrete products

The production of reinforced concrete products upon exclusive request allows us to implement individual projects in which the original design plays a special role, since in modern conditions building aesthetics are no less important than the operational characteristics of objects.

The production of non-standard products helps architecture to develop and move forward towards beautiful, comfortable buildings and original design projects. Sometimes it is convenient to use drawings to create small original architectural forms or façade elements for which ready-made drawings are already available.

Features of the production of reinforced concrete products according to customer drawings

In the production of non-standard reinforced concrete products, various concrete mixtures can be used to provide the finished products with the required operational and consumer characteristics, and, first of all, resistance to external influences. High-quality raw materials guarantee a high level of manufacturing and durability of finished products. They are often subject to special technical requirements, for example, high frost resistance or low sensitivity to moisture.

Production of reinforced concrete products according to drawings is convenient and profitable. Firstly, because you can order a full production cycle, including design, turnkey manufacturing and delivery to the construction site. Secondly, a quality certificate is always provided for finished products. In addition, custom-made reinforced concrete products are precisely those products that fully meet the customer’s needs and requirements, and can be used in difficult natural and climatic conditions, or on soils that are not suitable for construction.

You can get products of a high level of complexity. This is quite realistic, since the production base of the manufacturing enterprise is well developed and equipped with modern technological capabilities. When using products, we must not forget that each element is created with the expectation of certain static and dynamic loads.

How to order reinforced concrete products

In order for the plant to begin calculating the cost, you need to provide a drawing for the product in which you should indicate:

  • characteristics of raw materials, for example, brand of concrete or concrete mix recipe;
  • provide a reinforcement diagram;
  • indicate the required surface quality;
  • physical and technical characteristics of finished products, for example, the required degree of frost resistance and water resistance;
  • exact dimensions of the product;
  • required number of products.

You can find out detailed information regarding the possibility and timing of order fulfillment from our managers.

Developers of residential complexes and non-standard buildings are increasingly turning to foreign technologies when constructing them, because European layouts, which have their own characteristics, are very popular these days.

To implement all the tasks set by architects, construction companies are forced to order non-standard reinforced concrete products. This allows you to save money and time on installation work and makes it possible to build a high-quality structure that meets current norms and standards.

The manufacturing plant "Beton-Center" is engaged in the custom production of high-quality reinforced concrete products at a reasonable cost. The catalog on our website presents a wide variety of reinforced concrete products of classical shapes. In the case when you need structures of non-standard dimensions, it is possible to change the parameters for the implementation of each specific project. According to the customer's requirements, the location of the metal frame, the grade of concrete used and other parameters change. We practice an individual approach to each client.

The production of non-standard reinforced concrete products of various architectural forms on an individual order is the core activity of our plant, since its production facilities are equipped with high-precision machines.

Advantages of personal production of concrete products

The production of reinforced concrete products according to the customer’s conditions significantly expands the possibilities of constructing buildings and laying utility lines running underground, and also allows for the implementation of non-standard projects. The production capacity of our plant makes it possible to produce batches of any volume of reinforced concrete products in a short time without losing the declared quality.

The organization has many successful orders from large development companies. Among them, we should highlight the production of the RK-1 grate, produced according to an individual project of the Mikhailovsky GOK. In addition, we produced ventilation system units according to personally developed drawings for the needs of a residential area of ​​the Moscow region. Individual production of reinforced concrete products has a lot of advantages:

  • Receiving products of any type and level of complexity. The production part of our plant is equipped with modern machines for various purposes. Constant quality control at all stages guarantees compliance with all technical standards and standard size drawings.
  • Strict adherence to agreed deadlines. We are able to produce the required quantity of reinforced concrete products within the planned time frame, because the necessary consumables for various purposes are always available.
  • Delivery of reinforced concrete products is carried out in Moscow and Tver; by separate agreement, products can be sent to nearby regions.

Attractive prices for custom-made products. After reviewing the order, our specialists offer profitable options for completing the assigned tasks.

Why are concrete products ordered according to drawings from Beton-Center?

"Beton-Center" is engaged in the production of custom-made reinforced concrete products of various configurations; production lines allow us to quickly carry out work of any complexity and volume. The enterprise has a full-time laboratory that controls the quality of the concrete used. Manufactured products comply with the international ISO quality standard, which is proof of reliability and long service life.

Manufacturing of reinforced concrete products according to customer drawings is the profile of the Beton-Center organization. To get started, our specialists need to provide the following information:

  • Direct drawing
  • The brand of concrete used,
  • Reinforcement diagram
  • The quality of the front surfaces,
  • Requests for the degree of waterproofness and frost resistance of the future product.

In addition to the production of precast concrete products, we offer additional services to our customers:

  • Metal cutting. We have at our disposal high-precision guillotine shears, with which you can obtain perfectly straight edges.
  • Plasma cutting. Metal processing in this way is used to create products of complex and non-standard geometric shapes that exactly correspond to the required parameters.
  • Welding of metal structures. All work is carried out by specialized welders, which ensures the accuracy and reliability of the seams.

Our company is a leader in its segment of the construction market and has a reputation as a responsible partner, because we pay close attention to each order, are able to implement projects of any level of complexity, and are aimed at long-term cooperation. "Beton-Center" successfully cooperates not only with private owners, but also with commercial enterprises.

You can find out more detailed information regarding cooperation, deadlines and costs by calling the indicated phone numbers.