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What an exhibitionist bow this is. Exhibition onion: growing through seedlings. Planting seedlings on ridges

Onions are a magnificent vegetable that is actively used in the preparation of various dishes. First, summer residents pluck the long-awaited green feather from the young onion, and then pull out the turnip. Every year, breeders develop more and more new varieties. One of them is very interesting - Exhibition onions. It has excellent taste properties. It is sweet, without any bitterness at all. Exhibition onion salads are incredibly tasty. Try it!

The Exhibition onion comes from Holland. Therefore, cultivation requires careful adherence to agricultural technology. We carefully studied this Exhibition onion variety to tell you the technology for growing it from seeds throughout Russia. So that everyone can be convinced of the high quality of the harvest.

Description of an unusual variety of onion Exhibition

We need to start with the size of the turnip: its average values ​​range from 200 to 500 grams. But there are also larger specimens that grow up to 1 kg.

The yellow bulbs have a round shape. They are stretched out. The taste of this salad variety is sweetish. It has virtually no bitterness, so it doesn't make your eyes water.

130 days must pass from the date of germination to the ripening of the onion harvest of this variety. In order for the turnip to grow by the end of August, the seedlings should hatch at the latest in mid-April. It turns out that it is possible to grow Exhibition onions from seeds in one season. You just need to thoroughly prepare and start preparing for sowing at the end of February.

A significant disadvantage of the bulbs of this variety is its poor preservation. They are practically not stored. It is supposed to be consumed within the next 3 months after harvest. It is impossible, it is not put into storage. Therefore, it is not recommended to sow a lot of it.

How to grow Exhibition onions from seeds?

To do this, you need to understand the agricultural technology of growing this crop. It’s worth starting with the fact that you will have to sow onions in such a way that they can be planted in the spring as seedlings. This means you need to know when to sow Exhibition onions for seedlings.

The optimal days for planting in central Russia are the days of the last week of February. Then the seedlings will have time to become sufficiently strong by the time they are transplanted into the garden bed and you will be able to grow Exhibition onions from seeds in one season.

How to plant Exhibition onions for seedlings?

1. Disinfect the seeds. To do this, wrap them in cloth and immerse them in a solution of potassium permanganate. Leave them for about 20 minutes. Then they should be washed and dried on the radiator.

2. Prepare boxes for planting. They are supposed to be filled with a nutrient mixture, which consists of black soil combined with peat and compost.

3. Sowing seeds. To do this, you need to make long grooves in moist soil at a distance of about 2 cm, so that one seed can be placed in them every 1.5 cm. Lightly sprinkle them with soil. Cover the plantings with film. Place the box in a warm place.

4. Observe the cultivation of Exhibition onions from seeds. In the second week of sowing, shoots will appear. Greens grow very slowly. They need to be watered with a light spray from a spray bottle.

1. sow at the end of February in a deep cake bowl;

2. in phase 3, cut the leaves by 1/3;

Real experience of growing Exhibition onions for 1 season.

Inspired at the beginning of March, I sowed Exhibition and Red Baron onions. At the end of March he died safely for me. But I wanted to experiment and on April 1 I sowed Exhibition in the bowl again. Mars seeds. It rose slowly.

In mid-April I took it out to the greenhouse. I planted thin blades of grass in open ground. The earth is sand. I did not add humus, but only added ash. I cut off the feathers by one third and trimmed the roots a little. There were 16 pieces in total, 4 in each groove. It was scary to look at them - you would burst into tears.

I fed it with agricola for onions and garlic and fermented grass several times. At first they just stuck out, and then they began to grow. They grew up beautiful, the same size, 300 grams each. I'm glad about that too. The turnip also grew a good onion, but it was smaller than Exhibition, there were no small ones at all. But the onion fly spoiled a lot. I fought with her all summer. I’ll definitely plant Exhibition and try Globo. Maybe we can grow bigger onions.

Growing vegetables is popular, including planting and growing onions. This is one of the common food products. Onions contain a complex of vitamins and minerals that have a beneficial effect on the development of the body.

Exhibition onion is one of the largest varieties

Description of cultivation of the exhibition variety

The exhibition bow has its own distinctive features. Exhibition onions, the cultivation and care of which are recommended to be done with planting onions, are popular among summer residents and large producers.

Onions are planted and grown to produce green arrows or to grow onions. Exhibition onions are onions that have recently become more commonly used.

This variety was developed by Dutch breeders. The size of the onion is average, and the weight of the bulb reaches five hundred grams. If you properly care for planting material, you can get a rich and generous harvest. From one square meter you can get up to three kilograms of harvest with proper care. It cannot be stored for long periods of time, but has a sweet, pleasant taste.

Growing bulbs by planting seedlings is a long, problematic process. This method helps to get a large vegetable. To ensure a bountiful harvest, seedlings are planted in March. Sowing a plant consists of several stages:

  • First of all, purchase seeds for sowing. Store-bought ones do not require additional processing or care.
  • Seeds collected from the previous harvest or taken from a summer resident undergo careful processing.
  • The seeds are dipped in a saline solution. Salt is taken in small quantities. Empty seeds float to the surface and are thrown away.
  • After the culling stage, the seeds are washed in manganese to kill harmful organisms and bacteria.
  • Rinse them under running water and dry in a warm place. The seeds are ready for planting.

Seedlings need to be grown in greenhouse conditions

Seeds for seedlings are grown in greenhouse conditions and then transplanted into open ground. In the greenhouse you need to prepare the soil for sowing seeds. Preparing a site for sowing consists of several stages:

  1. dig up the soil;
  2. remove weeds;
  3. fertilize the soil;
  4. the land must be fertile with a low acidity level;
  5. moisten the soil before sowing.

Seedlings can be grown in boxes or special containers. To care and prepare the soil, use soil, mullein and humus. Pour the soil into the prepared boxes and place the seeds there. The soil depth should be about one and a half centimeters.

Cover the boxes with film and germinate the seedlings for seven days, then transfer the containers to a bright place. The suitable temperature for seed germination at first should be at least twenty-two degrees. And then the temperature is lowered to eighteen degrees.

Onion seedlings are planted in well-fertilized soil

Characteristics of the variety

You can transfer onions to open ground in the month of May. Fourteen days before transferring the planting material to open ground, the seedlings are hardened off. It is taken out to the balcony or to a cold place.

Before transplanting germinated seedlings from seeds, the soil on the site is prepared in the same way as for sowing seeds. The area needs to be thinned and mulched in a timely manner. Onion sowing should be thinned out to remove weak sprouts.

Germination of seedlings is also carried out through a snail. This method of germinating the variety is carried out in a wet rag or napkin.

After some time, the germinated seeds are transplanted into boxes or pots. In this way, the seeds sprout faster, the method is popular.

The variety is harvested at the end of summer. Planting a plant and transplanting seedlings are important processes in growing a variety. The method of growing a variety from sets is the most common method that helps to obtain a high yield of the variety.

When planted as sets, exhibition onions give an excellent harvest of large bulbs

A few months after planting the seeds and with proper care, you can grow onions with a large yield of onion sets. A description of plant care helps to grow seedlings with a large harvest.

This product is popular and the relevance of its sowing never loses its position. Growing onions is important in both winter and summer. Bulb is most in demand in the winter, due to its immune-boosting effect.

Caring for the exhibition variety is a meticulous job. Properly prepared soil and grown seedlings of the variety allow you to get a large harvest. After a short time, you can grow exhibition onions for sale or for personal use.

For gardeners, there is a certain list of crops grown on plots. Onions are definitely at the top of the list. Among the generally accepted varieties, there are also extraordinary ones, the cultivation of which is not so popular, but no less interesting. Types of onions are grown to produce greens or turnips. Onion Exhibition differs from other representatives of the species in its main parameters. In the article we will tell you about growing Exhibition onions and give recommendations on planting and caring for vegetables.

Description of the Exhibition onion variety and its characteristics

The Exhibition onion variety was bred by Dutch breeders. It differs from ordinary varieties:

  1. Taste characteristics. The lack of bitterness and sweetish soft taste inherent in the variety make it stand out among its peers. Suitable for fresh consumption for people with digestive tract problems.
  2. Weight. One bulb of a perennial herbaceous plant, when sown with seeds, grows to a weight of 500-800 g. Record holders in weight, grown by seedlings, reach a value of 1 kg.
  3. The smell. The pleasant, non-pungent aroma does not bother you when used. And when cut, it does not irritate the eye receptors and does not stimulate lacrimation.
  4. Growing technology. Not every summer resident can grow this variety. It requires the ability to choose seeds wisely and regularly care for the plant during the growing season. Onions don't keep well. Under optimal temperature conditions (+4°C) it can withstand until the New Year holidays. Therefore, beginners often prefer traditional onion varieties for growing in their plots. Read also the article: → "".
Grow sweet giant onions at home to enrich your diet.

Methods for growing Exhibition onions in a summer cottage

There are two main ways:

  • seedling;
  • direct sowing into the ground.

Exhibition onion is a mid-late variety. The ripening period of the culture lasts 95-115 days. Therefore, in regions with short summers, it is possible to grow the variety only by seedlings. This will guarantee a decent harvest.

When sowing in the ground, there is no need to care for the seedlings, which significantly saves time. But, larger bulbs are obtained by seedlings. In the first year, high-quality seedlings are formed, and in the next year, giant bulbs are formed. When growing seedlings of any crop, there are nuances. Onion Exhibition is no exception. Therefore, summer residents get out of the situation by purchasing ready-made seedlings for planting. Let's look at both growing methods.

Technology of a seedless method of growing Exhibition onions

The method is excellent for cultivating onions over large areas. The bulbs will not necessarily reach a kilogram weight, but will not be small (up to 250 g). This is quite enough for home use. Fans of the seedless method are summer residents who do not have enough space to grow onion seedlings in the spring. After all, at this time it is necessary to grow seedlings of other crops.

For Exhibition onions, the bed is equipped with a shelter to protect the plantings from low temperatures. But in the northern regions it is better not to use this method. Gardeners who grow Exhibition onions without seedlings recommend sticking the seeds on paper tape. There is no clear opinion on this matter. There are opposite options to this procedure:

  • delays the germination of seedlings and increases labor intensity;
  • facilitates sowing and reduces time costs.

Provide the seedlings with enough space to allow the mature bulbs to gain maximum weight.

Tip #1. Sow carrots next to the Exhibition onion, which will protect it from pests.

Sowing Exhibition onion seeds for seedlings at home

This option requires more time and effort. Sowing onion seeds for seedlings is carried out in early spring. Optimally - late February or early March. Stages of growing seedlings:

  1. Seed preparation. When selecting seed material, care must be taken to ensure that frozen seeds or those with traces of mold do not fall on the sowing. Pre-soak healthy ones in warm water for 3-4 hours. Drain, wrap in damp cotton cloth, and set aside for 48-62 hours. Disinfection is carried out for 8 hours with a solution of potassium permanganate (1 gram/1 liter), in which the seeds are kept for 8 hours. At the same time, the solution temperature is maintained at about 40°C.
  2. Preparing the soil mixture. Onions respond well to peat humus mixture, improved by adding complex fertilizer (mineral).
  3. The second option is turf soil, humus, rotted mullein (10:9:1).

Preparing containers for sowing. A planting box or cassettes will do.

Provide containers with seedlings with optimal lighting and temperature conditions so that the seedlings develop normally.

Types of purchased soil for growing onion seedlings Exhibition Tender seedlings are sensitive to the composition of the soil in which they grow.

The health and strength of plants depends on the balance of nutrients. Name Advantages
Flaws Terra vita or Living Earth

Natural balanced composition.

Presence of vermicompost, microelements.

Released in several versions.

Ready to use.
Requires the addition of Agrovermiculite. "Microgreenhouse"

Neutral soil.

Suitable for growing onion seedlings or forcing greens.
Do not use in pure form. Requires the addition of sand or sawdust. "Universal"

Contains mineral components in minimal quantities.

The natural composition is peat and semi-rotted sawdust.
Enrichment with vermicompost is necessary (at least 20%). Contains vermicompost and humates.

Suitable for feeding seedlings.

Not loose enough.

Requires the addition of Agrovermiculite or sawdust (semi-rotted).

Caring for Exhibition onion seedlings at home

Exibishen onion seedlings are tender and thin. In order to obtain high-quality seeding, it is necessary to provide conditions for the development of seedlings. Caring for seedlings consists of:

  1. Maintaining optimal temperature conditions. Variations of the parameter are allowed within the range from +10°С to +22°С.
  2. Proper watering. Warm water is used, watering is regular and moderate, without stagnation of moisture.
  3. Feeding. It is necessary to add 1 g of complex fertilizer to 1.5 liters of water daily.
  4. Ventilation. Do it regularly 2 times a week.
  5. Hardening. Begin no earlier than two months after emergence. This period is obtained two weeks before planting in the garden. The first ten days of May is the optimal time for planting seedlings for permanent residence.

Tip #2. Trim the onion feathers if they begin to droop during seedling growth. The length of the remaining feather is 10 cm.

Proper planting of Exhibition onion seedlings in the ground

The strengthened seedlings are planted in the open sky. The process begins by choosing a lighted area with drained and loose soil. For good growth of seedlings in soil, the following conditions are required:

  • neutral or slightly acidic soil;
  • It is not recommended to apply manure, which can cause the bulbs to become loose;
  • the holes are made small (the diameter of a finger is enough);
  • the roots are buried 3 cm;
  • maintain a 20x30 planting pattern;
  • comply with the requirements for caring for seedlings.

Seedling care includes standard parameters:

  1. Watering is carried out regularly, but in moderation. It is stopped at the end of July to prevent watery bulbs. This will negatively affect the shelf life of Exhibition onions.
  2. Loosening is done after the plants are watered.
  3. Mulching to prevent soil drying out.
  4. Prevention and control measures against diseases and pests.
  5. Feeding. Use complex fertilizers. Nitrogen levels are strictly regulated.
  6. Weeding to remove weeds. This is done carefully so as not to harm the delicate bulbs.

Tip #3. Do not pick onion feathers during the growth period to get large heads.

Make holes for seedlings of the optimal size so as not to damage the delicate roots.

Types of mulch for onion beds in a summer cottage

Name Name Advantages
Sunflower or buckwheat husks The soil does not overheat and remains moderately moist. Pulls nitrogen from the soil.
Hay or straw Suppresses weeds in a small layer.

Contains food for worms.

Preserves the soil from erosion.

Retains moisture.

For planting onions, it requires chopping.

The need for shelter during storage.

Sawdust Excellent for mulching small crops (onions) A thin layer does not protect against weeds.

Partially acidify the soil.

Before sowing or planting bulbous seedlings, gardeners sow green manure. Read also the article: → "". The best green manure for bulbous beds.

Name Advantages Minuses
Mustard Fast germination.

Enrichment of the earth with organic matter, potassium, sulfur.

Essential oils in the composition serve as protection against pests.

Insufficient nitrogen content.
Rape Acts like mustard. Not suitable for sandy soils.
Lupine An excellent alternative to manure. No obvious ones were identified.

Mistakes gardeners make when growing Exhibition onions on their plots

When growing giant onions, summer residents make typical mistakes that affect productivity:

Questions from gardeners regarding the technology of growing Exhibition onions

Question No. 1. What are the nuances of planting Exhibition onion sets for the winter?

The seedlings are planted at the beginning of the first frost, when they last steadily for some time. In this case, the following conditions are met:

  • air temperature during the day up to +5°С, at night no more than –3°С;
  • the upper layers of the soil are not cooled below +3°C.

They begin to grow sets in November at an average air temperature of +5°C. Small seedlings are selected for planting. With this method, the harvest is ready for harvest in July.

Question No. 2. Is it possible to get a harvest of Exhibition onions in one season?

Yes, it is quite. The only different parameter for different growing methods will be the weight of the bulbs. When sown directly in the ground, they do not grow to their maximum size. In this case, chemicals are not used, due to the fact that onions strongly accumulate their constituent components.

Question No. 3. Is it possible to protect onion plantings from pests in a natural way?

Planting alternate rows of onions and carrots significantly improves the health of both plants.

Question No. 4. How to accurately determine the harvest date for Exhibition onions?

The lodging of greenery is a signal for the beginning of the harvest. If you miss the deadline, the bulb will take root again and the onion will not be ready for storage.

The Exhibition onion stands out from its counterparts due to its large head size and sweet taste without pronounced bitterness. This is why many gardeners love it, despite the labor-intensive cultivation. Dutch breeders did a great job. To get a full harvest, it is important to take into account the requirements of this crop for agricultural technology, which will be described below.

Description of the Exhibition variety

Exhibition is a late variety. When ripe, the crop forms a large, attractive bulb that has an unusual taste. The weight of the head ranges from 300 to 500 grams.

If you grow onions as seedlings, the fruits will be even larger (individual specimens can reach a weight of 1 kg). The bulbs, covered with golden scales on top, have a rounded shape. The taste of the spicy vegetable is sweetish, without the bitterness characteristic of onions, the pulp is delicate in texture, very juicy.

There are fewer essential oils in this onion than in other varieties; it can be cut without the risk of “shedding tears.” Due to its properties, Exhibition is excellent for fresh consumption and salad preparation. Bulbs ripen in 90-100 days.

The variety can be grown by direct sowing in the ground and through seedlings. The seedling method provides the advantage of earlier ripening; the harvest can be harvested as early as August. This is an important advantage of the crop for growing in cold regions.

On a note! The variety is characterized by high yield, but does not have a very long shelf life, which can be considered its disadvantage. Even if ideal conditions are created, the bulbs will only last until December.

When growing, Exhibition onions are demanding in terms of agricultural technology; without observing the recommended conditions, they will not give you the harvest that they are capable of producing. Experienced summer residents advise growing this variety through seedlings.

Only in this case will the bulbs grow strong and of enormous size. In warm regions, you can ignore this rule and sow the seeds directly into the ground, although in this case you will not get kilogram bulbs.

When using the seedling method, it is worth considering that from the moment of planting on the ridge until the harvest is received, at least 80 days will pass. It takes approximately 2 months for seedlings to develop. You will need to sow the seeds in the Moscow region in the second ten days of February, and in August the full-fledged bulbs will already be ripe.

Planting dates are adjusted depending on the region. Since the threat of frost disappears later in Siberia and the Urals, it is better to sow seeds for seedlings in the first half of March, since the time for planting them in open ground is also delayed.

There should be no problems purchasing Exhibition onion seeds. They are popular, so they are available in almost any gardening store. Before planting, you need to do preparatory work.

Preparing soil and seeds

There is no need to be too fancy when preparing the seeds. The whole procedure takes place in three stages:

  • the seeds are wrapped in gauze and immersed in warm water for several hours to swell;
  • after this, the material is left in the same gauze, or wrapped in damp cotton cloth and placed in a plastic bag to retain moisture for several days;
  • Before planting, the hatched seeds need to be soaked for 2-3 hours in a pink solution of potassium permanganate to disinfect, after which they are slightly dried.

It is better to prepare the soil in the fall by mixing garden soil and sand with humus in equal parts, adding 1 cup of wood ash to a bucket of the mixture. If this is not possible, soil for seedlings from the store will do. For sowing, you can use boxes, cassettes and plastic cups. If the container is reused, it must be thoroughly washed with soap and a brush, and then rinsed with boiling water.


  • Seeds are sown thickly in pre-moistened soil.
  • Furrows 1 cm deep are cut on the soil surface, into which the planting material is distributed.
  • The top of the crops is lightly sprinkled with soil and moistened with water from a spray bottle.
  • After this, the container should be covered with film to create greenhouse conditions.
  • Now the seedlings need to be placed in a warm, shaded place for 1-1.5 weeks before germination.

The optimal temperature for this period will be +25°C. No need to water. As soon as the first shoots appear, the container is placed in a lighted place and the room temperature is slightly reduced (to 17-18°C). If the window sills are cold, the pots should be placed on insulating stands to prevent the roots of young plants from freezing.

In order for seedlings to grow healthy, they need to be provided with sufficient lighting, proper watering, loosening and fertilizing. To grow Exhibition onion seedlings, the daylight hours should be at least 10-12 hours. This can be achieved by installing additional lighting with fluorescent lamps.

It is necessary to water the seedlings with settled warm water. Watering should be moderate but regular. Watered soil must be loosened so that a hard crust does not form on the surface. It is better to do this immediately after watering. Be careful not to damage the delicate roots. Feed onions once a week with complex fertilizers for vegetable crops.

Advice! The room where the seedlings are located must be regularly ventilated, while protecting the seedlings from drafts.

The peculiarity of the seedlings of this onion is that it expels a long feather, which is recommended to be trimmed, leaving no more than 10 cm in length. This technique stimulates the active growth of seedlings and, moreover, the feathers in this case will not interfere with transplantation into the ground.

2 weeks before planting seedlings in a permanent place, they must be hardened off, accustoming them to weather conditions. The box with seedlings is taken out into fresh air every day, gradually increasing the hardening time. This technique promotes the health of seedlings and their rapid adaptation to the garden.

In the middle zone, Exhibition onions are planted in the garden in mid-May. By this time the seedlings should be two months old. The ridge should be positioned so that it is well illuminated by the sun and at the same time protected from the winds. Onions love loose and nutritious soils with neutral acidity. If the soil is acidic, neutralize it with dolomite flour or limestone to ensure a good harvest.

It is necessary to prepare a place for planting onions in the fall. Fertilizers are added to the soil in the form of superphosphate, potassium salt and humus. Fresh manure and unrotted compost cannot be used for fertilizing.

As soon as the outside temperature reaches above zero, the seedlings can be planted in open ground. When planting, use the scheme: 30x30. Do not plant Exhibition more often, it needs space.

In the summer, caring for Exhibition onions is quite standard. It includes watering, fertilizing, loosening, weeding and mulching. Immediately after planting, it is recommended to install arcs for film cover over the seedlings. In such conditions, the onion will take root faster and will be protected from the vagaries of the weather and unexpected frosts. At first the bed will look half empty, but soon everything will change. The bulbs will grow and fill out; in such favorable conditions the culture will develop very comfortably.

  1. Water the Exhibition once every 15-20 days, avoiding waterlogging. You cannot use water from a borehole or well, it is too cold. Let it sit for a few hours to warm up. Towards the end of July, watering is reduced and then stopped completely - this will contribute to the formation of high-quality bulbs.
  2. Loosening is carried out immediately after watering, to prevent the appearance of a hard crust near the bulbs. This must be done extremely carefully; Exhibition onions protrude above the surface and the heads are easily damaged. Weeding is also done carefully.
  3. Fertilizing is carried out using complex mineral fertilizer and organic matter in the form of mullein infusion and bird droppings. Organic fertilizers are applied only in the first half of summer. Fertilize once every 3 weeks. Doing this more often is not recommended. A month before harvesting the onions, fertilization is stopped.
  4. Row spacing is mulched with mown grass or straw.. It is undesirable to use sawdust for these purposes, as it changes the acidity of the soil. Recently, many people have been using black film with slots for the bulbs instead of mulch.

When growing onions, experts do not advise cutting off the feather, otherwise you will not get large heads.

A huge bow in one season. Variety Exhibition: video

Diseases and pests

Of all the diseases, onions are most often affected by bottom rot. Z The problem can only be identified at the harvest stage. The affected bulbs subsequently begin to rot and soften; such heads cannot be stored. In this case, it will no longer be possible to save the harvest. The disease occurs due to improper care when water stagnates in the garden after watering. Before planting seedlings, it is necessary to drain the soil or water the plants moderately.

It happens that onions are affected by smut - a fungal disease. It can be recognized by the appearance of longitudinal gray stripes on the leaves. This disease has no treatment; affected plants must be removed from the garden in a timely manner so that neighboring bulbs do not become infected. The spores of this fungus remain in the ground for up to 4 years. Therefore, the next time you can plant onions in this bed no earlier than after a four-year period of time.

From excessive watering, gray rot can affect onions. The root collar begins to deteriorate, and then the entire plant. Diseased bulbs are destroyed. Prevention of the disease is the correct agricultural technology.

Harvest can be done starting in mid-August. This moment is determined by the condition of the feather; if it turns yellow and lies down, it’s time to start collecting the bulbs. For digging and drying, take a fine sunny day. The most convenient way to dig out the onions is to pry them from below with a pitchfork. After this, the soil is shaken off, and the onion itself is laid out directly on the ridge.

Then the harvest is transferred to a dry, ventilated room for final drying. This could be a shed or attic. You can also dry onions by tying them into bunches and hanging them with their heads down. The feather is cut off after the bulbs are completely dry, leaving stubs 3-5 cm long.

Exhibition onions should be stored in a cool room at a temperature of 4-5°C. Since table varieties are stored for no more than 3-4 months, during this time the bulbs must be consumed.

Onions are one of the most popular vegetable crops. In this review we want to tell you about such a variety as Exhibition. It was bred by breeders from Holland and is quite large in size. With proper agricultural technology, you can get up to 3 kg of crop yield per square meter of sown area. The weight of one onion is up to 500 g. In addition to high yield, the crop has high taste characteristics. Exibishen does not have bitterness like other onion varieties, so it is often used for making salads. The main disadvantage of the variety is its short shelf life. You will learn further about the rules for growing the plant and how to care for it.

Description of the variety

Exhibition onions have many differences from other onion varieties - weight, taste, growing technology, and even aroma. The culture is considered gigantic; in addition to its enormous size, it has a pleasant sweetness (there is no bitterness in Exhibition, as in others). The plant is also not particularly difficult to grow. Onions are used for food in their pure form or as part of various dishes (mainly salads). The main difficulties associated with growing crops:

  1. The need to select high-quality seed and the need for careful care throughout the entire growing period.
  2. Short shelf life– it is no more than 4 months.

If all agrotechnical requirements are met, the crop will grow in 80 days. The methods for propagating it are seedlings and seeds, but in some regions only the first can be used.

An important advantage of the Exhibition onion variety is its short growing season.

Beneficial features

Onions are a healthy and inexpensive vegetable, a healer for all ailments. Not a single kitchen in the world can do without it - cut into small cubes or slices, it is added to food in its pure form, boiled and stewed. In ancient times, people wore an onion on their chest; it was believed that such an amulet protected a warrior from death. Useful properties of the Exhibition variety:

  1. High content of vitamins and valuable substances– these are nicotinic, folic acids, vitamins C, group B, carotene, zinc, copper and so on.
  2. Presence of phytoncides– these elements kill viruses and bacteria or suppress their activity.
  3. Boosting immunity- although skeptics say that regular consumption of onions in the cold season does not protect them from colds, this is not true. If prevention is carried out correctly (in optimal quantities and regularly), most seasonal viruses and colds can be forgotten.

Onions have a specific taste due to the presence of esters in their composition.


In those areas where summers are not very hot and rather short, it is recommended to grow Exhibition onions through seedlings - the main method of propagation.

This technique is more troublesome than the seed method, but it speeds up the process of crop development. Please note that the plant can be transferred to the ground only after it reaches the age of 60 days. Read about the root system of onions.

Good to know. It is advisable to grow onions for two years - first sow nigella into the set, and then grow turnips from the set.

The most favorable soil for growing Luka Exhibition is turf and humus mixed in equal proportions

Growing There are two ways to grow the Exhibition onion variety - from seeds or seedlings.

The first is simpler, but the second also has its advantages.

Planting seedlings

Growing seedlings is a troublesome process, but it allows you to achieve maximum yields. Before planting, you will need to take care of purchasing high-quality seeds, choosing fertile soil, and sufficient watering.

An important role in growing Exhibition is the proper hardening of seedlings. Once the fertile soil mixture is ready, pour it into the boxes. It is recommended to plant seeds as often as possible, deepening them into the ground by about 1 cm.

Cover the boxes with film and place them in a dark place. Shoots should appear in about 2 weeks - when this happens, remove the film and move the boxes to a better-lit place.

Growing Onion Exhibition from seedlings

Sowing seeds It is easier to work with seeds than with seedlings, which explains the popularity of this method

. In March, you will need to prepare planting material () and stick it on paper strips - this is necessary so that the plants are distributed as evenly as possible throughout the bed. Before starting work, prepare a sticky mixture of water, starch and fertilizer, to which you will then attach the seeds.

He will tell you how to grow onions from seeds.

For seed planting, start preparing the soil in the fall - loosen it, remove weeds, apply mineral fertilizers. In the spring, you will again need to thoroughly loosen the soil, make approximately equal grooves in it, into which you will then place ribbons of paper with seeds (be sure to sprinkle them with soil).

Growing Onion Exhibition from seeds

Rules of care

The main care for Exhibition onions consists of abundant watering, maintaining optimal air temperature (the crop loves warmth), regular feeding and good lighting. When the third leaf appears, pinch out the seedlings. To ensure the heads grow large enough, leave the green feathers as is. This one will tell you about the rules for watering onions.

Before planting the seedlings, abundant watering is carried out - otherwise the seedlings will not separate well.

Conditions of care:

Incandescent lamps are not suitable for illuminating Exhibition seedlings.



Exhibition is an onion variety with a sweetish characteristic taste, which is used to prepare salad.