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It won't be hot in the rooms. What to do if it's hot. We use modern technology

High air humidity combined with high temperature creates stuffiness in the room, which is bad for adults and children. If the house is hot and stuffy, what can you do? And what temperature/humidity ratio is considered comfortable? About this in our article!

What is the optimal microclimate

According to GOST 30494-96, which regulates the parameters of temperature and humidity in rooms, 20-22°C is considered optimal for living rooms. For the kitchen, toilet 19-21°C, slightly higher for the bathroom and lower for storage rooms. In summer, during the warm months, the temperature in the living rooms can be maintained in the range of 22-25°C. All these data are recommended at normal air humidity, which should be 30-60%.

Why is stuffiness in the apartment

The reason for this is complex, which includes high levels of humidity, elevated temperature, and excess carbon dioxide in the same room. All three of these components lead to what is called "nothing to breathe", when in fact air and oxygen will be present in the room.

By turning on the fan or air conditioner, we eliminate the influence of only one "component". That is, we lower the air temperature a little. Some relief is felt, but the problem will return as soon as the fan is turned off.

What to do? The first and main task is to learn how to regularly ventilate the apartment! After all, dry or humid, but it is stale and stale air that creates a feeling of stuffiness. It accumulates carbon dioxide, which poisons the human body hour after hour. That is why, when it is very stuffy, drowsiness, lethargy, and inertia immediately appear. Under such conditions, it is impossible to work productively, memory and attention are simply "turned off", concentration is disturbed.

It is very harmful to sleep in a stuffy environment! At night, a person does not rest and recharge, he wakes up "broken" with migraine and fatigue.

What to do with spirit

Organize a constant flow of air, maintain an optimal (not high and not low) temperature and humidity level. This can be done by ventilation, but one must be regular and the incoming air must be clean and fresh.

Air conditioning and fan, unfortunately, do not solve the problem of stale air in the room. They only accelerate and slightly cool it, but do not allow air exchange with the street. Therefore, the only solution is regular ventilation or the use of special devices that supply air from the street, purify it and monitor the level of carbon dioxide.

These supply ventilation devices are called breathers and they are able to get rid of stale air. It is supplied from the street, with the windows closed, then the air is cleaned through filters and fed into the house.

If the climate control of the appliance detects that it is stuffy in the room, fresh air is immediately supplied and the balance is restored. In addition, the breathers heat the incoming air mass, which is very important when it is winter outside.

Where the breather stands, it is never very hot in the apartment, never, even with a large crowd of people, it is stuffy or uncomfortable. This device constantly monitors and maintains an optimal microclimate in the home and office. You can choose the breather that suits you on ours.

Summer. Blessed time! But many complain: it's hot outside, it's very hot in the apartment! What to do, how to be saved? But really, are there any ways to escape from the incredible heat? Eat. And we will tell about them.

What to do if it's hot

If possible, try not to go out under the scorching summer sun from 11 am to 4 pm. Choose clothes made of fine cotton and linen, loose fit and light colors. Do not go outside without a hat - it will protect from direct sunlight. Drink slightly chilled but not cold drinks. Grab a bottle of chilled water when you go outside. Apply it to the armpits, neck, under the knees. In these places under the skin there are large vessels and you can cool the blood.

Returning to the room, wash your face and cool your elbows under cold water. If you have air conditioning, do not set the temperature too low - you can get sick from a sharp temperature drop. Set aside stone and metal jewelry for a while. Due to the rapid heating, they contribute to overheating of the body. Try to avoid public transport. The best transport in the summer heat is the subway or a leisurely walk under the shade of trees.

Do not get carried away with antiperspirants, at this time it is better to focus on deodorants that do not stop sweating, but only eliminate the smell. Smoke less. It is known that nicotine causes narrowing of blood vessels, which results in an increase in blood pressure, and it already rises in the heat.

Is it hot in the car? Hang sun shades on the windows of the car, and cover the windshield with a mirror screen. Only install the screen outside, otherwise, the heat will remain in the cabin.

Is the apartment hot? If you haven't got air conditioning yet, try covering your windows with damp sheets to act as a screen against the heat outside. Do not get tired of washing your hands, neck and face with cool water. Wear a T-shirt that has been rinsed in cold water and wrung out. Can't sleep because of the heat? Take a cold shower before bed. Cover yourself with a damp sheet.

What can I do to keep it warm outside? If you plan to be outside for a long time, take 75 mg of aspirin as a preventive measure. The drug thins the blood, thus helping to lower the temperature. Since aspirin is irritating to the stomach, take the tablet after a meal. Stock up on wet wipes, they pleasantly refresh your face and body, the smell keeps you in a good mood.

What to drink in the heat

Due to increased sweating, the body's moisture reserves are quickly depleted, which weakens the vascular tone. The necessary water balance is maintained by drinking plenty of water. The list of approximate water consumption at various temperatures looks like this:

  • 21°C - 1.5 liters per day;
  • 26 ° C - 1.9 liters;
  • 32°C - 3 liters.

The best drink to quench your thirst is lemon water. Juice from one lemon per bottle of still water. You can drink mineral water with mineralization - 9 g / l. Water should be consumed throughout the day in small portions. Once in the oral cavity, carbon dioxide stimulates salivation, the feeling of dryness disappears, and with it the feeling of thirst.

It makes sense to use unsweetened juices - quince, apple, plum. Sweet juices are not suitable for quenching thirst, since sugar is very quickly transported from the blood into the cells, “taking” water with it. The thirst only intensifies.

It is the end of May, but in some regions of our country, summer has already declared itself quite confidently. So, in the middle lane, dry and very hot weather has already been established. At the same time, during the long daylight hours, our houses and apartments warm up quite quickly, and if the air temperature does not drop sharply at night, then they do not have time to cool down overnight. Therefore, many of us (and maybe all), if it is very hot in the room, feel uncomfortable. After all, everything is good in moderation, both cold and heat. Today we will try to learn how to keep the temperature comfortable for us in the room, if the weather is hot outside, and we will give you some tips on how to achieve this.

If it is very hot in the room. How to keep a comfortable temperature?

So, you are going to work and look around your apartment with sadness and trepidation. In the evening, hot hell awaits you again ... How can this be avoided if you do not have air conditioning and a humidifier at home? Even if you have them, I think these tips will not be superfluous for you.

Choose the right curtains

If hot, dry weather has settled outside the windows, then you need to curtain the windows with thick curtains. it is best to choose a dense, but lightweight fabric with a durable color that will retain its color under the influence of the bright rays of the summer sun. The color of the curtains should not be bright or dark, since at the same time they will absorb, but not reflect the rays of the sun. Curtains will protect your home not only from hot sunlight, they will not allow your furniture, wallpaper and books to burn out.

Open windows during

When you leave the house, you should not leave the whole vents or windows open, because this will definitely not add coolness to your house. At night, when the outside air is cooler, open the windows so the room can ventilate.

Humidify the air

If you have not yet purchased a humidifier (read about how to choose it when buying), then you just need to put one or two buckets (basins) of cold water in the room and change it as it heats up.

Do you love house flowers? And do you have enough of them? Remember to take care of them, and when it's hot outside, spray them with a spray bottle.

Heat / Heating, heat supply - payment

With the beginning of the heating season, the eternal illness of the Russian communal apartment has again aggravated - a thaw is outside the window, and the batteries are scalded to the maximum. You have to open the windows, the heat goes out into the street. Together with him - the money of the owner of the apartment, paid for heating. Can I get compensation for this? Explanations were made by the Inspectorate of Housing Supervision of the Volgograd Region on this issue.

Too hot batteries: is it possible to return the money overpaid for heating?

“The air temperature in the apartment should be at least +18 °C, and in the corner rooms - +20 °C. At the same time, the permissible excess of the standard temperature is not more than 4 ° C; permissible decrease in the standard temperature at night from 00:00 to 05:00 hours - no more than 3°C; a decrease in the air temperature in a residential building during the daytime from 05:00 to 00:00 hours is not allowed, ”the housing supervision says in the explanation.

For each hour of deviation from the norm, the utility service fee is reduced by 0.15% of its size.

If you have “fire batteries” at home and you are forced to open windows regularly to cool the rooms, then you can write a corresponding application to the Criminal Code. Then she will have to record this in a special act. Only after that you can go to achieve a reduction in heating bills. According to the law, specialists must measure the temperature in the apartment within two hours after you contact the Criminal Code or at another time by agreement with you.

The act is the basis for reducing the amount of fees for low-quality utilities. In this case, if the managing organization, on the basis of the above application, does not draw up an appropriate act, then this act is drawn up by the owners and signed by the chairman of the apartment building and at least two owners of the premises of this apartment building.

Separately, the supervisory authority draws attention to the fact that the measurement of air temperature in residential premises is carried out in a room (if there are several rooms, in the largest living room), in the center of planes that are 0.5 m away from the inner surface of the outer wall and the heating element and in the center of the room (the point of intersection of the diagonal lines of the room) at a height of 1 m.

Measuring instruments must comply with the requirements of the standards.

Everything is good in moderation. Despite the fact that "the heat of the bones does not ache", in winter it is too warm, and, consequently, dry air brings discomfort. In addition, problems with the skin, hair, and sometimes the state of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems may appear. Summer overheating is fraught with even more serious health problems.

In many regions, already at the end of May it becomes hot during the day, and during the night the housing does not have time to cool down. Discomfort both at night and during the day interferes with normal rest, the heat “exhausts”, deprives one of strength and efficiency.

If the thermometer in your home is showing more, it's better to take simple steps to correct the air condition than to apply a lot of products to moisturize the skin, fight dry hair or other more serious health problems.

We curtain the windows

To reduce the penetration of sunlight into the room, you need to curtain the windows. For this are used:

  • foil;
  • light thick curtains;
  • special reflective curtain.

The foil on the windows will reflect the sun's rays, keeping the interior cool. Light-weight, light-colored fabric is best for summer curtains. Bright or dark fabrics will absorb rather than reflect the sun's rays. It is necessary to choose a material that is resistant to color: it will protect the house from hot rays, and also prevent furniture or wallpaper from fading.

Heat insulation for windows

A simple and easy way to reduce the temperature in the house is to use mirrored windows by purchasing a special sun protection film (it has an adhesive surface) with the effect of reflecting the sun's rays. You can't call this option very affordable. Even easier, but much more economical, is to use plain foil. For example, take a 15-meter roll package, it is enough for one window. It is enough to moisten the inside of the glass with plain water and you can mold the foil. Surprisingly, it will last quite a long time. Of course, you can add some tape around the edges.

Tip: when it's very hot outside, when leaving the house, you need to close all the windows, otherwise the heat will be inside the room. It is worth ventilating only if the temperature outside the window is not much higher than room temperature. Ideal ventilation in summer - at night.

We use modern technology

A modern way to deal with elevated air temperature in a room is to use an air conditioner and a fan. But, despite the fact that progress does not stand still, more and more new air cooling systems appear, they have many opponents. Air conditioners and split systems are accused of being sources of various diseases. Is it really? If so, how can you reduce the risk of getting sick under air conditioning?

Pros and cons of air conditioners and split systems

Without air conditioners, it is impossible to imagine modern shops, efficient work in offices, coolness and comfort in houses and apartments. In addition to their main purpose - to optimize the air temperature, they can purify the air from dust and exhaust gases, disinfect the air by trapping microbes, and move the air in different directions-schemes, eliminating drafts.

But, at the same time, air conditioning can cause illness if:

  • the equipment did not pass the technical inspection and preventive cleaning of the indoor unit on time;
  • a person is in close proximity to a continuously operating air conditioner for a long time;
  • equipment works in conditions not recommended by manufacturers.

Read also

Installation of individual heating

Fan coolness

Many people prefer not to use air conditioning, but a fan. Sometimes this device is the only affordable one. Modern modifications have "bells and whistles" in the form of sprayed tiny particles of water. A traditional fan does not cool the air, but drives it around the apartment, creating the effect of a breeze. It's better than nothing, than no air movement at all. When using the device, you also need to take precautions, do not fall asleep under the air flow from the fan, do not come up steamed, coming from the street. The greatest effect can be achieved if:

  • spread large pieces of ice in front of the fan. Cool air will spread throughout the apartment.
  • direct the breeze from the fan onto the hanging wet cloth it moisturizes and cools the room well.

Proven way to cool the air in your home

Caution with the fan: studies have been conducted, as a result of which it became clear that at temperatures above 35 degrees, the fan threatens with unpleasant consequences for the body. Hot air directed at a hot body does not cool, but causes dehydration. This is how heat exhaustion occurs. This is a painful condition, the cause of which is overheating.

Using a humidifier

Modern humidifiers are great helpers to maintain an optimal indoor environment, a healthy ratio of humidity and temperature. The most popular ultrasonic models. They are the most efficient, at the same time compact, consume electricity economically. The traditional cold steam humidifier has its pros and cons. The saturation of the environment with moisture during the operation of such a device occurs due to a special filter of cold distilled water. Another type of humidifier is a steam model, which operates on a pair of electrodes immersed in water to heat and evaporate it.

Ultrasonic Household Air Humidifier

Which device to choose is up to you. Efficiency and long-term use are directly reflected in the cost of the humidifier. When the heat is over 30 degrees, a humidifier is not an assistant. The reflective roller blind does not save either. Air conditioning only.

We arrange open water in the house

But not always and not everywhere in a country house or in the country it is possible to install air conditioning. When it is very hot, a simple and long-known method will help to deal with the main side effect of high air temperature - its dryness. It is necessary to put several buckets or basins with cold water in the house. It will have to be changed as it warms up. Cold water lowers the heating temperature of the air.

Tip: Water frozen in plastic bottles can also cool the room by a few life-giving degrees. Such ice can be spread around the apartment - it will become cooler. A thawed bottle can be re-placed in the freezer of the refrigerator - this source of ice in any season.

And it gets hot in the summer

In the conditions of a city built up with concrete highways and high-rise buildings, the summer heat is felt especially hard. It is good if there is a country house where you can go during the hot period. Working citizens often go out of town for the weekend, and here you can also encounter a problem: it can also be hot in the country, especially during the day. In order for the country house to retain its life-giving coolness for your arrival next weekend, you need to curtain the windows and leave containers of water indoors.