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When to sow calendula seeds in the ground. Calendula, planting and care in open ground. Methods of planting flowers

The calendula flower belongs to the herbaceous plants of the Asteraceae family. Under natural conditions, it is widespread in Western Asia, the Mediterranean and Western Europe. Currently, about 20 different species are known, some of them are used as medicinal herbs, others are used for preparing a wide variety of dishes, as well as spices. Calendula or was quite popular in Europe, even Shakespeare wrote about it.

The most favorable period for sowing seeds in open ground is April. You need to wait until the ground warms up enough and only then can you start planting.

Technology for planting calendula for decorative purposes:

  • Planting depth: 1-2 cm.
  • Interval: 25-30 cm.
  • Row spacing: 60-70 cm.

Technology for planting calendula for medicinal purposes:

  1. Planting depth: 1-2 cm.
  2. Interval: 7-10 cm.
  3. Row spacing: 30-40 cm.

You can evaluate the accuracy of the work done by the time the sprouts appear; they appear within a week after planting, and calendula blooms within 10 weeks.

Note! Calendula is not afraid of replanting and tolerates it well.

Growing seedlings

In order to obtain an earlier color of calendula, it must be planted in seedlings. Many gardeners recommend using this method for growing low-growing varieties.

Seeds must be sown in a common container or personal cups with pre-prepared flower soil. In this case, seedlings are sown in the last days of March or the first of April. The sowing depth should also not be significant - about 2 centimeters.

It is important to cover containers with seedlings with film and keep them in a warm (18–20 degrees), well-lit place. Avoid direct sunlight on the seedlings.

How to care for seedlings

After the shoots appear (usually after a week), the film should be removed and the temperature should be lowered to 14-15 degrees. It is also important to water the seedlings and feed the seedlings with a weak solution of a special complex mineral fertilizer twice a month.

After the seedlings have two fully formed leaves, they must be planted, maintaining a distance of about 5 cm from each other, or transplanted into separate pots.

In mid-May, when the seedlings develop 5–6 leaves, the seedlings can be planted in open ground. At the same time, gardeners recommend using the hardening method before directly planting seedlings. You should take the boxes or cups with calendula outside for a short time during the week.

Flowers can be used to make tinctures

Calendula- an unpretentious and easy-to-care plant that will not only decorate your site, but will also become an indispensable folk “healer”.

Huge variety of varieties calendula allows you to select flowers that improve the appearance of the flowerbed and add more bright, sunny colors to it. It is enough to devote a minimum of time to the plant so that it pleases the eye year after year.

In this article we will tell you how to properly plant calendula, care for the plant, collect seeds, and also introduce you to its beneficial properties.

Types and varieties of calendula

Calendula or marigold is a herbaceous annual plant belonging to the Asteraceae family. There is a wide range of species and modern varieties of calendula.

The plant is used for decorative and medicinal purposes and has a large amount beneficial properties.

Distinguish 20 types calendula, among which the most famous are the following:

  • Calendula officinalis– the only species grown at home as a medicinal and ornamental plant;
  • Calendula field;
  • Calendula bicolor.

Varieties marigolds are very diverse and include low-growing (up to 45 cm), medium-growing (up to 60 cm) and tall (up to 85 cm) plants.

The assortment of marigolds is huge, but among them we can distinguish varieties that use most popular:

  1. Calypso- a low-growing plant no more than 30 cm high. The flowers are double, large in size, golden-orange or bright orange in color;
  2. Pygmy- a low-growing plant with a height of up to 15 cm. Dense double flowers of small diameter are painted in gold, apricot, orange or cream shades;
  3. Radio– belongs to the medium-sized type, stem height – 50-55 cm. Inflorescences – double, small in size, with a hemispherical shape. The color can be golden yellow or bright orange;
  4. Green heart– a medium-sized variety up to 60 cm high with small double flowers. The main shades are yellow, pale or bright orange;
  5. Orange Flamingo– a tall plant (about 60 cm) with a small inflorescence. The flowers are dense, double, dense, with an orange color;
  6. Pacific (Beauty)- a tall variety with a stem of 50-80 cm. The inflorescences are hemispherical, double, with a wide variety of shades (lemon, yellow, red-orange, orange, etc.).

Where to buy seeds, approximate prices

In folk cosmetology Calendula plays the role of a soothing, healing, anti-inflammatory and tonic agent. Also, marigolds in compresses and masks have a beneficial effect on the skin, improve its condition and color.

Secrets of growing calendula in the garden, rules of planting and care, watch in this video.

Calendula, or marigold, is a medicinal plant of the Asteraceae family. Calendula seeds are used for its propagation, so complete information about when and how to collect them, store them and use them for their intended purpose plays an important role for those who want to have this useful flower in their garden.

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    What is a plant

    The plant’s homeland is the southern regions of our planet (Mediterranean, South-West Asia), but it has already taken root well in our area, has learned to tolerate sub-zero temperatures and is found everywhere. Every gardener and owner of a personal plot probably knows what calendula looks like. This is a herbaceous bush from 15 to 80 cm in height with highly branched stems and thick ribbed shoots of light or dark green color, covered with glandular hairs that are sticky to the touch. The leaves are simple, elongated, with a heart-shaped base. The main distinguishing feature, familiar to everyone, is small, daisy-like flowers of various shades of orange, basket-shaped.

    Calendula is highly valued both in decorative floriculture as a decoration for flower beds and flower beds, and in domestic pharmacology, where it is used for the manufacture of various medicines (alcohol tinctures) that have excellent antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects. Medicinal decoctions based on calendula can bring relief and recovery in cases of sore throat, stomatitis, thrush, barley, conjunctivitis, purulent otitis media, cure various skin diseases, burns, various stages of frostbite, clean purulent wounds and ulcers, and relieve pain from insect and mosquito bites. The flower petals are edible and have a soft, pleasant smell; they can be used in various dishes, and young leaves are added to salads as a piquant addition.

    Flower varieties

    There are about 20 varieties of perennial and annual marigolds, their average height is about 60 cm, the diameter of the flowers reaches an average of 10 cm. Depending on the height of the bushes, the following types of calendula are distinguished:

    1. 1 Short. The height of the bush is from 15 to 45 cm, medium-sized inflorescences. This type includes varieties: Calypso, Pigmi, Symphony of Summer, Apricot Jam, Bon-bon, Fiesta, Sun Goddess. Used in landscape design for carpet compositions.
    2. 2 Medium height. Bushes height from 40 to 60 cm, diameter of inflorescences 7-10 cm. Varieties: Radio, Sun of Egypt, Geisha, Confectioner, Citron, Lemon juice.
    3. 3 Tall. Tall bushes up to 80 cm, large inflorescences. Varieties: Orange Flamingo, Golden Emperor, Golden Prince, Golden, Apricot, Dragon.

    Modern varieties of calendula amaze with their wide variety; their shape can be imbricated, radiant, chrysanthemum-shaped, gerbera-shaped, anemoid.

    Calendula is an annual herbaceous plant with erect shoots, a powerful shortened taproot system, reed and tubular flowers. The shades of the inflorescences range from pale yellow to bright orange. They are:

    • simple;
    • terry;
    • semi-double.

    Terry calendula, due to its attractive, showy appearance, is the most preferred variety of this plant for planting in flower beds and lawns. Reed-shaped flowers are arranged not in 1 row, as in the usual type of calendula, but in several rows, the inflorescences are large, their diameter can reach 10 cm. The best varieties of double calendula are considered to be Meteor, Golden Ball, Favorite, Sensation, Radio, Orange King, Hamlet.

    It is important to take into account the fact that if you allow double varieties of calendula to grow together with non-double varieties, they will quickly cross-pollinate and lose their decorative uniqueness. Since calendula is a cross-pollinated plant, every year you can receive unexpected “surprises” in the form of changes in color, size of bushes and other features.

    Appearance of seeds, period of their ripening

    If you are going to grow calendula for the first time, the seeds can be purchased at a specialty store; in the future, it can be grown using seeds collected from your plants. They begin to bloom in June and end in September. At a time when the marigolds have already completely faded, namely at the end of summer - beginning of autumn, an ovary is formed in the core, which has the form of hook-shaped fruits-seeds, boat-shaped, without tufts, up to 3 cm in size, arranged in 2-3 rows. The outside of the fruit has an uneven surface with small spines. The color of the seeds is no longer green, but dark brown; they are easy to separate from the base, then put in a box for additional drying and later for storage in a paper envelope. It is important not to be late when the seeds are ripe and not to miss the moment when they can be collected, otherwise they will simply end up on the ground. To avoid this, you can put a gauze bag on each flower to catch the falling seeds.

    Existing methods of planting calendula

    Calendula, the cultivation of which from seeds is a fairly simple task that does not require much effort and is accessible even to a person inexperienced in gardening matters, is a useful medicine. The question of when to plant calendula has a simple answer: this is done both in late autumn and spring, and planting in open ground can be done even during frosts, because its seeds can withstand low temperatures (down to -50°C). There are 2 ways to plant seed fruits:

    1. 1 Planting seeds in open ground. It can be carried out either in late autumn (October, November) or in spring (April, May), the ground must already be sufficiently thawed, necessarily dug up with manure and fertilizers applied (3-4 kg of humus per 1 m² of soil, superphosphate and potassium chloride - 20g , urea - 30g). The dug up soil must be leveled and the seeds sown in rows to a depth of 2 cm, otherwise germination will deteriorate. If you plant seeds in a flowerbed for decorative purposes, then the distance between them should be up to 40 cm, between the rows - about 60 cm of space, which will ensure lush and bright flowering. If calendula is used for medicinal purposes, then it can be planted more densely, the distance between shifts is 10 cm, between rows 30-50 cm. The first shoots will appear in 7 days, and after another couple of days you will have a complete picture of the final germination of your seeds After a month, you need to thin out the crops to the required intervals; the removed sprouts can be transplanted to another place, they will tolerate this perfectly. After 2-3 weeks, the plant begins to bloom and continues until the first frost.
    2. 2 Growing seeds for seedlings. It is considered a more difficult method of growing calendula, requiring more effort. However, calendula grown in this way begins to bloom earlier, which is excellent for low-growing plant varieties. They begin to plant seeds in March-April; special boxes or cups for seedlings are used, which after planting must be covered with film. The temperature of the room where they will stand should be +15...+20°C. The seeds germinate in 7 days, the film is no longer needed, the temperature is lowered slightly, watered 1-2 times a week, and fed with a weak complex of mineral fertilizers. When the seedlings have 2 full-fledged leaves, they are picked at a distance of 5 cm from each other or planted in separate pots. When 5 full-fledged leaves appear on the seedlings, it can be planted in open ground (somewhere in mid-May), having previously carried out additional hardening procedures: the seedlings, still in pots, are taken out into the open air for a while.

    Having sowed calendula on the site manually once, its further propagation can occur by self-sowing. Sowing calendula seeds can be done several times in 1 season. Seeds remain viable for up to 5 years.

    Rules of care

    Now that you have complete information about how to grow from seeds, and have chosen for yourself how to do this, you need to choose a suitable place on the site for this and take care of the proper care of the plant, which is unpretentious and will not require you to special effort.

    Marigolds prefer a lot of light, but they do not like the heat; if the lighting is not selected correctly, calendula flowers will have small, dim buds and a short flowering period; in the shade, its stems will become very elongated. The best site for this plant is an open area with fertile soil. The soil, which is poor in microelements, requires the application of humus and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. They also prefer abundant moisture, but the soil must not only be watered, but also regularly loosened and weeds removed. During dry periods, calendula needs to be watered at least 3 times a day so that it does not dry out and die. Do not forget to remove already faded buds during rapid and lush flowering to prolong it; you can use them to make alcohol tinctures, which are so popular in folk medicine. Diseases that most often affect calendula in open ground:

    1. 1 Powdery mildew. A whitish coating that darkens to brown over time on the surface of leaves and flowers.
    2. 2 Black spot. Black and brown spots appear on the leaves and flowers.
    3. 3 White spotting. White spots.

    To combat them, fungicides (Skor, Fundazol, Topaz) are used only when the plants have already bloomed. Of the insect pests, calendula is only attacked by aphids, which can be controlled with special insecticides (Fufanon, Karbofos, Biotlin and Antitlin). It is not recommended to plant this type of plant in the same place; this depletes the soil and causes the development of various diseases, especially infections of fungal origin.

    Every gardener should know the procedures for planting and caring for calendula, because such a useful and beautiful medicinal plant with an antiseptic effect can be planted near beds with strawberries and wild strawberries, rows of onions and garlic. This will repel various insects (ticks, caterpillars, scale insects) and other garden pests and increase the yield of these crops. The colorful flowers of calendula will attract beneficial insects, such as honey bees, to the garden. However, it must be taken into account that the release of specific substances into the soil by marigolds inhibits the growth of radishes and basil, so you should not plant them next to calendula.


    So, important points: calendula is an unpretentious, cold-resistant plant that does not require much effort in care. It can grow on any soil, but it is better on fertile soil, well fertilized and drained, sufficiently moist. Loves sunlight, but not heat. It reproduces well both by seeds planted by hand and by self-sowing. Calendula grown from seedlings blooms faster. Sowing seeds can occur either in late autumn or spring. Plants planted in winter are more resistant to environmental influences, bloom early and are less susceptible to diseases.

    Calendula releases specific antiseptic substances into the soil that disinfect the soil and are useful for some plants, but slow down the growth of others. The flowering of the plant drives away garden pests and attracts honey insects. Calendula has unique decorative and medicinal properties that make this seemingly simple bush a treasure trove of inexhaustible imagination for both amateur gardeners and fans of traditional medicine.

    Depending on the variety and purpose, decorative varieties of calendula are grown in the garden in flower beds and flower beds, patio calendula is grown in pots and balcony boxes, medicinal varieties are planted in the garden and on the lawn, and in the cold season, calendula is grown for cutting in greenhouses. Usually, growing calendula brings many pleasant moments: a minimum of effort, rapid flowering, virtually no problems, aesthetic pleasure and a large amount of medicinal raw materials. All this is explained by the unpretentiousness of the plant, which can be cultivated on any soil, and can withstand short-term frosts down to -5 ° C in autumn and spring.

    Growing calendula in the garden.

    Despite this, the most spectacular plants grow on fertile, moist, well-drained soil, preferably loamy, in a sunny location. When planted in the shade, the calendula inflorescences become smaller and the plant itself becomes elongated. When preparing the soil in the fall, humus is added (half a bucket per square meter) and 20 g of superphosphate and potassium chloride. Before sowing in spring or summer, urea (30 g/sq.m.) is added to the soil. As an alternative, complex mineral fertilizer "Fertika" or ash from the stove can be used together with humus.

    Calendula is easily grown by direct sowing of seeds in the ground to a depth of 2-4 cm. Its flowering occurs on average after 50 days. Taking this into account, the sowing time is determined. With May sowing, the peak flowering of calendula will occur in July; with June sowing, calendula will decorate late summer and autumn flower beds. With winter sowing (late October) and early spring (in April), calendula blooms already in June.

    After germination, usually after 2-3 weeks, the calendula is thinned out, leaving a distance of 20 cm between plants for compact planting and 30-40 cm for single planting. For medicinal use, calendula is grown in rows according to a 10x40 cm pattern. Calendula tolerates transplantation well, so “extra” calendula shoots, along with a lump of earth, can be planted in another place.

    Caring for calendula involves watering in dry weather, removing weeds while simultaneously loosening the soil. Fertilizing is carried out with complex fertilizer once every 10-14 days. For better tillering, calendula is pinched, then its bushes become more lush and more inflorescences form on them. Cut varieties of calendula should not be pinched. The fewer buds there are on their bushes, the larger their flowers will be and the slimmer the peduncle. Removing faded calendula flowers will prolong flowering. This will cause new buds to form.

    A few calendula inflorescences can be left for the seeds to ripen. Terry varieties produce especially many of them. When saving calendula seeds for sowing, keep in mind that the best double flowers come from comma-shaped seeds or large claw-shaped seeds. Ripe dry seeds are sown before winter and left for sowing next year. If you have different varieties of calendula growing nearby, then perhaps the new plants will have a new shape and color, because calendula cross-pollinates very well.

    Thickened plantings of calendula, especially in cold and damp weather, can cause powdery mildew, rot, and bacterial cancer. For preventive purposes, decorative calendula is treated with phytosporin or another fungicide. Excessive fertilization also provokes disease. When the first signs appear, damaged plants are removed and the plantings are treated with appropriate preparations. Pests of calendula are aphids, slugs, wireworms. They are disposed of using generally accepted methods. To prevent diseases and pests from accumulating in the soil, the planting site is changed annually.

    Growing calendula seedlings.

    For early flowering, calendula is grown through seedlings. Seeds are sown at the end of March - April in separate cups filled with soil mixture for flower crops, or in a common container for seedlings. Until the shoots appear, the container is kept under a film. After the appearance of two true leaves, the seedlings are planted at a distance of 5 cm from each other or planted in separate pots.

    Calendula shoots appear at a temperature of +20-25 oC. After this, the temperature of the calendula is reduced to +18 °C. Caring for seedlings includes watering and fertilizing with soluble complex fertilizer for seedlings every 10-14 days.

    Before planting in open ground, calendula seedlings are hardened off for a week, exposed to the balcony for a while. Seedlings are planted in open ground or containers in mid-May. Calendula seedlings, even flowering ones, take root very well. Grown in pots, it can be planted in the ground or flowerpots throughout the summer.

    Growing calendula for cutting.

    Most varieties of calendula in America and Europe are created for growing as cut flowers, where they are successfully used for this purpose. Although this is still an unusual view of culture for us, we should nevertheless take a closer look at the best practices. For cutting, calendula is grown through seedlings using several sowing dates. Sowing calendula from February to April provides summer cutting when grown in open ground. In the cold season, cut calendula is grown in protected soil. The cultivation scheme in this case is as follows.

    When sown in late July - early August, calendula seedlings are planted in a greenhouse at the end of September. In this case, flowering occurs at the end of November and lasts until the beginning of February. When sown in late September - early November, seedlings are planted in a greenhouse in December, and flowering occurs from February to April.

    When growing calendula in protected soil, prepare a soil mixture containing peat, humus, and sand in proportions 6/3/1. For one cubic meter of mixture add 5 kg of slaked lime and 1.5 kg of azophosphate. The seeds are sown in the usual way. After sowing, the soil is compacted, watered and covered with film. After the shoots appear, the film is removed. Scheme for planting calendula in a 30x25 cm greenhouse. Calendula is grown in protected ground, similar to growing in open ground.

    If a flower is not only beautiful, but also useful, it will definitely find its place in the garden. You can grow the well-known calendula from seeds by choosing the right planting time. It is also important to create conditions for the plant in which it will bloom profusely and for a long time.

    Description of the plant

    Calendula officinalis (or marigold) is widespread and cultivated throughout the temperate climate zone. It is photophilous, cold-resistant and unpretentious to conditions. The plant is an annual, erect plant; the height of different varieties varies from 20 to 70 cm. The medicinal raw materials are the inflorescences - baskets. They are yellow or orange. Along with the usual form of flowers, there is terry calendula. The plant blooms from June until autumn frosts. The fruits ripen in late summer - early autumn. Reproduces only by seeds.

    Timing for planting calendula seeds

    You can grow calendula from seeds by sowing in open ground or seedlings. In the second case, it will bloom earlier. Marigold seeds are sown in open ground at two times: in the spring, when the soil thaws and dries, and in the fall, before the onset of stable frosts.

    In the middle zone, the optimal time for spring planting is the second and third ten days of April. The soil is considered ready if the thrown lump of earth crumbles.

    Autumn planting of calendula in the ground occurs when night frosts become regular, the soil is not yet frozen, but warm days are no longer expected.

    If you sow calendula before the onset of cold weather, the seeds will have time to hatch and then the seedlings will freeze. In order not to make a mistake in the timing, you can sow in the prepared furrows after the top layer has frozen, covering it with soil that was prepared in advance and kept in a warm place.

    The timing of planting calendula for outdoor cultivation may vary in different regions. An inexperienced gardener can check them with neighbors in their summer cottage.

    Marigolds are sown for seedlings from late February to early April. After planting, the containers are watered with settled water and covered so that the soil does not dry out. The shelter is removed several times a day to ventilate. After the emergence of seedlings, the shelter is removed. Seedlings require bright lighting and moderate watering. A few days before planting in open ground, the seedlings begin to harden - they are taken outside at a temperature of 12-16 degrees. Despite the fact that the plant is cold-resistant, hardened seedlings will begin to grow faster and will suffer less pain after transplantation.

    Rules for planting calendula in the ground

    If an inexperienced summer resident has questions about how to plant calendula seeds in open ground, then these rules are no different from planting other cold-resistant annuals - asters, marigolds, cornflowers, sweet peas. To design a flower bed with annuals, they can be sown at the same time.

    For best flowering, marigolds should be given the most illuminated places.

    Before planting calendula, it is advisable to fertilize the soil. In autumn, the following is added to the ground per square meter:

    • 3-4 kg of compost;
    • a tablespoon of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers;
    • coarse sand for heavy clay soils.

    Potash fertilizers can be replaced with ash.

    Seeds are sown in furrows to create ridges and in spots for flower beds. In flower beds, the distance between seeds should be 8-10 cm; for single plantings in flower beds, one plant requires an area of ​​20-30 cm2. Seeds are sown to a depth of 2-3 cm. At a greater depth, it will be more difficult for seeds to germinate. Spring plantings are watered with warm water; in autumn the seeds are left in dry soil. The first shoots appear in 5-7 days, and after a month the seedlings can be thinned out if necessary. The rooted seedlings are transplanted to a new location. Calendula easily tolerates transplantation even during flowering.

    In any photo with calendula flowers you can see that healthy plants grow freely, uncrowded, each one is illuminated by the sun's rays. You also need to pull out weeds on time.

    Dense plantings, excessive fertilizing and long-term cultivation in one place increase the risk of blackleg, blight and powdery mildew.

    Plant care

    Since the plant is unpretentious, after planting calendula, care in the open ground consists only of periodic watering, weeding and fertilizing. If fertilizers were applied to the soil in advance, then you need to feed with caution, without exceeding the amount. At the beginning of the season, you can fertilize the marigolds with nitrogen to increase green mass. It is applied in the form of a liquid urea solution for spraying or watered at the root. You can use a solution of mullein, bird droppings or nettle infusion diluted 1 to 10.

    At the beginning of flowering, plants can be sprayed with complex fertilizer containing boron. This microelement promotes longer and more luxuriant flowering.

    Collection of medicinal raw materials and seeds

    Marigolds will bloom longer if fading inflorescences are promptly removed. But, if calendula is planted as a medicinal plant, then the flowers should be picked in the phase of full flower opening. It is better to do this in dry weather.

    Calendula seeds ripen in late summer. They are large, gray-brown in color, and resemble the letter “C” in appearance. Peduncles with seeds are torn off and laid out to dry in a dark place with good ventilation. After drying, they are winnowed and kept in cloth or paper bags in a dry room.

    What benefits does calendula bring in the garden?

    The entire plant secretes phytoncides, which, if they do not kill the pest, then repel it. Thus, planting marigolds can clear strawberry beds of nematodes. Calendula in the garden also helps against pests such as:

    • bear,
    • asparagus rattle fly,
    • hawk moth caterpillars.

    The green mass of the plant can be plowed into the soil, using it as green manure. This operation heals the soil from late blight of nightshades and nematodes. When growing calendula from seeds to green manure the soil, the best planting dates are early spring and August.

    In the spring, calendula is sown on green mass before winter plantings of garlic, onions, carrots, and at the end of summer - to prepare the soil for the next season.

    Planting calendula seedlings in the ground - video

    Calendula is one of the ancient garden annual plants. Translated from Latin, “calendae” means the first day of the month. Popularly, this flower is called “Marigold” due to the great resemblance of the seeds to a nail or claw.

    Gardeners value Calendula not only for its unpretentiousness, ease of cultivation, abundant flowering, but also for its medicinal properties. Many centuries ago, the beneficial properties of this plant were discovered. It was used not only in folk medicine, but also in cooking as a spice.

    Appearance of Calendula

    Calendula belongs to the Asteraceae family. The height of the plant is 40-60 cm. Although the stems of Calendula are thick, they are very brittle. Large leaves have a lanceolate shape. Depending on the type of inflorescence, they can be simple, semi-double or double. The diameter of each flower ranges from 5 cm to 12 cm. As a rule, Calendula inflorescences are orange in color, but you can also find yellow, cream or lemon flowers with a dark brown center.

    The smell of Calendula is unusual and specific, but it cannot be said that it is unpleasant.

    Decorative value of Calendula

    Calendula can decorate any garden plot or flower bed. It can be planted in a group, for example, against the background of green grass, lawns or multi-colored flower beds, or in rows in ridges. Orange Calendula flowers go well with plants whose inflorescences are blue-blue in color (Ageratum, Lobelia, Forget-me-nots, etc.)

    Low-growing Calendula can decorate balconies; it is good in ridges and rockeries. Its bright flowers are like the sun - they send us their warm rays every day.

    Calendula can be used for cutting. The flowers remain in the vase without fading for 10 days.

    How to grow Calendula from seeds in open ground?

    Growing Calendula from seeds is not at all difficult. Once you sow it once, the plant begins to reproduce by self-seeding. After several years of growing Calendula, some gardeners even begin to fight it as a weed, as its seeds begin to grow in different places in the garden.

    Seeds are sown in open ground in April or before winter - in mid-October. Before sowing, the area is dug up and fertilizers are added if necessary. Although Calendula grows in different soils, in order to achieve bright inflorescences and abundant flowering, it is better that the soil is loose and nutritious. To do this, before you start digging, humus should be added to the soil (3-4 kg per 1 sq.m), as well as 1 tablespoon each of potassium sulfate, urea and superphosphate. After this, the soil is dug up, leveled, moistened, and only after that the seeds are sown.

    The seeds are sown to a depth of 2 cm, the interval between them should be 20 cm, and the distance between the rows should be approximately 30 cm. Within a week, the first shoots appear. When they grow a little, they will need to be thinned out. Calendula will begin to bloom in 2-2.5 months from the date of sowing the seeds.

    Growing Calendula seedlings

    In order for Calendula to bloom as early as possible, it can be grown through seedlings. This method is most effective for low-growing Calendula.
    Growing calendula seedlings from seeds

    The seeds are sown at the end of March. Seeds can be sown in seedling boxes, but it is better to take small containers, for example, cups - it is easier to remove seedlings from them without damaging the roots.

    The optimal air temperature for growing seedlings is 18-20ºC. The main care for Calendula seedlings is timely watering. It is advisable to feed them with a weak solution of complex mineral fertilizers during this period. Fertilize once every 15 days.

    Despite the fact that Calendula is a frost-resistant plant, several weeks before transplanting the seedlings into open ground, they will need to be hardened off by taking them daily to a cool room, or better yet, to fresh air. First, the seedlings are removed for a short period of time, gradually increasing their residence time.

    As soon as the seedlings reach the stage of 5-6 true leaves, they must be planted in a permanent place with a distance of 30x30 between seedlings.

    How to care for Calendula?

    Calendula is a moisture-loving plant. In dry weather, it is recommended to water it 2-3 times a week. In order for the flowering to be abundant, it is necessary to constantly tear off the faded inflorescences - this will contribute to the formation of new flowers, and, consequently, preserving the decorative appearance of the plant. We should also not forget about weeding and loosening the soil.

    Attention! Calendula should not be planted next to basil and radishes, since the substances secreted by the root system of the flower have a bad effect on these crops.

    Sometimes Calendula is affected by fungal diseases such as black spot and powdery mildew. At the first signs of disease, the plant must be urgently treated with a fungicide designed to combat these diseases.

    Calendula is an undemanding and fairly easy-to-care plant that can not only decorate any garden plot, but also become a folk healer. Calendula is used for medicinal and decorative purposes. The colossal variety of varieties makes it possible to choose calendula flowers that will improve the appearance of the flowerbed and add new colors. You just need to devote a little time to the plant, and then it will delight you for many years.

    Types and varieties of calendula

    Calendula or marigold is an annual herbaceous plant that belongs to the Asteraceae family. There are twenty species of plants. The most popular of them:

    • medicinal - the only species that can be grown at home as an ornamental and medicinal plant;
    • two-color;
    • field

    Calendula varieties are extremely diverse and include short-growing plants - up to 45 cm, medium-growing plants - up to 60 cm, and tall plants - up to 85 cm. What does calendula look like in varieties popular with gardeners?

    • Pygmy is a plant up to 15 cm in height. Small double flowers are apricot, golden, cream or orange.
    • Calypso is a low-growing variety up to 30 cm in height. The flowers are large and can be bright orange or golden orange.
    • Green heart is a plant up to 60 cm in height. The small flowers are yellow, pale orange or bright orange.
    • Radio is a plant up to 55 cm in height. The flowers are small in diameter and hemispherical in shape. They can be bright orange or golden yellow.
    • Pacific Beauty is a tall plant up to 80 cm in height. The flowers are hemispherical in shape with a huge variety of shades.
    • Orange Flamingo - variety up to 60 cm in height. The flowers are small with an orange tint.

    Where do you buy seeds?

    You can buy seed material in almost every flower shop. In addition, you can order the variety you like in an online store or collect the seeds yourself. This is not a rare plant, so there will be no problems purchasing seeds. The price of seeds depends on the distinctive features of the variety.

    Choosing a landing site

    Calendula loves light, but does not tolerate dry and hot weather. With a lack of light, the flowers will grow small and the flowering period will be short. The most suitable place for planting calendula in open ground and caring for it in the future is considered to be an area in partial shade.
    The soil used for planting the plant must be fertile, nutritious, light and loose. Calendula loves moisture and grows well under optimal conditions. The area in which it will grow should be protected from strong winds, as they can harm and damage the flowers.

    When to plant calendula in the ground?

    It is best to plant seeds at the very beginning of spring or at the end of autumn - before winter. The main thing is that the soil meets the conditions described above. Sowing in late autumn will reward you with early flowering. Calendula is planted for seedlings in April, and a month later the seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place. Calendula is a cold-resistant plant that can withstand temperatures down to -5 degrees. It is best that the soil is loose and crumbly. To check the condition of the soil, you should throw a lump of earth up; if it disintegrates easily, this means that the seeds can be sown. Before planting the seed, the soil is dug up and humus is added at the rate of 4 kg per 1 m² of land. The seeds are deepened into the ground by about one to two centimeters, the distance between the rows is at least 30 cm. If all conditions are met, shoots will appear in ten days.

    Growing calendula from seedlings

    This method is considered more troublesome, but makes it possible to get the first flowers much faster. For seedlings, it is possible to use pots, wooden boxes, and containers, but small containers are best. At a flower shop you can buy universal soil, which will be saturated with useful substances. The prepared soil is poured into a container, small depressions are made and the seeds are sown. Next, cover it with plastic wrap and place it in a room with an air temperature of 14–15 degrees. Shoots will appear in seven days. As soon as the seedlings get stronger and five leaves appear, you can plant calendula in open ground, and caring for it in this case will not take much time. Before planting, seedlings are hardened by placing the container outside for several hours. When growing low-growing varieties, it is best to use the seedling method for faster ripening.

    Features of plant care

    Calendula, planting and caring for it in open ground does not require much effort, still requires compliance with certain rules. For long-term flowering, you need to give the plant a little time:

    • remove weeds regularly;
    • to give the bushes fullness, the main stem of the plant should be pinched;
    • when growing calendula for bouquets and cuttings, this manipulation should not be carried out; the flowers will be large if there are few inflorescences.

    Calendula, as a rule, rarely gets sick. In damp and cool weather, the plant is affected by powdery mildew, mucus and rot. To combat diseases and pests, the following measures are used:

    • remove the diseased plant;
    • the soil is treated with a disinfectant; you can use a solution of soda ash (50 g/10 l of water), copper sulfate (300 g/10 l of water).

    For prevention, the plant must be sprayed with a fungicidal agent, remove weeds in a timely manner, do not overfeed with nitrogen, and replant to a new location every three years.

    Feeding and watering

    Calendula, planting and caring for it in open ground is quite simple, requires frequent watering. During the dry season it needs to be watered three to four times, and in normal times once or twice a week. As a top dressing, you can use any complex fertilizer, which is applied once every fourteen days. Excess nitrogen fertilizer causes small inflorescences.

    Combination with other plants

    The size of calendula makes it possible to plant it in a living border or small fence framing low plants. It looks great up close with evergreen shrubs. The variety of colors will decorate the alpine hill and the Moorish lawn. Calendula can add a pop of color when planted next to darker colored plants. Low-growing calendula looks impressive in hanging baskets or plant pots.

    Calendula seeds are best collected in the last month of summer. By this time, the flowering of calendula is coming to an end.
    To obtain seeds for subsequent planting, brown boxes that are in a horizontal position are picked. They are collected in warm, sunny weather. Next, the seeds are dried and ventilated for a week in a dry room. They can then be placed in a paper bag and stored until planting.

    Rules for collecting, drying and storing calendula

    The entire above-ground part of the plant is used for medicinal purposes, and therefore many gardeners are wondering when to harvest calendula. Grass and flowers are collected during the flowering period, i.e., from June until the first frost in October. Harvesting is carried out in warm, dry and clear weather, preferably at noon.
    Inflorescences are selected with fully blossomed baskets and carefully cut with scissors or torn off by hand. Throughout the daylight hours, leaves and stems are collected and cut with a sharp knife or pruning shears. The collected raw materials are placed in pallets. Dry calendula in the open air, protecting it from moisture and sun, in the attic or closed balcony. The plant material is laid out in a thin layer on the material and periodically turned so that it dries well. Store finished raw materials in cool and dry rooms.

    Medicinal properties

    Calendula is a plant that is widely used in folk medicine due to its significant number of medicinal properties. Quite often, calendula is used to treat diseases of the digestive tract, heart pathologies and diseases of the biliary tract. Calendula tincture is used to rinse the mouth and treat sore throat. Calendula-based ointment and infusion are used to heal wounds. The tincture can also be used as a sedative. Calendula ointment is excellent as a remedy for treating damage to the skin and adjacent tissues (for example, bruises, cuts, burns).

    In folk cosmetology, the plant is used as a healing, soothing, tonic, and anti-inflammatory agent. In addition, calendula is used to make masks and compresses; they have a beneficial effect on the skin, improving its condition and color.

    It is necessary to remember about contraindications. Pregnant women should not use calendula. Hypertensive patients should also not use medications from this plant, as blood pressure can significantly drop to dangerous levels. Calendula should not be used together with other sedative medications.

    • Queen of France Margaret of Valois really liked calendula, so her chambers were decorated with bouquets of these beautiful flowers.
    • The Queen of Navarre described calendula in her writings, admiring its splendor.
    • The Luxembourg Gardens, which is located in Paris, is decorated with a statue of Marguerite holding a bouquet of calendula in her hands.
    • The Welsh used calendula to determine the weather: if the flowers did not open in the morning, it meant it would be cloudy or rainy, and there would be a storm at sea.
    • In China, this plant represents longevity.
    • In India, calendula is a sacred plant.
    • In the ancient Roman calendar, calendula marked the first day of the month.
    • In Ancient Greece, the medicinal properties of the plant were used.
    • In the Middle Ages, calendula was used as food. It was used as a filling for pies, added to porridges and salads, and also made into puddings.
    • Calendula is considered a substitute for saffron.

    Bright calendula flowers of multi-colored shades on a bright green background look very impressive. The flowering plant will look great when planted alone, as well as in the center of the composition.

    In many gardens in Russia you can find such a plant as calendula. Planting and care in open ground usually does not cause difficulties. It is also grown in other countries of the northern region. Caring for this plant is not difficult. This flower is popularly called “marigold”. It belongs to the aster family. Representatives of this family are widespread in the Mediterranean, Western Europe and Asia. In total, there are about 20 types of different flowers related to calendula. Among them there are both annual and perennial plants.

    In addition to beauty, marigolds can also be planted for other purposes. So, these flowers have medicinal properties. The ancient Greeks knew about them. In addition, the grass was used as a spice and added to various dishes.

    Description of the flower

    Calendula is a herbaceous plant whose stems are covered with hard down. The flowers growing on it are collected in apical baskets. Their color usually ranges from yellow to orange. The leaves of the plant can have completely different shapes, but most often they are elongated, arranged in 2-3 rows on the stem. The flowering period is up to 3 months and can last from June to September. At the same time, the flower bears fruit abundantly.

    Seeds can germinate in the ground even after 5 years from the date of their collection, and do not even require special care. The flower got its name precisely because of the shape of its seeds, which in appearance resemble the claws of a predatory animal.

    Medicinal properties of the flower

    Calendula is used to treat and prevent many diseases, which is why it is included in the top ten most cultivated medicinal crops that do not require special care. You can find this type of herbs in any pharmacy around the world.

    It is interesting that the planting of calendula as a medicine began much earlier than as an ornamental plant. From ancient times to this day, this flower is widely used in folk and traditional medicine.

    Dried baskets of “marigolds” have the most beneficial properties; they contain the following substances:

    • carotenoids;
    • bitter substances;
    • organic acids;
    • vitamin C;
    • provitamin A;
    • proteins and many other useful substances that help not only treat and care for the patient, but also maintain the body in a healthy state.

    Thanks to this composition, flowers have bactericidal, wound-healing and anti-inflammatory properties. They are prescribed for diseases of the liver, intestines, stomach and other organs of the digestive system. They are also prescribed as an additional substance for heart disease and cancer.

    Collecting seeds

    Calendula seeds can be purchased at any store that sells various gardening supplies. But if there are already these flowers on the site, then it is not necessary to buy them. It is enough to walk around the site. When? In the period from late August to early September, it is worth enriching yourself with seeds, which can later be planted. By this time, all the petals have fallen and only the core remains, full of small “marigolds.” One flower can have up to 15 seeds, with the help of which planting is carried out in the ground.

    Calendula seeds on the stem remain wet, so they must be thoroughly dried. They will last longer once they get rid of excess moisture. To do this, it is enough to place them in a cardboard box or on dry newspaper. Seedlings should be stored in a paper bag in a dry and ventilated place.

    From some of the seeds obtained, you can prepare a healing decoction to care for a sick person, and some can be planted in order to collect a “harvest” for the next year.

    There are two ways to plant seeds:

    1. for seedlings;
    2. planting calendula in open ground.

    Some, before planting flowers in the garden or flower bed, allow them to germinate at home. The rest, and these are the majority, sow seeds directly into open ground, skipping the stage with seedlings.

    Each of these methods has its own characteristics, so you should take a closer look at both options.

    Growing seedlings

    This type of landing is a little more complicated than the one described below. But if you decide to plant this way, the flowering will be more even, and you won’t even need additional care. Therefore, this method is suitable for those who want to grow marigolds specifically as an ornamental plant. In addition, it will allow you to most effectively grow low-growing varieties of calendula.

    When are flowers sown? Towards the end of March, some of the varieties can be sown in early April. Small wooden containers or special plastic pots for seedlings are suitable for planting. What care is needed and when should you water the seeds? This should be done as needed. Already 6-7 days after planting, sprouts should emerge.

    For faster growth, it is worth maintaining the optimal temperature. Marigolds love it when the air around them does not exceed +14 - +15° in temperature.

    Calendula can be planted in open ground when the flower grows and becomes stronger. To determine this, it is enough to count the number of large leaves on the plant. If their number exceeds 5, then it’s time to replant.

    Planting calendula seeds in open ground

    As a rule, marigolds begin to sow closer to the beginning of autumn. It is best when this is done in early September or late August. If you decide to plant in the spring, then this can be done as soon as the soil is ready for planting. To check this, you need to take it into your fist and squeeze it, after which the resulting lump must be thrown from a height of a meter. If the soil crumbles easily, then sowing can begin.

    Before planting a flower, the open soil must be dug up and fertilized. Humus is suitable for this, which must be applied in a proportion of 3 kg per 1 m2 of soil.

    In addition to humus, you can also use some types of fertilizers. So, you can pour a solution with potassium sulfate, superphosphate and urea into the ground. Each substance needs 1 spoon per 1.5 liters of water. This solution is enough for 1 m2 of soil.

    The fertilized soil is thoroughly dug up and leveled. After all procedures, you can start sowing. Experts advise planting marigolds in rows. To do this, it is enough to draw shallow grooves in the area where sowing will be done. Their depth should not exceed 2 cm. This is necessary to make it easier for the seedlings to overcome the soil layer. The distance between the grooves should not be less than 30 cm, since after the flowers grow, they may become crowded.

    So, caring for calendula in open ground is not difficult: for optimal development of the plant, only timely watering is necessary. Planting this flower is also easy; it takes root well in a suitable soil mixture.

    “Marigolds” will decorate any summer cottage. And thanks to their medicinal properties, they can also be used as a folk remedy.