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Brick domed house. Construction of a domed house with your own hands. Equipment and materials for interior finishing

Dome houses are not widespread in our country and are not used in mass construction. However, for those who are inclined to realize their wildest ideas and ideas, this project can be an excellent way to build an unusual house. Of course, such construction has its own specifics. The article will discuss what domed houses are: projects and prices, as well as a description of the designs and photos of the original buildings.

Dome-type houses are a rarity in our area, and they can rarely be seen on city streets. For this reason, not much is known about what advantages and disadvantages such structures have and how justified their construction is in comparison with traditional buildings.

Among the positive aspects of the construction of such unusual houses are:

  • The interior space of houses that have a domed shape is used more rationally. First of all, this can be noticed if you make calculations for two houses that are the same in area, but have different shapes (dome and square). In the first case, the savings in building materials will be about 20%;
  • Compared to domed houses, rectangular houses are less resistant to mechanical loads, including winds. By itself, the hemisphere can withstand much more, of course, if all the calculations were made correctly;

Note! A domed house, built in accordance with all norms and rules, can withstand even a strong earthquake and not collapse. However, for this it must have a solid foundation and high build quality.

Subject to compliance with all construction norms and rules, a domed house can become a reliable and durable structure

  • flat roofs are already not very popular in our climate zone, however, the dome shape of the roof will completely save you from the need to clear snow from the roof;
  • the number of windows that can be provided in a domed house without reducing the strength of the structure is significantly greater than for standard buildings;
  • Due to its shape, the domed house can be located on the site on absolutely any side, and the load will always be distributed evenly.

Among other advantages, it is worth noting that due to the lighter weight of the entire structure, it does not need such a massive foundation as for traditional buildings. A not too expensive and complex strip base will be sufficient. In addition, the structure is assembled from ready-made elements, so it takes only a few days.

Among the disadvantages of such structures, the following nuances are noted:

  • if it is in a small or narrow area, it can be difficult to conveniently place a round-shaped structure;
  • arranging furniture in a finished home can also cause some difficulties due to the shape of the house. It is unlikely that you will be able to place something against the wall;

  • the construction of such a structure implies non-standard execution of some of its parts, which may entail additional costs;
  • It’s difficult to create a domed house project on your own. You can use a ready-made one or order an individual development using 3D technologies.

It is also worth understanding that standard windows in domed houses are not very appropriate. Round or triangular windows are much more suitable, as they will organically fit into the overall image of the house.

Helpful advice! If you want to build a sphere house, designs for spherical houses of a suitable size can be found on the Internet or you can contact a company that produces and assembles them.

Prices for dome structures:

Design name Area, m² Number of floors Peculiarities price, rub.
Dobrosfera Z6 28 1 Free layout. Possibility to install windows of any shape 68000
Dobrosfera Z10 120 2 Wooden floors between floors, open plan 188000
Dome house from "IST Sfera" 102 2 Dome diameter – 8.8 m. Open layout 418000
House kit D9 60 2 Full second floor. Includes everything for building a house and a foundation diagram 450000
House kit D12 165 2 All wooden elements are treated with fire protection. The kit includes detailed assembly instructions, as well as a foundation diagram. 710000
Dome house from "IST Sfera" 283 3 The construction period, taking into account the design, is 2-4 months. Dome diameter – 12.5 m 840000

Domed houses: projects, design features and its construction

In order to give the house a dome shape, a special power frame is used, on top of which a protective and decorative coating is mounted. The inside of the walls must be lined with insulation. At the same stage, they are engaged in laying network cables and other communications.

The construction of interior partitions and the installation of door and window openings is carried out using standard technologies that are also used in buildings of traditional shape.

To provide the frame elements with a reliable connection, special fasteners called connectors are used. Since they are the ones who bear the brunt of the load from using the house, their choice should be given special attention. It is necessary to choose and buy high-quality connectors for a domed house and not save on the purchase.

If you plan to build a house yourself, the area of ​​which will be from 150 to 250 m², then it is recommended to use a steel billet with a thickness of at least 3-4 mm. In most cases, this is sufficient, since such buildings rarely have more than 2 floors, and the load is distributed in such a way as not to have a destructive effect on the frame.

Spherical houses: designs and materials for construction

In the process of building spherical houses, as a rule, preference is given to lightweight, environmentally friendly and durable materials. In addition, they should be easy to install and still fully perform their role. Let's consider the components for spherical construction:

  • connectors for a domed house are elements that provide the structure with strength at the junction points. In order to protect these areas from corrosion, they are additionally exposed with primer and paint;
  • An insulating layer is required, which is most often used as mineral wool. However, there is another option - polyurethane foam. It is easier to install and, unlike mineral wool, does not allow moisture to pass through, which makes work much easier;

  • OSB board, which belongs to category 3 or 4, is used as a roofing substrate. For their production, wood chips are used, which are pressed and bonded together using synthetic resins. Such slabs are strong enough for this purpose and are extremely resistant to heavy loads;

Note! Previously, OSB boards were not recommended for use in the construction of residential premises, since they tended to emit formaldehydes that were unsafe for humans. However, today only the most modern materials and technologies are used in their manufacturing process, which completely eliminate such risks.

  • to decorate the upper part of the roof, flexible tiles are used, since this is the only material that can easily take any shape and at the same time be installed simply and quickly;

  • The layout of domed houses can be any. Using, for example, sheets of drywall, you can divide the available space in a way that is convenient;
  • A wide variety of materials can be used for interior decoration. To create the original interior of a domed house, you can use any available materials, combining and combining them at your discretion.

As you can see, all the materials that are used for the construction of domed houses are light in weight and are extremely easy to install and dismantle. Therefore, a finished house can always be disassembled, transported to another place, and reassembled without damaging the structure and fully maintaining all the characteristics of the building.

Features of the layout of a domed house: photos and recommendations

Of course, the layout of a domed house will be somewhat different from what we are used to. However, this does not mean that the unusual shape of the building imposes any restrictions or prohibitions on the owners. On the contrary, thanks to the unusual shape of the walls, you can create the most unusual and original interiors.

Here are some tips to help with arrangement and decoration:

  • Since all furniture and decorative elements are designed to be placed against a standard wall, you can think about individual customization. For example, semicircular paintings placed on the wall look great;
  • if you need to furnish your office, you can think about wooden furniture, the elements of which will exactly follow the shape of the walls, giving the room an unusual atmosphere;
  • as for the installation of various communications, only the shape of the internal walls will play a role here, as well as the features of the finishing materials used;

Helpful advice! Some builders recommend using straw to insulate walls. You can learn how to make a domed house from straw on specialized websites and forums.

  • An element such as a fireplace can be placed in the center of the room, making it the main element of the composition and at the same time solving the problem of the lack of a flat wall for its installation. In addition, this will allow you to retain the maximum amount of heat that it provides without wasting it on heating the external walls;

Related article:

Houses with unique designs and popular architectural solutions. Tips for developing and choosing the optimal building layout for living.

  • Another problem that may arise is opening windows. If they are located high enough, then opening them manually will simply be inconvenient. For this purpose, there are automated systems that allow this to be done using electric drives;
  • Particular attention should be paid to the lighting of a domed house. It will be better if there are many lighting sources, because if you use one traditional chandelier under the ceiling, there may not be enough light.

Domed house: photos, projects and technical features that need to be taken into account

In addition to the features that owners have to face in the process of arranging a domed house, it is also necessary to take into account a number of requirements that apply to any residential building. Thus, the project must be drawn up taking into account all fire safety standards, as well as in accordance with construction rules.

It is necessary to take into account the terrain and type of soil on which the building will be erected. The level at which the groundwater is located plays a big role, since, despite the relatively light weight of the structure, it is still a residential building that must stand firmly and not succumb to external destructive factors over time.

Of course, during the construction process we strive to use the most natural and environmentally friendly materials. But when it comes to implementing such a non-standard project as a domed house, it is worth paying attention to modern artificial materials. In many cases, they are superior to natural analogues in a number of technical characteristics.

Finishing the facade of a domed house with natural stone

It is worthwhile to carefully consider heating and ventilation systems, since their arrangement has certain nuances, and in order to economically distribute resources, it is important to study this issue in advance.

Helpful advice! In order to obtain an up-to-date list of norms and requirements, you can contact a specialized organization. Moreover, there you can get information about typical dome-shaped houses and see their photos and projects.

How to build a domed house with your own hands: assembly instructions

In order to build a strong and reliable domed house, you must strictly adhere to the proposed algorithm, performing each operation step by step. Consider each stage from laying the foundation to the final finishing of the house.

As with the construction of any traditional house, it is necessary to begin with measurements and installation of an appropriate foundation, which will become a reliable basis for the structure. After this, the main frame elements are laid out, which will perform a load-bearing function and form the basis of the entire house.

Using a wooden hammer, dowels must be driven into the supporting vertical beams. The strength of such a connection is ensured by the own weight of the elements. For this reason, construction is moving extremely quickly, especially considering the fact that special grooves are provided in the lower parts of the boards.

After this, you can proceed to installing the transverse struts and fixing the OSB board. Standard self-tapping screws are perfect for this purpose, as they will ensure quick and reliable fastening.

At the top point where all the beams meet, a special disk is used for reliable fastening. At the same time, the lower segments are sheathed, which gives the structure additional stability and strength. After this, all that remains is to install the upper struts and cover the frame with wood boards.

Acting according to this scheme, it is quite possible to carry out the assembly yourself, instead of purchasing a ready-made domed house. Reviews from the owners claim that if you strictly follow all the recommendations, then in the end you will get an equally durable structure that will serve you for many years.

Ready-made domed houses: projects, prices and photos of popular options

Not everyone wants to build a house on their own, and many prefer to have specialists implement a ready-made dome house project on their site. This option is less risky, since it eliminates the most difficult stages of preparation, and the calculation of a domed house comes down only to taking into account the existing conditions.

But before you order a turnkey domed house, it would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with as many offers as possible in this area. Projects and prices of spherical houses can differ significantly from each other, which, on the one hand, significantly expands the choice, and on the other hand, complicates the task of choosing the best option.

As for the price of a turnkey domed house, it is important to understand that in addition to purchasing the frame itself, you also need to take into account various indirect costs that, one way or another, will arise during the construction process.

Buying a domed house may not be as profitable as building it yourself, but you receive a guarantee from the manufacturer and if any problems arise, you can freely turn to him for help. As an example, we will consider several options for domed houses, their prices and main characteristics.

Cost of finished domed houses:

Design name Area, m² Number of floors Peculiarities price, rub.
ARMIT Group Project No. 7 50 open plan The kit includes an entrance door, 4 plastic windows, full insulation and house cladding 440000
Standard dome house Dome-Dom 52 3 The price includes finishing of walls, both externally and internally, flooring, installation of windows and doors, bathroom 690000
Enlarged house from Dome-Dom company from 72 4 Finished with flexible tiles, flooring - laminate, in the upper part of the house there is 793000
ARMIT Group Project No. 8 235 open plan The height of the dome at the zenith is 7.2 m, diameter is 12 m. The construction of interior partitions is carried out on an individual order 1350000
Sky 7.7 81.7 2 Delivery costs depend on the location of the site. There is a terrace 1790000 + finishing materials
Sky 12 191.5 4 German roofing. Two bathrooms 4450000 + finishing materials

Stratodesic domed house: cost and features

A stratodesic domed house is a structure that is assembled from individual vertical posts assembled at the top point. Such buildings differ from geodesic domes, because if partial cladding is not carried out in parallel with the assembly of the frame, the house will not have the necessary stability and it may simply collapse.

When building a small house with an area of ​​about 52 m², complete assembly takes only a few hours. However, taking into account all additional finishing work, this may take up to 7 days. At the same time, purchasing and assembling the frame will cost about 500 thousand rubles, excluding internal finishing work and the purchase of necessary materials.

Helpful advice! Be sure to read reviews from dome house owners. This technology has not long been used in our region and, perhaps, on thematic forums and websites you can find useful information and practical tips for construction.

Dome houses using Japanese technology

Japanese technology for the construction of domed houses involves the use of not only non-standard solutions in the frame assembly process, but also the use of materials that are unconventional for this type of building. This technology makes it possible to build domed houses from polystyrene foam, which has excellent heat and sound insulation properties, while at a very low cost.

Depending on the climatic conditions, material of varying thicknesses (from 8 to 19 cm) is used to build a domed house made of polystyrene foam. The frame is assembled from separate sections, which already have door and window openings.

Installation of the entire structure can be done either on a regular or on a wooden frame. The only difference will be in the method of attaching the house to the foundation. All communications are laid in the internal partitions of the house, and in the case of several floors, in the ceilings.

The main advantage of domed houses built using Japanese technology is high mobility and, at the same time, sufficient reliability to build such houses even in our rather harsh climate. According to reviews, domed houses, with proper finishing and insulation, are in no way inferior to traditional buildings in terms of technical characteristics.

When familiarizing yourself with the projects and prices of domed houses made of polystyrene foam, you will notice that their cost may differ significantly. This depends not only on the materials used, but also on the company itself that produces and sells the sections. The minimum cost will be 2,000 rubles per 1 m², however, this depends on how thick the walls will be and what materials will be used.

Looking through photos of domed houses, projects, as well as construction instructions, you can be convinced that such an original idea as a spherical house is worthy of attention. At an affordable cost, such a structure is very easy to erect, resistant to any external factors and in no way inferior to traditionally shaped houses. And in order to do everything yourself, without resorting to the help of specialists, just watch thematic video tutorials.

Dome house: video instructions for self-assembly of the structure

A dome-type house is a curiosity for Russia. We are sure that few desperate homeowners will decide to build it, even despite all the stories about the beneficial effects of rounded shapes on our condition. However, we thought that many of our readers would be interested in taking a look inside the quaint house and seeing its layout. Today we will satisfy this desire and together with you we will look at 3 interesting projects of domed houses.

Taking the dome shape as the basis for the project, it is possible to build both public buildings and country houses. The most common “dome” construction technologies are: polystyrene houses, geodesic dome and stratodesic dome.

The body of such a house is built from triangles according to the scheme created by the famous mathematician Buckminster Fuller.

In the presented project, the living room with a fireplace is combined with a spacious dining room and kitchen, with access to the veranda. A long corridor leads to one of the bedrooms; there is also access to the technical room, where the boiler room and electrical panel are located.

If you go up the corner stairs, you will find yourself on the 2nd floor. There is an office and a small balcony here. To the left of the stairs there is a corridor leading to the veranda. Under the dome there are two bedrooms and one bathroom.

Project characteristics

  • Area - 297.3 sq. m
  • 1st / 2nd floor: 195.1 / 102.2 sq. m
  • Foundation - frost-proof, shallow
  • The outer walls of the sphere and the roof are made of bitumen tiles.
  • Floors - wood, plasterboard.
  • Facade finishing - aluminum soffit and facade tape.

House project based on a stratodesic dome

Stratodesic domed dwellings are built from well-dried bent-laminated wooden beams; they serve both as a decorative element and as a load-bearing structure. For example, the Kharkov company EcoDom offers the following stunningly beautiful and elegant solution.

Stratodesic domes are resistant to vertical loads, and axial biosymmetry allows the dome to be cut into a significantly larger number of horizontal layers, limited by parallel planes, than radial, which makes such domes more friendly to the method of construction design and to in-line assembly methods.

First floor. We go into a small vestibule, and from there into a large hall. Nearby there is a bathroom with a transition to a small boiler room. Next we will find a luxuriously sized kitchen and living room. To the right of the kitchen there is a bedroom and an office. Each room has its own small dressing room. From the hall we go up the flight of stairs to the second floor.

Second floor. Here the architect placed a small hall with a panoramic view. On the left is a bathroom, on the right is a huge bedroom with a large dressing room and access to the balcony.

Project characteristics

  • Total area – 285 sq.m
  • 1st floor: 225.83 sq. m; 2nd floor: 59.17 sq.m. m
  • Foam concrete foundation
  • External walls and roofing - made of bitumen tiles and copper sheets
  • Floors - wood, plasterboard
  • The finishing of the rest of the facade is aluminum soffit, facade tape, stone, wood.

One of the types of round houses is polystyrene domed houses. At first glance it may seem that these are small houses. But inside each such house is quite spacious and has an area of ​​50 square meters. m.

A typical polystyrene house is a dome 8 meters in diameter and 4 meters high. Any layout can be implemented within the walls of this house.

This project is more suitable for building a country house, small, compact and very comfortable. In the layout under consideration, we see a hall connected to the kitchen on the right, a bathroom, and a living room. From it there are two branches in the form of small bedrooms and an exit to a spiral staircase leading to a small balcony.

Project characteristics

  • Total area - 80 sq. m
  • Foam concrete foundation
  • External coating - stone, polyurethane

As you can see, each of the three projects confirms that there are no restrictions on internal layout for domed houses. And the originality of the structure can easily become an attraction of any cottage or holiday village.

Ahead we see a luxuriously sized kitchen + living room. From it you can access a huge terrace with a transition to a storage room. To the right of the kitchen there is a bedroom and an office, and each room has its own small dressing room. Then from the hall we go up the flight of stairs to the second floor.

Second floor.

On the 2nd floor we are greeted by a small hall with a panoramic view. On the left is a bathroom, on the right is a simply huge bedroom with a large dressing room and access to a balcony.

Specificity is now gaining popularity at breakneck speed. People are looking for new solutions so that their yards, gardens, and houses have at least a drop of zest, inspire and surprise passers-by. Few people are interested in banal houses made according to a standard template. The desire to distinguish themselves and build a specific house on their site forces many to turn to designers and professional builders. It is not at all uncommon to have hemispherical structures in the private sector. They are filled with grace, beauty and originality. But the dream of living in such a house under a dome is quite feasible without builders and designers. After all, such a unique residential structure can be built with your own hands from various materials.

Specifics of domed houses

The spherical design can withstand heavy snow loads and resist gusty winds. For regions with harsh climates, domed houses are an ideal option. This is a stable and powerful structure that does not have load-bearing walls. Thanks to the symmetry of the forms, the appearance of the dome is visually reduced when the space inside it increases. Getting the optimal amount of usable space, while the house itself takes up only a handful of space, is the main feature of these extraordinary buildings.

Houses in the shape of a hemisphere weigh little, since modest quantities of materials are used in construction. Thanks to this, you can save quite a lot in the construction of the base. The technology of the dome structure has its tricks, but it can be easily mastered.

Advantages of a house under a dome

An attractive round house has a lot of advantages, which lie not only in its uniqueness and appearance, but in the following useful properties:

1. Spheres can withstand loads better.
2. Spheres with the smallest area occupied by the surface have the largest volume.
3. The time for construction and arrangement of the home is minimal.
4. The ability to install the structure on the simplest foundation.
5. High thermal insulation properties.
6. Minimum material consumption.
7. Minimum material costs.
8. High strength and stability.
9. Original and aesthetic appearance.
10. Excellent sound insulation.
11. Free internal layout is feasible.

Due to their high energy efficiency, domed houses can be built with your own hands in any region. Also, these buildings are not afraid of hurricanes, snowfalls and other natural disasters, as they are much more stable than rectangular ones.

Construction of a domed house

The nuances of building a domed house

Before constructing a hemisphere with your own hands, you should familiarize yourself with the following points:
1. The foundation of the house. There are no exact requirements for the support of a round building. The structure weighs little, so a shallow strip foundation would be an excellent option for it.
2. Material. The hemisphere is constructed mainly from wood. Taking into account the expected loads on it, the required cross-section of the beam is selected, usually 50x50 mm. It is important to use timber with an increased cross-section to create a dome, which they plan to sheathe inside and outside. You can find unsurpassed dome structures made of stone or concrete.

3. Assembly method. For the construction of large domes, it is essential to use connectors. Five-beam or six-beam connectors combine wooden structural elements. For modest domes, connectors are inappropriate. If there are enough skills in construction and woodworking, then you can generally refuse to use them. At the same time, it is necessary to make the ribs specifically to suit each other’s build. This ensures that there are a minimum of seams in the connection of all components of the sphere.
4. Roof. To create a roof, it is preferable to use flexible tiles; the use of roofing felt and aluminum sheet roofing materials is also acceptable.

Necessary materials

Before construction, it is necessary to prepare absolutely all materials and devices, so as not to delay the construction in the future by searching for them.

Kit for constructing a hemisphere with your own hands:
1. Wooden beam.
2. Galvanized steel sheet.
3. Screwdrivers, screws and fasteners (screws, nails, etc.).
4. Foam for installation.
5. Roofing material.
6. Roofing scissors.
7. Corner and building level.
8. Hammer.
9. Roulette.
10. Hacksaw.
11. Electric jigsaw and drill.
12. Bulgarian.
13. Wood processing machine.
14. Brushes.
15. Protective gloves.

Dome building project

The dome housing project can be found on the Internet or ordered. The presence of drawings is mandatory, without them it is almost impossible to build a structure in the shape of a sphere with your own hands.

A selection of drawings for a dome house is presented in the pictures below.

Preparatory work

At the preparatory stage, the following must be done:

1. Project selection. The following points should be reflected in the project drawings:
- shape of the building;
- square;
- number of rafter elements;
— cell parameters;
— number of connectors, etc.
2. Selecting a location. At the chosen location for building the dome, markings should be made in accordance with the dimensions of the future building.
3. Manufacturing of necessary products for construction. Based on the drawings, you need to make your own connectors, rafters and plywood elements.
4. Materials processing. Wood naturally needs to be treated with an antiseptic; if metal connectors are used, they are treated with anti-corrosion substances.

Construction instruction

Step-by-step instructions for constructing a dome structure:

1. Creating a foundation.
It is important to thoroughly clear the area where the sphere will be located from fertile soil layers. The excavation is filled with crushed stone and compacted. A mound of sand should be made on top of it and compacted as well.
The best option is a pile foundation. The number of holes for the foundation and their placement must be done according to the diagram.

The support made of thick pipes deepened into the ground is quite strong, and thanks to the concreted reinforcement, the possibility of deformation of the piles is eliminated; it is also not so difficult to build this support with your own hands.

2. Foundation piping.
This is a structure on which an entire house will stand, so its construction should be approached with particular scrupulousness. It is better to stock up on 10% more boards than indicated in the project, since after sawing there may not be enough meter for strapping. It is necessary to create 5 trapezoids from the beams. These trapezoidal-shaped elements will be laid on piles.

Before fastening the strapping, it is important to make sure that it lies clearly horizontally using a level. All elements are connected to each other with screws, and to the foundation - with anchor bolts 40 cm long. Instead of anchors, in order to save money, you can use reinforcement with a diameter of about 20 mm, and it is even more resistant to fastening with anchors. A hole should be drilled in the head of the pile and the reinforcement should be hammered into it with a sledgehammer. It is important to put roofing felt on the pile heads before connecting them to the beams. It is recommended to fasten the boards with additional corners, increasing their stability and fixation to 100%.

3. Arrangement of support beam. The geodesic house frame is assembled on support posts. A suitable beam is installed vertically at the corners of the trim. All vertical posts are fastened with screws. It is important to cover finished vertical walls with boards so as to prevent water and snow from entering the house.

4. Creating frames for windows and doors. In the manufacture of frames for mounting doors and windows, pairs of horizontal and vertical boards are used. It is advisable to connect the bars using the tenon-to-groove method, additionally reinforced with screws.

5. Making ribs for the main frame. Focusing on the project, you need to make panels of triangular and trapezoidal shapes in sufficient quantities with your own hands.

6. Frame assembly. Connectors are often used to connect finished elements; you can make them yourself or purchase ready-made products in a store. In order to make fasteners yourself, you need to have welding skills, a pipe and a metal sheet. It consists of a pipe and 4.5 or 6 metal petals welded to it

You can connect the ribs of a domed house without connectors if you assemble the dome from triangular-shaped elements, the boards of which are precisely fitted. Then all the panels of the outer dome are connected with screws.

When assembling the frame, you must leave openings for doors and windows. The assembly and finished dome are shown in the photo below.

7. Exterior finishing. For the exterior finishing of a hemisphere, it is easier to use roofing felt. Triangles should be carefully cut out of it, matching the inside of the triangular panels used in the construction of the frame. These triangles are fixed with special glue or melted resin on the dome.

8. Decorating a house in the shape of a dome. The following actions relate to the interior arrangement of the premises:
— installation of doors and window glass;
— arrangement of water supply;
- electric installation work;
— floor installation;
— installation of a ventilation system;
- insulation of the building.
You can see how the domes are arranged inside in the photo below.

Ergonomic domed houses look great on the outside, but inside, thanks to a flight of fancy, you can create any layout and it will be amazing. And most importantly, building such geodetic buildings with your own hands means significant savings on construction work and materials, as well as on operation.

Domed houses or domed housing construction belongs to the category of fairly new trends in architecture. However, residential structures in the form of a dome have a long history and were used by various nationalities in Russia.

Domed houses or domed housing construction belongs to the category of fairly new trends in architecture

The special shape of domed buildings allows us to safely classify such houses as real works of art. Among other things, domed buildings are superior to traditional cubic buildings in almost all their parameters. This design assumes the complete absence of a ceiling part and load-bearing supports, which allows saving building materials and not constructing a massive base. The foundation of the building can be represented by a conventional strip or pile foundation. Dome construction is used based on a modern pneumatic frame or permanent formwork.

The design promotes perfectly uniform load distribution. In the presence of mechanical impact on any section of the erected structure, the most efficient distribution of it throughout the entire massif is ensured. This unusual property is especially pronounced in buildings based on a triangular frame. It is the structural features of domed or so-called hemispherical buildings that make them the best option for installation in regions with consistently unstable soil and climatic conditions.

Features of domed houses (video)

Dome shaped house shapes

Hemispherical buildings are made of concrete or brick, and a wooden domed, easily erected house is also popular. The buildings differ not only in material, but also in form.

Popular form

An original, reliable and beautiful building, which is erected using several tetrahedral polyhedra. Regular four-dimensional polyhedra They are four-dimensional analogues of regular polyhedra, which allows you to get a beautiful, reliable and easy-to-use residential building with an original appearance.

Icosahedron shape

The building is an almost ideal option for dividing space into several separate vectors. All twelve vertices of the structure are located three in four parallel planes, forming a regular triangle in each of them. Ten vertices are located in two parallel planes, where they form a pair of regular pentagons, and the other two are opposite to each other and run perpendicular to the direction.

Hemispherical buildings are made of concrete or brick

Pros and cons of domed houses

The main advantages are presented:
  • increased resistance to wind loads, which is due to the aerodynamic shape of the structure;
  • increased seismic resistance with a very uniform distribution of loads over the entire frame plane;
  • no need to build an expensive foundation;
  • free layout, without restrictions in the form of columns and struts;
  • external aesthetics and futuristic appearance;
  • energy efficiency and improved natural convection ventilation, allowing you to save on heating or ventilation;
  • optimal acoustic characteristics and the absence of penetration of external noise into the living space;
  • affordable cost for self-construction.

All currently known shortcomings are most often psychological, as well as informational in nature. The interior features combined with round walls and an unusual layout are not always familiar to people.

Design options for domed houses - external part of houses

Depending on the design features, domed houses can have several options for the external part of the building. Domed structures can be represented by:

  • buildings of a convex type;
  • belt type buildings;
  • buildings with an oval dome;
  • polygonal buildings based on polyhedra;
  • semicircular structures.

The useful area of ​​a hemispherical structure is approximately one third less than a rectangular building.

Internal layout of domed houses

When planning a domed structure, it is necessary to take into account several quite significant differences from the usual interior. The unusual, original shape of the house does not impose any restrictions or prohibitions on the owner. Thanks to the unusual shape, it becomes possible to create the most unusual and original interiors, attractive and easy to use. When developing a design, you should follow a few simple recommendations:

  • It is advisable to order furniture and decorative interior elements in accordance with individual sizes;
  • custom-made paintings with a semicircular shape, which are placed on the walls of a hemispherical room, look very original;
  • when choosing the furnishings of an office, wooden furniture with elements that accurately replicate the shape and texture of the walls can be used;
  • It is advisable to place the fireplace in the central part of the room, making such a heating device the main element of the composition;
  • It is best to replace a traditional ceiling chandelier with a significant number of spotlights.

Particular attention will be required to the installation of various engineering networks and communications, which are located depending on the shape of the internal walls and the main characteristics of the materials used in the finishing.

When planning a domed structure, it is necessary to take into account several quite significant differences from the usual interior

Windows and doors of domed houses

The design of domed buildings itself allows, absolutely without compromising strength indicators, to replace half of the elements with entrance and window groups, as well as to allocate the maximum amount of surface for the glazing procedure. In this case, the building takes on a light and airy appearance.

However, The larger the total glazing area, the higher the likelihood of heat loss. This issue can be completely resolved by installing bags, for the manufacture of which special glass is used, which has an effective heat-protective coating or film. Also, high results can be achieved by replacing double-glazed windows with conventional window units with triple glazing.

Glazing of a one-story domed house is performed with standard wooden or plastic rectangular or triangular windows. The design combination of triangular, pentagonal or hexagonal window blocks with double glazing looks very harmonious and economical, as well as looking original. The doorway most often involves the integration of a special vestibule into the dome structure.

Gallery: domed houses (50 photos)

Materials used for the construction of domed houses

Spherical houses of a semicircular shape are usually represented by a frame base made of wood or metals. The most common type is frames, made using a large number of parts that differ in length. In the process of combining, such elements form a sphere. To build a sphere house, various building materials can be used, presented by:

  • wood;
  • foam concrete blocks;
  • metal elements;
  • brick;
  • polystyrene foam boards;
  • polystyrene foam;
  • concretes;
  • clay.

Brick-type domed houses, as well as spherical monolithic structures built using foam concrete or wood, are practically in no way inferior in their basic characteristics and durability to buildings built in the traditional way.

Presentation of a domed house (video)

The main stages of building a domed house with your own hands

There are several ways to create a domed hemisphere house with your own hands. A unique structure, formed in a hemispherical or cone-shaped shape, due to its structural features, will not require the purchase of a large amount of construction and finishing materials. In appearance, such a house looks modern and aesthetically pleasing, as well as natural, like nature itself. It is quite possible to build buildings of this type not only in the southern regions, but also in the north.

With proper arrangement of such a house, thermal efficiency can exceed even the wildest expectations.

Drawing up a project for a domed house

The most important condition for building a beautiful, reliable and durable structure is the need to correctly complete the design drawings, as well as to carry out the calculations of all the building materials used as correctly as possible. The design of the dome structure is required, and without such documentation it is almost impossible to build a structure in a spherical shape with your own hands.

When drawing up a project, you should decide on the shape of the spherical house, which can be represented by the shape of an icosahedron or simple polyhedra. The first option, currently, is the most rational and allows you to correctly divide the entire space into several specific vectors, which has a positive effect on the strength of the structure.

It is quite possible to build domed houses not only in the southern regions, but also in the north

Making the foundation

There are no specific requirements for the foundation of a domed house. Ready-made hemispherical structures are lightweight, so a building of this type can be placed on almost any type of foundation. However, according to experts in the construction industry, the optimal option is to use a standard shallow foundation of a strip type.

Strip foundations are represented by reinforced concrete structures, which are located along the perimeter of the dome structure being built. The structure is represented by reinforcing mesh or lathing, as well as concrete mass. The reinforcement sheathing is made of reinforcement with a diameter of 1.2-1.4 cm, tied with wire.

After the pit is ready, the sheathing is laid in it and the concrete mass is poured. A waterproofing layer, represented by roofing felt, is applied to the finished foundation base, which will prevent the negative impact of moisture on the structure.

Ready-made hemispherical structures are lightweight, so a building of this type can be placed on almost any type of foundation

Construction of the frame

Hemispherical structures are usually constructed using wood. Taking into account the expected loads, a beam with the required cross-section is selected. Low buildings can be erected from timber with a non-increased cross-section. For independent construction of large-area domes, it is mandatory to use standard connectors. It is with the help of five-beam or six-beam connectors that all the wooden elements of the structure under construction are combined. To protect against corrosion, connectors for domed houses are coated with primer and paint.

For arranging domes that are not too voluminous, the use of connectors is inappropriate. If you have sufficient skills when building a house with your own hands and in woodworking, then a complete refusal to use connectors in the design is allowed. However, in this case, it will be necessary to prepare special stiffeners, which guarantees that the formation of seams will be minimized when connecting all the components of the spherical structure used.

Hemispherical structures are usually constructed using wood

Dome skin

A prerequisite for obtaining the most reliable and durable hemispherical building is the use of an insulating layer, which is usually used as mineral wool or polyurethane foam. The second option is quite easy to install and is moisture resistant.

OSB boards based on compressed wood chips bonded with synthetic resins are most often used as roofing substrate. Such slabs are characterized by sufficient strength and resistance to significant loads. External design can be made with flexible tiles, which can easily take any shape. This finishing material is very easy to work with and can be installed as quickly as possible with your own hands.

Frame of a domed house (video)

Final work

At the final stage, planning and interior arrangement are carried out, as well as windows and doors are installed. The layout of a residential building of a dome or hemispherical type can be absolutely any. Experts advise dividing the existing internal space with plasterboard sheets, depending on the intended decor.

In interior decoration, designers use a wide variety of construction and finishing materials, which can be combined and combined at your discretion. It is advisable to involve specialists in the arrangement of engineering networks and communication nodes. A properly designed bathing structure can be easily dismantled and installed in another location.

Attention, TODAY only!

Dome houses are not widespread in our country and are not used in mass construction. However, for those who are inclined to realize their wildest ideas and ideas, this project can be an excellent way to build an unusual house. Of course, such construction has its own specifics. The article will discuss what domed houses are: projects and prices, as well as a description of the designs and photos of the original buildings.

Dome-type houses are a rarity in our area, and they can rarely be seen on city streets. For this reason, not much is known about what advantages and disadvantages such structures have and how justified their construction is in comparison with traditional buildings.

Among the positive aspects of the construction of such unusual houses are:

  • The interior space of houses that have a domed shape is used more rationally. First of all, this can be noticed if you make calculations for two houses that are the same in area, but have different shapes (dome and square). In the first case, the savings in building materials will be about 20%;
  • Compared to domed houses, rectangular houses are less resistant to mechanical loads, including winds. By itself, the hemisphere can withstand much more, of course, if all the calculations were made correctly;

Note! A domed house, built in accordance with all norms and rules, can withstand even a strong earthquake and not collapse. However, for this it must have a solid foundation and high build quality.

Subject to compliance with all construction norms and rules, a domed house can become a reliable and durable structure

  • flat roofs are already not very popular in our climate zone, however, the dome shape of the roof will completely save you from the need to clear snow from the roof;
  • the number of windows that can be provided in a domed house without reducing the strength of the structure is significantly greater than for standard buildings;
  • Due to its shape, the domed house can be located on the site on absolutely any side, and the load will always be distributed evenly.

Among other advantages, it is worth noting that due to the lighter weight of the entire structure, it does not need such a massive foundation as for traditional buildings. A not too expensive and complex strip base will be sufficient. In addition, the structure is assembled from ready-made elements, so it takes only a few days.

Among the disadvantages of such structures, the following nuances are noted:

  • if it is in a small or narrow area, it can be difficult to conveniently place a round-shaped structure;
  • arranging furniture in a finished home can also cause some difficulties due to the shape of the house. It is unlikely that you will be able to place something against the wall;

  • the construction of such a structure implies non-standard execution of some of its parts, which may entail additional costs;
  • It’s difficult to create a domed house project on your own. You can use a ready-made one or order an individual development using 3D technologies.

It is also worth understanding that standard windows in domed houses are not very appropriate. Round or triangular windows are much more suitable, as they will organically fit into the overall image of the house.

Helpful advice! If you want to build a sphere house, designs for spherical houses of a suitable size can be found on the Internet or you can contact a company that produces and assembles them.

Prices for dome structures:

Design name Area, m² Number of floors Peculiarities price, rub.
Dobrosfera Z6 28 1 Free layout. Possibility to install windows of any shape 68000
Dobrosfera Z10 120 2 Wooden floors between floors, open plan 188000
Dome house from "IST Sfera" 102 2 Dome diameter – 8.8 m. Open layout 418000
House kit D9 60 2 Full second floor. Includes everything for building a house and a foundation diagram 450000
House kit D12 165 2 All wooden elements are treated with fire protection. The kit includes detailed assembly instructions, as well as a foundation diagram. 710000
Dome house from "IST Sfera" 283 3 The construction period, taking into account the design, is 2-4 months. Dome diameter – 12.5 m 840000

Domed houses: projects, design features and its construction

In order to give the house a dome shape, a special power frame is used, on top of which a protective and decorative coating is mounted. The inside of the walls must be lined with insulation. At the same stage, they are engaged in laying network cables and other communications.

The construction of interior partitions and the installation of door and window openings is carried out using standard technologies that are also used in buildings of traditional shape.

To provide the frame elements with a reliable connection, special fasteners called connectors are used. Since they are the ones who bear the brunt of the load from using the house, their choice should be given special attention. It is necessary to choose and buy high-quality connectors for a domed house and not save on the purchase.

If you plan to build a house yourself, the area of ​​which will be from 150 to 250 m², then it is recommended to use a steel billet with a thickness of at least 3-4 mm. In most cases, this is sufficient, since such buildings rarely have more than 2 floors, and the load is distributed in such a way as not to have a destructive effect on the frame.

Spherical houses: designs and materials for construction

In the process of building spherical houses, as a rule, preference is given to lightweight, environmentally friendly and durable materials. In addition, they should be easy to install and still fully perform their role. Let's consider the components for spherical construction:

  • connectors for a domed house are elements that provide the structure with strength at the junction points. In order to protect these areas from corrosion, they are additionally exposed with primer and paint;
  • An insulating layer is required, which is most often used as mineral wool. However, there is another option - polyurethane foam. It is easier to install and, unlike mineral wool, does not allow moisture to pass through, which makes work much easier;

  • OSB board, which belongs to category 3 or 4, is used as a roofing substrate. For their production, wood chips are used, which are pressed and bonded together using synthetic resins. Such slabs are strong enough for this purpose and are extremely resistant to heavy loads;

Note! Previously, OSB boards were not recommended for use in the construction of residential premises, since they tended to emit formaldehydes that were unsafe for humans. However, today only the most modern materials and technologies are used in their manufacturing process, which completely eliminate such risks.

  • to decorate the upper part of the roof, flexible tiles are used, since this is the only material that can easily take any shape and at the same time be installed simply and quickly;

  • The layout of domed houses can be any. Using, for example, sheets of drywall, you can divide the available space in a way that is convenient;
  • A wide variety of materials can be used for interior decoration. To create the original interior of a domed house, you can use any available materials, combining and combining them at your discretion.

As you can see, all the materials that are used for the construction of domed houses are light in weight and are extremely easy to install and dismantle. Therefore, a finished house can always be disassembled, transported to another place, and reassembled without damaging the structure and fully maintaining all the characteristics of the building.

Features of the layout of a domed house: photos and recommendations

Of course, the layout of a domed house will be somewhat different from what we are used to. However, this does not mean that the unusual shape of the building imposes any restrictions or prohibitions on the owners. On the contrary, thanks to the unusual shape of the walls, you can create the most unusual and original interiors.

Here are some tips to help with arrangement and decoration:

  • Since all furniture and decorative elements are designed to be placed against a standard wall, you can think about individual customization. For example, semicircular paintings placed on the wall look great;
  • if you need to furnish your office, you can think about wooden furniture, the elements of which will exactly follow the shape of the walls, giving the room an unusual atmosphere;
  • as for the installation of various communications, only the shape of the internal walls will play a role here, as well as the features of the finishing materials used;

Helpful advice! Some builders recommend using straw to insulate walls. You can learn how to make a domed house from straw on specialized websites and forums.

  • An element such as a fireplace can be placed in the center of the room, making it the main element of the composition and at the same time solving the problem of the lack of a flat wall for its installation. In addition, this will allow you to retain the maximum amount of heat that it provides without wasting it on heating the external walls;

Related article:

Houses with unique designs and popular architectural solutions. Tips for developing and choosing the optimal building layout for living.

  • Another problem that may arise is opening windows. If they are located high enough, then opening them manually will simply be inconvenient. For this purpose, there are automated systems that allow this to be done using electric drives;
  • Particular attention should be paid to the lighting of a domed house. It will be better if there are many lighting sources, because if you use one traditional chandelier under the ceiling, there may not be enough light.

Domed house: photos, projects and technical features that need to be taken into account

In addition to the features that owners have to face in the process of arranging a domed house, it is also necessary to take into account a number of requirements that apply to any residential building. Thus, the project must be drawn up taking into account all fire safety standards, as well as in accordance with construction rules.

It is necessary to take into account the terrain and type of soil on which the building will be erected. The level at which the groundwater is located plays a big role, since, despite the relatively light weight of the structure, it is still a residential building that must stand firmly and not succumb to external destructive factors over time.

Of course, during the construction process we strive to use the most natural and environmentally friendly materials. But when it comes to implementing such a non-standard project as a domed house, it is worth paying attention to modern artificial materials. In many cases, they are superior to natural analogues in a number of technical characteristics.

Finishing the facade of a domed house with natural stone

It is worthwhile to carefully consider heating and ventilation systems, since their arrangement has certain nuances, and in order to economically distribute resources, it is important to study this issue in advance.

Helpful advice! In order to obtain an up-to-date list of norms and requirements, you can contact a specialized organization. Moreover, there you can get information about typical dome-shaped houses and see their photos and projects.

How to build a domed house with your own hands: assembly instructions

In order to build a strong and reliable domed house, you must strictly adhere to the proposed algorithm, performing each operation step by step. Consider each stage from laying the foundation to the final finishing of the house.

As with the construction of any traditional house, it is necessary to begin with measurements and installation of an appropriate foundation, which will become a reliable basis for the structure. After this, the main frame elements are laid out, which will perform a load-bearing function and form the basis of the entire house.

Using a wooden hammer, dowels must be driven into the supporting vertical beams. The strength of such a connection is ensured by the own weight of the elements. For this reason, construction is moving extremely quickly, especially considering the fact that special grooves are provided in the lower parts of the boards.

After this, you can proceed to installing the transverse struts and fixing the OSB board. Standard self-tapping screws are perfect for this purpose, as they will ensure quick and reliable fastening.

At the top point where all the beams meet, a special disk is used for reliable fastening. At the same time, the lower segments are sheathed, which gives the structure additional stability and strength. After this, all that remains is to install the upper struts and cover the frame with wood boards.

Acting according to this scheme, it is quite possible to carry out the assembly yourself, instead of purchasing a ready-made domed house. Reviews from the owners claim that if you strictly follow all the recommendations, then in the end you will get an equally durable structure that will serve you for many years.

Ready-made domed houses: projects, prices and photos of popular options

Not everyone wants to build a house on their own, and many prefer to have specialists implement a ready-made dome house project on their site. This option is less risky, since it eliminates the most difficult stages of preparation, and the calculation of a domed house comes down only to taking into account the existing conditions.

But before you order a turnkey domed house, it would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with as many offers as possible in this area. Projects and prices of spherical houses can differ significantly from each other, which, on the one hand, significantly expands the choice, and on the other hand, complicates the task of choosing the best option.

As for the price of a turnkey domed house, it is important to understand that in addition to purchasing the frame itself, you also need to take into account various indirect costs that, one way or another, will arise during the construction process.

Buying a domed house may not be as profitable as building it yourself, but you receive a guarantee from the manufacturer and if any problems arise, you can freely turn to him for help. As an example, we will consider several options for domed houses, their prices and main characteristics.

Cost of finished domed houses:

Design name Area, m² Number of floors Peculiarities price, rub.
ARMIT Group Project No. 7 50 open plan The kit includes an entrance door, 4 plastic windows, full insulation and house cladding 440000
Standard dome house Dome-Dom 52 3 The price includes finishing of walls, both externally and internally, flooring, installation of windows and doors, bathroom 690000
Enlarged house from Dome-Dom company from 72 4 Finished with flexible tiles, flooring - laminate, in the upper part of the house there is 793000
ARMIT Group Project No. 8 235 open plan The height of the dome at the zenith is 7.2 m, diameter is 12 m. The construction of interior partitions is carried out on an individual order 1350000
Sky 7.7 81.7 2 Delivery costs depend on the location of the site. There is a terrace 1790000 + finishing materials
Sky 12 191.5 4 German roofing. Two bathrooms 4450000 + finishing materials

Stratodesic domed house: cost and features

A stratodesic domed house is a structure that is assembled from individual vertical posts assembled at the top point. Such buildings differ from geodesic domes, because if partial cladding is not carried out in parallel with the assembly of the frame, the house will not have the necessary stability and it may simply collapse.

When building a small house with an area of ​​about 52 m², complete assembly takes only a few hours. However, taking into account all additional finishing work, this may take up to 7 days. At the same time, purchasing and assembling the frame will cost about 500 thousand rubles, excluding internal finishing work and the purchase of necessary materials.

Helpful advice! Be sure to read reviews from dome house owners. This technology has not long been used in our region and, perhaps, on thematic forums and websites you can find useful information and practical tips for construction.

Dome houses using Japanese technology

Japanese technology for the construction of domed houses involves the use of not only non-standard solutions in the frame assembly process, but also the use of materials that are unconventional for this type of building. This technology makes it possible to build domed houses from polystyrene foam, which has excellent heat and sound insulation properties, while at a very low cost.

Depending on the climatic conditions, material of varying thicknesses (from 8 to 19 cm) is used to build a domed house made of polystyrene foam. The frame is assembled from separate sections, which already have door and window openings.

Installation of the entire structure can be done either on a regular or on a wooden frame. The only difference will be in the method of attaching the house to the foundation. All communications are laid in the internal partitions of the house, and in the case of several floors, in the ceilings.

The main advantage of domed houses built using Japanese technology is high mobility and, at the same time, sufficient reliability to build such houses even in our rather harsh climate. According to reviews, domed houses, with proper finishing and insulation, are in no way inferior to traditional buildings in terms of technical characteristics.

When familiarizing yourself with the projects and prices of domed houses made of polystyrene foam, you will notice that their cost may differ significantly. This depends not only on the materials used, but also on the company itself that produces and sells the sections. The minimum cost will be 2,000 rubles per 1 m², however, this depends on how thick the walls will be and what materials will be used.

Looking through photos of domed houses, projects, as well as construction instructions, you can be convinced that such an original idea as a spherical house is worthy of attention. At an affordable cost, such a structure is very easy to erect, resistant to any external factors and in no way inferior to traditionally shaped houses. And in order to do everything yourself, without resorting to the help of specialists, just watch thematic video tutorials.

Dome house: video instructions for self-assembly of the structure