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How to find water in a well site: old-fashioned methods and modern devices. How to find water on the site? Seven ways to determine the location of water How to find water for digging a well

A well is the simplest hydraulic structure. This is a profitable option for organizing water supply if there is no centralized mains nearby. Minimal construction costs, convenient operation, constant access to water - there are many advantages. But how to find water on site for a well in order to build a productive source? We learned how to solve this problem a long time ago.

The proven “old-fashioned methods” are still successfully used, and in recent decades even more reliable methods and even special devices for searching for water have appeared. Each site owner can choose an acceptable method or use several. This will help you determine with absolute accuracy where it is best to dig a well.

Framework for finding underground water

Classification and properties of aquifers

There may be 2-3 aquifers on the site. They are loose rocks that bind and retain moisture that seeps from the surface during rains, floods, and snow melting. Aquifers are located on impermeable rocks and can have different sources of recharge. The deeper the horizon lies, the cleaner and better quality the water is.

There are several types of groundwater:

  • Soil. This is the topmost layer (usually 4-6 m). Atmospheric moisture accumulates in it. Sources of power for the horizon are precipitation, floods, and river floods.
  • Ground. The horizon lies at the depth of the first layer of waterproof rock - 9-18 m, suitable for the construction of a drinking well.
  • Interlayer. Wells are drilled into this horizon. The depth ranges from 20 to 40-50 m.
  • Artesian. The aquifer is the cleanest and most abundant, but it is not suitable for building a well, because... its depth can reach 40-200 m.

Information about the depth of aquifers is necessary to determine water quality. Shallow layers are often contaminated with pesticides, human waste products, and pathogenic bacteria. Such water is used only for technical purposes. For drinking and cooking, it must be carefully filtered and boiled.

Sometimes the first aquifer lies very shallow - 2-2.5 m from the surface. If the future well is intended for watering the garden, then this is an excellent option, but you cannot drink from it. Even for domestic and economic needs, it is advisable to pass water from such a source through a coarse filter.

Aquifer location diagram

How to find a place for a well using folk methods

How to find a place to dig a well? The most reliable way is to contact specialists who will find a suitable aquifer for relatively little money. This is desirable, but not at all necessary, because you can do it yourself.

There are several folk signs by which you can find an aquifer that lies close to the surface. Some plant species indicate the proximity of moisture. They also often use a vine or special frames. You can make these devices yourself.

Choosing a location for a well using a vine

How to determine the depth of a vein

Places where moisture comes very close to the surface can be identified by simple signs:

  • Fog. If there is an area on the site where fog appears, then this is a sure sign of high humidity. It is worth observing either in the evening before sunset or in the early morning. It is best to inspect the area at dawn, when the foggy haze is most clearly visible. If the fog is thick, it means the aquifer is not deep at all.
  • Midge. Small midges swarm where they sense moisture. If it is noticed that they prefer a certain place on the site, it is worth digging a well here.
  • Herbs. Moisture-loving plants grow only where they can get enough water from the soil. It is worth paying attention to whether there are nettles, coltsfoot, and wild sorrel on the site.
  • Trees. Some types of trees can also be reliable indicators: alder, beech, willow, birch. But apple and cherry trees, on the contrary, do not do well in places where aquifers are close.

Scheme: how to find water for a well by plants

Animals are helpers in the search for underground water

If field mice live on the site, the location of their nests can help with finding a place for a well. For example, if voles settle directly on the ground, it means that the aquifers are deep in the soil. These animals avoid high humidity. If they build nests on the lower branches of trees and bushes, it means the moisture is close to the surface.

Poultry can also indicate where to dig a well. Thus, chickens never lay eggs in damp places, but geese specifically look for the wettest areas to build their nests. If a domestic goose lays eggs in the same place, this is a sure signal that at least one aquifer lies nearby. Most often, geese look for intersections of veins.

In the summer heat, animals try to find the coolest areas. If the horse starts pawing and the dog digs a hole, this is probably the wettest place on the property. If animals dig small depressions in the soil and lie down in them, then a well can be built here. The water in it will be of poor quality, but it will be suitable for watering the garden and technical needs.

Dogs look for cool places

Dowsing method: vine and aluminum frames

The vine or frame will tell you how to choose a place for a well on your property. Dowsing is considered one of the oldest methods of searching for aquifers. It cannot be called 100% reliable, but in many cases this method turns out to be effective. For dowsing, either tree branches or aluminum frames are used.

Production and use of dowsing frames

How to make frames for finding water? They are easy to make with your own hands. To do this, you will need two pieces of aluminum wire of the same length (about 40 cm each) and a tube cut from elderberry or other suitable material.

Work order:

  • The pieces of wire are bent at right angles so that one side is 15 and the other 25 cm.
  • The short ends insert a tube cut from a tree or bush branch. The ideal option is elderberry, but variations are possible. A metal tube will also work.
  • The wire does not need to be secured; it should rotate freely in the tube, but not fall out of it.

Using this device is very simple. The frames are taken in both hands and slowly passed across the area. If both frames turn in one direction, then you should turn there. In a place where the aquifer is close to the surface, the frames will come together. As soon as the vein is passed, they will again move apart. This way you can determine the area suitable for constructing a well.

Video: how to make a frame for searching for water

How to choose a place for a well: modern methods

A variety of methods are used to search for water, from digging salt into the ground to using instruments. They make it possible to determine not only the presence of an aquifer, but sometimes even the depth at which it may lie.

Option #1: Glassware

Soil moisture can be determined using glassware. A regular three-liter jar will do. It is placed with its neck on the ground in a place where the presence of a nearby vein is suspected, and left overnight. If condensation appears on the glass in the morning, you can dig a well.

The method will be effective only if there has been no rain for several days before and the ground has dried well. It can be used during periods of extreme heat and drought. Based on the amount of condensate, assumptions are made about the depth of the water.

Option #2: moisture-absorbing materials

You can use substances that absorb moisture well. The most common choices are rock salt, building red brick or silica gel. Before use, the brick is crushed to a crumb state. Silica gel is further dried in the oven. The total volume of the desiccant should be about two liters. It is poured into an open clay pot.

The vessel and its contents are weighed on high-precision scales, after which they are wrapped in several layers of gauze and buried in the soil to a depth of about 0.5 m. It must remain underground for at least a day. After the required period has passed, the pot is carefully dug up, the gauze is removed and weighed again.

If the weight of the vessel is different, it means that the moisture-absorbing materials have absorbed moisture from the soil. The greater the difference between the indicators, the closer to the surface the spring vein is located. It is believed that the effectiveness of this method reaches 60-65%.

Option #3: barometer readings

If there is an open body of water near the site, then a barometer can be used to determine the depth of underground layers. With its help, they determine the pressure on the shore of a reservoir, and then move to a place where they suspect the presence of a nearby aquifer, and take measurements again.

Each 0.1 mm of mercury column indicates 1 m of formation depth. For example, if the first measurement gave 545.5 mm, and the second 545.1 mm, then the spring vein is located approximately 4 m from the surface of the earth. Searching for water using instruments gives better results than the “old-fashioned” methods.

Schematic diagram of the aneroid barometer

Option #4: a device for finding groundwater

There are special devices for searching for water underground. The domestically produced “Pulse” device, which measures the electric field created by groundwater, has proven itself well. Using “Pulse” you can even determine the potential productivity of a future source.

The water search device is easy to use. Its electrodes are buried 10 cm into the ground in the place where the presence of a vein is suspected. If the readings on the device change, it means there is water nearby. The higher the indicators, the more powerful the aquifer.

The owners themselves determine how to find a place for a well on their property, choosing the most affordable method. All methods have their drawbacks, and they are not always reliable. If you want to ensure that the location for the well is chosen correctly, carry out exploratory drilling with a regular garden drill. Better yet, contact a specialist. They will help you choose the ideal location for the well.

Structure of aquifers. Traditional and modern methods of exploration work. Choosing a method for searching for water depending on the consumer’s goals. Areas where wells cannot be built.

Where to look for water for a well

The search for water involves finding special formations underground, consisting of two layers of clay and sand between them, which retain moisture. The loose layer can reach a depth of tens of meters and occupy huge areas. The greatest amount of moisture is not found in horizontal layers, but in their fractures and bends. In such places lakes with a large supply of liquid are formed.

Consumers try to find aquifers at a depth of more than 10-15 m. At this distance from the surface there is liquid for irrigation, washing and other needs. In some cases they even drink it.

High-quality water for cooking, enriched with minerals and salts, lies deeper than 30 m. It is necessary to take into account that the law allows the construction of a well with a depth of no more than 20 m. If the water layer is lower, make a project and obtain permission from regional services and the architect of local authorities . Therefore, in your area, it is recommended to search closer to the surface, where water is easier to find and can be obtained without certificates.

Underground layers that follow the terrain are considered successful for wells. Rain streams flow from the hills to the lowlands, from where they rise, already purified, to the level of the aquifer.

  • Closer than 30 m from toilets, manure heaps, barns with animals and other similar places.
  • Closer than 5 m from the foundation of the building.
  • Closer than 300 m from settling tanks and chemical plants.
  • Closer than 100 m from industrial waste dumps.
  • Near neighboring areas where runoff may enter your well.
  • In the lowlands of the slopes of beams, ravines, as well as in the lowest part of the site. It is allowed to dig a mine anywhere on a slope if its angle does not exceed 3 degrees. In other cases, the source should be at the very top of the plot. This arrangement will help to avoid flooding of the well after rain or melting snow and the entry into the mines of substances that can harm humans. If the aquifer is located in such a place, you will have to build a drainage system.
  • Do not look for water where the well will interfere with access to the house, driveway, planting a garden, etc.
  • Near trees with a strong root system.
  • Near power lines.
  • In the thickets of bushes and trees. To prevent fruits and leaves from creating problems in the operation of the well, they need to be cut down within a radius of 5-10 meters, which not everyone will like.
  • You should also not look for water in the basement of the house. There will be problems with pumping out technical fluid and installing a submersible pump, which requires high ceilings.
It is recommended to search close to residential buildings - there is no need to carry buckets far or buy a heavy-duty pump to pump water over long distances.

Water search techniques

The process of searching for liquid can be called an art, which in the old days was possessed only by true masters of this matter. Currently, modern technologies and special mechanical means are used to search for water in a well site, which make it possible to solve the problem without resorting to geological exploration. Let's consider the most popular methods that allow us to determine the location of aquifers with high probability.

Exploration drilling

Refers to the most reliable methods of search work. Test wells must be drilled in cases where the owner needs drinking water, i.e. it is planned to dig or drill a very deep shaft. Experienced drillers never choose places to drill and offer to build a well where it is convenient for the owner. Thus, they confirm that water is everywhere, but the well may be very deep.

To work, you will need a garden drill with a special handle that can be extended. The optimal diameter of the working tool is 30 cm.

The presence of water is determined after 2-3 m, when wet sand appears. Every 20-30 cm it is recommended to remove the drill and clean it. Drill several wells on the site. To build a mine, choose one of them, which will have the maximum debit.

If you change your mind about building a well shaft, install a casing pipe, a filter and a pump in the well, and you can start pumping water.

Inspecting the source from neighbors

Having a neighbor's well means you can dig one too. Your friends may have invited geologists to survey the site before construction, and these results will help you choose a location.

When studying an existing spring, find out such characteristics as:

  1. Well depth.
  2. Height of the water column.
  3. Level constancy. If it changes periodically, you need to dig deeper.
  4. Barrel design and type. Build your well taking into account the experience of performing work in the given area.

Dowsing for finding water

Dowsing has long been used to find water for a well. This method is based on the theory that underground liquid has magnetic properties, just like the human body.

For these purposes, find a willow rod in the shape of the letter “V” and dry it. The separated branches should be located at an angle of 150 degrees. The flyer is also carved from hazel, viburnum and cherry. Using this frame, you can determine the boundary between the structures of different rocks, which indicates the close occurrence of aquifers.

To search, grab the branches with your hands, point the trunk to the horizon and slowly walk around the area. Conduct reconnaissance in the morning from 6.00 to 7.00, in the afternoon from 16.00 to 17.00 and in the evening from 20.00 to 21.00. Where liquid accumulates, the barrel will tilt. However, the branches can sense perchal water, which cannot be drunk, so after dowsing it is recommended to dig a reconnaissance well and do an analysis of the liquid.

Modern craftsmen know how to find water in a well site using a frame made of aluminum wire. You need to proceed as follows:

  • Cut 2 pieces of wire 400 mm long.
  • Bend 100 mm of each piece exactly at a right angle.
  • Pick 2 elderberry branches, remove the core and place the short side of the wire inside.
  • Take an elderberry branch with wires in each hand. Press your elbows to your body. The wires should be like an extension of the hands.
  • Holding them lightly, without effort, walk first from north to south and then from east to west. If the rods turn in one direction, it means there is an aquifer there.
  • Above the watercourse, the frames will begin to move and intersect; leave a mark on the ground in this place. After passing the fault, the elements will turn in opposite directions. Walk over the mark again, but in a perpendicular direction. If the wires cross again, there is a high probability that there is an aquifer underground.
When using dowsing, consider the following points:
  1. Movement of the vine does not necessarily indicate the presence of water in a given location. There may be a junction of different soils underground, or a large diameter pipe may be laid in this place. Many errors occur near populated areas where there are numerous underground communications.
  2. The frame does not respond to a large aquifer evenly distributed over the area.
  3. The presence of water in a given location must be confirmed by other dowsers. If their findings are contradictory, digging a well is not recommended.
  4. The reliability of the method is only 50%.
Many people exaggerate their capabilities in terms of dowsing, so it is better to invite an experienced specialist who knows how to find water for a well using a vine.

Barometric method

It is known that a reading of 0.1 mmHg corresponds to a height difference of 1 m, so a barometer is sometimes used to search for water.

To do this, go to a nearby pond and record its readings. Then record the readings of the device in the place of interest to you. Based on their difference, determine how deep the water lies. For example, if near the river it is 545.5 mm, and in the area it is 545.1 mm, then a difference of 0.4 mm indicates that the liquid is at a depth of 4 m.

This method allows you to find water with an accuracy of 80-85%.

Use of desiccant

The method is based on the property of some substances to actively absorb moisture. For these purposes, you will need silica gel in granules - a bulk substance that is used to reduce moisture levels in enclosed spaces or containers. You also need a simple, thoroughly dried clay pot.

Perform the following operations:

  • Dry the indicator in the oven.
  • Pour 1 liter of bulk mixture into the pot.
  • Weigh the container and record the result.
  • Wrap it in thick cloth and bury it in the ground in the place of interest to you.
  • Dig it up in a day and weigh the pot again.
  • Determine how much the mass of the container has increased.
  • Repeat the procedure on another area.
  • Compare changes in indicator mass at different locations. Where the mass of silica gel has increased more, the water is located closer to the surface.
The accuracy of this method is 60-65%.

Instead of silica gel, pour dry salt or crushed red brick.

To find aquifers, you can use an empty clay pot. Dry it and place it upside down. After a day, inspect the interior of the container. Heavy fogging is a sign of nearby water.

Landscape exploration

You can find a place where water is close to the surface using obvious natural signs. However, they signal high water, which is not always suitable for cooking.

Pay attention to the following points:

  1. At higher elevations, aquifers are located very deep.
  2. Don't look for veins near natural lakes and quarries.
  3. There will also be no positive results near large plantings of acacias and beech.
  4. The desired areas can be identified in the summer at dawn by the fog that gathers over the place of interest to us. The denser the atmospheric phenomenon, the less you have to dig.
  5. Sedge, wash away, coltsfoot, and alder always grow above aquifers.
  6. Birch trees are a good sign that liquid is nearby. On wet ground they look unsightly - short, twisted, with a knotty trunk.
  7. If the trunks of alder, willow and birch are strongly inclined in one direction, it means that there is moisture close to the surface.
  8. The presence of thickets of nettle, sorrel, and hemlock in the area indicates wet soil.
  9. A pine or spruce grove says the opposite - the layer we are interested in lies very far from the surface.
  10. Some plants determine how deep the water is, but they must be wild and grow in large groups. Pay attention to thickets of blackberries, bird cherry, lingonberries and buckthorn.

Observation of animals and insects

Villagers know how to find water for a well by the behavior of animals and insects:
  • Small field rodents do not build nests in places where they can be flooded. In such cases, they settle on high ground or in trees.
  • In extreme heat, the horse begins to beat the ground with its hoof above the place where the humidity level is maximum.
  • In summer, dogs bury themselves in slightly wet soil.
  • A hen will not make a nest on the ground with high humidity.
  • The goose, on the contrary, builds a nest above the source.
  • Midges accumulate in large numbers where there is evaporation.
How to find water for a well - watch the video:

All methods for finding water with your own hands can only approximately indicate its location, so you should not rely too much on them. Before digging a well, it is recommended to drill an exploration shaft and do an analysis of the fluid. Only specialists can absolutely accurately indicate where the aquifer is located, but for this you will have to pay a lot of money.

There are several ways to find water and correctly determine the optimal location for a well or for a well of any type in a garden plot. To correctly find the aquifer in the soil, both technical and time-tested folk remedies are used.

The most dense and slightly permeable layers, which are contained in the summer cottage, alternate with loose and porous soil. A horizontally located waterproof layer, which is located at a sufficient depth, directly underground - an aquifer, composed of fatty clay, and the main aquifer with the accumulation of water in a usable quantity is located slightly lower.

To choose the optimal depth at which suitable groundwater flows and to correctly search for an aquifer, you need to take into account some natural factors, since there are many aquifers, and their depth, quantity and fullness directly depend on the characteristics of the geological structure:

  • groundwater lies above an aquitard located close to the surface;
  • above individual aquitards, perched water can accumulate, on which it is best to dig Abyssinian wells;
  • in the central part of our country, groundwater is most often located with a depth of 5-40 m;
  • groundwater is most often of low quality and is characterized as unsuitable for food purposes;
  • between the aquitards, at a depth of 15-60 m, there is an interstratal water aquifer with fairly high quality characteristics and slight seasonal fluctuations in filling;
  • The main type of interstratal water is represented by artesian water-saturated layers at a depth of 50 meters and is characterized by a constant filling level and high quality.

Of course, the highest quality drinking water can be obtained from the purest artesian sources, but when digging such sources one must count on high financial costs. Groundwater, especially high water, is not the best source of water supply, therefore, in order to improve the organoleptic properties of such water, it will be necessary to use a filtration system.

It is also important to remember that the maximum depth of a well made of concrete rings is approximately fifty meters, since with large values ​​the structure may become jammed by large soil stones. Thus, the optimal depth of the water supply source can be determined taking into account the technical capabilities, soil structure and qualifications of the work performer.

How to find water on a site using frames (video)

The best ways to find water in your garden

To search for a place to build a water-bearing source with your own hands, you don’t need a lot of experience.

In this case, a folk method or simple technical devices made independently can come to the rescue.

How to search for water using copper wire With the help of copper wire, water-bearing veins are searched quite often. Such a dowsing frame is an L-shaped bent wire with sides measuring 25 and 15 cm. For free rotation in the hand, the short ends of the wire must be inserted into wooden tubes. When located above the aquifer, the frames rotated 180 degrees close

, which allows not only to determine the location of groundwater, but also its boundaries.

Plant Tips In the presence of close water, the vegetation has a brighter color and a richer appearance. The main natural landmarks are willow, willow and wild sorrel, which most often grow above the water vein.

  • You can also assume the depth of the aquifer from the following vegetation:
  • cattail - up to a meter;
  • sandy reed and black poplar - up to three meters;
  • sucker and reed - up to three to five meters;
  • wormwood paniculata - up to seven meters;
  • whose brilliant one is up to eight meters.

naked licorice, sand wormwood and yellow alfalfa - up to ten meters.

Application of willow vine

Exploration drilling

Ground water exploration is one of the most promising methods for obtaining reliable information about the presence of an aquifer.

Exploration drilling is carried out using compact drilling rigs or using a hand drill. Among other things, it is possible to preserve landscape coverage and, in the shortest possible time, obtain data not only on the depth of water, but also to study the structure of the soil at the location of the planned water supply source.

Observations of weather and animal behavior A thirsty horse kicks its hoof, and a dog digs the ground above a water source with its paws.

A hen will not lay eggs in damp places, but a goose looks for damp places to lay eggs. Also, the presence of high-lying water can be indicated by accumulations of mosquitoes and midges after sunset, thick fog and very heavy morning dew both on the grass and on objects.

Finding water for a well (video)

How to determine water quality The soil and groundwater in our country are contaminated in large quantities with waste, which cannot but have a negative impact on the quality of water extracted from wells and wells. To protect your health, it is necessary to check the liquid from the water supply source.

  • . At home, testing a sample taken is performed as follows:
  • heat a liter of water to a temperature of 20 o C and check for the absence of taste and odor;
  • if there is no unpleasant odor, the liquid is heated to 60 o C, after which a test similar to the first test is carried out.
  • clean, odorless and tasteless water should not have even slight staining or cloudiness, and a drop of water applied to the glass after drying should not leave streaks;

The degree of hardness is checked by boiling water and assessing the amount of sediment. The presence of a dark gray color of sediment indicates an excess amount of iron oxides in the water. The presence of a light yellow precipitate allows us to conclude that there is a significant amount of calcium salts and various oxides.

Criteria for choosing a site for drilling a well and digging a well when several sources are detected

In the Moscow region, publicly available water supplies are at the level of the first limestone. As a rule, in the southeast the layer lies at a depth of 30-70 meters, and in the north and northwest it is already within 70-100 m. If a well is drilled on the “second limestone”, then, most likely, After inspection, the well will be plugged, and a fairly large fine will be imposed on the owner, since such sources of water supply require the preparation of special documents.

To obtain high-quality drinking water in large volumes, it is necessary to draw up a package of documentation and coordinate actions with Rospotrebnadzor and other organizations:

  • applying to the regional Ministry of Natural Resources to consider the possibility of drilling an artesian well;
  • visit to the site of the proposed drilling by a commission, which includes hydrogeologists and representatives of Rospotrebnadzor;
  • if there is a positive answer in the conclusion, a license is issued in accordance with the law “On Subsoil” in the presence of a certificate of the right to use the land plot, a cadastral plan and a master plan for subsequent development, identifying the location of the proposed source of water supply and sanitary protection zone.

To obtain a license, you need to agree on the balance of water consumption and wastewater disposal in the regional water department, as well as the sanitary and epidemiological conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor, after which a well design contract is drawn up, which is transferred to the SES. If the package of documents is collected correctly, the drilling license can be obtained within three months. After drilling, you will need to issue a passport for the water supply source based on state acceptance permits and state geological examination.

How to dig a well (video)

Despite the fact that drilling an artesian well is accompanied by a lengthy collection of documents, obtaining your own source of water is a popular and very popular event in our country, as it allows you to obtain an uninterrupted and high-quality water supply.

Water is life and hardly anyone would want to argue with that. It is needed not only in apartments, but also in your own summer cottage, from drinking, cooking to various household needs. Therefore, every summer resident sooner or later thinks about installing a water supply from a well or borehole at his dacha. After all, it is not profitable to buy water every time, even if only for drinking. However, before you begin to implement the plan, you first need to decide how to find water on the site.

A little information regarding groundwater will not hurt:

Their accumulation occurs due to the filtration of atmospheric precipitation through the top layer of soil. Penetrating lower and lower, the water reaches the impermeable layer, where underground reservoirs of various sizes are subsequently formed. Moreover, they may not be positioned strictly horizontally, but rather bend. In this case, a kind of lens is formed, the volume of which can range from several cubic meters to kilometers.

Thus, depending on the depth of occurrence, the following water layers can be distinguished:

  • perched water;
  • groundwater;
  • interstratal waters;
  • artesian waters.

At the depth of the first 4 meters there is the upper water layer. Appears after rains and due to melt water. During dry times, the layer dries out. In addition, such water is not purified, is polluted and, as a result, is not suitable for drinking.

The depth of the next water layer can be up to 10 meters. Unlike perennial water, the water does not disappear from here. Under groundwater there is a waterproof layer of soil that prevents water from seeping even deeper. There is no pressure here, and therefore if you drill a well, the water level will not change. This water is better filtered by the top layer of soil and is noticeably cleaner than in perched water. This layer can be considered drinking, and it is it that is used for water supply.

The interstratal water layer is located below groundwater - up to 40 meters and is separated from it by a waterproof or semi-permeable layer of soil. Water comes here from higher levels.

Water from the artesian layer is the best option for the water supply system. The water here is better purified and is often under pressure, so no special costs are required to lift it. If you drill a well to such a depth, you can provide water not only for yourself, but also for several houses. As a striking example, springs and springs, when water from the drinking layer finds its way to the surface.

Methods for determining water

People have been able to search for water underground since ancient times. It has kind of become an art. There are several methods that can lead to the desired water source, but not everyone gives a complete guarantee. Still worth a try.

This method of dowsing will help solve the problem of how to find water for a well. People have been using it for a long time and quite successfully. The tool used is a dowel, which is easy to make with your own hands. Usually it is made from a twig of hazel, willow or cherry with a fork, the main thing is that it is flexible enough. Having spread the branches, you need to give it the shape of the letter “U”, which you need to keep parallel to the ground, just do not pinch it too hard. In this position, the dowser slowly walks around the area and carefully monitors the branch. When approaching an area with shallow underground water, the branch should bend down.

It is better to use this method for people who have increased sensitivity to magnetic vibrations and well-developed intuition. Otherwise, nothing may work out.

Nowadays, the old way of finding water for a well has been slightly improved. Instead of a branch, you can make a frame with your own hands. To do this, take a metal wire from any metal (steel, copper, aluminum), even electrodes for welding are suitable, and bend it into an L-shape. The optimal length of the wire is 40 cm, while the length of the short ends is 10 cm. You can take two elderberry tubes with the core removed and insert the ends of the wire into them, or you can do without them - as you like.

Taking the frames in your hands with the long ends forward and squeezing them lightly so that they rotate freely, walk around the area in a similar manner without rushing. As you approach the water, the wires will intersect.

This method is best to look for water during the periods:

  • from 5 to 6 am;
  • from 16 to 17;
  • from 20 to 21;
  • from 24 to 1.

And on an empty stomach and in a sober state! Undesirable times are from 18 to 19 and from 22 to 23 hours.

Silica gel

Another ancient method can be used to find water for drilling a well. Take an unglazed clay pot, dry it well and place it bottom up over the intended source of water. After some time, if there is water in this place, the pot will fog up from the inside.

Nowadays, in addition to the pot, silica gel is used, which is a good desiccant material. To do this, you need to take a liter or two of material, dry it well in the oven and pour it into the same pot. It is better to pre-weigh the dishes with gel, preferably on accurate scales. After this, the pot must be wrapped in thick fabric or non-woven material and buried in the place where the water is calculated to a depth of half a meter.

After a day, the pot can be dug up and weighed. The heavier it is, the closer the water is. For greater effect, you can bury several of these pots. For a control measurement, you can bury the pot again in the found place.

To find water in the area, you can use salt or regular red brick instead of silica gel. They, too, must first be dried, weighed, and then the difference in indicators must be determined.

Exploration by drilling

The efficiency of drilling a small exploration well gives 100% results. You can do this yourself, but with helpers it will go easier and a little faster. You can hire specialists for this work, which will be expensive, or you can do everything yourself. An ordinary garden auger will do. If you don’t have a drill and don’t have enough money, you can make it yourself. The drilling depth will be 6-10 meters, so it should be possible to increase the length of the handle during work. To save the tool, you need to remove the soil every 10-15 cm. The presence of water can be determined by the damp soil.

Searching for water using exploratory drilling with your own hands will allow you to determine not only the depth of groundwater, but also give a description of the soil that is located under and above the aquifer.

Natural indicators

If you are observant enough, you can determine whether there is water in any area based on characteristic natural signs. For example, there are such indicator plants:

  • Potentilla gossamer;
  • autumn colchicum;
  • coltsfoot;
  • sedge;
  • horse sorrel;
  • digitalis.

These plants grow near the groundwater path to the surface of the earth. Willow, alder, oak, fern, and nettle grow well in such places, but apple and cherry trees, on the contrary, slow down their growth. It is worth paying attention to the behavior of different trees. Alder, birch and willow deviate towards the water layer.

If bedstraw grows on the site, you can immediately dig a well or borehole.

When searching for water, you should pay attention to the behavior of animals and insects, which will also help determine whether there is underground water somewhere in the area. Cats often choose to rest in areas with underground water. Red ants always gather in such areas, and midges and mosquitoes gather in heaps after sunset.

If there is too much moisture in the soil, it will inevitably evaporate. This will be evidenced by fog, which can be observed early in the morning or in the evening after a hot day. Especially if it curls or stands like a pillar. There is definitely water here, there is a lot of it, and its depth is shallow. It is worth considering that water will definitely be present in lowlands and pits surrounded by hills.

Many owners of suburban areas want to find water on them and dig a well. An excellent guide for those who want to start their search is a training video. In addition, you can use the methods described below and solve the problem yourself.

Problems with water?

How to solve a problem with water supply in a country house or other area? One of the best options is to search for moisture yourself. Your own well will be able to provide water for both your home and the green spaces located around it. In addition, the presence of a well on the territory will significantly reduce financing for water removal from the centralized system and reduce utility costs.

In order to understand qualitatively and without temporary losses whether there is water on the site, it is possible to use both traditional and innovative methods.

How to find a water source

For water consumers, raw materials from layers that are located very deep (more than 15 m) are best suited. In this kind of deposits, water is suitable for watering the garden, washing, washing and other household purposes.

Attention! The water, ideal for cleaning, washing and watering, as well as for drinking and cooking, is clean and rich in useful substances, lies at least 30 m deep.

The following areas of land are likely to have problems finding water:

  • close to rivers, especially from the steepest banks;
  • in areas with mountains and hills;
  • close to quarries and large water intakes;
  • near ponds and streams;
  • close to large clumps of acacia and beech.

In addition, on some land plots the water is not of good quality a priori. In such areas it is necessary to dig very deep wells or use only imported moisture.

There are different ways to find water on your property. Some methods are time-tested and have been used for many centuries, while others have been developed recently. Before you start looking for water on a site, it is best to familiarize yourself with several methods, study their features, and determine for yourself the most suitable one for a specific area and situation. To optimize the energy and cost of the search process and subsequent soil development, it is possible to combine several methods at once.

Clay pots will help you find moisture

The “pot” method is one of the oldest. The clay pot that will be used to find water must first be dried in the sun for a very long time. When the pot is well-fried, you should find a place where there may be water - and place the prepared dishes on it upside down. And then wait a little. In the case where there is actually a vein of water underground, the clay pot will fog up heavily from the inside.

Today this method has been improved by home craftsmen. To increase the likelihood of detecting the source many times over, a little carefully dried silica gel is placed inside the pot. The container with the gel inside is placed on a scale, and then placed in the place where there is supposed to be water.

In some cases, you can install two or three containers on the territory in the manner described above, and then select a place with the highest humidity for digging a well. If for some reason it is not possible to use silica gel, it can be replaced with the most ordinary clay red brick.

Plants will help you find water

Some types of plants are natural indicators of the level of moisture in the soil. Why? Because growing bushes and trees feed on water that lies at unequal depths. There is a source of water in the desired location if the following types of “green friends” grow on the ground:

  • woodlice;
  • bearberry;
  • bird cherry;
  • buckthorn;
  • cowberry.

If a birch tree grows above a source of underground water, it will not look very healthy: the tree will be short, with a crooked trunk covered with knots. All types of coniferous trees will also suffer from the proximity of moisture.

Neighbors will help you find water

The simplest known method. People who have long been familiar with the peculiarities of a particular area, and, perhaps, have already dug wells in it, will certainly tell you at what depth the occurrence of groundwater can most often be found and which well is better to dig. It is also very possible that one of the owners of neighboring plots turned to surveyors to study the level of underground water in the area and the features of the organization of water intake.

Advice. If this method turns out to be effective, you must remember to clarify how the water level fluctuates in different seasons of the year, how good the chemical composition of this very water is, and so on.

Dowsing is as old as time

Perhaps the most famous and at the same time most accurate method of searching for groundwater is dowsing. To use this method, special frames should be made from aluminum wire. As a rule, two rods of 400 mm in length are taken, and the last 100 of this length are bent exactly at an angle of 90 degrees.

To achieve the maximum possible effect, as well as to make using the device more convenient, the frames can be placed in elderberry branches with the middle previously removed. In some cases, hazel, viburnum or willow branches can serve as frames.

With frames in hand, you must first move around the territory precisely from north to south, and then from east to west. You should walk with your elbows pressed tightly to your torso. The frames should be kept in line with the arms, as if they were an extension of the limbs. Hands and forearms should not be tense. Above the places where underground waters lie in the ground, the frames begin to move and form intersections.

Finding water by living small things

It is traditionally believed that mice do not dig minks and ants do not build their houses in areas of land with high humidity. Therefore, if there are places on the site that are free from their dwellings, they can be considered water-bearing.

It should be understood that all the methods described above can only help find sources of groundwater. If you want to “get to the bottom” of where artesian waters lie, you need to contact specialists.
So, using very simple methods, you can find a source of valuable clean water on your own site and provide yourself with this irreplaceable resource for many years to come.

How to find water in the country: video