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Curly flowers. Perennial climbing flowers for the garden. Photo. Types of climbing plants, photos and names

Tempting climbing flowers, visible from afar, add unique beauty and personality to a garden or cottage. They transform a terrace, loggia, veranda, and protect from drizzling rain, burning sun or wind. They drape an unaesthetic wall of a barn, a fence, a compost pit, or other household objects. They are used to make trellises, form flower columns and pergolas. Their advantage is that they occupy a small area. They provide the opportunity to relax peacefully among the vines in an atmosphere of coziness and comfort.

Fun and light annuals

Their life is short, only one summer. They diversify the appearance of the site and are an indispensable component of flower beds. It’s nice to experiment, show your imagination, and create harmonious compositions with long flowering and a colorful palette.

Advice: Flyers' lashes can climb up any support. Light screens, gratings, nets, trellises can be built with your own hands.

Well-known climbing plants and flowers, such as large decorative beans, will grow thick shade in one season and will delight owners and guests all summer.

With their help, gardeners change the design of the site every year. Among the beautiful annuals, the following stand out:

  • Ipomoea species quamoclite. An elegant vine with openwork leaves and small stars of varied colors. Prefers bright places, blooms poorly in shade. Sown or planted with seedlings, it entwines the support within 2 months and blooms until the cold weather;
  • Sweet pea is a climbing flower whose aroma enchants and delights. Does not like hot, dry weather;
  • The climbing kobea has spectacular large, bell-like flowers ranging from white to purple. It is also attractive because it can withstand short frosts down to -5 °C.

Important: growing annuals from seedlings accelerates their growth and development.

Flower growers successfully use annuals as groundcovers, allowing them to grow freely without support. Flowers on climbing the lashes look like a motley, bright carpet.

Reliable perennials

They are invariably liked by everyone, gardeners and flower growers. These plants are more demanding of external conditions and will require a little care. They need a strong foundation. When creating flower installations, you need to choose varieties for your site that can withstand harsh winters. The most common of the perennial climbing flowers are:

  • taking root. Relatively unpretentious, its orange gramophones look great in sunny areas;

  • Clematis is one of the popular climbing plants and flowers. Loves a sunny place, but the soil at the roots should be shaded. The variety of varieties with all kinds of colors of inflorescences with a diameter of up to 15 cm amazes with its many-sided beauty. Flowering period: spring - end of September. Its wide screens hide unpresentable outbuildings;

  • Honeysuckle honeysuckle is very decorative and winters well in mid-latitudes. The aroma of its numerous light yellow and pink flowers pleases for about three weeks of spring or early summer. Brown's honeysuckle blooms until frost, does not shed its leaves in the winter, but requires shelter;

  • Actinidia kolomikta is tall (up to 15 m), frost-resistant, blooms profusely, and requires strong support. The pleasant taste of the fruit is reminiscent of pineapple or strawberries. Blooms in summer. Its picturesque leaves change color several times during the growing season;

  • The rose gives pleasure all summer long, especially beautifully entwined around gazebos, arches, and awnings. Its flower, climbing along the support, attracts many bees with its aroma. It needs a bright place, although it can bloom in partial shade. Varieties of climbing roses are especially spectacular due to their height, which can reach 10 m. The varietal diversity is enormous. You need to select frost-resistant varieties for the site, disease-resistant ramblers that form inflorescences on last year’s shoots. This is Excelsa, terry Dorothy Perkins.

A complement to these perennials is lemongrass. In addition to flowers, it produces tasty, healthy fruits.

The ampelous inflorescences of wisteria are very decorative, but this southern plant is not suitable for the mid-latitude climate, so gardeners often ask the question: ““. Only the Blue Moon variety can withstand frosts down to -40°C.

Important: in areas of severe winters, the lashes are removed from their supports in the fall, placed in trenches or cut short, then covered with non-woven materials, dry grass or leaves.

During the growing season, all perennials without exception require:

  • Fertile soil.
  • Regular feeding with complex fertilizer.
  • Loosening the soil.
  • Watering and formative pruning.

If these conditions are met, the vines will bloom profusely and for a long time.

Be careful with exotics!

Delicate climbing exotic flowers are demanding on growing conditions; they do not overwinter in the middle zone and grow well in the hot climate of the south. The most common in our conditions are:

  • Akebia quintuple. An attempt to grow this vine can be crowned with success: stems that are frozen even under cover are able to recover. Five-fingered leaves and red-brown flowers cover the frame abundantly in spring;

  • Yellow dicentra climbing. It grows from June to August, prefers partial shade and a windless place;

  • Passionflower or blue passionflower. In autumn it is carried from the garden into the house and turns into a climbing indoor flower. Exot produces the original bud only for one day, it is regularly replaced with a new one;

  • Kirkazon giant grandiflora. It has fragile flexible stems. He is considered an unpretentious newcomer from the south. Has medicinal qualities.

The rich possibilities of vertical gardening will help you realize any garden design ideas.

A cozy garden, decorated with colorful islands of flowering flower beds, harmoniously combined with neatly formed tree crowns, is the pride of any summer resident. Overgrown climbing plants for the garden, causing admiration for their splendor, give the site a special attractiveness. After all, with their help you can give your favorite vacation spot a special charm. We bring to your attention some examples and useful tips.

Perennial climbing flowers are among the most popular elements of vertical gardening. With the help of climbing plants, you can successfully decorate any unsightly walls of buildings, and camouflage trees.

Using climbing plants for your dacha, you can wrap the fence enclosing the area in an openwork “blanket” of flowers and leaves

Weaving all kinds of pergolas and trellises, they act as a kind of screen that protects a place of privacy from gusts of wind and sun rays

In addition, the vines growing on the supports act as a “living” barrier, protecting the territory from dust and noise from the street and thereby improving the ecology of the site.

With the help of climbing plants, you can create a picturesque, elegant alley that greets and leads the owners and their guests from the doors of the house.

A gazebo entwined with flexible stems of climbing plants always looks fabulously beautiful. By decorating the building, lacy foliage helps maintain refreshing coolness in the summer heat

Annual climbing plants for the garden are good for arranging flower beds and creating multi-level plant compositions. The excellent ability to quickly increase plant mass allows the gardener to create real masterpieces and picturesque landscapes in the garden.

Flowering vines hanging from hanging flowerpots look very attractive, the vines of which spread throughout the flower garden, giving it a special charm.

Flowering vines hanging from hanging pots look very attractive, the vines of which spread throughout the flower garden, giving it a special charm. Colorful cascades of flowering vines are also often used to decorate loggias and balconies.

Among the diverse selection of perennial climbing flowering plants, it is better for novice gardeners to give preference to varieties that are not particularly demanding on growing conditions.

Among annual climbing plants, morning glory and sweet pea are the least fastidious. In just one season, plant heights can reach three meters

The stems of morning glory are decorated with numerous gramophone flowers, and sweet peas are decorated with fancy “dogs” that exude an exquisite aroma. Unpretentious, light-loving plants that can easily tolerate slight shading will delight you with abundant flowering from mid-June until the end of autumn.

Schisandra and actinidia require a little more care. These perennials annually form climbing shoots, gradually increasing their green mass

Schisandra has beautiful foliage and delicate white-cream flowers with a subtle, pleasant aroma. Resembling grape vines. Schisandra shoots can reach a length of 10-15 meters. Young vines of woody climbing vines can reach a length of 3.5 meters in one season, while old shoots do not exceed a length of 6-8 meters. Both plants have not only an attractive appearance, but also tasty, and also healthy fruits.

Among the easy-to-care climbing plants, Kampsis is also worth highlighting.

A small Kampsis seedling in just one or two years turns into a gorgeous tree-like vine 3 to 5 meters high, dotted with orange gramophones

Wisteria, climbing hydrangea, etc. are especially attractive. But these plants are more finicky and require more attention to care.

The best varieties of beautiful flowering plants

Option #1 - clematis

Clematis feels comfortable when the above-ground part of the plant is located on a support and is well illuminated by sunlight, while the soil at the base of the root system remains in the shade. Since clematis is afraid of frost, in winter it is cut off and covered with agrofibre, peat or old leaves.

It's hard to take your eyes off the star-shaped clematis flowers. Delicate white, pink-burgundy, deep purple flowers, delighting with lush flowering from the first days until the end of September, fascinate with their beauty

Clematis has many varieties that differ in the variety of shapes, sizes and colors of flowers. The most decorative varieties are famous for: Alyonushka with lilac flowers in the shape of bells, Maidwell Hall with large purple semi-double flowers, Błękitny Anioł with bluish slightly wavy petals, Romantika with almost black velvet flowers and Hagley Hybrid with soft pink flowers with a diameter of 8-10 cm.

Option #2 - climbing roses

Roses leave no one indifferent, enchanting with their beauty, tenderness and unique aroma. Breeders never cease to delight fans of these flowers with new varieties of roses, distinguished by their marvelous shades and petal shapes.

Climbing roses occupy a separate niche in this family. They are most popular when decorating fences, pergolas, decorative columns and all kinds of arches

Depending on the intensity of shoot growth, climbing roses are divided into three groups:

  • Semi-climbing, the height of which does not exceed 2-3 meters;
  • Climbing, the height of the shoots reaches 3-5 meters;
  • Climbing from 5 to 15 meters in height.

From the thousands of varieties with different shoot heights, shapes and sizes of flowers, every gardener will be able to choose a rose bush that will become an effective addition when creating a picturesque landscape design.

Thus, all ramblers are distinguished by abundant and long-lasting flowering, as well as beautiful shiny foliage, which retains its decorative effect right up to frost. These are frost-resistant varieties that are resistant to disease. Roses can grow in partial shade, but the flowers are most decorative in open sunny areas.

Among the ramblers are groups of roses in which flowers form only on last year's shoots; the most popular varieties are Excelsa with flowers of crimson-red shades, Dorothy Perkins with pink double flowers, as well as White Dorothy and Wartburg

Roses with two-color flowers always look especially festive and elegant. The most beautiful varieties among them: Kleine Rosel with purple-red flowers decorated with yellow stamens, American Pillar with pink fringe, General Testard and Evangeline with red edges

By decorating the walls of the gazebo with rose bushes, you can get an excellent opportunity to enjoy not only the unique beauty of the numerous inflorescences, but also the wonderful delicate aroma spreading throughout the garden.

You may also find this material useful on how to create an aromatic garden on your property:

Option #3 - wisteria

Wisteria is not famous for its frost resistance, but new varieties bred by breeders are able to withstand fairly low sub-zero temperatures. For example, Wisteria floribunda calmly tolerates temperatures down to -21°C, and Wisteria macrostachya - down to -40°.

A beautiful plant brought from the southern countries today decorates the gardens of many suburban areas.

Popular decorative foliage vines

Option #1 - ivy

When choosing among decorative deciduous climbing plants, which, although they do not bloom with luxurious buds, but delight the eye with beautiful foliage of an unusual shape, it is worth highlighting ivy, known to most gardeners.

A completely unpretentious plant to care for, it is capable of forming dense thickets on any vertical surfaces, clinging to them with aerial sucker roots.

The evergreen plant looks unusually beautiful at any time of the year, acting as a background for flowering flower beds in warm weather or as a soloist in the winter garden amid the snow cover.

Material about the most unpretentious varieties of climbing plants will also be useful:

Option #2 - wild grapes

Wild grapes are well suited for decorating the north-eastern walls of buildings.

Clinging to supports with the help of sucker roots, it literally digs into stone walls or the plaster of buildings

Among the variety of species of this plant, differing in the shape and color of the leaves, the most widespread are Japanese and girlish grapes. Dark green foliage, covering the walls of buildings with a dense carpet, turns into a rich burgundy color in the fall, giving the building a new, but no less impressive look.

Other options

Hops and aristolochia are also known for their equally attractive properties. Plants that do not require special conditions easily take root even on depleted soils.

Climbing flowers for the garden are often used in various design solutions. With their help, it is possible to make vertical walls attractive, which without green decorations look untidy and do not give home comfort. That is why such flowers are planted. Climbing plants add life and greatly enhance the appearance of the patio area, exterior walls of the house and fences.

Climbing flowers for the garden - description and photo

This is a vine that does not require significant care. It is a perennial crop that grows quickly and is used to decorate gazebos and vertical facades of buildings, creating impenetrable green thickets there.

Maiden's grapes take almost the first place in landscaping park areas; they look especially beautiful and romantic in the fall. At the first cold snap, the foliage of the grapes begins to change its color from dark green to yellow-red. And such foliage glows with a bright crimson, attracting people’s attention with its beauty.

The plant has such a type of endurance that it is quite easy to plant it on your site, but in order to remove it, you need to make a huge effort. In the first year, it develops its root system, quickly occupying the entire area allotted to it in the ground. And in the second year of its life it begins to actively increase its vegetative mass.

Outwardly, it is a perennial vine that sheds its leaf mass in the winter. The leaf blades resemble an open palm with five fingers. Closer to autumn, small tassels with blue, inedible berries appear.

There is a variety of girlish grapes whose leaves are initially painted in rather decorative colors of white and green; at the boundaries of color mixing they do not go in a straight line, but there are places with a scattering of green and white freckles.

This perennial vine, native to Brazil, grows and blooms throughout the warm season. Since this is a fairly heat-loving plant, it is brought indoors for the winter and grown as a houseplant. But throughout the summer season, if you roll out the container and place it near the front door and direct the branches to weave along it, you will end up with a unique and unforgettable arch of decorative foliage.

Liana requires care:

  • Timely watering;
  • Pruning carried out twice during the warm season;
  • In enhanced fertilizer during the growth of vegetative mass.


This is a close relative of clematis, but blooms a little earlier than it. They also have a significant difference in the structure of flowers. In princelings it is an incompletely open, drooping bell, while in clematis there are wide-open, large flowers. The inflorescence is attached with the help of young leaves. When growing this plant, it would be good to install a support near it, consisting of a mesh made of either wire or rope.

This unpretentious plant will delight you with its flowering in late spring and early summer. For the winter, the plant is not insulated, but left to overwinter on a support, which also has a significant advantage in cultivating princelings. Therefore, in the spring they wake up faster, and when other plants are just beginning to awaken their buds, princeling vines are already covered with dense foliage and are preparing to bloom.

Petiole hydrangea

This is a rare variety of hydrangea, which in the structure of its bush is very different from its bush counterparts. So this is a fairly fast-growing vine with long vines that is planted along fences and gives them a rather attractive appearance.

The liana is absolutely not whimsical, but it needs regular watering and requires regular getting rid of the weeds that grow at its feet. Otherwise, instead of a beautiful openwork bush, you will end up with a gnarled bush surrounded by weeds.

With proper care, the vine grows into a tall bush, reaching the windows of the fourth floor. At the same time, it takes the form of objects along which it climbs up. Does not require insulation for the winter period.

This is a very delicate and beautiful plant that is planted along fences or gazebos. As it grows, it covers the objects where it is planted with a continuous blanket of blooms, and in the evening the enchanting aroma of its flowers adds to its beauty. Read about it here.

The plant has many varieties with different flowering periods, so you can choose plants planted around the gazebo so that they will delight the gardener with their blooming fragrant flowers for quite a long time. We must remember that honeysuckle fruits cannot be used for food.

Varieties of climbing honeysuckle:

  • Tatar;
  • Honeysuckle;
  • Brown;
  • Telman;
  • Serotin.

This is a very welcome guest in any garden, as it can be used in single plantings, or can be used when planted along walls. A bush consisting of two varieties of clematis with contrasting colors of flowers looks very beautiful. For example:

  • Burgundy and white;
  • Blue (purple) and light blue.

This is a perennial vine that has strong frost resistance and has conquered the souls of flower growers in different countries. When their time to bloom comes, they mesmerize people with their huge flowers against the backdrop of thick green foliage. There is no need to tie this plant up, as it climbs vertical walls on its own, clinging to the support with its leaf petioles. You just need to put a net along the planted bushes, at a height that should be decorated with flowering clematis branches.

In order for flowering to continue for a longer period, the plant must be properly pruned, watered regularly and faded buds removed.


This perennial liana considers Southeast Asia its homeland. It is not whimsical and grows quickly, and at the same time its beautiful foliage attracts the eyes of people. Especially if these are variegated varieties:

  1. Kolomikta.
  2. Polygamous.

Moreover, variegated varieties initially have ordinary green foliage. The leaf blades begin to color approximately 15 days before the vine begins to bloom. At first, only the ends of the leaf plates are painted white, a little later they become crimson. It looks very nice from the outside.

With careful cultivation, actinidia shoots can grow up to 2 m in one warm season, and this is not an unimportant detail when growing it on the site.

Roses have always been frequent guests of garden plots. And you can’t do without a climbing rose. And since it is often used in design projects, many varieties of remontant climbing roses have been developed, and some of the varieties have an amazing aroma.

All this will allow you to admire the bushes and inhale the scent of roses almost throughout the warm season.

But there is a significant drawback to this beauty. Long vines cannot attach themselves to the frame and will have to be tied up during their vegetative growth.


This is a perennial frost-resistant plant and does not require removal from trellises or other supports to cover it for the winter. Over the course of a season, it grows in numerous shoots to a height of up to 2-3 m. At the same time, the leaf plates fall off for the winter, and the vine itself remains to overwinter. In spring, frostbitten ends of the vine should be trimmed so that they do not spoil the appearance of the plant. The flowers of the vine are bell-shaped and orange in color. There are different varieties of Kampsis that have different color variations:

  • Yellow;
  • Yellow-orange;
  • Reds.

The flowers reach 6 cm in length and are collected in brushes of 3-5 flowers in one brush. And therefore, when the Kampsis blooms, it is a very beautiful sight; the flowers lie almost like a continuous carpet. In place of the flowers, seeds later appear, which are located in a pod resembling a pea or bean pod.


Modern hybrids of this southern beauty have significant winter hardiness to low temperatures. Anyone who has ever seen wisteria in flowers will not forget this amazing sight for the rest of his life.

In the Krasnodar Territory, this plant grows quite large and does not need winter shelter. In the northern latitudes of Russia, wisteria must be protected from the winter cold, and it does not grow so tall and beautiful.

Under favorable conditions, wisteria is covered with flowers that flow in a waterfall of inflorescences reaching a length of 33 cm. The main shade of flowers is light purple, but varieties with other shades of flowers are also found.


It is a perennial evergreen that has the remarkable ability to grow where other climbing flowers cannot reach. There is an explanation for this, since along the entire vine there are roots on the trunk, with the help of which they are attached to the imperfect surface of walls and trees.

The flowers are almost invisible behind the highly decorative carved green ivy leaves. If there is no support for it near the planted ivy, it will spread along the ground as a continuous carved carpet of leathery leaves.

This perennial plant grows in one place for up to 20 years and does not require replanting or rejuvenation. Its long stems reach 8 m, and at the same time it always climbs up any support that a branch can find.

The most interesting thing is that, having found support, the plant always wraps around it clockwise. The hollow stem has thorns, with the help of which it is attached to vertical surfaces. The leaf blades are rough to the touch and are on long petioles.

Beautiful hop flowers begin to appear in mid-July and resemble loose cones. The plant is quite unpretentious and grows with almost no care.


This perennial plant retains its green leaves almost until the end of autumn. This plant is not suitable for areas where it rarely rains. But if you feed and water it regularly, the plant will have rich and large foliage. It blooms with attractive tubular flowers, after which fruits ripen in appearance resembling cucumbers.

This vine is considered quite frost-resistant. True, sometimes the ends of young shoots freeze, and then in the spring it is worth carrying out formative pruning, at the same time removing the ends of the branches blackened by the cold.

This is a perennial graceful vine, the vines of which grow up to 17 m in length. If you take care of the plant, doing timely watering, loosening and removing weeds, then over the summer it will be able to grow new vines up to 3 m in length.

Schisandra is not only a beautiful plant, but also has healing properties. When growing, it is better not to use metal supports, since it is almost impossible to remove the plant from them without damaging them. So strongly it is attached by its roots to the surface of the support. For the winter in colder regions of Russia it requires shelter for the winter and only on the southern coast does it grow without any restrictions.


This is a shrub with long shoots that grow very quickly and the support intended for this plant can become small even in mid-summer. The support should be quite strong, since by the second year of life the main vine will become quite heavy.

Almost all summer the plant is shrouded in a white cloud of flowers. Damaged vines should be pruned in the spring before the knotweed buds appear.

Fortune's euonymus has aerial roots that can support the plant. Among the euonymus there are also variegated varieties that attract attention with their variegated foliage. The plant grows very slowly and will not be able to survive the winter without snow cover. Therefore, in order for the shrub to survive the Russian winter, it will need to be removed from its support and covered with spruce branches for the winter.


This vine grows quite poorly the first three years, but subsequently it grows, so its growth will need to be limited. The vine has five-fingered leaves and produces yellow clusters of female flowers in the spring. The male flowers on the vine are much smaller and pink in color and have a light scent. In order for the vine to show all its beauty, it is necessary to carry out timely fertilizing with full mineral fertilizers and timely watering with loosening.

To increase the bushiness of the bush, some shoots should be cut 20 cm from the base; this will add significant thickening to the bush.

Read about it here.

The decoration of any garden is deservedly considered to be the elements of vertical gardening, which are created using climbing plants. The variety of types, shapes and sizes allows you to choose vines for any purpose - be it creating a shady romantic gazebo, a topiary figure, a blooming zoning screen or decorating the wall of an outbuilding. As a rule, all climbing flowers for the garden are able to fix themselves on a support, and only a small part of them require a garter.

Every year, perennial vines are gaining popularity when used in landscape design. Currently, there are a sufficient number of plant species and varieties to bring design fantasies and ideas to life in any region, taking into account climatic conditions. Climbing garden flowers delight the eye and surprise with their diversity and possibilities.


The most welcome guests in any garden have been and remain clematis. Their stunningly beautiful star-shaped flowers, framed by dark green leaves, create a mesmerizing picture. A wide color palette from white to burgundy-brown, including all shades of blue, is a distinctive feature of clematis from other perennial vines.

Clematis will feel good not only on a rigid mesh, but also on a regular mesh, as it is able to fix itself on its own with the help of leaf petioles. An obelisk or pyramid is also suitable as a support.


Climbing roses

Climbing roses

Climbing roses are no less popular among gardeners and landscape designers. Many varieties and types allow you to create true floral masterpieces. Modern varieties, for the most part, are all remontant (re-blooming), which has made it possible to enjoy the extravaganza of blooming roses almost the entire season. This shrub, by and large, is not a climbing plant, and its use in vertical gardening is associated with the ability to drive out flowering shoots of great length. Self-climbing roses on a support (details about which can be found) are not fixed and require a girdling garter or fixation of individual lashes.


A beautiful, fast-growing, winter-hardy vine with a delicate aroma that intensifies in the evening, climbing honeysuckle will decorate any garden, effectively highlight the style and add charm to the most ordinary area. Many varieties that bloom at different times allow you to create a wave of floral summer fairy tale.

The most common types of climbing honeysuckle:

    • "Tatar"- the vine, reaching 3 meters in length, blooms in May-June with white and pink flowers;
    • "Caprifol" can reach 6 m, flowering June-July, creamy yellow flowers with a reddish tint;
    • "Brown"- up to 5 m, blooms from mid-June for three weeks with carrot-red flowers;
    • "Telman"- 4-5 m, flowering from mid-May, very abundant with golden yellow flowers for two weeks;
    • "Serotina"- up to 4 m, the latest blooming, from mid-August covered with purple flowers with a creamy core with amazingly fragrant clusters of flowers.

Honeysuckle "Caprifol"
Honeysuckle "Brown"
Honeysuckle "Thälmann"

Baljuan knotweed

A very powerful, up to 15 meters, intensively growing liana can produce up to 5-7 m of new growth in a season. The flowering is so prolific that large (up to 10 cm) wide oval leaves are not visible. White, with a slight pink tint, small flowers are collected in loose pyramidal panicles 15-20 cm long. Intensive branching allows the plant to form a huge green mass. It does not produce root shoots, it is easily propagated by cuttings throughout the entire growing season, but it does not tolerate transplantation in adulthood very well. Used to decorate unsightly outbuildings in the background. Not suitable for pergolas and arches - too powerful and heavy.

Campsis (tekoma, bignonia)

Campsis (tekoma, bignonia)

A tree-like spreading vine that blooms from mid-summer for two months with bright orange or yellow gramophone flowers. Coming from the tropics, Kampsis awakens very late in the spring, when the soil warms up to 15 degrees, and is quite cold-resistant. A distinctive feature is the ability to attach to any support using aerial sucker roots. It is easily fixed on stone, wood, and slate surfaces. Flowering on the shoots of the current year. Produces abundant root shoots.

Hydrangea petiolate

A deciduous tree-like vine that can climb up to a height of 25 meters along a sheer stone wall with the help of adventitious roots. Glossy dark green heart-shaped leaves make petiolate hydrangea look gorgeous even when not in bloom. Starting in mid-June, during flowering, climbing hydrangea is covered with huge loose corymbose inflorescences of small white flowers that exude a delicate aroma. Winter hardiness is quite high, prefers the eastern side and acidic soils. It grows poorly on mesh ventilated supports, preferring walls, solid fences, and tree trunks.

Schisandra chinensis

Schisandra chinensis

A dioecious, light, graceful vine up to 15 meters in length, capable of producing a three-meter annual growth, a truly amazing plant. Not only decorative, but also healing. All above-ground parts have a wide range of applications in medicine. On the supports, the lemongrass is fixed with shoots that wrap around it clockwise. Wooden or plastic supports are preferred to prevent freezing on the metal in winter, since it is not possible to remove the lemongrass from the support. Due to the large length of the shoots, they are used mainly for shading gazebos and terraces.

In addition to climbing flowers, perennial decorative deciduous vines are popular for the garden; the most striking representatives of this species are ivy and are used quite often.

Maiden grapes
Maiden grapes

Maiden grapes

This fast-growing, unpretentious perennial vine has not lost its long-standing popularity among gardeners. Capable of growing on any soil and requiring no care other than pruning, the plant is loved and revered in all regions as the best decorator of unsightly buildings and fences. In one season, maiden grapes can create stable, dense shade in a gazebo, on a terrace, cover from the heat and protect the southern and western walls of houses from overheating. Its annual growth can reach 5 m. Large palmate dark green leaves are very decorative throughout the season. It is especially beautiful in the fall, when there are already very few bright colors in the garden, the girlish grapes glow with all shades of purple, giving the passing summer a solemn look.

The climbing kobea (pictured) is naturally found in tropical parts of South America. Its name is...


An evergreen frost-resistant plant that has the ability to climb the walls of houses, poles and tree trunks without outside help. Adventitious sucker roots cling to any roughness and reliably hold the vine in an upright position. The flowering is as inconspicuous as the leaves are beautiful - bright green, leathery, as if varnished, shiny, they form a dense surface, creating the illusion of impenetrability. In the absence of support, ivy spreads beautifully over the ground and covers it with a wonderful carpet.

In addition to shrub vines, perennial herbaceous vines - calistegia and aconite - are no less popular and in demand.

Wolfsbane climbing

Wolfsbane climbing- a herbaceous perennial that grows anew every year. The above-ground part does not overwinter. The height of the vine is up to 2 meters, the leaves are glossy, palmately dissected, openwork, the flowers are quite large. Flowering from mid-July. Prefers partial shade and moist, fertile soil.

Calistegia terry- a perennial that blooms with large pink double flowers. It can be climbed on any support, the height reaches 3 m. The flowering is very elegant and delicate. It should be remembered that this plant does not tolerate uncontrolled cultivation and needs to limit the root space, as it quickly and quite aggressively invades neighboring territories.

Climbing annuals

Annual vines are an integral part of landscape design. A distinctive feature of this group of plants is their rapid growth and continuous flowering throughout the season. If it is necessary to quickly create a decorative composition, replenish the winter losses of perennial vines, temporarily support and shade their young plantings, decorate topiary figures, the use of annual climbing flowers for the garden is often the only possible option. Planted along the fence, they will create a luxurious flowering hedge, drape the trunks of old trees and give the garden a festive look.

morning glory- the most common climbing annual with a wide range of colors. Heart-shaped large leaves, bright gramophone flowers that open every morning and bloom until noon - this is a beautiful morning glory. Propagated by sowing seeds directly into the ground, in a permanent place.

Kobeya climbing- an exotic beauty that blooms with large purple or white bells up to 7 cm in diameter. Prefers fertile soil, sunny location, demanding watering. Reproduction only by seedlings. Plants sown in the ground may not have time to bloom in the middle zone.

morning glory

Landscape designers very often use climbing plants to decorate the garden and various courtyard buildings. They have high decorative characteristics and can significantly enliven and decorate the local area.

Did you know? Completely unpretentious in care, wild grapes are capable of forming dense thickets on all vertical surfaces. Clinging to them with aerial sucker roots, it creates unique garden compositions.

Climbing flowers are used to create shady arches, decorate fences and gazebos. They are undemanding in care, easily tolerate our winters, create a romantic atmosphere in the garden, significantly increasing its aesthetic appeal. This article presents the most popular perennial loaches with photos and names.

Wild grapes are a non-capricious vine that is classified as a perennial and is actively used for landscaping gardens.

If the conversation turns to perennial climbing plants for the garden, then it should start with wild or girl's grapes. This plant plays the first violin in landscaping gardens and local areas. Maiden grapes look especially charming in the fall, when its leaves acquire a rich crimson color. The plant has phenomenal unpretentiousness, and, by the way, it is easier to plant than to then remove it from the site. It does not require the creation of special conditions or fixation, but at the same time it is able to very quickly weave an impressive area, turning it into a solid green carpet.

Experienced and even novice landscape designers use it to quickly create the effect of exquisite antiquity on a site. Wild grapes weave a dense lace around the fence, protecting the local area from prying prying eyes. This fast-growing vine is also a perennial., which turns it into an ideal decoration for the garden, and the word “wild” in its name rather indicates the unpretentiousness and high adaptive abilities of this representative of the grape family, rather than its origin.

This plant is a deciduous vine covered with three-toed or five-toed leaves and small dark blue or black berries, which are not recommended for consumption. In the Far East, there are varieties that have white, orange and blue berries, which are also not used in cooking.

Important! You should not feast on the fruits of virgin grapes, even though they look very similar to the berries of ordinary grapes. Eating a handful of its fruits will not cause fatal poisoning, but you will get an upset stomach and, in some cases, vomiting.

Gardeners highly value wild grapes for their high decorative characteristics, unpretentiousness and rapid growth rates.

- the closest relatives of another popular climbing plant called clematis. These plants differ from each other in the structure of their flowers: the drooping bells of the princes are formed by small, barely noticeable petals and are bordered by larger sepals, while clematis has no petals at all, and its flowers are formed by sepals colored in different tones. Despite the fact that the name of the plant “princelings” is translated from ancient Greek as “antennae,” it is attached to vertical surfaces with the help of young leaves and petioles, since it has no tendrils at all. In this regard, when growing a plant, wire or rope mesh should be used as a support for it.
Climbing flowers for the garden, called princelings, will delight gardeners with their unpretentiousness, simple care, unpretentious disposition and generous flowering. The liana does not need to be removed from its support for the winter, trimmed and protected from diseases. Another advantage of growing these vines is that they bloom early. And at a time when clematis are just being released from their winter shelter, the princelings are already covered with a dense carpet of green foliage. The Alpine princelings begin to bloom first, the Okhotsk variety takes up the baton, and the Siberian marathon continues.

Petiolate hydrangea is a unique variety of hydrangea, which is radically different from its tree-like and paniculate relatives. This climbing plant is often used for landscaping fences, helped by the fact that it is considered a fast-growing plant. Petiolate hydrangea is similar in structure to a vine and does not have a hard trunk, but it has high decorative characteristics, due to which it is actively used in landscape design. It is unpretentious, but will require the grower to provide high-quality watering and provide it with an area cleared of weeds for growth. Otherwise, the gardener risks getting, instead of a dense green carpet, an unpleasant lace with weed bushes sticking out in different places.

Did you know? In comfortable conditions, petiolate hydrangea can reach the height of a four-story building. It is rightfully considered one of the longest plants used in landscape design.

Petiolate hydrangea is a frost-resistant species, but young plants still need protection from sub-zero temperatures, since tender shoots can be damaged by frost. The liana is capable of forming a dense green carpet and entwining objects of the most unusual shapes.

is a beautiful perennial climbing plant used for landscaping arbors, fences and arches. Liana has a delicate aroma that intensifies in the evening, which significantly increases its decorative appeal. Honeysuckle can become the main decoration of any garden or local area, and in addition, it will effectively emphasize a unique style and add romantic charm to even the most dull area. Due to the fact that today there are many varieties of honeysuckle that bloom at different times, the grower will be able to organize wave flowering of the plant on the site.

Important! The fruits of climbing honeysuckle contain hydrocyanic acid, and therefore it is better to refrain from eating them, but they are considered an excellent remedy for lichen. If you wish, it is better to feast on the fruits of edible honeysuckle, which is absolutely safe and is actively used in cooking for making jam, wine, jelly and compotes.

The most popular varieties of climbing honeysuckle:
  • Tatarian honeysuckle- this vine, which with proper care can reach a length of up to 3 meters. It blooms in May and blooms until the end of June. The variety attracts plant growers with its incredibly beautiful white-pink flowers.
  • Honeysuckle reaches a length of more than 6 meters. Flowering continues from June to July. During flowering it produces creamy yellow flowers with a slight reddish tint.
  • Brown- a fairly unpretentious variety, the shoots of which can reach a length of up to 5 meters. It blooms from mid-June for three weeks, delighting others with luxurious carrot-red flowers.
  • Telman forms lashes reaching a length of no more than 5 meters. The liana blooms in mid-May. Blooms profusely for no more than two weeks. During this period, it is covered with charming golden-yellow flowers.
  • Serotin– the latest flowering variety: the plant begins to become covered with flowers in August and blooms until early September. During this period, fragrant cream flowers form on the vine. In comfortable conditions, the plant can reach up to 4 meters in length.

- these are the most welcome guests in any garden. Bindweeds are very often used to decorate the garden, especially since this perennial plant is absolutely unpretentious and has excellent frost resistance. won the hearts of amateur plant growers and professional landscape designers with its stunning star-shaped flowers framed by dark green foliage. Blooming clematis is a fascinating sight. And their wide color palette, ranging from white to burgundy-brown, allows you to bring to life the most extravagant and daring ideas.
The spread of the vine is also facilitated by the fact that it is independently fixed to the support by leaf petioles. This allows you to use not only rigid pergolas or trellises as support for it, but also nets that help form flowering walls.

With proper pruning, the flowering of the vine can last quite a long time: from mid-June until the first frost. In order for clematis to develop well and delight with generous flowering, it needs to be planted in well-lit places, high-quality watering and regular feeding.

is a perennial climbing plant that is often used in landscape design to decorate a garden gazebo, plant a fence and form an arch, and the fact that it is a perennial, combined with its luxurious appearance, non-capricious disposition and rapid growth rate, has brought it wide popularity. The vine is native to Southeast Asia. Particularly popular are the variegated varieties of actinidia - Kolomikta And Polygamous.
Variegation in these varieties of actinidia does not appear immediately, but only two weeks before the flowers appear: first, the tips of the leaves turn white, which then turn crimson. This feature is characteristic of both female and male plants, but it appears only on hybrids obtained by crossing the Argut and Purpurny varieties.

Did you know? Actinidia is a dioecious plant, but sometimes fruits can be set if there are only female plants on the site. Presumably 1% of all actinidia are monoecious plants, which are especially valuable for breeding self-fertile varieties.

Actinidia is also notable for the fact that it is devoid of physiological fruit drop: all inflorescences that have been pollinated and turned into fruits will grow to full maturity.

The intensive pace of development is another trump card of this vine. If it is not disturbed and comfortable conditions are created, then its shoots can grow two meters during the season. This feature of actinidia is often used by landscape designers in places where it is necessary to quickly landscape the area.

Loaches are perennials called Tekoma, in our climate zone they are very rarely grown in open ground. The plant comes from South America and is widely distributed in Florida, Mexico, and Argentina. In our country, tecoma is mainly cultivated as a greenhouse or indoor plant. Tekoma is a member of the Bignoniaceae family. Today, approximately 16 species of this plant are known. In its natural environment, tecoma can reach a length of more than 6 meters.
Domestic plant growers grow capsis - tekomu evasive and tekomu erect, which are beautifully flowering deciduous vines. Different types of thecoma have simple and compound leaves, consisting of 5 or 7 small lobes with a serrated edge. The flowers of the vine have the shape of elongated bells, sometimes they resemble funnel-shaped corollas of a yellow or orange hue, can reach more than 5 centimeters in diameter and are collected in loose or racemose inflorescences. Tekoma is characterized by long and abundant flowering, giving the impression that it is dotted with flowers.

After flowering, the vine is covered with fruits of an original shape, similar in appearance to beans.
The climbing rose is a favorite plant of landscape designers. Thanks to the fact that many different varieties have been bred with her participation, it is possible to create real garden masterpieces. Almost all modern varieties are remontant, which allows you to enjoy the flowering of this garden beauty almost all summer.

Despite the fact that initially it was not resistant to low temperatures, thanks to the painstaking work of breeders, modern varieties are able to withstand fairly severe frosts. The sight of blooming wisteria is sure to leave an indelible mark on the soul of even the most inveterate skeptic. Heat-loving wisteria pleases residents of the Caucasus, Crimea and Transcarpathia with abundant and long-lasting flowering, while residents of the northern regions can see its flowers for a fairly limited time. In northern latitudes, the plant grows weaker and smaller, and in addition, it needs winter shelter.
Wisteria, or wisteria, is a representative of tree-like tall subtropical plants belonging to the Legume family. Wisteria has large odd-pinnate leaves and during the flowering period it is covered with a waterfall of white or light purple inflorescences, reaching a length of up to 30 centimeters. The first flowers on the vine appear in the spring, and individual inflorescences can remain on the plant until the end of summer. Wisteria is very often used in landscape design when planting vertical structures.

is an evergreen climbing plant that is capable of climbing vertically up quite long distances without outside help. This unusual ability of ivy is due to the fact that it has adventitious sucker roots that are capable of grasping any, even slightly rough, surface and reliably fixing the shoots in a vertical position.
Ivy flowers have low decorative qualities. If there is no support nearby for this vine, it will cover the soil in your garden plot with a dense carpet. The plant has emerald green, dense, shiny, leathery leaves that create the illusion of impenetrability.

is another plant that is often used for decorative purposes. Liana can grow on a site for more than 20 years. Hops belong to the hemp family, but it differs from the latter by the presence of a long curly stem that can reach up to 7 meters. The hop stalk steadily climbs up and wraps around the support in a clockwise direction. Its tetrahedral stem is hollow inside and covered on the outside with tiny curved spines, allowing it to easily climb any support. The plant has leaves that are rough to the touch, located on long petioles and covered with yellow glands.
Hops begin to bloom in the second half of summer; in female plants, its inflorescences are collected in charming loose cones, and in male plants - in panicles. At the beginning of summer, the vine is covered with fruits. Hops are unpretentious, but prefer to grow in well-moistened soils.

Schisandra chinensis

Schisandra chinensis is a light and graceful vine that can reach up to 15 meters in length. In comfortable conditions, the plant can produce three-meter annual growth over a season. Liana has high decorative characteristics and enormous healing potential. Schisandra chinensis is fixed to the support by means of shoots. Like hops, it wraps around the support only in a clockwise direction. The plant prefers to climb up wooden or plastic supports. To prevent the vine shoots from freezing, it is better to avoid using metal structures as supports, since it is simply impossible to remove the vine from them. Due to the impressive length of its shoots, Schisandra chinensis is often used for landscaping gazebos, terraces and houses.

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