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How to supply drinking water to a private house from a nearby central water supply line. Video: How to bring water from a well to a house in Gulyaypole, how to bring water to a private house

Already at the construction stage, it is necessary to supply water to the house as the first necessary engineering system, along with electricity. Without a water supply, it is impossible to begin the construction of a residential or industrial building, since the bulk of the work requires the direct or indirect participation of liquid. Moreover, this resource is necessary during the operation of housing.

Usually different projects are built for these two periods. First, a specially dug well or temporary connection to the central system is used. You can also ask your nearest neighbor to supply you with the required amount of water. On a permanent basis, you will need a different water supply, since it is not difficult to install water supply in a private house, you can draw up a diagram with your own hands. In this article we will describe the features of the design and installation of this engineering system.

The purpose of the device is to supply the room with water

Regardless of what type of tie-in or individual service the user chooses, it is necessary to achieve the main goal of the design - to supply all water intake points with the resource - water. These are the following nodes:

    kitchen sink;

    dishwasher and washing machine;

    bath/shower cabin;

    all toilets and washbasins;

    site watering system;

    swimming pool, sauna or other objects that require moisture supply.

Before bringing water into the house from the water supply during design, it is necessary to achieve the following main goals:

    ensure unhindered supply of liquid to all nodes at any time of the day;

    make the system accessible for repair work and preventive maintenance;

    install devices that are responsible for automating processes;

    mark all insertion points on the plan;

    equip the engineering system with devices for cleaning and filtration;

    provide hot water supply, that is, on one general plan, mark the connection between the water supply and the heating system;

    select materials and devices that will be used during construction.

How water supply technology works

The entire system consists of several sequentially involved elements. The hydraulic accumulator is used to maintain stable pressure and partially automate processes. It consists of reservoirs, one of which is filled with water (tank), and the second with air. When the first vessel is completely filled, the air space is compressed - a thin sensitive membrane acts on it.

This change in pressure causes the pumping equipment to stop working - it stops pumping liquid, filling the tank. When the resource is used, the pump operation automatically resumes. The electric relay is responsible for this. This scheme of constant replenishment of the reservoir is responsible for uninterrupted pressure. The following problems are also solved:

    automation of the container filling process;

    resource reserve for some time;

    increasing the life of pumping equipment, since it does not work every time the user turns the tap on or off.

How to make water supply in your home - choose a source of water intake

There are several options for connecting housing to a water resource:

    central system;

    private well;

    individual well;

    use of capture chambers at the spring.

If you have a private cottage, then it is best to choose an individual supply system, but often this option is more expensive. Let's look at the most common type of water connection.

The main advantages of this method are as follows:

    There are no costs for geodetic surveys, drilling wells, arrangement of a well, as well as constant maintenance of the pit in proper form - cleaning, preventing collapses, deepening if necessary, etc. You will need to pay a certain amount for the use of a central water carrier, but it will be significantly less than when working independently.

    If the company supplying the resource works efficiently, then the supplied water has good sanitary characteristics.

    There is no need to conduct laboratory tests of fluid from wells.

Steps on how to properly install plumbing in a private house if you use the tapping method from a centralized system:

    Apply for connection to the nearest water supply company. Most often, permission is given without problems, but representatives of the company may ask for documentation, including a diagram of the site, its distance from the line, as well as estimated data on the planned volume of supply of the resource.

    You can ask the same organization for a pipeline plan to determine the optimal insertion location.

    Once you have recognized it, determine if there are other lines of utility systems on the way from it to your home. This could be a telephony network, an internet cable, an underground gas pipeline, a sewer system, etc. In order not to stumble upon someone else’s line during the installation of the system, it is worth obtaining the owners’ consent to the work, clarifying the location of the traces, and drawing up a plan on how to bypass them. The software product "" from ZVSOFT offers a convenient tool for working with intersecting communications. With its help, you can design optimal distances from one system to another both on your site and beyond.

    Water utility workers must propose and agree with you on a connection project. They do the insertion themselves; you can’t do it yourself.

    Trenches are dug that lead from the central water supply to your site.

    The pipeline is laid in compliance with cladding standards - a lining made of heat-saving materials will prevent possible icing and protect against mechanical influences.

    The insertion and connection takes place.

Since plumbing in a private house can only be done with the permission of representatives of the water utility, bureaucratic difficulties may arise.

Important installation tips:

    It is necessary to dig trenches and lay pipes at the level of soil freezing so that they do not freeze in winter. If it was not possible to obtain such information from the supplying organization, then it is worth carrying out geodetic surveys.

    If the soil is soft (sand or black soil, not clay or loam), then you can do the excavation work yourself without special equipment. To do this, you should dig several holes and then release a strong pressure of water so that it washes out the recess for the pipeline.

    If you do not have a basement or basement, the connection will be at ground level, which is bad for the condition of the pipes. This place will require strong insulation to prevent freezing of the liquid in winter.

    To drain groundwater from the trench, fill the ditch along its entire length with a cushion of crushed stone and sand. This will protect the system.

    When laying a water supply system in a private house with your own hands, you need to dig an inspection well near the insertion point. This will help shut off the pressure when repair work is required.

Individual source of water intake, types and features

Of all the varieties of private systems, choose the one that matches the characteristics of the site. To do this, geological surveys are carried out, you need to find out:

    groundwater level - groundwater level;

    soil quality - sand, clay, loam, earth, presence of stones;

    moisture condition – presence of impurities;

    close proximity to production, which can spoil the water resource on the site.

Such survey work can be carried out using the program. This is specialized software for conducting research. It automates the process of producing drawings; it is easy to work with the terrain and mark relief features. Then you can download the diagram and use it later when designing the water supply system.

It is also important to determine the purpose of the moisture - for home use, for an irrigation system.

This information will help you choose the option that best suits your terrain and terrain.

Basic requirements for water intake at the site:

    the location of the system must be at least 20 m from the sewer drain, street toilet, drainage and other potential source of pollution;

    Flood waters and street drains should not leak to the well (well), for example, storm water on the site;

    the blind area of ​​the building must have a diameter of at least 2 meters and consist of solid material - a concrete ring or stone lining;

    the depth of the device must be at least a meter and rise above the ground by 0.5 - 0.8 m;

    the system must be made of high-quality building materials that will not pollute the resource, the same applies to the pipeline.

Let's look at the main options and their features.

How to properly supply water to a private house using a well

Such a recess is used when the ground water supply is located deeper than 20 meters underground. They can be:

    Artesian - from 100 m and more, they have a good clean resource, but their device has a high price. There is also a risk of running into high levels of minerals.

    Abyssinian - for general use. Over time they can fill up; you need a reservoir to drain the excess.

Three-stage device:

    The mouth, which is located in a caisson - a tight ring that protects from external threats.

    The trunk is reinforced with walls made of plastic or steel.

    Water intake equipped with a filtration system.

Wells - structural features

They are made of concrete rings, less often - of wooden beams. Several filter layers of sand and crushed stone should be laid at the bottom. If moisture enters from the sides, then the design includes “windows” in the walls.

The ground part must be equipped with water intake equipment, as well as a pump. Such a system is usually installed for watering a site, or less often for supplying water to a house with small needs.

How to install a water supply with automatic water supply in a private house with your own hands

For any type of connection, you will need the following equipment to automate the process:

    pumping devices;

    internal and external filters of different levels of purification;

    storage tank;

    external and internal water supply - pipes;

    mixers and other devices that will ensure the supply of resources to points of use.

The pump is selected based on the following factors: the amount of daily moisture consumed, the desired pressure, the conditions of the depth of groundwater. The main difference between the devices is power and energy consumption.

Purification occurs depending on the results of laboratory analysis. In some cases, a simple filter system is suitable, in others a more advanced water treatment station is suitable.

A water storage tank is necessary to save energy and facilitate the operation of the pump. It also provides high pressure.

Stages of installing a water supply system in a private house with your own hands

The following order should be followed:

    arrangement of a well, well or establishment of an insertion point into a central water supply system;

    connecting the external pipeline;

    piping inside the house to all sources of consumption;

    installation of pumping and other equipment to automate the process;

    installation of a filtration system;

    design and installation of a water heater or connection to a heating line.

Design and installation of internal pipeline

It is necessary to create a water supply diagram. It will depend on the configuration of the premises, areas of resource use, number of floors, and type of plumbing. At the preliminary stage, it is worth making a detailed floor-by-floor drawing, which will indicate all the items being used in order to determine the required power, as well as the cross-sections of the supplied pipes, and the location of the central pipeline.

It will also be effective to apply these lines to a ready-made plan with other communications - sewerage, electrification. This will help prevent unwanted intersections and close proximity, so that, for example, there are no short circuits due to leaking pipes.

The software will help you do all this. The software is installed on the basis of the ZWCAD CAD system. Module Feature:

    automation of drawing up a plan for engineering systems;

    summary of all lines with intersection marks;

    detailing of wells and tie-in points;

    a visual 3D model of connections with drawings of shut-off valves;

    preparation of project documentation.

The project can also be carried out in basic software - . Its advantages:

    Maintaining 2D and 3D drawings.


    Works with most commonly used text and graphic formats.

    Clear Russian-language interface.

When you are finished with the design, you can move on to installation. A few recommendations:

    carry out everything strictly according to the plan;

    fix the pipes with brackets;

    connect elements with press fittings or by welding;

    when supplying the house from the street, install a ball valve;

    mount the collector, after which the wiring to the output points will take place.

You can watch a video on how to make plumbing in a private house with your own hands.

The importance of a full-fledged water supply in the countryside cannot be overestimated. Without a constant water supply, caring for the area becomes extremely labor-intensive, and ordinary washing of dishes turns into a real challenge, not to mention the use of modern household appliances that require connection to a water supply and.

That is why almost every owner of a summer cottage wants to equip a full-fledged water supply system. It is quite possible to cope with the solution of this problem with your own hands. This is, firstly, an invaluable experience, and secondly, an excellent opportunity to save money by refusing the services of third-party craftsmen.

Features of a private water supply system

It is better if the planning of the water supply is carried out at the stage of drawing up the design of the summer cottage and house. A full-fledged project includes a number of drawings and documents, including:

To do this, you need to allocate a small room on the ground floor of the house. A room of 3-4 m2 will be sufficient. It is more convenient when the water input unit and the necessary technical devices are located in the same room - this gives the owner the opportunity to fully control the water supply process.

A typical private water supply system includes the following equipment:

Selecting a water supply source

In the process of designing a country water supply system, you need to choose the optimal source of water. Check out the available options and choose the one that best suits your case.

The simplest and most convenient option. It is important that the pressure in the system is sufficient to deliver water to the building. Otherwise, you will need to additionally buy a pump or consider other methods of water supply.

Water will be supplied to the building through a system of pipes and fittings.

In this case, to install a water supply system, you usually do not need to buy any additional devices - you simply need to dig a trench, lay down the water supply elements and cut into the central main line.

If you don't have access to a central highway, consider the following options.

The method is suitable for areas with an underground aquifer depth of at least 8-10 m.

The well shaft is equipped with the efforts of 2-3 people - doing it alone is too long and difficult.

The main advantage of the option under consideration is the extreme simplicity of the system - you can maintain and repair it on your own. Maintaining such a well in good condition does not require significant costs.

The main disadvantage is the strictly limited water supply. Not every individual well can provide as much water as is necessary to satisfy all the needs of the family.

Before choosing this option, calculate the amount of water you need and determine how much water the well can provide.

The installation of a water supply system based on a shaft well requires the use of a surface pump. The equipment is relatively inexpensive and easy to maintain.

Surface pump for country water supply from a well

Prices for a linear series of pumping stations

Pumping stations


If the underground aquifer lies deeper than 8-10 m, you will have to drill a well. The pleasure is not cheap - drillers charge quite a significant amount of money for their work.

But, having spent money once on installing a well, you will provide your dacha with clean water in the required volumes. If you want to save money, you can try to negotiate with your neighbors and make one well for several houses.

To install a water supply system in this case, you will need a special well or. Such equipment is much more expensive than its surface counterparts, but in terms of efficiency in providing clean water, it has no equal.

Summer and winter water pipes

Previously, you most likely heard such definitions as summer and winter water supply systems. Study the basic properties of these options; it is quite possible that even the simplest summer option will be able to satisfy your needs. Otherwise, you can immediately proceed to study the following sections of the manual, devoted to the arrangement of a full-fledged water supply system.

Summer option

The features of such a water supply system are clear from its name - the operation of such a system is possible only during the warm period. There are stationary and collapsible modifications of the system.

The collapsible summer water supply system has a very simple design: it is enough to connect the hoses to a pump with suitable parameters and lay them along the surface of the soil so that they do not interfere with normal movement around the summer cottage.

Silicone and rubber hoses are suitable for arranging the system. The connection is made using special adapters. Also available in specialized stores are more modern products for connecting hoses - latches. One side of such a latch is equipped with a spring-loaded connector, and the other has a “ruff”. With the help of such latches, hoses are connected quickly, securely and easily.

Most often, such a collapsible system is used for irrigation. It makes no sense to organize a full-fledged water supply on its basis to solve domestic needs.

Laying of a stationary summer water supply system is carried out underground. Flexible hoses are not suitable for arranging such a system. The best option is plastic pipes.

Pipes of a stationary seasonal water supply are laid at a meter depth. After the end of the season, water must be pumped out of the pipes, otherwise, with the arrival of cold weather, it will freeze and ruin the pipeline.

In view of this, the pipes must be laid with a slope in the direction of the drain valve. The valve itself is installed near the water source.

Winter option

This type of water supply can be used throughout the year.

Pipes made of polyethylene and polypropylene are suitable for arranging the system. The former are sold at a lower price and are installed without the use of special tools. The latter are somewhat more expensive and require the use of a soldering iron for pipes during installation. However, in the end, you will spend more money on additional parts for installing polyethylene-based pipes than on additional products used when installing polypropylene pipes.

Water pipes are laid with a slight slope towards the water supply source. The pipeline should pass 200-250 mm below the freezing point of the soil.

There is also an option with pipe laying at a depth of 300 mm. In this case, additional insulation of the pipeline is required. Foamed polyethylene performs excellent thermal insulation functions. There are special cylindrical products. It is enough to simply put such rounded polypropylene on the pipe and as a result the product will be reliably protected from cold and other adverse influences.

Not only the winter water supply pipes, but also the water source need additional insulation.

For example, a well is insulated for the winter and covered with snow. These measures will be sufficient to protect the structure from the cold.

Surface pumping equipment, if used, is equipped with a caisson. A caisson is a pit with additional insulation, located next to a water supply source equipped with a pump.

Installation of automatic pumping stations can only be carried out in a room where the air temperature does not drop to negative levels even in the most severe frosts.

The sewer system also needs insulation. If it is absent, the drains will freeze and disrupt the operation of the drainage system.

Prices for water pipes

Water pipes


Start by drawing up a system design. First of all, decide on the equipment. Specify the location of water intake points, calculate the required number of fittings, select the optimal material and type of water pipes.

Plastic pipes are used most often. These are durable and reliable products that fully cope with all the tasks assigned to them. At the same time, plastic pipes do not rust, which allows them to be sewn into walls, unlike their metal counterparts.

Draw up a detailed diagram of the future water supply system. Indicate all dimensions on the drawing. This way you can calculate the optimal footage and determine the required number of components. In this case, it is recommended to buy components with a 10-15 percent reserve.

You must also decide whether you will choose and buy all the necessary equipment yourself, or whether you will immediately buy a ready-made water intake station. At this point, be guided by your personal preferences.

Installation of plumbing system components

First step

Dig a trench from the water source to the point where the pipe enters the building.

Second step

Deep-type equipment is lowered into a water supply source. Surface pumps are mounted next to a well or well. The pump is installed in a heated room or in a caisson.

Third step

Connect the water pipe to the installed pump. Attach the free end of the connected pipe to a fitting with five terminals.

Fourth step

Connect a storage tank, a pressure gauge, and a pressure switch to the free outlets of the fitting. The volume of the storage tank can reach 400-500 liters or even more. Thanks to this device, optimal performance will be ensured. In addition, you can store water in the storage tank in case of unforeseen situations.

Fifth step

Connect a pipe to the remaining free fitting outlet, and then run the line along the pre-leveled bottom of the dug trench straight into the house. You also need to lay a protected cable along the bottom of the pit to connect the pump and accumulator.

It is important that the outlet intended to power the above-mentioned units is properly grounded.

Sixth step

Install a shut-off valve before the pipe enters the building. It will allow you to shut off the water supply if the need arises.

Seventh step

After making sure that the external pipeline is working correctly, fill the hole and begin installing the internal wiring.

Regardless of the chosen source of water supply, it is strongly recommended that the water supply system be equipped with cleaning devices

Perform internal wiring in accordance with the previously prepared diagram. At this point, be guided by your preferences. Do everything so that in the future it will be convenient for you to use the connected water supply.

Finally, all you have to do is arrange water intake points by connecting faucets, appliances, etc.

Providing hot water supply

If you need to provide hot water supply, you can supplement your plumbing system with a water heater. There are storage and flow-through varieties of such equipment. At dachas, it is most convenient to use storage tanks.

The installation of the water heater is carried out according to the standard scheme for such equipment.

Now you know in what order the installation of the plumbing system is carried out and what needs to be taken into account for the successful implementation of all related activities. Do everything in accordance with the provisions of this guide, and your plumbing will serve well for many years.

Happy work!

Prices for the range of water heaters

Water heaters

Video - Do-it-yourself plumbing in a country house

Before supplying water to a private house, you need to select a source of autonomous water supply. The best solution is to connect a private house to a centralized water supply. To carry out the introduction of “public” water into a private house, it is necessary to collect a substantial folder of documentation. Is the game worth the candle?

Advantages of central water supply

Benefits when connecting to a central water supply:

  • you will get rid of significant financial costs for pumping equipment (it costs more than two pennies!);
  • drilling, pumping and maintaining a well in working condition - this also means money, time and worries;
  • Centralized water supply is a type of activity with a certificate, which guarantees you an uninterrupted supply of water, maintaining (without your efforts) normal pressure in the pipes and drinking quality of the water.

You can supply water to a private home with the help of specialists (but this is a financial cost) or with your own, the choice is yours.

Without documents it will not be possible to supply water to a private house

In order to supply water to a personal household, you will have to run through the authorities to secure permits at all stages. Without this, water will flow into a private house from the central water supply illegally, and for arbitrariness you will have to pay an exorbitant fine, and even dismantle your initiative at your own expense.

This is serious, you need:

  • perform research and obtain results;
  • draw up technical documents;
  • obtain their approval from the relevant institutions.

There is no need to mess up the paperwork - you need to do everything on time and in the correct sequence, otherwise you will have to start over.

Contacting your local surveyor's office

Your first step is to contact surveyors.

Be sure to take with you documentation confirming your rights to use this land plot.

Within 10 days, employees of the geodetic service must conduct a topographic survey of the area where your home is located and draw up an explication of the site (otherwise known as a situation plan). Significant objects will be marked on the legend, including your home, and the utility network with distances indicated. Based on the situational plan, it will be clear how to optimally deliver water to you.

If you have previously used the services of this service and the explication was compiled, check the date: if more than 1 year has passed since it was compiled, it is invalid and must be compiled again.

Geodetic survey services are paid.

How to get technical specifications

TU are technical specifications. To get them to connect to the central water supply, you should contact the structure with whose permission you built the house. From there you will be directed to the water utility. There you will submit your documentation package. It includes:

  • application (in 2 copies);
  • documents confirming the right of ownership of the house (plot);
  • your identity card (passport);
  • water consumption balance (it must be prepared by designers);
  • building permit (in the form of 2 copies);
  • situational plan (7 copies).

After 2 weeks, you will be provided with specifications, which will indicate the date of connection and the load you are allowed on the centralized water supply system (and whoever provided it is obliged to connect).

Ordering a water supply project

After receiving the specifications, it’s time to order a project for your future water supply system. Otherwise, it will be impossible to conclude an agreement with the water utility.

Based on the technical specifications, every qualified organization is suitable for the implementation of the project, but approval is possible only at the local water utility. The connection is made according to the project.

It is also necessary to coordinate the project with those who supply you with electricity, gas supply and telephony (their communications are also connected to you, and a new one may interfere with their work). The “final point” in approving the project will be put in the architecture committee.

We lay the water supply ourselves or entrust it to a special organization

Remember that according to the rules, “centralized” plumbing work outside the boundaries of your property is carried out by an organization with a license for this activity. It’s ironic, but such organizations are aware of their own importance and indispensability - and they voice such a price for services that people prefer to pay a fine (a much smaller amount) by doing all the work themselves.

The financial costs of installing a water supply system consist of payments for:

  • materials;
  • collection fittings;
  • installation team services.

You can minimize costs by doing all the work yourself.

Agreement with water utility

Next, we show the documents to the local water utility and enter into an agreement with them. He, for his part, prepares the infrastructure of your household for work and connects it to the water supply system; payment for services is required on your part.

We carry out the plumbing ourselves

The most budget solution- lay the pipeline yourself. Before running water into any private home, you should draw a diagram (strive for clarity). The diagram should make clear the location of pipes and water intake points, the approximate laying area, taking into account interchanges. Mark the obstacles on the terrain (they will have to be removed before installation; some awkward mound, boulder or stump sticking out of the ground can significantly complicate the installation). .

Then gradually introduce water into the house.

Construction of a well at the connection point

Have you noticed that along the central water supply line there are wells with outlets located at intervals of 100 m, making it possible to connect additional lines? TUs are given to the nearest well.

If it is not observed, it would be logical to equip your own well in the same place as the water supply. Possible materials for it:

  • gas silicate (but not for long);
  • brick (expensive);
  • rings made of reinforced concrete (the best option).

For safety reasons, the well must be covered with a lid. Plastic can only be used if vehicles will not pass over its surface (otherwise it will not last long).

Connection to the main pipeline can be made:
  • insertion (requires a welding machine);
  • without welding - using a clamp (disconnecting the central water supply is not required). A clamp is mounted on the supply pipe and drilled through a special hole. Screw an open tap onto the thread of the clamp and close it. If the valve is a ball valve, drilling is done by first installing it.

When using a clamp, dress appropriately and do not use a power drill - everything will get wet.

Digging a trench for laying pipes

To lay and supply water to the house, you need to dig a trench. This can be done in two ways:

  1. order the work of special equipment (a small excavator will do the job perfectly, trenchers are also used);
  2. dig on your own (it is advisable to do this in a group - with family or friends, otherwise you will face a long and tedious process).

The essence of the trench is that it should not only conceal, but also protect the pipeline from freezing, so it is dug below the freezing point of the soil in a given region. Usually it is from 1.5 to 2 m, unless, of course, you live in the Arctic.

Then a sand cushion with the addition of crushed stone is created for the pipeline. It will cushion it and prevent groundwater from seeping into it (otherwise the pipes may freeze over in a harsh winter).

If you have a plot of land with special features and it is impossible to dig to the required depth, you will have to additionally insulate the pipes. For this we use:

  • foamed polyethylene;
  • expanded polystyrene;
  • basalt wool.

You can fill the pipeline with expanded clay (it is not thermally conductive).

Creating an entrance to the house

Through the fitting, we connect the pipe to the centralized main (using a shut-off valve and sealed metering devices). After this, we lay the water supply into the house:

  • under the foundation - do not forget about depth and insulation;
  • through the foundation - punching an inlet hole is required (attention: it should be made 15 cm larger than the cross-section of the pipe to prevent deformation and destruction of the pipeline if the wall sags).

We pay special attention to this area - it can lie in the ground at a shallow depth, this is risky in terms of freezing. Therefore, it must be carefully insulated.

Choosing the best pipe and laying the line to the house

The main element of the plumbing system is pipes. You need to choose the best option. There is a choice:

  • galvanized steel are resistant to serious mechanical overloads, but they rust, and their installation involves threading or welding, which is difficult and time-consuming;
  • copper pipes are long-lived, but they cost “like a cast-iron bridge” and are difficult to install;
  • polymer (polypropylene, HDPE) are easy to install, moreover, they are resistant to aggressive chemical influences and are inexpensive;
  • Metal-plastic is also neutral to aggressive chemicals, has excellent throughput, is not afraid of ultraviolet radiation and corrosion, but does not tolerate high temperatures.

When the water supply to your home is completed, do not rush to bury the trench. You need to test the system - run water for testing and make sure that the joints are not leaking. If a leak is found, it must be repaired.

Conclusion + useful videos

As you can see, introducing water into a private house is not difficult; it can be done on a budget with your own hands. It is much more difficult to get through the bureaucratic jungle. But today there is an opportunity to at least complain about an organization that is “pulling the tires” and hope that this will stir it up.

Without water in a country house or country house, life is deprived of comfort and even the minimum necessary amenities, therefore, if you have a country property, then the first thing that is done to equip it is to supply water from a well or well on the site. The best option would be to lay the pipes running from the well to the house in a trench simultaneously with the construction of the house, or rather, its foundation. But, if the house has already been built, and water is not supplied to it, the problem becomes a little more complicated, but can also be solved.

How to bring water into a house from a well

A complete and properly equipped water supply system for a private home is:

  1. Own well and surface (or deep) pump in it. In rare cases, they use a pumping station - the equipment is too expensive to serve a small family;
  2. Filter system: coarse filter in front of the pump, and fine filter at the end of the water supply;
  3. A hydraulic accumulator is a storage tank that provides the necessary pressure in the home’s drinking water supply system;
  4. Water is supplied to the heating boiler and to the hot water boiler.

Surface pumps are too low-power and are capable of lifting water from a depth of ≤ 9 meters, so let’s look at how to bring water from a well to a house using a deep pump - such units also work at depths of up to 200 meters.

The construction of a water supply system begins with the construction of a special recess - a caisson, which is designed to protect the well from melt water and also serves as insulation. From this recess in winter it is convenient to inspect the well during the maintenance and repair of pumping or filtration equipment.

The walls of the caisson are lined with bricks, but the best option is to lower a couple of reinforced concrete or thick-walled polymer rings into the pit. The bottom of the pit is filled with a sand cushion, crushed stone is poured on top, and the layers are compacted. The bottom of the caisson should be located below the freezing point of the soil in the region, and from this level the laying of pipes into the house from the well with your own hands begins.

The width of the caisson is no more than 1.5 x 1.5 meters, the walls are insulated with foam plastic (expanded polystyrene) and plaster, which is applied to polyurethane foam sheets. A layer of waterproofing - bitumen, tar or mastic - is applied on top of the plaster layer. The pit is closed with a lid.

If a surface pump will lift water from the well, it is installed right there in the caisson. When a submersible pump is operating, it is lowered into the well, and from the caisson it is already possible to pipe water from the well into the house by connecting a hose from the pump to an underground pipeline.

Materials and tools for plumbing

The tools you will need are ordinary wrenches, a gas wrench, winding - tow or FUM tape, a pipe cutter (for cutting metal-plastic pipes), a soldering iron (for soldering PP products), a welding machine (for welding steel products).

Pump installation

Before supplying water to the house from the well, the pump is equipped with a check valve. This scheme is designed to prevent water from draining back into the source, and to prevent water hammer, which increases many times over at great depths due to pressure changes. The valve is connected to the line through an American crimp coupling.

The pump is inserted into the well using a cable or synthetic cord, which is attached to the eyes on the housing. An electrical cable is attached to the cord to connect the pump. The pump should not reach the bottom, otherwise it will pull sludge to the top. Before removing the pump from the well (for repair, maintenance, or for winter storage), it is disconnected from the power supply.

Water is supplied to the house through pipes laid in the ground at a depth below the freezing point; the entire route is insulated. The easiest way to make insulation is with a polyurethane foam shell; it’s cheaper to cover the route with a layer of expanded clay, which is waterproofed on top. Water must be brought into the house through the foundation; it is better to turn the pipe to a vertical position smoothly, not at an angle of 90 0 - this approach will reduce the possibility of water hammer occurring.

The pipe from the well is connected to a storage tank, from which water is distributed to water collection points and supplied to other equipment - a boiler, boiler, washing machine, and so on. Before you start using your home water supply, it is checked for functionality and tightness.

In the scheme, when the pump is located in a well or connected to a well at depth, and the equipment is located indoors and not outdoors, the storage tank is installed lower than the pressure switch.

Before you independently bring water into the house and distribute flows in plumbing equipment, you need to make sure that it is suitable for drinking. To do this, water analysis is carried out at the local SES.

A set of filters is purchased depending on the test results. These filters are added to the circuit regardless of the previously installed coarse and fine filters at the ends of the water supply.

For some owners of private houses, a well is the only source of water supply. In this case, its uninterrupted supply to the house directly depends on the competent selection of equipment and the correct installation of it.

Necessary equipment

Let us briefly describe such a water supply scheme and the principle of its operation:

Caisson: a large container buried in the ground in which equipment is located (pump, automation, expansion tank, etc.); it is installed at a sufficient depth where the ground does not freeze, and is carefully insulated; the cable and water pipes must also be reliably protected from the cold, so their depth must be sufficient;

Caisson device

Borehole sediment for water injection; it is lowered into the hole through a pipe on a steel safety cable; electricity is supplied using a waterproof cable;

Automation unit for protection against voltage surges and engine overheating; since a well pump costs a lot, it’s worth playing it safe and installing this type of equipment on it; The simplest device is a pressure controller (relay); an extensive water supply system will require a more complex protection system;

Filters for water purification;

Check valve: responsible for stable maintenance of the liquid level, so that when turned off, the water does not flow back into the well by gravity; without it, every time you turn the tap you would have to wait for water to fill the pipeline again;

Check valve connection

If there is a boiler (water heater) in the house, a tee with an outlet for hot water supply;

Hydraulic accumulator (expansion tank): designed to ensure uninterrupted pressure in the system and protect against water hammer when turned on; outwardly it looks like a container with a float system that turns off the pump when the tank is filled; it is better to place it in a caisson, but sometimes it is taken out into the room; if there is no sewage system in the house, a tank of 50 liters is sufficient; If you have a bath or shower, washing machine and dishwasher, you need to install a container with a volume of at least 150 liters.

Connection diagram for hydraulic accumulator

Advice! To reduce pressure losses, the pumping station should be located as close as possible to the collector, so the caisson must be installed closer to the house.

Selecting a well pump

The power of this unit directly depends on:
volume of water consumption;

Distances to the building;

Lengths of horizontal sections of water supply;

Pipe slope - if it is insufficient, the pump will have to push “water”;

Floors of the building.

Based on the method of water intake, well pumps are divided into:

Centrifugal: ideal for home use; the impeller has the form of blades that create a turbulent flow, increasing the pressure, due to which the water rises; have sufficient efficiency and low cost of maintenance and repair;

Operating principle of a centrifugal pump

Vortex: pumping is carried out using wheels with radial trapezoidal blades; they are capable of creating powerful water pressure, but the price of such devices is higher;

Vortex pump device

Vibrating: easy to operate, reliable units, but they have low productivity; work is achieved by the movement of the piston.

For uninterrupted water supply to the house, you can purchase a ready-made pumping station, which is already equipped with a hydraulic accumulator, monitoring and control devices.

Caisson installation

1. The classic caisson looks like a cylinder 2 m high and about 1 m in diameter. These dimensions will be quite sufficient to accommodate the equipment and comfortably carry out its maintenance and repair work.

2. When digging a pit, it is simultaneously laid trench for water pipes.

The trench for the water supply is prepared simultaneously with the pit for the caisson

3. Pit depth for a caisson, it is calculated in such a way that the well head and the pipe insertion area must be located below the freezing level.

4. The caisson tank can be made of metal, concrete and brick. In recent years, structures made of thick-walled durable plastic or polymer sand have also begun to be used.

5. The caisson must be placed on a solid reinforced concrete base sufficient thickness (from 30 cm). Before pouring, it is arranged at the bottom of the pit drainage layer from sand and crushed stone.

Installation of caisson

6. When pouring pit walls To prevent liquid from concrete from escaping into the ground, the sides of the pit are covered with polyethylene.

7. The walls of the pit, as well as the concrete base, are required reinforced.

Waterproofing formwork

8. Such a container must be reliably protected from the penetration of groundwater.

9. For waterproofing For concrete, coating bitumen mastic or rolled materials such as roofing felt are used. When groundwater is close to each other, use special asphalt insulation, which is used to process the outer walls of the caisson.

10. Insulation of walls and lids The caisson is made using polystyrene foam or other foamed polymer - materials that do not rot.

11. Upper overlap can be made in the form of a concrete slab with a hole for the caisson cover or horizontal concrete formwork.

Arrangement of the caisson cover

12. To maintain a positive temperature in the system in areas with a harsh climate, heating with automatic thermoregulation is additionally installed in such a container.

Advice! It is better to place the casing pipe (a pipe inserted into a drilled well) not in the center, but at the edge of the structure so that it does not interfere with repair work.

Laying water pipes

1. To lay water supply in a private house, low-pressure polyethylene pipes of 25-32 mm are used. Their diameter selected according to size pump connection. Using pipes of the wrong size is not advisable. Through too narrow pipes, water will make noise as it passes. With a larger diameter, a loss of pressure will inevitably occur, and therefore unnecessary energy consumption. For a water pipeline length of up to 30 m, it is enough to choose 25 mm pipes.

2. The plumbing system must be completely protected from freezing in winter, so it should be located below freezing depth soil. On average, for central Russia it is 1.5-1.8 m.

3. Where pipes rise, they are carefully insulated. You can also additionally lay a heating cable along the entire length with self-regulation of temperature.

4. If when laying pipes it is necessary to change their direction (although this is highly undesirable), additional equipment manhole. In this case, if there are blockages in the bend areas, they can be easily eliminated.

5. To supply a large house consistent connecting pipes will not be enough, otherwise, when water is simultaneously drawn from several sources, the pressure in them will drop. Uninterrupted supply can only be ensured by using the scheme parallel connection using collector-distributors.

Manifold connection system

Scheme of water supply from a well

Video: How to bring water from a well to a house