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Electric smokehouse: tips for choosing. Home smokehouse - types and features of household devices for cold and hot smoking How to smoke in an apartment

A smokehouse can be located not only in a country courtyard, but also in a cramped apartment. And, of course, every apartment owner can make it with his own hands.

Very simple design

The design does not require the manufacture of additional particularly complex devices at all, but involves the use of a conventional gas stove with a hood placed above it. So kitchen the smokehouse also requires a container for burning smoke chips. A steel bowl and a wide tin can are best for this. True, to create a smokehouse in an apartment, you will have to cut it with your own hands so that the height of the canned food is 5-6 cm.

A cut-down tin can is a better option than a bowl. This is because if the heat increases or decreases, the thin bottom of the jar changes its temperature very quickly.

The smoke flow increases or decreases at the same rate. As for the bowl, being thicker, it requires more time to heat up, and also loses its appearance due to the smoldering of wood chips. It is impossible to restore the former beauty.

The further process of creating a smokehouse is as follows:

  1. Place a cut tin can with a handful of smoke chips on the kitchen tile. You need to put it on the lowest power burner.
  2. Creating a device for hanging meat. Wire is used for this. It is attached to the hood.
  3. Not far from the tin can, under the place where the meat will be, place a container to collect fat with your own hands. It can be any utensil.

Next, all that remains is to hang the meat and turn on the burner to low heat. After this, you need to increase the heat so that smoke comes out of the wood chips. As soon as it starts, immediately reduce the heat. Thanks to such actions, acrid smoke will not be released. Instead, a light smoke will rise, which, having heated the pieces of meat, will come out through the hood.

Such a smokehouse for an apartment is very successful, since the smoke, rising to the hood, manages to become quite cold. It also becomes lighter. In addition, grease does not drip onto the chimney. When it falls to the bottom of a separate dish, it immediately cools down and does not create any harm.

The downside of this smokehouse is its small size. With such dimensions, it will not be possible to smoke many pieces of meat.

Read also: Cylindrical smokehouse - a multifunctional unit

It is worth adding that instead of a gas stove, you can use an electric stove.

Duck house construction

To create a smokehouse for an apartment with your own hands, take an ordinary chicken pot. The next steps are:

  1. One hole with a diameter of 10 mm is drilled in the lid.
  2. Insert the fitting into the hole and secure it with a nut.
  3. Connect a tube to the fitting. Its length should be such that its other end can easily fit into a jar of water placed nearby.

  1. Two holes are drilled in the handles of the ducklings. The diameter of the holes can be 10 mm. The bolts will be inserted into these holes.
  2. Cut out the gasket from poranite. To make it, you can use any other non-stick material. The gasket should follow the contours of the top of the container. It will be located between the lid and the main part of the duckling. Thanks to this placement of the gasket, smoke will not be able to pass between these elements of the apartment smokehouse.
  3. Make your own baking sheet. To create it, sheet metal is taken. During its manufacture, they are guided by the dimensions of the bottom of the duckling box. The result of the work should be less than the bottom of the main container. It is made in such a way that each of its sides is located at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from the inside of the adjacent wall. This baking sheet must be placed above the sawdust. Fat will drip onto it.
  4. Make your own stand for the baking sheet. She won't let him lay on the smoke chips. Wire is used to make the stand. It needs to be bent into a rectangle and vertical sections screwed to each corner. The result should be a structure that resembles a table frame. This stand is placed over a handful of wood chips, then a baking sheet is placed on it.
  5. Place a meat rack over the baking sheet. It is desirable that it be made of stainless steel.
  6. A 3-liter jar of water is covered with a nylon lid with two holes made in it. A tube is inserted into the first, which extends from the smokehouse. She plunges into the water. The amount of water should not exceed 2/3 of the volume of the jar. A second tube is inserted into the second hole. Its end should be above the water. The other end is led out into a ventilation duct or window.

Smoked meat, fish, and even more so sausages are quite expensive if you buy it all in a store. Those who like to treat themselves to delicious food can get away with it by building a home smokehouse. At the same time, a properly equipped unit will not take up much space. Having your own home smokehouse, made using modern technologies, will allow you to prepare dishes according to new recipes even within the walls of your apartment.


In order to determine the features of this device, we will analyze the methods of smoking sausages, lard or fish. Recipes suggest a hot or cold method. Experienced specialists prefer the hot smoking method. A home appliance will allow you to deliciously cook many types of meat and fish.

At the same time, the smokehouse itself has a number of advantages:

  • simple configuration, so the unit is easy to make at home;
  • absence of large financial costs in production;
  • the ability to cook anywhere: at the dacha on a hike, at home in the kitchen;
  • quick and simple smoking process;
  • there is no need to further process smoked products.

When using cold smoking technology, the products need to be additionally prepared, for example, salted. Salting the products will take from one to two days depending on the volume. The smoking process itself will take a longer period of time. However, cold smoked products can be stored for a long time without refrigeration. One of the disadvantages of hot smoking is the short shelf life of the product.

The manufacture of both types of units is not particularly difficult. The designs of home smokehouses are varied. When creating it, it is important to ensure proper smoking of the product, so the unit must meet certain requirements.

The design of some successful home smokehouses makes it possible to smoke food in different ways. All visible diversity can be combined into several basic schemes.

Installations are:

  • vertical type;
  • horizontal;
  • chamber

Homemade smokehouses can combine elements of several schemes. Before disassembling device diagrams, you need to know the principle of operation of the units. To do this, let's figure out what happens inside the devices.

Principle of operation

During smoking, products are saturated with substances, resulting in a specific taste and aroma. The action of acids contained in smoke makes products resistant to long-term storage. Moreover, it is not even recommended to freeze smoked products, since after defrosting they lose their original taste.

Smoke treatment already reduces the number of natural bacteria, which are found in all products. The development of microflora is thereby reduced, as is the content of various microorganisms in the product. Therefore, the longer the smoking method was used, the better storage results can be achieved. If we consider the internal processes occurring in the unit, we can compare them with the canning process.

Each smoking option has its own characteristics and subtleties. The taste and aroma of the finished product will be directly related to the method of processing the raw materials before smoking using one or another type of wood.

Insufficient attention to one of the stages will negate all other efforts.

The operating principles of cold and hot smoking devices are different. If the unit is a hot type, then fuel is placed at the bottom of a sealed container, and food is placed on grates above it. To prevent melted juices and fat from dripping onto the wood chips, a tray is placed under the food. The fuel is heated by an open fire or, if the smokehouse is electric, by heaters. Smoldering fuel emits smoke. The higher the temperature inside the container, the faster the food will cook.

If the device is cold smoking, then the products in it are smoked at low temperatures. The design of the smokehouse means that the smoke reaching the product must already be cooled.

The operating principle of a cold smoking device differs from a hot one. Fuel must be placed in the combustion chamber. Depending on the type of wood chosen, the aroma of the finished dish will change. It is believed that fruit wood species (apple, pear) contribute to better taste. The wood most often used is willow, alder, and linden. Coniferous wood is not recommended for use at all.

The smoke must pass into the chimney under the influence of natural draft. It partially cools in the chimney, and only then enters the chamber.


The greatest variety was found in devices made of steel. A popular option is rectangular in shape with a water seal. This unit is easy to use and compact. It can be used in camping conditions, fishing, and also in apartment conditions. To reduce volume, homemade smokehouses are often cylindrical in shape. Stainless steel is used in production for automatic and electrical design options.

One of the most versatile smokehouses is the mini version. This is a sealed box with sawdust and wood chips at the bottom and a tray installed in the middle. In this case, the pan must be made of a material that does not prevent smoke from reaching the outside.

This configuration is easiest to implement yourself from a bucket, pan or similar elements. You can heat the mini smokehouse over a fire or on the stove. The inside will be at sufficient temperature for cooking. The process will take from 20 minutes to an hour.

Standard designs include the following main components:

  • smoking chamber;
  • smoke generator or furnace;
  • chimney.

The device may be a single closed container. The smoke from the fuel envelops the food and is then released outside, like in a stove.

Modern units for apartments assume that all the smoke remains inside the device.

Self-made smokehouses for apartments can be made from a casserole or a bucket. When arranging it, it is important to consider the tightness of the lid, using rubber gaskets and screws for this. The manufacturing materials for home smokehouses can be completely different sources.

Manufacturing materials

Special requirements are placed on the properties of the smokehouse material. Usually it is stainless steel up to 3 mm thick. If you use steel with a thickness of less than 2 mm, the smoking container will be deformed and, as a result, will quickly become unusable. If you choose steel with a thickness of more than 3 mm, the functional qualities of the unit will not increase, but its weight will increase.

In general, the materials used to manufacture smokehouses must meet the following requirements:

  • possibility of repeated heating;
  • immunity to humidity;
  • ease of cleaning;
  • compliance with food safety requirements.

Stainless steel is the most suitable material for smokehouses. If the structure is made independently, then the steel must be of a grade that complies with SES standards. For any type of unit, you can safely consider steel used in medicine or in food factories. For example, type 12Х18Н10Т, GOST 5632-72 or other similar options.

Products made from such stainless steel will have characteristic features.

  • Corrosion resistance. This property of stainless steel is especially valuable if the structure is planned to be used outdoors. For example, ferrous metals are very susceptible to moisture, and therefore are more likely to corrode. Moreover, if there is rust on the product, it will accelerate the burning of the walls.

  • No carbon deposits form on the surface of the stainless steel. If we compare them with products made from ferrous metals, they will contain carbon deposits. It will create difficulties in cleaning combustion products.
  • Food grade stainless steel does not emit harmful components when heated, unlike other materials.
  • The external aesthetic qualities of food-grade steel can remain unchanged after several years of intensive use of the products.


Mini smokehouses

Devices for the apartment

Devices for smoking in an apartment have a number of characteristics that eliminate inconvenience in cooking. The main feature is the smoke exhaust system. To prevent smoke from entering rooms or neighbors, a fitting is provided in the lid of the apartment smokehouse. A rubber extension is placed on it, which is brought out through the window. The design allows excess smoke to end up outside. Turning on a household hood to remove smoke is not always acceptable, as it will get into the ventilation and then to the neighbors.

Apartment models are equipped with a water seal. This element will prevent smoke from escaping from the device.

A water seal is a groove between the lid and the walls of the smokehouse, which is filled with liquid.

Smoke generator

This unit is designed to exhaust smoke into the smoking chamber. Its use is convenient in the process of cold smoking.

The advantages of using are the following:

  • uniformity of smoke flow;
  • efficiency in terms of fuel consumption;
  • constancy of temperatures;
  • no monitoring of the process is required.

The smoke generator device looks like an element connected to a chamber. Tubes or hoses are used as connection elements. A conventional compressor is involved in pumping smoke. The simple design forces craftsmen to take on making this element with their own hands. The efficiency of the design is quite high.

With thermometer

Devices equipped with a thermometer allow you to better control the smoking temperature. The taste of the finished product depends on this parameter. Some thermometers allow you to measure the temperature inside cooking meat or fish.

The design of the device consists of a probe inside a tube made of heat-resistant material. The probe can be inserted into the product being prepared. The temperature measurement range of factory devices is up to 400 degrees. A display remains outside the smokehouse, which can be used to determine readiness. For pork or lamb, for example, it is 75 degrees, for poultry – 90. In the process of preparing each product, the specialist develops his own secrets. In any case, such a thermometer is an indispensable attribute for the smoking chamber.


People have been smoking for a long time. Both on sale and among home-made options, there are a variety of smokehouses, differing not only in the principle of operation, but also in appearance. The appearance of these devices is often associated with the area and regional traditions.

Modern manufacturers come up with new designs of smokehouses to attract buyers. However, experts advise preferring traditional types. Designer models are usually chosen for exclusive smokehouse cafes. In them, beautiful smoking devices are located in a prominent place, and the owners thus increase the interest of visitors to their establishment and menu.

Kitchen models usually do not differ in design refinements, since this factor does not affect the result of cooking. It will be a round smokehouse or a mini version, the main thing is to take into account the production chain and operating methods.

You can consider an interesting modern solution - a combined grill-smoker. The device allows you not only to smoke, but also to prepare traditional barbecue. A wide range of options for serving freshly prepared finished products is very important for a catering establishment.


Positive reviews from owners are common regarding electric smokers. In their opinion, they are convenient because you don’t need to light a fire to start them. To operate the device, it is enough to place sawdust and food inside, close the device and connect to electricity.

Advantages of electric options:

  • compactness;
  • ease of use;
  • fast cooking;
  • affordability.

The advantages of a device for a gas stove are its compactness, portability and ease of use. In addition, high-quality models are safe for home use. One of the main disadvantages of such options is their small volume. However, if the equipment is intended to be used for personal purposes, then this is precisely an advantage. A small smokehouse will save time, effort, and consumables.

Automatic smokers are modern devices that allow you to cook delicious products at home. The automatic unit is a multifunctional device that allows you to smoke in different ways. The device can also be used as a regular oven. Smoking ovens can operate in a continuous mode, performing several processes simultaneously. Given the variety of types, it is worth taking a closer look at the criteria for choosing such a unit.

The best models are German and Russian made. Devices from the following manufacturers are very popular, which can be presented in the form of a small rating:

Bradley Smoker

The advantage of the models is that they are of high quality. They produce delicious homemade smoked products. The device is versatile, suitable for meat, fish and even vegetables.


The company produces good units made of high-quality steel. Some devices require improvement. For example, the tray needs to be replaced, and many also complain about the lack of handles.


The company's devices are suitable for use outdoors. The main range of products are combined grill-smokers. According to user reviews, all components of the units are made of high-quality materials.


The company's devices are quite large and suitable for use in the country. Users note that the welded seams of the device are not very neat. However, the price-quality ratio matches their quality.

Camping World

The company offers universal devices suitable for both hot and cold smoking of various products. The units can be used both outdoors and at home.


The advantages of units from this company are lightness, mobility and spaciousness. The company offers budget options without any frills.


The company is known for devices made from thick, durable iron. You can prepare a sufficient amount of food for a large company at several levels at the same time.

"Good Heat"

A domestic manufacturer that offers good devices for home use.


The company offers options for devices suitable only for hot smoking. They are quite budget-friendly and do not differ in design delights. The devices of this company are suitable for use by beginners.

To prepare smoked meats, you need a special device - a smokehouse. It will become an indispensable attribute in the home of fishermen and hunters, as it will allow you to prepare dishes from your catch that are distinguished by their special taste and aroma, which can amaze anyone, even the most fastidious gourmet.


To prepare smoked meats at home, you can use several types of devices:

  • Universal sealed smokehouse with a water seal. The device is a closed metal vertical or horizontal structure that ensures that products are impregnated with smoke. You can use them to cook any dishes using hot smoking, using seasonings, spices and herbs. You can make the unit yourself.
  • Smokehouse for gas operation. The device is installed on a gas stove and works by heating the bottom with a burner. The device works independently; you do not need to monitor the preparation of the dish. Using gas from your home stove allows you to save on electricity. The smokehouse ensures the environmental purity of the product.
  • Electric smokehouses. The units are compact, they can be used in the kitchen, balcony and even in the room. Cooking does not require close human attention, since the smoking process is carried out according to a given program.

  • Automatic smokehouses. Modern units run on electricity. You can smoke meat, fish, seafood, vegetables, cheeses and sausages in them. Designed for cold and hot smoking, the devices are easy to use.
  • Smokehouses with a thermometer. The devices have a special device that controls the temperature of cooking products in it.
  • Stainless steel devices. Devices made from this material do not develop corrosion and are resistant to carbon deposits. When cooking, food is not saturated with harmful fumes from the unit, since there are none.

Today, there is no need to build a fire, prepare firewood and branches to prepare a smoked dish - just purchase a practical device and plug it into the power supply, after pouring sawdust or wood chips into it and putting in food.

What characteristics to pay attention to

In order for the finished dishes in the smokehouse to be tasty and healthy, when purchasing it, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics:

  1. There must be sufficient space between the grate containing food, fuel and the walls of the appliance. The device must also be equipped with ventilation and special openings.
  2. The lid of the device must fit tightly and close tightly.
  3. Home smokers must be sold with a tray.
  4. A thermostat and an automatic cleaning system can facilitate the use of the unit.

The cost of the device depends on the manufacturer, the material from which it is made, the functions and capabilities of the device.

DIY making

You can make the device yourself using available materials. Units are usually made from:

  • Goslings. Using a drill, a stainless steel grate and an old baking sheet, you can make a smokehouse at home. The device operates due to high atmospheric pressure. The smoke is removed from it using a hose into a glass container filled with water.
  • Pressure cookers. From an old pressure cooker you can make a smokehouse for your apartment that runs on gas. To make the device you will also need a stainless steel grill and a smoke exhaust tube.
  • Old refrigerator. A hole is made in the lid of the device and a chimney is soldered. A gas stove is installed at its bottom. The advantages of the device are its capacity and insulation.

Review of popular models

The most popular smokehouses today are the following brands:

  • The unit runs on electricity, has a heat-resistant coating, and an insert mesh with three floors. The grates are made of stainless steel and come with a tray for collecting grease. The smokehouse has a convenient compact size and can be used over an open fire. The cost of the device is about 4-5 thousand rubles.

  • Smokehouse Alder smoke Pro. The device runs on coal, but it can also be used indoors. The unit is small in size, made of durable metal, equipped with a water seal, has two grates and a tray for collecting fat. Sold complete with case. The cost starts from 6,000 rubles.

  • 1100 WMuurikka. The device can be placed on the balcony. It has a large capacity - approximately two kilograms of food are smoked in it at a time. Equipped with wide, stable metal legs, light weight, easy to transport, made of stainless steel. The cost of the device is approximately 12,000-13,00 rubles.

  • Using the unit you can cook fish, meat, lard, vegetables, but in small quantities. The device includes a smoke generator, an electric compressor and a container with a lid. The device costs approximately 2,000 to 3,000 rubles.

  • The device has a vertical shape, is made of stainless steel, has a water seal, and is suitable for use on all types of stoves. The price of the device is about 6,000 - 7,000 rubles.

A home smokehouse will be an excellent purchase for those people who love smoked products. It will allow you to receive healthy and appetizing meals every day. Using the device in everyday life, you can experiment, create new original food recipes, adding various spices and seasonings, using original presentation of dishes on the table.

Smoked dishes have a bright, memorable taste. Therefore, the idea of ​​home smoking is very attractive to many owners. Cooking your own meals will save you a lot of money and guarantee the use of quality products.

This review is dedicated to home smokehouses and how they are designed, what points you need to pay attention to when purchasing or making them.


In the photo, home smokehouses are very similar, but at the same time they have strong differences. In order to make the right choice of smokehouse, you need to familiarize yourself with their structure. Therefore, in order to decide on the right choice, you should study their design.

There are household and industrial equipment. Professional equipment is large in size and can process several hundred kilograms of products at a time.

A household smokehouse is small in size and can only cook a few servings of food. It is a metal rectangular box that closes tightly. The food being prepared is placed on a special grid in it. A special container should be placed under the grate to collect fat released during cooking.

There should be space at the bottom to accommodate the fuel that will be used to produce smoke for smoking. In addition to these basic elements, there are also additional ones, which will be discussed later.

The types and sizes of home smokehouses are determined primarily by the heating method. There are three possible heat sources for smokehouses: electricity, gas and an open charcoal fire.

The most natural way is to cook over a fire. It produces products with the most natural taste and smell. At home, using a fire is difficult, so they use either gas or electricity.

These remaining options have their advantages and disadvantages. Electrical appliances are more expensive, but have many useful features. But they consume a lot of electricity and require a special power supply.

Household gas smokers are heated directly on a household gas stove. They may look like pots or look like rectangular fire pits. A home smokehouse for a stove is usually significantly cheaper, more reliable and more compact than its electric counterparts.

Types of smoking

There are two types of smoking: hot and cold. In household appliances, only the principle of hot smoking is used. In this case, the products are processed with hot smoke, the cooking time is from 1 to 2 hours. Such products do not have a very long shelf life.

When cold smoking, products are treated with smoke at a temperature of no more than 40 degrees for several days. Food prepared this way can be stored for a long time.

Additional functions

In order to determine which smokehouse is better to choose for your home, you should consider the presence of additional functions. Not all of them can be present on any type of smokehouse, but only on either gas or electric appliances.

When choosing a gas model, you should pay attention to the presence of a hydraulic lid seal. It does not allow odors to spread throughout the room and this device can be used in an apartment.

The presence of a thermostat in an electric smokehouse creates a uniform distribution of the desired temperature and thereby improves the quality of the prepared product.

Automatic cleaning of internal surfaces from contaminants occurs thanks to the addition of a special catalyst to the enamel with which the internal walls are painted.

The purchased kit must include: a lid, a grill, and a grease tray. The fire smokehouse must have devices for removal. When choosing, you should pay attention to what material it is made of and its thickness.

When purchasing stainless steel products, you should definitely check its quality. Unlike iron, stainless steel is poorly magnetic. If the magnet sticks to the smokehouse like a metal pan, then it is better not to buy such a device.

Having understood the design in general terms, it becomes clear how to use a home smokehouse. During operation, you should pay attention to several points.

Coniferous wood should not be used to create smoke. They contain a lot of resin. It is most desirable to use beech, oak or alder wood. If these materials are not available, then birch will do.

In outdoor smokehouses with combined combustion and smoking chambers, the meat should be wrapped in gauze, but this operation is not mandatory.

In smokehouses without a glass door, it is impossible to visually determine the degree of readiness. The only information is smell and time. Therefore, after acquisition, it will take some time to develop the technology. Having gained experience, you can get chic, tasty dishes at home that are in no way inferior to those on store shelves.

Photos of home smokehouses

Homemade smoked meats are healthier and safer. A smokehouse in an apartment will change your usual diet. Smoking is the process of impregnating products with smoking substances, which are obtained in the form of smoke when sawdust and wood chips smolder. The brightest aroma comes from sawdust from fruit trees. It is prohibited to place coniferous wood chips. A unique taste is imparted by the addition of berries, herbs, and seasonings. The average cooking time depends on the type of food, its size and weight. We decided to get a smokehouse for the kitchen. Now you need to answer two questions: “which smokehouse should I choose for my apartment?” and “am I ready to make such a unit myself?”

Smokehouse designs for apartments

If you don’t want to waste time and effort developing your own design, then here are the options:

Multicooker with smoking function - very convenient, easy to use. The multicooker bowl is quite small and you can smoke up to one and a half kilograms of meat at a time. The high pressure function cuts the cooking time in half.

Please note: you cannot open the multicooker indoors, otherwise everything around will become saturated with a persistent smell of smoke. The seal does not insulate odor well. The room should be regularly ventilated during use.

Modern devices have both hot and cold smoking functions. Please note that the result of cold processing is vaguely similar to the traditional one.


  • ease of use;
  • compactness;
  • portability;
  • multifunctionality;
  • modern design.


  • taste characteristics of the dish;
  • in cheap models, problems with tightness are possible, since the sealing ring quickly fails.

Home smokehouse for gas stove with water seal is a metal box with bars inside, which can be... The water seal seals the lid and the smoky mixture does not spread throughout the kitchen. The smoke is directly removed through a fitting in the lid, onto which a hose is placed and discharged into the window. This home smoker is perfect for both gas and electric stoves (not induction type).


  • large weight and dimensions.

Does not require any effort from the cook. Load the raw materials into a special section, add sawdust, turn on - the heat generated by the heating element (heating element) turns raw food into ready-made food with a unique taste. Holds about 5 kg of raw materials.


  • there is no need for a chimney;
  • autonomy;
  • cooking speed;
  • possibility of temperature control.


  • inferior in intensity of smoked aroma in food when compared with other models

Smoking oven or . A metal cylinder with a rod inside. At the top of the rod there are pins located radially on which products are suspended. Cooking time in such a smokehouse on a gas or electric stove takes 40 minutes.


  • compactness;
  • autonomy;
  • price.


  • small capacity.

Making a smokehouse with your own hands

If Kulibin is dormant in a person, then he can build equipment for smoke processing of food with his own hands. Here are some options for a homemade smokehouse:

Design improvements and operating principles are similar in all cases:

  • You need to make a hole in the lid. A fitting is inserted, a chimney outlet (hose or rubber heat-resistant tube) is connected to it and vented outside.
  • Chips/sawdust are poured into the bottom of the container.
  • A metal stand is constructed for the grease receiver (several centimeters high). An excellent tray will be made from a plate. It is important to create a gap between the grease receiver and the walls for the passage of smoke.
  • Then a stand for the food is made. A grill grate, which is sold at any hardware store, will do.

Nuances when choosing a smokehouse for a home or apartment

It doesn’t matter whether you decide to buy a smokehouse for the kitchen or make one yourself. And for the correct selection of a smoking device, we recommend the following technical parameters:

  • The best material for the product is food grade stainless steel.
  • Optimal modification with two shelves for products.
  • Wall thickness - at least 1 mm.
  • It is worth giving preference to a lid with a water seal.
  • Availability of a thermometer
  • Has a hanging hook.
  • The volume of the chamber is from 5 to 8 liters (since the shelf life of smoked products is 120 hours, there is no point in smoking a large volume of products).

Let's sum it up

Is it not possible to constantly use a stationary outdoor device all year round? The choice of a specific model depends on your needs. The oven is suitable for rare use at home, and for active and novice lovers of smoked meats, a smokehouse with a water seal is suitable. For people with limited free time, a multicooker is suitable, since smoking occurs automatically in it.